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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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6 hours ago, Shadowed said:

“I think there’s food and sleeping supplies that should go round all of us, but only for a few days at most.” She grimaced at the reality of their situation. “We have to make a plan, and fast, to save the Clinic.”

Matra picked up a stone off the floor and began to draw with it on the wall. In big letters in the centre she wrote “Saving the Clinic” and underlined it, and then drew several arrows arching off from the words. Under one of them she scribbled Emma, one of them Korrupted People, and the other one Cracks in Universe. She then drew bubbles around those headings and added more arrows, then lowered her arm and looked around. “Any ideas?”

@xinoehp512 @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Being of Cacophony

"The pillar," X said, "The one that the Kaos destroyed. I... I think I know something about it?" He sounded slightly confused, like he couldn't believe what he was saying.

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8 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"We can't accept that we can't save the clinic... we need to be able to save it." THaidakar said with a quiet ferocity. He looked at the words on the ground. "We need to contact Calano and see if he has any plans or things that can save us. I might be able to give us an army at personal risk..." He thought for a moment as he flipped a small crystal he'd summoned between his fingers. "What if we trapped Emma like Honor's Bondsmith on Roshar did in the book Oathbringer? Some sort of giant perfect crystal that can hold power?" He swore he could hear Glyph humming with subtle glee nearby. Or... was that the power? Heck if he knew...

"I think that she's probably significantly more powerful than that... Thrill they called it? But in theory it could work. We would need a lot of power to draw her in and a really well formed crystal. It would have to be close to perfect. And it would have to be large enough to hold her. Do we have the resources to actually do this?"

Platypus walked back over to the circles.

"I don't think Calano is accessible right now. It seemed like the place we were in was accesible from only one location and I don't know how to get back there. Plus Wizard mentioned something about a "Path" so Calano is probably on that. And I don't like the idea of you taking risks that could hurt yourself. You're the one that has probably the most power here, and our best chance at surviving until Calano gets back."

9 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

"The pillar," X said, "The one that the Kaos destroyed. I... I think I know something about it?" He sounded slightly confused, like he couldn't believe what he was saying.

"Ok. I don't really know you, but if you're able to provide information, I'm happy to hear you out."

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On 3/24/2023 at 7:52 PM, InfiniteInsanity said:

She turned to Bookwyrm. "What can I do to make this go faster? Cause if you haven't noticed this place is kind of falling apart."

The Clinic: Library

"Let me try something..."

He reached out with his mind, pinpointing the locations of the thoughts of a large group of patients. The last in the library.

He sent the location to Insa's mind. "Go. Hurry."

Bookwyrm turned and ran away from Insa, deep into the heart of the library. At the center, he found the pedestal. A gigantic rift temporarily appeared in the air, but Bookwyrm sealed it with his powers.

Can't keep it up for long...

He pulled out his tome and slammed it onto the pedestal, then activated the download. Light came from every book and shelf in the library and spiraled into the apparatus around the pedestal, then poured into Bookwyrm's book. Once the spell was finished, he grabbed the tome, then ran back towards the Wyrmhole.

She'd better find them soon. The Clinic is done for. We're the last ones in here.

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33 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Let me try something..."

He reached out with his mind, pinpointing the locations of the thoughts of a large group of patients. The last in the library.

He sent the location to Insa's mind. "Go. Hurry."

The Clinic: Library

Insa sighed. "Right. Okay." Saar?


What's the best way for me to do this?

I can tell you but I need you to promise you'll let me give you back what I can of your memory as soon as you're out of the clinic.

Fine whatever.

Great! So you don't have enough energy to make another net so you'll just have to blast any falling thingys in your way and listen to my instructions okay?

Fun. Which way first?

Start the way you went before but then there are some weird turns and stuff. And there might be some giant rocks. 

Insa took off through the library. Occasionally there were some rocks and Saar would give some directions.

Okay we're here!

That's just a big pile of rocks...

Oh you'll just have to blow those apart. They should be behind there.

