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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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2 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The tiger drew closer and closer, falling towards its prey.

The Clinic: Falling

Telrao fell further and further, the ground reaching towards her like the tiger's claws. Then, she felt a spark in her heart, and a thread of Connection came alive, like someone was tugging on it. Then a voice, like a warm ray of sunshine, flooded her mind.

Hold on, Telrao. We're here!

"Second!" She screamed, the wind tugging at her fur, exposing the scarred skin beneath. The Connection pulled harder, flooding with light until her soul burned with it. The light burst from her chest, exploding into a feline made of pure light. A warm feeling of joy emanated from it, consuming the Tigers and suffocating them with burning compassion.

"Not just the Second, my child."  The feline of Light said. A net of light gently wrapped around Telrao, slowing her until she was hanging in the air. The net transformed into a small platform, and Telrao lay down, sighing in relief. The Second materialized beside her, smiling. 

"I felt your plea through our Connection," The Second said, licking her forehead. Telrao felt the connection within her warm, growing stronger. "And we came to help. The others are trying to figure out how to reverse the corruption." He glanced down and winced as the Kaos tigers crashed onto the ground. "It is fortunate we came quickly."

Telrao purred, embracing that warmth within her. "It is fortunate indeed." She shook herself, her soft fur growing back and covering the scars. She glanced upward, then bowed before the First.

"First of the Therapy Cats," Telrao said, eyes downcast. "We need to assist the humans above. The Pillar of the Clinic is being corrupted, as is..." She winced, "as is my heart. If the Pillar is corrupted completely, I fear that I may also fall."

"Child, I knew your fears before you voiced them," the soft voice said, the feline within the light moving closer. "I cannot do much here, as I am restricted by Oaths, but I can give you power... and allow you," She said, "To give others power also. Remember - the Light I give is a crutch, not a sword. It will not be used to fight, but to assist you against the influence of Kaos." A flood of Light entered Telrao, until her eyes glowed white with it.

"Thank you, First." She said, dipping her head in respect as the god of the Therapy Cats faded from sight. But Telrao could still feel her there, watching, waiting. She turned to the Second, whose tail twitched slightly. "Are you ready?" She asked, feeling an excitement mounting in her chest.

The Second bared his teeth. "I have been waiting for the past two thousand years," he replied lightly, preparing his power. "Of course I am."

Telrao scribbled an Aon Tia on the ground, then met his gaze. "Stay close." she said, putting her paw on the Aon. The Second placed his over hers. Then, they disappeared in a flash of light.

@The Wandering Wizard

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3 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The cackling turns into a burbling chuckle as the tiger melts into liquid Kaos. The eyes never leave Platypus, always laughing at him. 

Clinic: Roof

"What... What are you?" Platypus asks, momentarily distracted but unfaltering in his attacks.

3 hours ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Lark stabs his sword directly into the liquid Kaos tiger attacking Platypus, crimson tendrils wrapping around the creature and restraining it within a sphere of energy.

Platypus slows his strokes so he doesn't hit the net, but stays on guard. "Who are you? Why are you here? And... Are you ready to die?"

@The Wandering Wizard

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On 2/13/2023 at 6:21 PM, InfiniteInsanity said:

The Clinic: Roof

Insa nodded. "I think so." She looked around. "What did I do? I did this right?"

The Clinic: Roof

"It wasn't your fault," Bookwyrm assured her. "It was Kaos. And, for the time being, you're free from it's control, even if the Corruption isn't gone."

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3 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Think faster doesn't mean think better. I don't know everything she's capable of, and I'm no strategist."

Nameless nodded. "All right." He reached into his pack and pulled out a pair of iron daggers, concentrating for a moment as he transformed them into cuendillar. "Here, take these. they should be indestructible now, although that spider can probably destroy them with some effort. Still, better than any normal metals. Have you tried duralumin?"

Edited by UnfortunatelyNamed
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1 minute ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Nameless nodded. "All right." He reached into his pack and pulled out a pair of iron daggers, concentrating for a moment as he transformed them into cuendillar. "Here, take these. they should be indestructible now, although that spider can probably destroy them with some effort. Still, better than any normal metals. Have you tried duraluminum?"



"Yes. What about it? I probably won't have time to replenish metals in this fight. I don't have very many, anyway."

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10 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

X stared into the dragon's eyes. His eyes shifted, becoming ever more gray. There was fear, but in the depth of the gray it seemed too far away to matter.

@The Wandering Wizard

X’s eyes were going grey again. No. Not now. We’re so close…

Summoning her sword, Matra thrashed around, hoping for a lucky hit.

@The Wandering Wizard

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11 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

The Clinic: Roof

Insa gave a very small nod. "And um... you should know, you all should all know that Emma isn't dead." She pointed to the demonic spider. "That's Emma." 

@The Bookwyrm

The Clinic: Roof

Bookwyrm stood there for a moment.


He opened a mental channel to Calano.

Calano! He sent with an urgent energy.

Emma's alive!

@CalanoCorvus @The Wandering Wizard

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Just now, The Bookwyrm said:

The Clinic: Roof

Bookwyrm stood there for a moment.


He opened a mental channel to Calano.

Calano! He sent with an urgent energy.

Emma's alive!

@CalanoCorvus @The Wandering Wizard


Errm, they are on the path, nothing can reach them right now. They are now basically cut off from the world while walking the path.


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The Clinic: Roof

Bookwyrm felt his mental signal hit a barrier and fade away.

