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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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Cue the music

The lighting

Thaidakar is coming.

The Clinic: Calano's Office, The Hallways, The Stairway, The Roof

As if waking from a daze, Thaidakar moved, cursing. Something odd had happened... the sides of his vision were tainted red. Time had... lost focus, apparently. Thaidakar rubbed his forehead, this was bad... then he remembered.

The Pillar.

Oh no.

Thaidakar looked it up on his laptop's copy of the archives and clinic records. The clinic could die if the pillar was destroyed... Thaidakar gritted his teeth. He ran outside, going up the hallway. He ran up the stairs as fast as he could, blasting some skeletons with his watch as he went. 

He ran up the stairs to the final floor. There was a large hallway with two staircases up to the rooftop, they happened to be flooded with skeletons. Thaidakar cursed loudly. They turned to him. A taller one smiled wickedly, or would have if skeletons could smile. They ran at him. Thaidakar cursed again, raising his watch and blasting a few with beams of energy. The watch sputtered, blasting a few times but starting to give out. Blasted thing, he'd used it too much. But, Thaidakar had to find a way to defend the clinic; Calano had left it in his hands. He had to do what he had to do to defend it. 

Thaidakar took a deep breath as he blocked another skeleton's attack barely using his watch. It was time to test how far his sanity stretched. 

An inhuman voice whispered in Thaidakar's head, "finally... my champion." Thaidakar ignored it, his eyes bursting with red light. The skeletons tilted their heads, what was this?

Thaidakar took another breath, readying himself. "I... I suppose it's time to do this again." he muttered to himself. The power agreed, ready to do its master's bidding once more. As Thaidakar began to reach for it, he realized that the power itself wasn't bad, it was the being who wanted to take over the Soulless that was. Thaidakar's skin burst alight with blood colored fire. He grinned and shouted, "FOR THE CLINIC! FOR CALANO!" 

What happened next was something Thaidakar would later refer to as "it would've been a blood bath, except that skeletons don't have blood." Thaidakar leapt into the air and hung there for a moment. Then, he jumped into the midst of them. Power burst forth from him. Flames and pure power. The skeletons were thrown back, starting to be consumed by the blood-red flames. Thaidakar stood up in a now large empty circle around him. Some of the skeletons started to get up again, and their comrades who were still on the stairway started coming back down. Thaidakar grinned, this was going to be a lot of fun. He raised his arms and started blasting the skeletons with fast beams of red fire, burning several up and throwing them around. Bones scattered, breaking. Thaidakar leapt up the stairway, propelled by his power. It was as if he suddenly had access to an infinite well of energy. it was exhilarating, pushing him to destroy, pushing him to use it.

Thaidakar blasted skeletons as he went up the stairway, yelling. They managed to scrape him, slicing his arm once or twice, but he didn't care. He would be able to heal up later. His glasses were covered in red flame and stuck to his face, thankfully. He burst onto the roof with a spray of bones and kool-aid red flames. Thaidakar laughed as he flew up into the air, sort of, fire blasting underneath him. He arced through the air, blasting large groups of skeletons. A bunch of onyx tigers attacked him as he landed not too far from the pillar. Thaidakar cursed, blasting them with beams of energy. He grabbed one by the neck and summoned a small blade made of pure energy from the Dark Entity whose energy he used. He stabbed the tiger in the brain and moved on, fighting more. He noticed Lerac and Shark and ran over, carving a path with his flaming energy towards them and the pillar. He blasted a group of skeletons away from the pillar. 

"Thought you guys could have some fun without me?" Thaidakar asked Shark as he reached them, blasting an onyx tiger away from him.

@That1Cellist @The Aspiring Archivist @The Wandering Wizard 

Edited by Thaidakar the Ghostblood
realized I should change locations
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4 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

The Clinic: Calano's Office

As if waking from a daze, Thaidakar moved, cursing. Something odd had happened... the sides of his vision were tainted red. Time had... lost focus, apparently. Thaidakar rubbed his forehead, this was bad... then he remembered.