Insa shot a giant lightning bolt at the pieces of wall. They broke into small pieces and flew everywhere. A couple hit her and gave her a few cuts on her face and arms. But now she could see the people. They all looked terrified. "Y'all okay?'' A couple of them nodded. "Good. I know a way out so if you'll follow me..." They all silently stood up. "Um, okay let's go." She turned and started running back down towards the wyrmhole. Saar? Why won't they say anything?

You didn't say a word for like two weeks after the camps. They're just scared. 

Right. When they reached the wyrmhole Insa directed the people through. She almost followed them but then decided to wait for Bookwyrm.

What are you doing? Why aren't you going through?

I have to make sure he's okay and he gets out.

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The Clinic: Library

It was falling apart.

Rifts were splitting space itself everywhere. Bookwyrm nearly fell into one multiple times, briefly confronted by a deep blackness before gaining his balance and continuing onwards.

He saw Insa waiting for him by the Wyrmhole.

"Why didn't you go through?!" he yelled, but didn't wait for an answer before he grabbed her hand and dove through the portal, pulling her along with him.

The Wyrmhole closed as the fabric of the Clinic continued to tear itself apart.

Earth: Greenland

Bookwyrm landed on the snowy, muddy ground. Hard.

He groaned and stood up, looking around at the group of patients and seeing Nameless, Rue, and Ati nearby. He walked over to them.

"Which version of Earth is this, anyway?" he asked Nameless.

@InfiniteInsanity @Nameless* @Aes Sedai @Ati16


And the rest of you are in Tal'rin? Do we have a plan for meeting up?

@xinoehp512 @Being of Cacophony @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Shadowed


And the last two of you need to get the plot moving?

@The Wandering Wizard @CalanoCorvus

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Earth: Greenland

Insa landed very hard on the ground.

Look! You're safe and now you can remember the things!

It felt like someone poured a giant bucket filled with almost everything that had ever happened to her into her head. Bits and pieces played through her mind. Her siblings, helping her mom with dinner, training with her dad, talking with Saar, doing different jobs, fear of everything, arguing with her parents, moving into the camp, arguing more, them dying, spending four months trying to help people and all of them dying, being punished, running away.

Where were you?

What do you mean?

During the camps. I couldn't talk to you.

I was busy. But you made it just fine without me. Sure you have some scars and stuff but you didn't die. 

But I needed your help. Other people needed your help. You left me.

It wasn't like that!!

Whatever just be quiet for a little while.

WHAT! Why?

I just need some time. There was no response. Insa sat up. She saw Bookwyrm, Nameless, Rue, and Ati but she didn't feel like talking to any of them so she just stayed where she was.

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10 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

"The pillar," X said, "The one that the Kaos destroyed. I... I think I know something about it?" He sounded slightly confused, like he couldn't believe what he was saying.

29 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

"I think that she's probably significantly more powerful than that... Thrill they called it? But in theory it could work. We would need a lot of power to draw her in and a really well formed crystal. It would have to be close to perfect. And it would have to be large enough to hold her. Do we have the resources to actually do this?"

Platypus walked back over to the circles.

"I don't think Calano is accessible right now. It seemed like the place we were in was accesible from only one location and I don't know how to get back there. Plus Wizard mentioned something about a "Path" so Calano is probably on that. And I don't like the idea of you taking risks that could hurt yourself. You're the one that has probably the most power here, and our best chance at surviving until Calano gets back."

"Ok. I don't really know you, but if you're able to provide information, I'm happy to hear you out."

"Any info we have, I would be glad to receive it." Thaidakar got up, he couldn't help but pace around in thought too.

"The being that grants me power, while similar to Kaos, is significantly powerful. Though, it seems their power was reduced somehow, I think we can use that to somehow lure Emma or, maybe, Kaos in to trap them in some sort of magical prison." Thaidakar smiled. "And, for the resources, we can just hop in with my rifts to grab things. I might know a few wizards across the multiverses who could help us..."

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38 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"Any info we have, I would be glad to receive it." Thaidakar got up, he couldn't help but pace around in thought too.

