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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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16 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:


Clinic: Roof

The Wizard tiger grins, seeing the pain of Platypus's arrival made manifest. His claws swinging faster and faster, seeking the weakness in his opponent's flesh.

"Foolish boy, did you think that coming here would help? Where you would just distract them and get them killed?"

The flat of the blade smashed into TAAron before he could even get behind the Spider's blades.

The spider's mandibles click tsking at the trio.

"You don't know the power the Kaos has granted me at my second chance. She tortured me for eons at the first failure, this time." The spiders soft voice explodes, her burr becoming heavily accented. "This time I WILL NOT FAIL HER!"

A fickle aura flicks to life around the spider as her blades begin glowing a dark purple. And she swings at all three at once.

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood @The Aspiring Archivist @That1Cellist

This was not a problem for Shark to deal with. Using rabbit speed, he dodged the strike and slashed at the blade with shining claws, intending to test it’s durability.

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38 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Clinic: Roof

The Wizard tiger grins, seeing the pain of Platypus's arrival made manifest. His claws swinging faster and faster, seeking the weakness in his opponent's flesh.

"Foolish boy, did you think that coming here would help? Where you would just distract them and get them killed?"

33 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Clinic: Roof

Lark forced himself to his feet, slashing his blade at the Wizard tiger from behind.

Clinic: Roof

Platypus grins back unnervingly. Platypus is falling his warrior habits.

"You claim that I am foolish! You claim I'm weak! Is that what you really think? And will you still think that after I chop you to pieces bit by bit?"

Platypus' blades start going faster and faster until even he can't see them. Then he starts advancing.

"Even if you are Wizard, it won't help! I don't use the basic stances you taught me. I've adapted them! I call this one steam stance!"

He runs at the Wizard tiger, parrying its claws and thrusting at the same time. He is locked in a deadly dance, totally focused and will not yield. He defends himself from the back when necessary with his second Blade.

@The Wandering Wizard

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5 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

TAAron leaped over the attack, legs propelled by pewter.

42 minutes ago, That1Cellist said:

This was not a problem for Shark to deal with. Using rabbit speed, he dodged the strike and slashed at the blade with shining claws, intending to test it’s durability.

Three sickles rose, two trapping the dagger between them, the third seeking his legs.

A fourth sickle swung at Shark, matching his speed.

"Fools the lot of you. You wouldn't think I could match your speed? I know that you can't keep it up always. Eventually you will tire while I will not. Fear the Kaos and its untireable servants. Its energy flows through us and with it we can not be stopped."

18 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Clinic: Roof

Platypus grins back unnervingly. Platypus is falling his warrior habits.

"You claim that I am foolish! You claim I'm weak! Is that what you really think? And will you still think that after I chop you to pieces bit by bit?"

Platypus' blades start going faster and faster until even he can't see them. Then he starts advancing.

"Even if you are Wizard, it won't help! I don't use the basic stances you taught me. I've adapted them! I call this one steam stance!"

He runs at the Wizard tiger, parrying its claws and thrusting at the same time. He is locked in a deadly dance, totally focused and will not yield. He defends himself from the back when necessary with his second Blade.

@The Wandering Wizard

The tiger chuckled, "You think those stances can stop me? I never told you how to stop someone in one. It's about time you learned that lesson. The tiger steps into the next strike, allowing the blow to take off a chunk of his metal frame. His fangs bite into Platypus as he extends forward.

1 minute ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:


Clinic: Roof

Lark forced himself to his feet, slashing his blade at the Wizard tiger from behind.


What is his blade like? Is it a normal sword? Can you describe it?


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4 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Three sickles rose, two trapping the dagger between them, the third seeking his legs.

A fourth sickle swung at Shark, matching his speed.

"Fools the lot of you. You wouldn't think I could match your speed? I know that you can't keep it up always. Eventually you will tire while I will not. Fear the Kaos and its untireable servants. Its energy flows through us and with it we can not be stopped."