The Pillar.

Oh no.

Thaidakar looked it up on his laptop's copy of the archives and clinic records. The clinic could die if the pillar was destroyed... Thaidakar gritted his teeth. He ran outside, going up the hallway. He ran up the stairs as fast as he could, blasting some skeletons with his watch as he went. 

He ran up the stairs to the final floor. There was a large hallway with two staircases up to the rooftop, they happened to be flooded with skeletons. Thaidakar cursed loudly. They turned to him. A taller one smiled wickedly, or would have if skeletons could smile. They ran at him. Thaidakar cursed again, raising his watch and blasting a few with beams of energy. The watch sputtered, blasting a few times but starting to give out. Blasted thing, he'd used it too much. But, Thaidakar had to find a way to defend the clinic; Calano had left it in his hands. He had to do what he had to do to defend it. 

Thaidakar took a deep breath as he blocked another skeleton's attack barely using his watch. It was time to test how far his sanity stretched. 

An inhuman voice whispered in Thaidakar's head, "finally... my champion." Thaidakar ignored it, his eyes bursting with red light. The skeletons tilted their heads, what was this?

Thaidakar took another breath, readying himself. "I... I suppose it's time to do this again." he muttered to himself. The power agreed, ready to do its master's bidding once more. As Thaidakar began to reach for it, he realized that the power itself wasn't bad, it was the being who wanted to take over the Soulless that was. Thaidakar's skin burst alight with blood colored fire. He grinned and shouted, "FOR THE CLINIC! FOR CALANO!" 

What happened next was something Thaidakar would later refer to as "it would've been a blood bath, except that skeletons don't have blood." Thaidakar leapt into the air and hung there for a moment. Then, he jumped into the midst of them. Power burst forth from him. Flames and pure power. The skeletons were thrown back, starting to be consumed by the blood-red flames. Thaidakar stood up in a now large empty circle around him. Some of the skeletons started to get up again, and their comrades who were still on the stairway started coming back down. Thaidakar grinned, this was going to be a lot of fun. He raised his arms and started blasting the skeletons with fast beams of red fire, burning several up and throwing them around. Bones scattered, breaking. Thaidakar leapt up the stairway, propelled by his power. It was as if he suddenly had access to an infinite well of energy. it was exhilarating, pushing him to destroy, pushing him to use it.

Thaidakar blasted skeletons as he went up the stairway, yelling. They managed to scrape him, slicing his arm once or twice, but he didn't care. He would be able to heal up later. His glasses were covered in red flame and stuck to his face, thankfully. He burst onto the roof with a spray of bones and kool-aid red flames. Thaidakar laughed as he flew up into the air, sort of, fire blasting underneath him. He arced through the air, blasting large groups of skeletons. A bunch of onyx tigers attacked him as he landed not too far from the pillar. Thaidakar cursed, blasting them with beams of energy. He grabbed one by the neck and summoned a small blade made of pure energy from the Dark Entity whose energy he used. He stabbed the tiger in the brain and moved on, fighting more. He noticed Lerac and Shark and ran over, carving a path with his flaming energy towards them and the pillar. He blasted a group of skeletons away from the pillar. 

"Thought you guys could have some fun without me?" Thaidakar asked Shark as he reached them, blasting an onyx tiger away from him.

@That1Cellist @The Aspiring Archivist @The Wandering Wizard 

Lerac did not move or react. He stayed, laying on his back, tears flowing, gasping for air.

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10 hours ago, Ati16 said:

Alright, so the main action is on the roof, but to be more specific, what's a Kaos tiger? What exactly is the pillar? And what are those places everyone keeps talking about. Archive, Second Archive, The Path etc.