"The being that grants me power, while similar to Kaos, is significantly powerful. Though, it seems their power was reduced somehow, I think we can use that to somehow lure Emma or, maybe, Kaos in to trap them in some sort of magical prison." Thaidakar smiled. "And, for the resources, we can just hop in with my rifts to grab things. I might know a few wizards across the multiverses who could help us..."

"Wouldn't that trap your power source in with Kaos? And then it could corrupt your source, which would probably lead to you getting Korrupted. The only thing that could trap them semi-permanently would be the crystal plan I should think. If it was a magic prison, Kaos could just corrupt it and get out."

Platypus shakes his head and starts fidgeting with his sword. 

"If I can get enough time, I could probably absorb enough power from things to fill this. Releasing it in a targeted stream could probably stun Emma for a little bit."

Suddenly Platypus' eyes go blank and he falls over backward.

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On 3/3/2023 at 0:14 PM, The Wandering Wizard said:

Clinic: Roof

The void appeared and Emma felt a pull towards it. A attraction to it of sorts.

No, not yet. You still have a work to do, remember. Remember.

Emma shook her head and vanished, reappearing on the Kaos plane.

You have done well, the clinic is in shambles and soon will be destroyed. Yet the gods of light try to counter me. Use your power, find Calano and kill him. He is on the path of light. The one you nearly tread all those years ago.

It will be as you command Raven. So shall it be.

On 3/15/2023 at 1:37 PM, Nameless* said:

Kaos Plane

Lark walked up to Emma, Kaos flames wreathing him in dark armor. "So, what's the plan?"

@The Wandering Wizard

Kaos Realm

Lark, you are to lead the armies to destroy the other pillars. We know where they are, those filled with light do not. Go to the planet ZDR, I think you will find the pillar there familiar. There's another pillar in the city of Kirthruin on the planet Kimuiruin and there is a third pillar in the golden sea of Ba'uin. There's one on earth and another one that moves. 

A sense of powerful confusion washed over Emma and Lark. Emma staggered a pace backwards, her raven black hair streaming behind her.

I can not tell exactly why but it moves, something that I believed impossible. 

The Kaos's focus shifted from Lark, seemingly dismissing him as it turned towards Emma.

Go my little Raven, you know what must be done.

Emma bowed her head, "as you say so shall it be mother."

No, don't call me mother anymore, you can call me sister now.

Turning on the spot, Emma disappeared from the realm, hiding the tears that sprung to her eyes.


Mysterious Forest Path

Wizard's back met the stony wall and the panic began to set in.

"She's coming, she...she," Wizard garbled his words and collapsed against the wall. 

Memories began to flash infront of him, panic seeping through him. The fear from the past paralyzingly strong...and the pain.

Oh the pain was so strong! He couldn't bear it and time froze. The days spining back, the world revolving backwards until he was eight again. 

It was late a night. Far past the time for any young Kits to be out. But he liked the night time hours, unlike his twin who loved the day. Wizard loved the night, the simple peace he felt from exploring the night alone. He sprinted along the road he'd taken thousands of times now, running to his secret hideout in the tree when he saw a light in the woods.

"Who is in the woods this late?" Thought the tiger cub. And his curiousity was so strong that he followed it, straight to the face of a cliff. The light rose up the cliff and he batted at it. Yet the light escaped his paws. So he tried again, this time leaping high at the light as climbed just a little higher. His claws scrabbled on the cliff face and he fell back downwards. Growling he jumped again, leaping to even greater heights as the light zoomed just out of reach. And Wizard crashed down onto a tangle of vines.

Hissing at the light, Wizard tried to move, but he found that he was stuck. Rolling over he brushed up against some more, but these vines felt odd. They felt dry and husky. They'd even had the life drained out of them.

A bright light came from around the cliff and he hissed as it blinded his eyes.

"Ha! We caught 'im boss!"

"Good! Good!" Cackled a dark form, "bring him to me!"

On 3/3/2023 at 3:10 PM, CalanoCorvus said:

Mysterious Forest Path

Calano tried, and successfully summoned, a single Lightsword.

