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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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9 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Insa frowned. "I don't know if I can but I know Bookwyrm can and he is here."

Bookwyrm, downstairs we need your help. Now.

  @The Bookwyrm


Bookwyrm met Emma's eyes for a brief moment before vanishing.

This isn't over yet.

@The Wandering Wizard

The Clinic: Lobby

9 hours ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Clinic: Lobby

Nameless frowned. "I don't actually know exactly how many patients there are. Hundreds, at least." He hesitated, then channeled saidin through the ter'angreal, a beam of light eviscerating a group of Kaos tigers. "Bookwyrm will probably know more. He's staff."

@Aes Sedai @InfiniteInsanity

"I'm actually not staff," Bookwyrm said as he appeared. "Just a close friend of people who are. Namely Calano. Who's not here."

Bookwyrm ducked the attack of another Kaos tiger and sent an arc of power at it, shredding the space around it. The tiger was ripped apart by the sudden gravitational turbulence.

"Where are the rest of the patients?" he asked Nameless and Insa. "And who else is down here?"

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10 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

He was thrown back by the energy.

As soon as he'd gotten up, Emma had destroyed the pillar.

Thaidakar gritted his teeth. No, I won't lose everything. Not again. Power reverberated through his voice, making himself be heard through out the roof and maybe the floor beneath of the clinic, "People of the clinic! We will not surrender! We must not surrender! The clinic stands for Hope! Calano left us the Clinic! We must hold it until he returns with reinforcements! Do all you can to defeat the Kaos and Emma! Even if we fall, we fall defending what we love! For the Clinic!" And, with that, for good or for worse, Thaidakar charged at Emma, yelling as loud as he could and blasting energy at her with all his strength.

@The Bookwyrm @Telrao @Shadowed @xinoehp512 @That1Cellist @The Aspiring Archivist @UnfortunatelyNamed @Ati16 @Shining Silhouette @InfiniteInsanity @Being of Cacophony @The Wandering Wizard


9 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

X felt the pillar shatter.

For a moment, the world hung, frozen, each splinter of black suspended in a field of grey. And then the silence was gone, and the noises of the battle flooded in- people screaming, running, dying...

I failed, he thought numbly. I failed...

He stared at his hands. Both of them bore jagged crosses across the palm now. They burned.

His gaze lifted up to stare at Kaos's messenger of destruction, and something stirred within him. He stood up. The sounds of the battle still raged all around, but he couldn't hear them anymore. There was a new sound in his mind drowning it out.


X's eyes faded to pure black as he raised a trembling hand. With a shriek of rage, a beam of pure black fire ripped from his hand. It burned the air to void as it streaked towards Emma.

@The Wandering Wizard

7 hours ago, Shadowed said:

Oh no. 

Oh no, oh no, oh no

Matra raced to cover X’s back, sword swishing wildly. “X, come back! What happened to your eyes? Are you okay?”

Okay. What a silly thing to say, when their home and their friends were slowly being corrupted.

She might never see some of them as… themselves again.

There was no point waiting, saving. Everyone was in danger.

Moving to stand side by side with X, she Burst alight with golden energy, sending a beam of Light to match X’s.

Well it appears that they want you dead, girl. Your going to need a lot more darkness to fend them all off.

Luckily that I just shattered the pillar then. You told me that the staff was an ancient focus and destroying the clinic would demoralize them. It seems that it just made them want to kill me

One appears to be...no it can't be. NO IT CAN'T BE! I KILLED HIM CENTURIES AGO!

Killed who, Raven?

The phoenix....

Right, I'll get that answer later.

Emma held the staff sidways and Kaos rolled of her in waves. A beam of pure blackness, no purple flecks in it, shot from both ends. It crashed into the beams on both sides and it exploded when it came in contact with X's bar of fire.

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Shadowed @xinoehp512 


It's a beam of pure darkness. Because it was channeled through the staff, it'd have some interesting effects, especially if going up against more darkness.

1 hour ago, Shining Silhouette said:

It was at this moment that Edmund realized this was what he had fallen onto the roof for. This was his purpose in life. This was—his thoughts trailed off as a giant piece of shrapnel came flying at his temples.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" he said, calmly. He was a gentleman, of course.

After he finished drinking his tea, he decided it was time to act. He got up from his accent chair, and charged.


What are you charging at?

48 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:


Bookwyrm met Emma's eyes for a brief moment before vanishing.

This isn't over yet.

@The Wandering Wizard

The Clinic: Lobby

"I'm actually not staff," Bookwyrm said as he appeared. "Just a close friend of people who are. Namely Calano. Who's not here."

Bookwyrm ducked the attack of another Kaos tiger and sent an arc of power at it, shredding the space around it. The tiger was ripped apart by the sudden gravitational turbulence.