A Kaos tiger is basically a type of creature used by 'the Kaos' to corrupt others and currently using them to protect Insa who is currently corrupting the pillar. Everyone else is helping try to take it back before Insa can corrupt it fully to the Kaos, which will then destroy the pillar, reclaim the artifact inside, destroy the clinic, empower it's avatars more, and get closer to being free.

The other places are different places that people are in. Currently everyone is either at the clinic or at the Origin sea which is the start of the path to becoming the creator.

Basically in the beginning there was the darkness and there were gods of light. The gods never could create anything as it was always destroyed by the darkness, often before it was ever created. So eventually they learned to combine and became greater in power and managed to create life which lasted for a short while, but they wanted more. So they all came up with a plan to combine on a single day into the Creator. A being who would have the power to sustain life against the Darkness. But they were betrayed by one of their own, the Raven Godess of light. She turned to the Darkness and struck a bargin. Merging with it to become the Kaos, a being who could corrupt those of the light to darkness. All seemed lost when the Crow God of Light somehow became the Creator. He waged a long war against the Kaos, turning the gods of light back to the light from the Kaos and managed to lock away the Kaos.

However the Kaos has been getting restless and through Emma, a unwilling avatar at first, managed to destroy two bind points of seven bind points. Which appear as pillars of light. Once they are all destroyed, the Kaos will be free to corrupt all into its service and its image.

Does that answer your questions for now?

I can add you to the PM group that we have and there's a lot of the backstory and plot planning in there if you want to read it.


4 hours ago, Telrao said:

Basically, Telrao has added Aon Raos to the Aon Ashe - Aon Rao serves as a kind of multiplier - increasing the brightness of the Aon Ashe to almost blinding levels. She's hoping that the light will blind the tigers long enough for someone to do something other than, well, die. haaa

19 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

The nearest tiger's eyes blazed up from the blinding light, their nose becoming their primary method of sense. Doggedly they pad onward, heading towards the smell of cat.

6 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Light Pool

"Okay. Wipe what you need to. Will I be coming back here? These plants are really cool, and I'd like to study them further." Platypus says, eyes glazing as he thinks about what he'd like to do. Then his eyes refocus. "But I digress. Anything else i should know?"

@The Wandering Wizard

"No, that is all for now."

Wizard pads over to Platypus and puts his paw on Platypus's face.

"This words have the power you give them. Power in words, power in me, power in you, my god. Exorcise his memory of this place! Ecalp siht fo yromem sih esicroxe. Dog ym, uoy ni rewop, em ni rewop, sdrow ni rewop. Meht evig uoy rewop eht evah sdrow siht!"


Wizard is messing with Platypus for last time, those words aren't necessary :ph34r:

34 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

The Clinic: Calano's Office

As if waking from a daze, Thaidakar moved, cursing. Something odd had happened... the sides of his vision were tainted red. Time had... lost focus, apparently. Thaidakar rubbed his forehead, this was bad... then he remembered.

The Pillar.

Oh no.

Thaidakar looked it up on his laptop's copy of the archives and clinic records. The clinic could die if the pillar was destroyed... Thaidakar gritted his teeth. He ran outside, going up the hallway. He ran up the stairs as fast as he could, blasting some skeletons with his watch as he went. 

He ran up the stairs to the final floor. There was a large hallway with two staircases up to the rooftop, they happened to be flooded with skeletons. Thaidakar cursed loudly. They turned to him. A taller one smiled wickedly, or would have if skeletons could smile. They ran at him. Thaidakar cursed again, raising his watch and blasting a few with beams of energy. The watch sputtered, blasting a few times but starting to give out. Blasted thing, he'd used it too much. But, Thaidakar had to find a way to defend the clinic; Calano had left it in his hands. He had to do what he had to do to defend it. 

Thaidakar took a deep breath as he blocked another skeleton's attack barely using his watch. It was time to test how far his sanity stretched. 