"I will not be doing any such thing," Calano said, raising his Sword, "I will fight if I have to. I must make it through."

The figured growled a warning, "You can not beat me, young crow. You can try but you will fail. She must be destroyed, but as of now you will be destroyed by her. That is why I can not let you pass."

The hooded figure barely hissed out the last syllable when he rushed at Calano, staffs singeing the air with the smell of decay. They twirled in his hand in intricate patterns as they sought Calano's hands.



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On 3/25/2023 at 10:19 PM, Being of Cacophony said:

"Ok. I don't really know you, but if you're able to provide information, I'm happy to hear you out."

"There are five more," said X. "I can... feel them in my mind, sort of. One is broken, like the one at the clinic, but the other four seem intact. I think they might be important somehow."


On 3/26/2023 at 3:19 PM, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"Any info we have, I would be glad to receive it." Thaidakar got up, he couldn't help but pace around in thought too.

"The being that grants me power, while similar to Kaos, is significantly powerful. Though, it seems their power was reduced somehow, I think we can use that to somehow lure Emma or, maybe, Kaos in to trap them in some sort of magical prison." Thaidakar smiled. "And, for the resources, we can just hop in with my rifts to grab things. I might know a few wizards across the multiverses who could help us..."

"Do you think you could rift to a location... ugh, I'm not sure how to describe this. I have- sort of like, mental coordinates? It's like, I can point to where it is, but in more than three dimensions, if that makes sense."

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood

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8 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The figured growled a warning, "You can not beat me, young crow. You can try but you will fail. She must be destroyed, but as of now you will be destroyed by her. That is why I can not let you pass."

The hooded figure barely hissed out the last syllable when he rushed at Calano, staffs singeing the air with the smell of decay. They twirled in his hand in intricate patterns as they sought Calano's hands.


Mysterious Forest Path

Calano jumped back, bringing his Lightsword up as his much quicker foe struck forward. Deftly, using centuries of knowledge in the sword, Calano blocked the first few blows. He leaped backwards after that small bout.

"Destroyed?" He asked, "By whom? Emma is dead."

He paused. It felt strange to say it. He didn't like saying it.

But he had to. There was no other way.

"Emma is dead, and by my hand. There was no other way."

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12 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Mysterious Forest Path

Wizard's back met the stony wall and the panic began to set in.

"She's coming, she...she," Wizard garbled his words and collapsed against the wall. 

Memories began to flash infront of him, panic seeping through him. The fear from the past paralyzingly strong...and the pain.

Oh the pain was so strong! He couldn't bear it and time froze. The days spining back, the world revolving backwards until he was eight again. 

It was late a night. Far past the time for any young Kits to be out. But he liked the night time hours, unlike his twin who loved the day. Wizard loved the night, the simple peace he felt from exploring the night alone. He sprinted along the road he'd taken thousands of times now, running to his secret hideout in the tree when he saw a light in the woods.

"Who is in the woods this late?" Thought the tiger cub. And his curiousity was so strong that he followed it, straight to the face of a cliff. The light rose up the cliff and he batted at it. Yet the light escaped his paws. So he tried again, this time leaping high at the light as climbed just a little higher. His claws scrabbled on the cliff face and he fell back downwards. Growling he jumped again, leaping to even greater heights as the light zoomed just out of reach. And Wizard crashed down onto a tangle of vines.

Hissing at the light, Wizard tried to move, but he found that he was stuck. Rolling over he brushed up against some more, but these vines felt odd. They felt dry and husky. They'd even had the life drained out of them.

A bright light came from around the cliff and he hissed as it blinded his eyes.

"Ha! We caught 'im boss!"

"Good! Good!" Cackled a dark form, "bring him to me!"

Mysterious Forest Path

The faces leered and jeered at Wizard. Their voices began to overlap and the rope began to burn against his skin. 

Out, out, out. He needed out. It was too much. There was just too much.

He was paralyzed by fear and by the noise. There was just too much. Too much.

