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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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5 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The bones held and a viselike grip forced itself on X and Matra. 

A lazy grin forked the dragon's face. The psychic for eminating from its eyes.

X maintained his shields around the dragon's claws as they pressed ever closer. A hint of a frown showed on his face.


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7 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Clinic: Roof

A tiger leaped after her, falling beside her. Yelping the tiger slashes wildly at the air, paws nearly batting Telrao.

Telrao fell, the ground approaching quickly. She howled and managed to right herself in the air, legs spread, trying to slow her speed. She cringed as the Kaos tigers lashed at her, claws almost grazing her fur. She yelped as one managed to whack her side, causing a flash of blinding pain. Her Elantrian body managed to quell that pain, but tears still sprang to her eyes. She stared at the ground, as it grew closer... closer. She closed her eyes and sent a small plea. Help. Please.

@The Wandering Wizard

The Therapy Cat Islands

The Second stood on his desk, studying that strange, evil power. He frowned, then studied the connection again, jotting down a couple of notes. As he worked, he felt, more than heard, a small cry. Help. Please.

He shook his head, then frowned again. He glanced at the wall where a series a vials stood, each holding a small amount of light.

The seventh in line had a small squiggle of the dark power threading in it. Kaos. Telrao. The Second picked up the vial with a small thread of power and spun on the spot, appearing in the Third's Sanctum.

"Third." He said, padding over to where the Third worked, standing in human form and testing a small sample of Kaos power. The Fourth sat on the desk next to him, contemplative. The Third jolted and turned, kneeling to get eye level with the Second. "What is it?" He asked, morphing into his feline form.

"The Seventh is in trouble."

"Telrao is in trouble." The Third replied, twitching his tail. "She is no longer part of our order, Second."

"She is still connected to us!" The Second replied, his ears back. "Did you hear her call?"

The Fourth's brow crinkled. "I heard her," She said, jumping off of the desk. "And we should help her, even if she isn't one of us." She glared at the Third. "She was our friend."

The Second nodded, then showed the Third and Fourth the vial of light with a strand of Kaos. The Fourth gasped softly. "Does that mean she -"

"Is being corrupted? Yes, Fourth. She is." The Second turned, preparing to teleport. "I am going to the First. If she does not go, I shall."

"But... you may be corrupted too." The Fourth replied, jumping in front of him, eyes wide, ears twitching. "Then so be it." The Second replied fatalistically. "Some other shall take my place. I'm going."

The room suddenly filled with light. "Or... not." The Second said, his irises narrowing to adjust to the light. He bowed. "First. I see you heard me."

"I heard the Seventh call for help. I, of course, you." The being within the light shifted, and the light dimmed slightly, allowing the to see the pure white cat within. "I do not wish for you to go alone, Second. It is not right. You are next in line for Inheritance."

"First," The Second said, his tail twitching respectfully. "I... want to help her."

"And so you shall. Come with me."


Apologies for the slab!


Edited by Telrao
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6 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

X maintained his shields around the dragon's claws as they pressed ever closer. A hint of a frown showed on his face.


Matra grunted as she was swept up in the talons of the dragon. Her sword wasn’t doing anything and the burst of power had run out. She didn’t know what to do… she was just… exhausted.


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12 hours ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Clinic: Roof

Nameless grinned. "Probably for the best. You'd be terrible at it anyways."

@Aes Sedai

Clinic: Roof

Rue glared at him. “I don’t know why I bother with you,” she muttered. “Do you want to keep sitting here talking, maybe have a nice cup of tea?”

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20 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Clinic: Roof

A tiger leaped after her, falling beside her. Yelping the tiger slashes wildly at the air, paws nearly batting Telrao.

The tiger lashed out, claws slashing, reaching out through the realms. The cut appearing on Lark's spirit, not his physical self.

The bones held and a viselike grip forced itself on X and Matra. 

A lazy grin forked the dragon's face. The psychic for eminating from its eyes.

"Ready when you are Calano."

The spider walked out of the air, the ripple disappearing into the flow of time.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Thaidakar, the broken one, TAAron, the lost one, and Shark, the fluffy one."

Her blades tested the air, flicking and spinning. Slicing the very air.

Her mandibls drew up in a grin, "this ought to be fun! She promised me a fight after her first champion failed and this should be a interesting reintroduction into the mortal realm."

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood @The Aspiring Archivist @That1Cellist

20 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:


A sickle flicked upwards, the flat of the blade smashing into the coin and shattering it. 

A pleased clicking sound came from the spider. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Thaidakar, the broken one, TAAron, the lost one, and Shark, the fluffy one. This ought to be fun! She promised me a fight after her first champion failed and this should be a interesting reintroduction into the mortal realm!"

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood @The Aspiring Archivist @That1Cellist

19 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:


Clinic: Roof

The Wizard tiger grins, seeing the pain of Platypus's arrival made manifest. His claws swinging faster and faster, seeking the weakness in his opponent's flesh.

"Foolish boy, did you think that coming here would help? Where you would just distract them and get them killed?"

The flat of the blade smashed into TAAron before he could even get behind the Spider's blades.

The spider's mandibles click tsking at the trio.

"You don't know the power the Kaos has granted me at my second chance. She tortured me for eons at the first failure, this time." The spiders soft voice explodes, her burr becoming heavily accented. "This time I WILL NOT FAIL HER!"

A fickle aura flicks to life around the spider as her blades begin glowing a dark purple. And she swings at all three at once.

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood @The Aspiring Archivist @That1Cellist


It is I, the inactive one. I have come to blow up tigers.

Clinic: Roof

Thaidakar blasted the tiger away from whoever they were being attacked by. 

Thaidakar turned to the spider, "You will fail her, spiderling, spider-person, spider-demon, spider- ya know what, I'm just going to continue the fight." Thaidakar reached up, power spewing forth from his hand and catching the blades. Thaidakar gritted his teeth as he pushed the blades back at the spider. This wouldn't hold too long, but it was something.

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2 hours ago, Aes Sedai said:

Clinic: Roof

Rue glared at him. “I don’t know why I bother with you,” she muttered. “Do you want to keep sitting here talking, maybe have a nice cup of tea?”

 Clinic: Roof

“Tea does sound good. Perhaps after we finish saving the clinic.” As Thaidakar began his attack on the spider creature, Nameless backed him up, launching a stream of fire to attack the servant of Kaos.

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Aes Sedai

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10 hours ago, Shadowed said:

Matra grunted as she was swept up in the talons of the dragon. Her sword wasn’t doing anything and the burst of power had run out. She didn’t know what to do… she was just… exhausted.


X blinked. That... that didn't seem right.

Slowly, resolutely, his arms fell to his sides. Had someone strapped lead weights to them when he wasn't looking?

The lines on his skin burned, but the pain seemed further away than ever. "Matra," he tried to say, but his voice was still gone.

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18 hours ago, Ranryu said:

Dharc checked his duel disk as his runner had accelerated. They were still light years away from where Wynn's beacon had cut off, unfortunately. Stopping had cost them valuable time. The baby had been fussing.

I hope you know what you're doing, Wynn.


Where is this?


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