An inhuman voice whispered in Thaidakar's head, "finally... my champion." Thaidakar ignored it, his eyes bursting with red light. The skeletons tilted their heads, what was this?

Thaidakar took another breath, readying himself. "I... I suppose it's time to do this again." he muttered to himself. The power agreed, ready to do its master's bidding once more. As Thaidakar began to reach for it, he realized that the power itself wasn't bad, it was the being who wanted to take over the Soulless that was. Thaidakar's skin burst alight with blood colored fire. He grinned and shouted, "FOR THE CLINIC! FOR CALANO!" 

What happened next was something Thaidakar would later refer to as "it would've been a blood bath, except that skeletons don't have blood." Thaidakar leapt into the air and hung there for a moment. Then, he jumped into the midst of them. Power burst forth from him. Flames and pure power. The skeletons were thrown back, starting to be consumed by the blood-red flames. Thaidakar stood up in a now large empty circle around him. Some of the skeletons started to get up again, and their comrades who were still on the stairway started coming back down. Thaidakar grinned, this was going to be a lot of fun. He raised his arms and started blasting the skeletons with fast beams of red fire, burning several up and throwing them around. Bones scattered, breaking. Thaidakar leapt up the stairway, propelled by his power. It was as if he suddenly had access to an infinite well of energy. it was exhilarating, pushing him to destroy, pushing him to use it.

Thaidakar blasted skeletons as he went up the stairway, yelling. They managed to scrape him, slicing his arm once or twice, but he didn't care. He would be able to heal up later. His glasses were covered in red flame and stuck to his face, thankfully. He burst onto the roof with a spray of bones and kool-aid red flames. Thaidakar laughed as he flew up into the air, sort of, fire blasting underneath him. He arced through the air, blasting large groups of skeletons. A bunch of onyx tigers attacked him as he landed not too far from the pillar. Thaidakar cursed, blasting them with beams of energy. He grabbed one by the neck and summoned a small blade made of pure energy from the Dark Entity whose energy he used. He stabbed the tiger in the brain and moved on, fighting more. He noticed Lerac and Shark and ran over, carving a path with his flaming energy towards them and the pillar. He blasted a group of skeletons away from the pillar. 

"Thought you guys could have some fun without me?" Thaidakar asked Shark as he reached them, blasting an onyx tiger away from him.

@That1Cellist @The Aspiring Archivist @The Wandering Wizard 

28 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Lerac did not move or react. He stayed, laying on his back, tears flowing, gasping for air.

A tiger rushed towards the group, this one was built differently. Arcane symbols traced in the metal and it's eyes glowed with a black light.

Soon the first suprise came.

"Leave my sister alone, mortals."

@That1Cellist @The Aspiring Archivist @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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6 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The nearest tiger's eyes blazed up from the blinding light, their nose becoming their primary method of sense. Doggedly they pad onward, heading towards the smell of cat.

"No, that is all for now."

Wizard pads over to Platypus and puts his paw on Platypus's face.

"This words have the power you give them. Power in words, power in me, power in you, my god. Exorcise his memory of this place! Ecalp siht fo yromem sih esicroxe. Dog ym, uoy ni rewop, em ni rewop, sdrow ni rewop. Meht evig uoy rewop eht evah sdrow siht!"

A tiger rushed towards the group, this one was built differently. Arcane symbols traced in the metal and it's eyes glowed with a black light.

Soon the first suprise came.

"Leave my sister alone, mortals."

@That1Cellist @The Aspiring Archivist @Thaidakar the Ghostblood


@The Wandering Wizard

Edited by The Aspiring Archivist
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5 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:



The nearest tiger's eyes blazed up from the blinding light, their nose becoming their primary method of sense. Doggedly they pad onward, heading towards the smell of cat.

"No, that is all for now."

Wizard pads over to Platypus and puts his paw on Platypus's face.