His heartbeat began to skyrocket and he began to thrash, to try to get out. To leave this torturous net.

"Oi! He's moving captain!"

"Smack him then!" Growled a commanding voice. "Start making him bleed!"

"Al' right then. You heard him mates!"

The swords began to stab into the net and to sink into Wizard's flesh. Bright red blood began to stain the ropes. Pain and fear crawled ever deeper into Wizard.

He was alone, he'd always been alone. Perhaps this was what he'd deserved.

Slowly he stopped thrashing, the lacerations in his side bleeding the net red.

3 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Mysterious Forest Path

Calano jumped back, bringing his Lightsword up as his much quicker foe struck forward. Deftly, using centuries of knowledge in the sword, Calano blocked the first few blows. He leaped backwards after that small bout.

"Destroyed?" He asked, "By whom? Emma is dead."

He paused. It felt strange to say it. He didn't like saying it.

But he had to. There was no other way.

"Emma is dead, and by my hand. There was no other way."

The figured howled with laughter, staffs still moving in with blindingly quick jabs.

"You, you think you ACTUALLY KILLED HER? That's hilarious, even funnier given you know what she can do."


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5 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The figured howled with laughter, staffs still moving in with blindingly quick jabs.

"You, you think you ACTUALLY KILLED HER? That's hilarious, even funnier given you know what she can do."


Mysterious Forest Path

Calano frowned, beggining to sweat as he deflected the jabs.

"I don't understand," He said, "What are you talking about? I watched her die."

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5 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Mysterious Forest Path

Calano frowned, beggining to sweat as he deflected the jabs.

"I don't understand," He said, "What are you talking about? I watched her die."

Mysterious Forest Path

"Poor, poor fool. She let you think so. Did you really think you could stand up to the Kaos?"

The hooded figure punctuates every word with a stirke, "even weakened her influence grows as it always has. Her vesel is nearly ready."



Calano could split one of the staffs if he swung at it. That'd make things interesting

13 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Mysterious Forest Path

The faces leered and jeered at Wizard. Their voices began to overlap and the rope began to burn against his skin. 

Out, out, out. He needed out. It was too much. There was just too much.

He was paralyzed by fear and by the noise. There was just too much. Too much.

His heartbeat began to skyrocket and he began to thrash, to try to get out. To leave this torturous net.

"Oi! He's moving captain!"

"Smack him then!" Growled a commanding voice. "Start making him bleed!"

"Al' right then. You heard him mates!"

The swords began to stab into the net and to sink into Wizard's flesh. Bright red blood began to stain the ropes. Pain and fear crawled ever deeper into Wizard.

He was alone, he'd always been alone. Perhaps this was what he'd deserved.

Slowly he stopped thrashing, the lacerations in his side bleeding the net red.

It drained out of him, the sluggishness that he'd always seen in other creatures began to fall upon him.

Quietly he cried out, his pitiful mewls growing weaker by the drop.

Soon he closed his eyes for what must be the last time.

One last thought flitted through his mind, "I hope my family will be alright."

And then it was gone. The fire began to dim in his eyes.

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“Do we… contact the places that house them? Can they help? Or all they all evil, corrupted, like the Clinic?”


Tempted to start calling it the Klinic, since it’s been Korrupted by Kaos :P 


Matra ran over to Platypus. “Are you okay? Can you hear me?”

@Being of Cacophony

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51 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Mysterious Forest Path

"Poor, poor fool. She let you think so. Did you really think you could stand up to the Kaos?"

The hooded figure punctuates every word with a stirke, "even weakened her influence grows as it always has. Her vesel is nearly ready."


Mysterious Forest Path

Calano grit his teeth. Surely this hooded figure was lying.

Calano, deflecting blows, leaped to the side and swung. One of the staffs in the figures hand was sheared right through by his Lightsword.

The Lightsword kept on traveling, before stopping right next to the figures neck.

"Start," Calano said slowly, and firmly, "Talking."

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52 minutes ago, Shadowed said:

“Do we… contact the places that house them? Can they help? Or all they all evil, corrupted, like the Clinic?”