“Curses!” Shark thought, ignoring the internal screaming within himself. Thankfully his silvery scales were quite strong.”Not nearly strong enough though.” He pondered as the sickle sliced him. How was TAAron fairing? What were they going to do? Shark but the nearest extremity of this demonic spider thing. His thoughts became more primal and instinctive in this battlefield scenario. “Can I eat this?”

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12 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The tiger chuckled, "You think those stances can stop me? I never told you how to stop someone in one. It's about time you learned that lesson. The tiger steps into the next strike, allowing the blow to take off a chunk of his metal frame. His fangs bite into Platypus as he extends forward.

Clinic: Roof

"Stop you? No. But utterly destroy you? Absolutely."

Platypus rolls back and the fangs only graze him. Then he continues slashing, taking more and more off of him, using less and less energy as he progressed.

"You're no match Wizard. There are two of me, one of Lark, and about to be zero of you." Platypus grins. Wizard is missing about 5% of what he used to be. (For context, I'm imagining that the first slash took off about 0.5% of what he had, so Platypus has slashed 10 or so times.)

@The Wandering Wizard

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1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

The Clinic: Roof

As Insa poured Darkness into Bookwyrm, he opened himself up to Insa, and let his own Light flood into Insa.

I'm not abandoning you. This isn't you.



Keep in mind that no one can reverse corruption, yet.

Yes I will answer to you Platypus...later though.


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Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:

It won't free her. Her whole self is corrupted.


I never said "free". She'll still be Corrupted.

Her whole self is corrupted, but that self still exists. That's what I'm trying to play on. She's still Insa, just a corrupted version of Insa.

It would basically be a patch job, one that holds until there's either a massive amount of Kaos to break it, or the Corruption is cleansed and it's no longer needed.


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19 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Three sickles rose, two trapping the dagger between them, the third seeking his legs.

A fourth sickle swung at Shark, matching his speed.

"Fools the lot of you. You wouldn't think I could match your speed? I know that you can't keep it up always. Eventually you will tire while I will not. Fear the Kaos and its untireable servants. Its energy flows through us and with it we can not be stopped."

TAAron Pushed himself up higher and held it, extending his time in the air. He could think faster, but his thoughts were still a mess to sort through.

@The Wandering Wizard

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1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

I never said "free". She'll still be Corrupted.

Her whole self is corrupted, but that self still exists. That's what I'm trying to play on. She's still Insa, just a corrupted version of Insa.

It would basically be a patch job, one that holds until there's either a massive amount of Kaos to break it, or the Corruption is cleansed and it's no longer needed.


Then what does this change? 


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Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:

Then what does this change? 


The idea is to create a "constellation" of external Light (with the help of Astwyr, Bookwyrm's Patron god, but Bookwyrm doesn't know that yet) that is focused on memories of Light, even if the light no longer exists. The Light comes from an external source (Astwyr), and filters the will of the Corrupted person's self through the light, purging most of the darkness and allowing them to function based on their own will.

It won't work perfectly, but it will allow a Corrupted person to avoid doing evil, even if they still can't fully resist Kaos. And it won't be permanent, but hopefully last long enough for plot to happen.


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Just now, The Bookwyrm said:

The idea is to create a "constellation" of external Light (with the help of Astwyr, Bookwyrm's Patron god, but Bookwyrm doesn't know that yet) that is focused on memories of Light, even if the light no longer exists. The Light comes from an external source (Astwyr), and filters the will of the Corrupted person's self through the light, purging most of the darkness and allowing them to function based on their own will.

It won't work perfectly, but it will allow a Corrupted person to avoid doing evil, even if they still can't fully resist Kaos. And it won't be permanent, but hopefully last long enough for plot to happen.


You god will open themselves up to corruption by doing this. This is direct contact with Kaos and this sort of intimate direct contact would spread the corruption.


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1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

You god will open themselves up to corruption by doing this. This is direct contact with Kaos and this sort of intimate direct contact would spread the corruption.


What's to say my god doesn't already have a measure of darkness in him?