"This words have the power you give them. Power in words, power in me, power in you, my god. Exorcise his memory of this place! Ecalp siht fo yromem sih esicroxe. Dog ym, uoy ni rewop, em ni rewop, sdrow ni rewop. Meht evig uoy rewop eht evah sdrow siht!"

A tiger rushed towards the group, this one was built differently. Arcane symbols traced in the metal and it's eyes glowed with a black light.

Soon the first suprise came.

"Leave my sister alone, mortals."

@That1Cellist @The Aspiring Archivist @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

Shark was in no condition to fight. In fact, since coming to the clinic his only combat had been beating up a couple of skeletons. What he really wanted to do right now was to cry. To hide and never come out again. Something about this challenge shifted his attention, however. His stomach growled, and his ears flattened back. "No more." He whispered.

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13 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The Clinic: The Roof

The nearest tiger's eyes blazed up from the blinding light, their nose becoming their primary method of sense. Doggedly they pad onward, heading towards the smell of cat.

Telrao's ears went back as she watched those tigers edge closer... closer. She tried to move back, but her legs collapsed beneath her. Traitorous. Too much... too much!

She tried to stand, but collapsed again. She searched for some Connection to provide power, but the only one she found was... was...


"No!" She mewed pitifully as she tried to scribble an Aon Edo on the ground. Her paws shook, her lines wobbly, and the Aon faded before she had finished. "No..." Her breath came in gasps as she watched the tigers come closer, screeching growls of victory in their throats. They knew she was weak. They knew she had used too much power and was... susceptible. Corruptible. "Please, no..."

@The Wandering Wizard


Lyna saw a new tiger bound towards the man and the bunny, along with the hellish being covered in blood-red flame. It stopped and began... speaking with them? What?

"Maintain your positions." She said to her squad. She checked her gun and flicked the safety off. "I'm going in."

"Captain!" Hav said, his voice strained. "Please... don't!"

"You're in charge now, Captain Hav." Lyna replied, turning towards him and saluting. "Protect these people with your life. Something important is happening. I need to be a part of it." With that, she stalked towards the group of people, gun held pointing down towards the ground. She hovered close to where they were, ready to take action at a moment's notice.

Edited by Telrao
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1 minute ago, Telrao said:

Telrao's ears went back as she watched those tigers edge closer... closer. She tried to move back, but her legs collapsed beneath her. Traitorous. Too much... too much!

She tried to stand, but collapsed again. She searched for some Connection to provide power, but the only one she found was... was...


"No!" She mewed pitifully as she tried to scribble an Aon Edo on the ground. Her paws shook, her lines wobbly, and the Aon faded before she had finished. "No..." Her breath came in gasps as she watched the tigers come closer, screeching growls of victory in their throats. They knew she was weak. They knew she had used too much and was... susceptible. Corruptible. "Please, no..."

@The Wandering Wizard

The tigers mobbed her, licking her with their tongues. Their Kaos beginning to dim the light.

1 minute ago, Telrao said:


Lyna saw a new tiger bound towards the man and the bunny, along with the hellish being covered in blood-red flame. It stopped and began... speaking with them? What?

"Maintain your positions." She said to her squad. She checked her gun and flicked the safety off. "I'm going in."

"Captain!" Hav said, his voice strained. "Please... don't!"

"You're in charge now, Captain Hav." Lyna replied, turning towards him and saluting. "Protect these people with your life. Something important is happening. I need to be a part of it." With that, she stalked towards the group of people, gun held pointing down towards the ground. She hovered close to where they were, ready to take action at a moment's notice.

2 minutes ago, That1Cellist said:

Shark was in no condition to fight. In fact, since coming to the clinic his only combat had been beating up a couple of skeletons. What he really wanted to do right now was to cry. To hide and never come out again. Something about this challenge shifted his attention, however. His stomach growled, and his ears flattened back. "No more." He whispered.

3 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Twin... who? You're working for Kaos?"

The tiger lifted its paw, idly sharpening its claws.