Matra ran over to Platypus. “Are you okay? Can you hear me?”

@Being of Cacophony

X exhaled. "I don't know. They don't seem corrupted."

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4 hours ago, Aes Sedai said:

Earth: Greenland

Rue nodded to Bookwyrm and Insa. “Glad you guys made it. Is there anything we can do besides get these people situated?”

@The Bookwyrm @Ati16 @InfiniteInsanity @Nameless*

Earth: Greenland

"Well we obviously can't stay here for long. We have to get these people somewhere safe, we don't know where the others who were on the roof went, or if they even survived and the army of Kaos is probably already moving to destroy the other pillars."

Ati paused and looked at the patients of the clinic. "This place is also too cold to stay here for long and the residents of this planet will have some questions when hundreds of people who look like they've been mugged show up out of nowhere. We need to decide our next destination."

@The Bookwyrm, @Aes Sedai, @InfiniteInsanity, @Nameless*

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7 minutes ago, Ati16 said:

Earth: Greenland

"Well we obviously can't stay here for long. We have to get these people somewhere safe, we don't know where the others who were on the roof went, or if they even survived and the army of Kaos is probably already moving to destroy the other pillars."

Ati paused and looked at the patients of the clinic. "This place is also too cold to stay here for long and the residents of this planet will have some questions when hundreds of people who look like they've been mugged show up out of nowhere. We need to decide our next destination."

@The Bookwyrm, @Aes Sedai, @InfiniteInsanity, @Nameless*

Earth: Greenland

Insa perked up. "Does anyone know where any of the other bindpoints are?

@Aes Sedai @Nameless* @The Bookwyrm

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52 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Earth: Greenland

Insa perked up. "Does anyone know where any of the other bindpoints are?

@Aes Sedai @Nameless* @The Bookwyrm

Earth: Greenland

Rue frowned. "I don't know anything about the bindpoints, but won't they be just as dangerous as the Clinic was? We should be looking for a safe place for these people, not bringing them into more danger."

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3 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:

Earth: Greenland

Rue frowned. "I don't know anything about the bindpoints, but won't they be just as dangerous as the Clinic was? We should be looking for a safe place for these people, not bringing them into more danger."

Earth: Greenland

Insa frowned. "Oh. Yeah. The other people. I was just thinking that if we can't stop Emma maybe would could try and slow her down. She's headed after bindpoints and gets stuff from them that helps her. If we were to defend one of them it would at least slow her down. And not all of them collapse. The first one didn't. It was just fine. But yeah we should probably find a place for the other patients first." Insa looked over towards the people the had saved. "...Unless the want to help us..."

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4 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

It drained out of him, the sluggishness that he'd always seen in other creatures began to fall upon him.

Quietly he cried out, his pitiful mewls growing weaker by the drop.

Soon he closed his eyes for what must be the last time.

One last thought flitted through his mind, "I hope my family will be alright."

And then it was gone. The fire began to dim in his eyes.

Barely out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the shadows lengthen. And then the screaming began. And he felt the rage of his twin. It tore through them, the shadows bleeding into them. And then they burst and Wizard shut his eyes to the carnage. But he still felt that rage and pain.

Weakly he sent a feeling that he was alive and the shadows turned on him. In that moment he felt fear. Surely she wouldn't turn them on him, would she? 

3 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Mysterious Forest Path

Calano grit his teeth. Surely this hooded figure was lying.

Calano, deflecting blows, leaped to the side and swung. One of the staffs in the figures hand was sheared right through by his Lightsword.

The Lightsword kept on traveling, before stopping right next to the figures neck.

"Start," Calano said slowly, and firmly, "Talking."

"About what? You are a fool to think you could come here Calano J. Corvus. It will only end in pain for you."


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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"About what? You are a fool to think you could come here Calano J. Corvus. It will only end in pain for you."


Mysterious Forest Path

"Start," Calano repeated, more firmly, "Talking. Tell me what you know, or I swear I will slice your neck like a fish."

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