"Where are the rest of the patients?" he asked Nameless and Insa. "And who else is down here?"

It is over, they're mostly dead down there. And there is no longer a way out of the clinic. They're trapped and dying, their screams crawl up through the stones.

1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Mysterious Forest Path

"I don't understand," Calano said, carefully stepping backwards and to the side, "You still haven't told me who you are."


Mysterious Forest Path

"That's not for you to know," growled the figure. 

A pair of staffs appeared in his hands. 

"All you need to know is that you are coming to me."


If he doesn't have weapons on him, all he can summon would be his weapon of choice. But he wouldn't be able to change it. Currently that's all that the figure is letting him access.


Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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9 hours ago, Ati16 said:

Ati felt the clinic tremble as the pillar shattered. It was over.

Then he heard Emma speak and present them her choice. He felt a hot surge of anger against Emma for attacking the innocent residents of the clinic and wanted to charge her, but he knew that he couldn't do much damage to her. Better to be somewhere where he could be useful.

That in mind, Ati hurried to the Lobby and saw the forces of Kaos there. He noticed Nameless and Rue and approached them. "Is there anything we can do to save them?" He asked.

@UnfortunatelyNamed, @Aes Sedai, @InfiniteInsanity

“We’re working on it,” Rue said, shooting more fire. 

57 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:


Bookwyrm met Emma's eyes for a brief moment before vanishing.

This isn't over yet.

@The Wandering Wizard

The Clinic: Lobby

"I'm actually not staff," Bookwyrm said as he appeared. "Just a close friend of people who are. Namely Calano. Who's not here."

Bookwyrm ducked the attack of another Kaos tiger and sent an arc of power at it, shredding the space around it. The tiger was ripped apart by the sudden gravitational turbulence.

"Where are the rest of the patients?" he asked Nameless and Insa. "And who else is down here?"

“I don’t know where the patients are, but we need to hurry, or there won’t be any left.”

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4 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

I have no idea.

I think other people were charging so I charged too.


Most people were charging down to the lobby to save the people that are being killed/corrupted and trying to get them out.

There are also people trying to attack Emma. 

So which would he be going to?


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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Well it appears that they want you dead, girl. Your going to need a lot more darkness to fend them all off.

Luckily that I just shattered the pillar then. You told me that the staff was an ancient focus and destroying the clinic would demoralize them. It seems that it just made them want to kill me

One appears to be...no it can't be. NO IT CAN'T BE! I KILLED HIM CENTURIES AGO!

Killed who, Raven?

The phoenix....

Right, I'll get that answer later.

Emma held the staff sidways and Kaos rolled of her in waves. A beam of pure blackness, no purple flecks in it, shot from both ends. It crashed into the beams on both sides and it exploded when it came in contact with X's bar of fire.

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Shadowed @xinoehp512 

It is over, they're mostly dead down there. And there is no longer a way out of the clinic. They're trapped and dying, their screams crawl up through the stones.


Thaidakar gritted his teeth, pushing with his all. He couldn't lose here. HE COULDN'T LOSE AGAIN. The darkness... he could feel it in him waiting for his inevitable failure. No, not again, not another... Calano had left him in charge. Him of all people. "Why..." Thaidakar asked Calano, even though he wasn't there. He shivered, yelling in a forgotten language. "EVSAR VELANTAR SHIVERAL!" Sweat dripped off of Thaidakar as he tried to push Emma back. The power in his mind seemed to laugh at his attempts to save what he loved. Oh, storm you. Thaidakar thought at the power. 

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Clinic: Lobby

Nameless opened a gateway to the space between dimensions, dropping the last of the forces of Kaos that remained in the lobby into it. The gateway snapped closed, and he released saidin, breathing heavily. "There will be more of them coming. We need a plan. It looks like the emergency protocols have been disabled, so the only way out is our own portals. Bookwyrm, you can travel between dimensions. Who else here can? We should split into groups, move throughout the clinic, and save as many people as we can."

@Aes Sedai @InfiniteInsanity @Ati16 @The Bookwyrm


Clinic: Roof

Lark drew another Aon, and in a flash of light he appeared inside the bubble of light, right behind Telrao. He slashed his blade at her neck.


Edited by UnfortunatelyNamed
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19 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Clinic: Lobby

Nameless opened a gateway to the space between dimensions, dropping the last of the forces of Kaos that remained in the lobby into it. The gateway snapped closed, and he released saidin, breathing heavily. "There will be more of them coming. We need a plan. It looks like the emergency protocols have been disabled, so the only way out is our own portals. Bookwyrm, you can travel between dimensions. Who else here can? We should split into groups, move throughout the clinic, and save as many people as we can."