"Yes, I am who you think I am. Luckily my sister caught me spying on her and brought me to her side. Soon you too will know the pleasure of the Kaos."

Slowly the tiger lowered its paw, imprinting Lerac with its Kaos pawprint.

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Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:

The tigers mobbed her, licking her with their tongues. Their Kaos beginning to dim the light.

The tiger lifted its paw, idly sharpening its claws.

"Yes, I am who you think I am. Luckily my sister caught me spying on her and brought me to her side. Soon you too will know the pleasure of the Kaos."

Slowly the tiger lowered its paw, imprinting Lerac with its Kaos pawprint.

He didn't bother to resist. "You said I killed... who is your twin?"

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2 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

He didn't bother to resist. "You said I killed... who is your twin?"

The tiger's ears flicked backwards, a low hiss coming from it's mouth.

"My twim, Emma, was killed by you light loving murderers."

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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6 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The tigers mobbed her, licking her with their tongues. Their Kaos beginning to dim the light.

The tiger lifted its paw, idly sharpening its claws.

"Yes, I am who you think I am. Luckily my sister caught me spying on her and brought me to her side. Soon you too will know the pleasure of the Kaos."

Slowly the tiger lowered its paw, imprinting Lerac with its Kaos pawprint.

Shark, did not appreciate this. He might not like Lerac very much right now, but he was the only one Shark had left at this point. He quickly transformed into his silvery form and took a slash at the tiger's paw. "This is probably very stupid." He thought to himself.

Edited by That1Cellist
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4 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Lerac's fiery eyes burned brighter for just a moment. "She lives."

The tiger hissed, spitting fire.

"She doesn't and you know that you lie."

He will have to be corrupted quickly before he spreads the lie.

3 minutes ago, That1Cellist said:

Shark, did not appreciate this. He might not like Lerac very much right now, but he was the only one Shark had left at this point. He quickly transformed into his silvery form and took a quick slash at the tiger's paw. "This is probably very stupid." He thought to himself.

The tiger swiped at Shark, claws tearing a ear splitting sound through the air. The claws nearly cutting gouges out of Shark, but they failed to penetrate his silvery form.

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4 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The tigers mobbed her, licking her with their tongues. Their Kaos beginning to dim the light.

The Clinic: The Roof

Telrao hissed, struggling to stand, trying to fight against that... power. As the tigers' tongues touched her fur, she felt her inner Light dimming, her very soul trembling in fear. "NO!" She shouted, drawing that Kaos into her bracelet, capturing it, keeping it away from her. The black-violet light writhed around the metal, growing denser with every second. "I REFUSE TO FALL! I REFUSE TO FAIL AGAIN!"

She used a small amount of that Kaos, retching as she drew a small Aon Tia of the ground. She placed her paw in the centre and was teleported away from the group of tigers, breathing hard through her small mouth. She began the slow process of uncorrupting the power, sickened as she was. Gradually, a small store of Light was restored within her, warmly embracing her soul. She sighed in relief and glanced back at the battle, checking the runes on her paw pads. Two of them flickered an onyx black. That was close. Too close. Her breath hissed through her mouth as she drew an Aon Ien, healing her wounds, giving her strength. She stood firmly on four feet, her hackles rising. She knew that the Tigers would be onto her soon. Already, their heads twisted, blind eyes seeking her, their noses smelling her scent.

Bring it on. She thought, checking her bracelet. The Kaos power stored there was a little less than before. She could probably escape again if captured. Probably. She scribbled an Aon Tia and re-joined the fight, scribbling Aon Ehes around the pillar, sending blasts of fire into the air.

@The Wandering Wizard

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Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:

The tiger hissed, spitting fire.

"She doesn't and you know that you lie."

He will have to be corrupted quickly before he spreads the lie.

The tiger swiped at Shark, claws tearing a ear splitting sound through the air. The claws nearly cutting gouges out of Shark, but they failed to penetrate his silvery form.