EDIT: What I'm trying to say is that there's a difference between darkness and evil. Astwyr knows what he's doing. He has safeguards in place; that's why he's using Bookwyrm as a conduit rather than doing it himself. It provides a buffer, and whatever darkness does come through he knows how to handle.


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Just now, The Bookwyrm said:

What's to say my god doesn't already have a measure of darkness in him?



This would be a binding corruption, spreading the darkness even more and turning him to the side of the Kaos. It would happen slowlyish, but it would happen quick enough. All magic from that god would then be corrupted, rather like what happened to Emma and her patron god. You use it, you get corrupted, you don't, you still get corrupted by the buildup.


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1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

This would be a binding corruption, spreading the darkness even more and turning him to the side of the Kaos. It would happen slowlyish, but it would happen quick enough. All magic from that god would then be corrupted, rather like what happened to Emma and her patron god. You use it, you get corrupted, you don't, you still get corrupted by the buildup.


How long estimated in world time until the arc finishes?

Astwyr also has future sight, so he might be willing to risk Corruption because he knows Kaos won't exist, at least as an evil entity, within some amount of time.


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Just now, The Bookwyrm said:

How long estimated in world time until the arc finishes?

Astwyr also has future sight, so he might be willing to risk Corruption because he knows Kaos won't exist, at least as an evil entity, within some amount of time.


I have no idea...and future sight...well there very well could still be a Kaos. There might be a reality that Astwyr could see, but it wouldn't be guaranteed. Wizard has seen this possible future, well he was shown it and so he is trying to do everything to make that reality come to pass.

And well, corruption, I kind of meant it to be permanent and extremely hard to reverse. Basically it would be your god against the full force will of the Kaos. How long do you think they could resist because the Kaos has a connection to everyone that it corrupts. A connection that it can reinforce and defend. Basically how I see your God stopping the influence of the Kaos sapping her free will as it is doing to all that it corrupts is that it would replace itself infront of that link and shield it. It could last a while, especially while the Kaos is more trapped, but the more pillars that are destroyed, the stronger it gets. The faster that it can corrupt and the greater force that it can bring to bear.


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12 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Wizard, can't we just let it play out at least a little?



You can, but I was explaining the consequences of such an action. His God can do it, but eventually the Kaos will be able to bring enough power to bear against his god and corrupt him.


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3 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:



Just a random note, but God with a capital G is usually reserved for a singular being named God. god with a lowercase g is used for 'the gods'

Dharc checked his duel disk as his runner had accelerated. They were still light years away from where Wynn's beacon had cut off, unfortunately. Stopping had cost them valuable time. The baby had been fussing.

I hope you know what you're doing, Wynn.

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I'm just going to go with it in the faith that Calano's going to figure this all out soon.

Chaos might still exist, as in the concept of randomness, but Kaos, the evil manifestation of such a power, will be gone.

At some point.


The Clinic: Roof

Bookwyrm felt a strange surge of energy and a thought of what to do.


Follow my direction, Bookwyrm, the voice said. Trust me.

He stepped forward and pressed his fingers to Insa's temples.

Insa's Mind

Bookwyrm felt the light swirling around, unguided.

Look at the contours of her soul and memory, the voice directed. Then fill them with Light.

Bookwyrm looked at the web of Insa's mind, shrouded and twisted by darkness.

But it was still Insa.

He filled vital emotions and memories with light, each of them sparking like a star in a black universe. A constellation. A constellation that drew on her identity for power, then fueled it with Light instead of Darkness.

Bookwyrm pulled out of her head, leaving the stars of light in place in her mind.


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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:



It's a blade made of magical energy that's emanating from a quill, fueled by Lark's blood magic.

Clinic: Roof

A gateway split the air and Nameless stepped through it, holding a plain-looking staff. He surveyed the chaos before him, turning to Rue. "All right. I'll admit that I didn't expect things to be this bad."

@Aes Sedai

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Clinic: Roof

Rue followed. "This staff better be worth something. If people that could have been saved died because we were gone, and this does no good..." Her eyes darkened, but she shook her head, clearing it. "Which ones do we need to kill?"


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