@Aes Sedai @InfiniteInsanity @Ati16 @The Bookwyrm

The Clinic: Lobby

"I don't know who else is able to, but I should be able to make enough Wyrmholes to get everyone to a safe location. Not sure what that location would be, but...I can do it."

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22 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Clinic: Lobby

Nameless opened a gateway to the space between dimensions, dropping the last of the forces of Kaos that remained in the lobby into it. The gateway snapped closed, and he released saidin, breathing heavily. "There will be more of them coming. We need a plan. It looks like the emergency protocols have been disabled, so the only way out is our own portals. Bookwyrm, you can travel between dimensions. Who else here can? We should split into groups, move throughout the clinic, and save as many people as we can."

@Aes Sedai @InfiniteInsanity @Ati16 @The Bookwyrm


What abilities do you need to travel between dimensions, because I still haven't figured out how my character got here.


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28 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Clinic: Lobby

Nameless opened a gateway to the space between dimensions, dropping the last of the forces of Kaos that remained in the lobby into it. The gateway snapped closed, and he released saidin, breathing heavily. "There will be more of them coming. We need a plan. It looks like the emergency protocols have been disabled, so the only way out is our own portals. Bookwyrm, you can travel between dimensions. Who else here can? We should split into groups, move throughout the clinic, and save as many people as we can."

@Aes Sedai @InfiniteInsanity @Ati16 @The Bookwyrm


Insa nodded. "I don't know what I can do. I can move fast and I can send off some bright signals but travel wise I don't think I'm much help. But Rue is right we need to get going."

Edited by InfiniteInsanity
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2 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Well it appears that they want you dead, girl. Your going to need a lot more darkness to fend them all off.

Luckily that I just shattered the pillar then. You told me that the staff was an ancient focus and destroying the clinic would demoralize them. It seems that it just made them want to kill me

One appears to be...no it can't be. NO IT CAN'T BE! I KILLED HIM CENTURIES AGO!

Killed who, Raven?

The phoenix....

Right, I'll get that answer later.

Emma held the staff sidways and Kaos rolled of her in waves. A beam of pure blackness, no purple flecks in it, shot from both ends. It crashed into the beams on both sides and it exploded when it came in contact with X's bar of fire.

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Shadowed @xinoehp512 

X's mouth curled into a snarl as his fire exploded outwards. Even as he maintained his beam, however, thin cracks began to appear in thin air. The universe was starting to decay.


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1 hour ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Clinic: Lobby

Nameless opened a gateway to the space between dimensions, dropping the last of the forces of Kaos that remained in the lobby into it. The gateway snapped closed, and he released saidin, breathing heavily. "There will be more of them coming. We need a plan. It looks like the emergency protocols have been disabled, so the only way out is our own portals. Bookwyrm, you can travel between dimensions. Who else here can? We should split into groups, move throughout the clinic, and save as many people as we can."

@Aes Sedai @InfiniteInsanity @Ati16 @The Bookwyrm

Clinic: Lobby

"I can travel between dimensions, though I can't bring others with me so that won't be very useful...", Ati said. "I'll try to use my feruchemy to gather as many people as I can".

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35 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

X's mouth curled into a snarl as his fire exploded outwards. Even as he maintained his beam, however, thin cracks began to appear in thin air. The universe was starting to decay.


Matra’s body autopiloted through the motions of battle, subconsciously fighting the thing that had been Emma. Really, she was a little preoccupied with those strange cracks, seemingly out of nothing.

She had seen them once before. When the very universe had seemed to shatter. But before, only she had seen them. She supposed it was because it was only her world that had been completely and irrevocably broken.

She could tell from X’s expression that he could see them as well. So what did that mean for the universe…

No. Task at hand, Matra.

Channeling a Burst of pure Light, she sent a beam of energy right through the centre of where Emma’s and X’s beams of darkness collided.


I hope the thing about the cracks is all okay.

Also, I’ve no idea what that last thing would do, but I hope it involves some explosions at least :P 


Edited by Shadowed
I always mix up quotes and spoiler boxes lol
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Clinic: Roof

Platypus was desperate. Emma had corrupted the pillar. The dimension might be falling apart. There were people that might be dying downstairs. It was time to be reckless.

"Edward! Care to help me out here?!" Platypus yells to him. "It might be a good thing to do. Or you should go help the people downstairs. One of those would be good. Or some other thing you want to do that you think needs to be done."

Without waiting for an answer, Platypus charged Emma, rolling to avoid a splinter of metal that had been thrown this direction from the recent explosion. Coming up in a fighters stance, he presses toward Emma.

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24 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Clinic: Lobby

"Right. Bookwyrm and I can both lead a group then."

@The Bookwyrm @InfiniteInsanity

“I can distract the tigers while you get the people to safety,” Rue offered.