Lerac shuddered as he felt the corruption enter him. He began to whisper something inaudible.

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5 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The tiger swiped at Shark, claws tearing a ear splitting sound through the air. The claws nearly cutting gouges out of Shark, but they failed to penetrate his silvery form.


2 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Lerac shuddered as he felt the corruption enter him. He began to whisper something inaudible.

Shark recoiled. It had been a while since he'd experienced pain like that. He certainly did not like whatever was happening to Lerac. "Oooh you badguy! Get away from Lerac!" He screeched, racing in circles, silver slicing through the air. Shark ran headfirst into the tiger, ears flattened back. Then his claws went to work, slashing and ripping at the side of this new villain.

Edited by That1Cellist
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2 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"I'm sure she's aware. How does it feel to be out of Kaos' control... and in hers?"

Wynn laughed. "Is this a god... caring about someone else's feelings? I never thought I'd see the day."

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Just now, Ranryu said:

Wynn laughed. "Is this a god... caring about someone else's feelings? I never thought I'd see the day."

The Underworld

"You're really surprised? I deal with millions of souls every day. Now, are you going to answer my question?"

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

The Underworld

"You're really surprised? I deal with millions of souls every day. Now, are you going to answer my question?"

"How do I feel? A bit of everything, I guess. Gratitude. Anger. Regret. Excitement. This was my choice, remember? I'd choose this over loosing Lerac every time."

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52 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:



The nearest tiger's eyes blazed up from the blinding light, their nose becoming their primary method of sense. Doggedly they pad onward, heading towards the smell of cat.

"No, that is all for now."

Wizard pads over to Platypus and puts his paw on Platypus's face.

"This words have the power you give them. Power in words, power in me, power in you, my god. Exorcise his memory of this place! Ecalp siht fo yromem sih esicroxe. Dog ym, uoy ni rewop, em ni rewop, sdrow ni rewop. Meht evig uoy rewop eht evah sdrow siht!"

A tiger rushed towards the group, this one was built differently. Arcane symbols traced in the metal and it's eyes glowed with a black light.

Soon the first suprise came.

"Leave my sister alone, mortals."

@That1Cellist @The Aspiring Archivist @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

"Mortals? I'm not a mortal..." he growled at the tiger, blood red fire forming at his feet and around his eyes.

14 minutes ago, Telrao said:

The Clinic: The Roof

Telrao hissed, struggling to stand, trying to fight against that... power. As the tigers' tongues touched her fur, she felt her inner Light dimming, her very soul trembling in fear. "NO!" She shouted, drawing that Kaos into her bracelet, capturing it, keeping it away from her. The black-violet light writhed around the metal, growing denser with every second. "I REFUSE TO FALL! I REFUSE TO FAIL AGAIN!"

She used a small amount of that Kaos, retching as she drew a small Aon Tia of the ground. She placed her paw in the centre and was teleported away from the group of tigers, breathing hard through her small mouth. She began the slow process of uncorrupting the power, sickened as she was. Gradually, a small store of Light was restored within her, warmly embracing her soul. She sighed in relief and glanced back at the battle, checking the runes on her paw pads. Two of them flickered an onyx black. That was close. Too close. Her breath hissed through her mouth as she drew an Aon Ien, healing her wounds, giving her strength. She stood firmly on four feet, her hackles rising. She knew that the Tigers would be onto her soon. Already, their heads twisted, blind eyes seeking her, their noses smelling her scent.

Bring it on. She thought, checking her bracelet. The Kaos power stored there was a little less than before. She could probably escape again if captured. Probably. She scribbled an Aon Tia and re-joined the fight, scribbling Aon Ehes around the pillar, sending blasts of fire into the air.

@The Wandering Wizard

Thaidakar turned, "You are quite the cat, cat." Thaidakar turned, blasting more skeletons with beams of firey energy.

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