Worlds, why can't this just be easy once...

Bookwyrm snapped his fingers and changed his outfit again. He wore a blue tunic with a few plates of armor across his chest and upper arms and sturdy leather boots. On his arms were simple gauntlets, and he wore his traditional deep blue cloak behind him. His glasses, of course, stayed the same.

He summoned his spear-staff again, channeling latent magic through it. He wreathed it's speartip in Nightfire as the white crystal on the other side began to glow with a blue light.

"Let's see if we can't help at all," he said to Insa.

I don't think it's possible to help Emma at this point...Is it?

The strange voice answered. No. Kaos has put its full attention on her. I'd go as far to say that Emma is Kaos, now. Or at least an Avatar so strong as to make the difference insignificant.

Bookwyrm nodded. We'll have to stamp out Kaos at it's source if we want a small chance of saving her.

I don't even know if it's possible to save her, in that case. The future is clouded, and it's hard to trace the worldlines.

What if we had the Creator's pure Light?

Darkness, in and of itself, will easily fade to light, of any source. Even though it's the source of evil, darkness has no substance. Light casts no shadow. However, Kaos is more than just darkness. There's a being in there; a sense of solidity that allows the darkness to withstand all but the strongest light. Kaos is the fusion of deep darkness and a god that was once pure. A Raven. A god connected to Emma.

The Raven's essence gives the darkness solidity, and being infused with the universal constant of chaos, gives the thing we fight a deep and dangerous power. The Creator is gone, for now. Like I said, the worldlines are hard to trace. I've exposed myself, and you, to corruption because I see light in the future; I only hope that my sight is not in vain.

You know...I would like to know who exactly you are.

Introductions will be made, in time, he responded with the sense of a smile. For now, there is a fight to take part in.

Bookwyrm nodded and dove into the fray, fighting towards Emma.

@The Wandering Wizard @InfiniteInsanity


Tell me if there are any inaccuracies in here.


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16 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

X stared into the dragon's eyes. His eyes shifted, becoming ever more gray. There was fear, but in the depth of the gray it seemed too far away to matter.

@The Wandering Wizard

6 hours ago, Shadowed said:

X’s eyes were going grey again. No. Not now. We’re so close…

Summoning her sword, Matra thrashed around, hoping for a lucky hit.

@The Wandering Wizard

The Clinic: Roof

The dragon snarls at the irritating pest and its pointy stick. Carefully it increases the pressure, not enough to kill, but make the little pest wish it had never been born.

Still growling the dragon opens its mouth and lurches towards X. Its jaws close over X, encircling him around in darkness.

51 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm nodded and dove into the fray, fighting towards Emma.


16 hours ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Nameless threw up a gateway in front of the bar, sending it back into the Queen. Weaving quickly, he made another gateway and stepped through it, coming out next to TAAron and throwing up a shield of air. “You’re still getting yourself in trouble, I see.”

@The Aspiring Archivist

15 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Thaidakar was pushed back a few steps, but he continued pushing with greater force, "My god... my god isn't the one who's power I wield... I serve the Creator as best I can with the best of my abilities." Power started filling Thaidakar more as he grinned. The... entity couldn't stop him. He readied to use the power that he used to destroy a realm to destroy the spider and Kaos... and... and... the spider was thrown back by a sudden burst of energy, but nowhere near the scale of what Thaidakar wanted to happen. He tilted his head, "Now of all the times to not just blow everything up. What the heck is wrong with my powers..."

The spider stood still as the energy exploded around her. A whip of liquid Kaos metal flicks out from the explosion and wraps around his wrist.

The Kaos balefire hits the Spider at the same time and sinks back into her armor.

"You claim you are of the Creator, yet you use the powers of destruction. You can not lie to me, I know the power you use. It doesn't want to create, it only wishes to destroy."

@The Bookwyrm @Witless of Shinovar @UnfortunatelyNamed @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @The Aspiring Archivist @Ati16 @That1Cellist

14 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Mysterious Forest Path

"What is this place?" Calano asks as he steps through the portal onto the forest path.

"Don't know except what haunts you will hunt you here. That is all that I was told."

12 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Clinic: Roof

"What... What are you?" Platypus asks, momentarily distracted but unfaltering in his attacks.

Platypus slows his strokes so he doesn't hit the net, but stays on guard. "Who are you? Why are you here? And... Are you ready to die?"

@The Wandering Wizard

16 hours ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Clinic: Roof

Lark stabs his sword directly into the liquid Kaos tiger attacking Platypus, crimson tendrils wrapping around the creature and restraining it within a sphere of energy.

"Fool!" Rasps the voice, "I am already dead."

The liquid tiger melts into a puddle and begins sliding towards the Spider.


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12 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The Clinic: Roof

The spider stood still as the energy exploded around her. A whip of liquid Kaos metal flicks out from the explosion and wraps around his wrist.

The Kaos balefire hits the Spider at the same time and sinks back into her armor.

"You claim you are of the Creator, yet you use the powers of destruction. You can not lie to me, I know the power you use. It doesn't want to create, it only wishes to destroy."

@The Bookwyrm @Witless of Shinovar @UnfortunatelyNamed @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @The Aspiring Archivist @Ati16 @That1Cellist


People were speaking words. There was a lot of flashing and yelling and a big scary spider. Shark was trying to not die. He wasn't directly under attack, but he was so weak it didn't really matter. "Do something you stupid rabbit." He muttered to himself.

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