Edited by Aes Sedai
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14 minutes ago, Shadowed said:

Matra’s body autopiloted through the motions of battle, subconsciously fighting the thing that had been Emma. Really, she was a little preoccupied with those strange cracks, seemingly out of nothing.

She had seen them once before. When the very universe had seemed to shatter. But before, only she had seen them. She supposed it was because it was only her world that had been completely and irrevocably broken.

She could tell from X’s expression that he could see them as well. So what did that mean for the universe…

No. Task at hand, Matra.

Channeling a Burst of pure Light, she sent a beam of energy right through the centre of where Emma’s and X’s beams of darkness collided.


There was a loud, high-pitched tone, as if reality itself were screaming in agony. X jerked back, his beam of black fire swirling out. Where the beams had met- where the pillar had once stood- was... nothing. Void. As he watched, cracks began to form near the edges, spreading outwards alarmingly quickly. He blinked, black eyes returning to their normal color, and gasped. "What the-?"


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14 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:

“I can distract the tigers while you get the people to safety,” Rue offered.

"Thanks." Slowly black cracks appeared throughout the lobby, forming holes into nothing. "Light, we need to move! Rue, Ati, you're with me. Insa, you go with Bookwyrm. We'll evacuate all the patients that we can, then meet up afterwards. Do you know how to get to Earth? We can rendezvous there."

@The Bookwyrm @Ati16 @InfiniteInsanity

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Clinic: Roof

The void appeared and Emma felt a pull towards it. A attraction to it of sorts.

No, not yet. You still have a work to do, remember. Remember.

Emma shook her head and vanished, reappearing on the Kaos plane.

You have done well, the clinic is in shambles and soon will be destroyed. Yet the gods of light try to counter me. Use your power, find Calano and kill him. He is on the path of light. The one you nearly tread all those years ago.

It will be as you command Raven. So shall it be.

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7 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

"Thanks." Slowly black cracks appeared throughout the lobby, forming holes into nothing. "Light, we need to move! Rue, Ati, you're with me. Insa, you go with Bookwyrm. We'll evacuate all the patients that we can, then meet up afterwards. Do you know how to get to Earth? We can rendezvous there."

@The Bookwyrm @Ati16 @InfiniteInsanity

Rue nodded sharply and blasted another group of Kaos tigers.

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Clinic: Roof

Surprised by Emma disappearing on him, Platypus stops. Running to where the explosion was, he lets his Blade siphon the remaining energy. Then he runs to the cracks and tries to let his Blade take their energy.


so, do you think this would make the cracks more or less powerful? I'm thinking that he might be able to stabilize the clinic for a little bit by taking the energy, but if he can't he'd try to stabilze it by releasing energy into them. Would either of those work?

@Shadowed @xinoehp512

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20 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Clinic: Roof

The void appeared and Emma felt a pull towards it. A attraction to it of sorts.

No, not yet. You still have a work to do, remember. Remember.

Emma shook her head and vanished, reappearing on the Kaos plane.

You have done well, the clinic is in shambles and soon will be destroyed. Yet the gods of light try to counter me. Use your power, find Calano and kill him. He is on the path of light. The one you nearly tread all those years ago.

It will be as you command Raven. So shall it be.

Thaidakar cursed, deactivating his energy. He looked around for someone. Anyone to figure out a plan with.

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30 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Clinic: Roof

The void appeared and Emma felt a pull towards it. A attraction to it of sorts.

No, not yet. You still have a work to do, remember. Remember.

Emma shook her head and vanished, reappearing on the Kaos plane.

You have done well, the clinic is in shambles and soon will be destroyed. Yet the gods of light try to counter me. Use your power, find Calano and kill him. He is on the path of light. The one you nearly tread all those years ago.

It will be as you command Raven. So shall it be.

9 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Thaidakar cursed, deactivating his energy. He looked around for someone. Anyone to figure out a plan with.

25 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Clinic: Roof

Surprised by Emma disappearing on him, Platypus stops. Running to where the explosion was, he lets his Blade siphon the remaining energy. Then he runs to the cracks and tries to let his Blade take their energy.

@Shadowed @xinoehp512

X slumped, feeling the tide of fury inside him dissipate. In its place, he just felt... exhausted. He saw someone run up to the rapidly expanding cracks. "Hey," he called. "Step back. We need to get out of here."

@Shadowed @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Being of Cacophony


Pouring energy into the cracks would likely only make them expand even faster.


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1 minute ago, xinoehp512 said:

X slumped, feeling the tide of fury inside him dissipate. In its place, he just felt... exhausted. He saw someone run up to the rapidly expanding cracks. "Hey," he called. "Step back. We need to get out of here."

@Shadowed @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Being of Cacophony


He saw X, "Hey... you were in the office before, right?"

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