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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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1 hour ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"Heck if I know..." Thaidakar started seeing if he could contact Platypus with his powers.

Inside Platypus' brain, any message got lost in the energy. Platypus panicked in his head. What do I do, what do I do, what do I do? I can't be in this situation again. Could it be Thaidakar? I don't know. I guess it might be him or the others, but... I don't know if I can risk it. Platypus stops retreating. I've got to trust. I was on my own then. Now I'm not. Platypus slowly dissolves the energy protecting him, leaving his mind open to communication. Seeing a red thread isolated in the brain and... pulled somehow.


so what I'm imagining here is Thaidakar feels a pulling sensation towards Platypus. If he lets himself be pulled in, his consciousness will be pulled into Platypus' mind, if he doesn't, his attempts at communication is futile, because Platypus doesn't know how else he could let someone in/communicate with someone.


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Just now, Being of Cacophony said:

Inside Platypus' brain, any message got lost in the energy. Platypus panicked in his head. What do I do, what do I do, what do I do? I can't be in this situation again. Could it be Thaidakar? I don't know. I guess it might be him or the others, but... I don't know if I can risk it. Platypus stops retreating. I've got to trust. I was on my own then. Now I'm not. Platypus slowly dissolves the energy protecting him, leaving his mind open to communication. Seeing a red thread isolated in the brain and... pulled somehow.


Thaidakar let himself be pulled in. Thaidakar seemed to materialize in Platypus's mind, "Nice place you have. Nicer than most I've been to in millennia..."

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4 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Thaidakar let himself be pulled in. Thaidakar seemed to materialize in Platypus's mind, "Nice place you have. Nicer than most I've been to in millennia..."

Platypus slowly lets himself relax. "Oh, thank heavens it's you and not them." He bites the end of a word, disgusted. "That would have been bad."

Platypus looks around. "Oh, that's mostly because I'm unconscious right now. It'll be much worse when I regain consciousness. Most stuff is in my subconsciousness at the moment. Did you try other ways to see if I'm alive before coming into my mind? When people come into my mind, I tend to get... paranoid."


in the real world, Thaidakar will have also collapsed.

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4 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

A maniac fire lit in the wolf's eyes as the fight began again.

His scythe staff began to twirl, deflecting the swords to the side. The blade sung through the air as it sliced the air, heading toward's Calano's gut.


Mysterious Forest Path

Calano leaped up with a Hup!, dodging the blades by a hair.

He came crashing down, bringing his swords down upon the staff, to knock it out of Death's hands.

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Rue walked through with the last of the people, then turned to them. "If you want to come with us to help fight Kaos, you can. If not, there are caverns here where you can stay until the danger is past."

@Ati16 @Nameless* @The Bookwyrm @InfiniteInsanity

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Earth: Greenland

Insa took a quick look around the area to make sure everyone made it though. Almost everyone had left except for a little girl. She looked unsure of what to do.

Insa smiled she looked about the same at a her sister had been, about 9. Insa walked over. "Hello. I'm Insa. What's your name?"

 " Zahra" She mumbled.

"Zahra? " The girl nodded. "Well Zahra, my friend has a place where we can be safe for a little while. Will you come with me?"

Zahra frowned. "I don't know. New places are scary. And I don't think I'm brave enough to do that."

"That's okay. " Insa thought for a moment. "But you'll be a lot safer there than here. And I'll stay with you as much as I can. So I can help you if you get too scared. I promise." 

Zahra was thoughtful for a few seconds. "Okay." Then she walked through the wyrmhole. Insa smiled and followed her. 


Insa shielded her face and looked out over the sand. It looked endless except for the rock formation. It felt a little out of place. Insa pointed to it. "I'm pretty sure that's where we're going but we should check first." Zahra nodded. Insa motioned for Zahra to follow and walked over to Bookwyrm.

"We're headed to the rock thing over there right?"

@The Bookwyrm

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Ati started filling his brassmind to cool his body. Sadly feruchemy didn't help against the blowing sand and the sun shining directly at his eyes. Refnet definitely wasn't his favourite planet. 

They finally reached the rock formation and Ati paused for a moment before entering. "Do we need to worry about anyone on this planet discovering us?" he asked Bookwyrm.

@The Bookwyrm, @Nameless*, @InfiniteInsanity, @Aes Sedai

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Matra almost screamed as Thaidakar collapsed next to Platypus. “Not you as well!”

She turned desperately to X, her eyes brimming with frantic, almost hysterical concern. “What do we do now? What if they’re both dead and we’re on our own and we just let one of Calano’s most trusted advisors get killed? What then?!” She was shouting now, hands gesticulating agitatedly.


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19 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Platypus slowly lets himself relax. "Oh, thank heavens it's you and not them." He bites the end of a word, disgusted. "That would have been bad."

Platypus looks around. "Oh, that's mostly because I'm unconscious right now. It'll be much worse when I regain consciousness. Most stuff is in my subconsciousness at the moment. Did you try other ways to see if I'm alive before coming into my mind? When people come into my mind, I tend to get... paranoid."

Thaidakar nodded, "I checked your pulse and tried to sense you with my powers, that's it. Those are the first to things I generally think of." The power seemed to think it was funny that Thaid had said "My powers".

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55 minutes ago, Shadowed said:

Matra almost screamed as Thaidakar collapsed next to Platypus. “Not you as well!”

She turned desperately to X, her eyes brimming with frantic, almost hysterical concern. “What do we do now? What if they’re both dead and we’re on our own and we just let one of Calano’s most trusted advisors get killed? What then?!” She was shouting now, hands gesticulating agitatedly.


X exhaled. "Maybe if I do the same thing he did I can figure out what happened." He dropped down next to Platypus and Thaidakar and extended his hand towards his head.

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Zahra watched Bookwyrm walked away. "That's your friend?" Insa nodded. "How do you know you can trust him?" 

"I'm not entirely sure how I know. I just do." Zahra frowed. She looked up into Insa's eyes. Before she had been sent to the Clinic her mother had always told her you could learn things from peoples eyes. Her mother had made her practice reading a person's eyes. Sometimes she was right and other times people seemed so guarded she couldn't tell anything. All Zahra could see in Insa's eyes was pain. Hidden pain but it was there. "Did you get hurt?" 


Insa frowned. "I mean I got a little bruised and maybe some small cuts while the clinic was falling." How did Zahra know? She wasn't openly hurt. "We should get moving. I want to see what we have here." Zahra nodded. She looked a little confused and concerned. "I'm fine Zahra."

Insa started walking and Zahra followed. "How old are you?"


"Do you have any magic?"

"I don't know."

"Why were you at the clinic?"

Zahra shrugged. "My mom liked the books and gave me them and I liked them a little too much. I used to pretend that I was someone in the books and I was always imagining little conversations with the other characters. Once I got there I mostly just stayed in the library. It was nice and cozy. And the books were good."

You know she might not be safe there.

What do you mean?

You're sister could probably find her.

Emma could probably find anyone she wanted to. I don't know that there is a way to fully hide.

2 hours ago, Ati16 said:

"Do we need to worry about anyone on this planet discovering us?" he asked Bookwyrm.

Insa and Zahra reached Ati just in time to hear his question. "I don't know about anyone currently on this planet but if Emma or Kaos really wanted to they could probably find us."

@Ati16 @The Bookwyrm

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1 hour ago, Shadowed said:

Matra almost screamed as Thaidakar collapsed next to Platypus. “Not you as well!”

She turned desperately to X, her eyes brimming with frantic, almost hysterical concern. “What do we do now? What if they’re both dead and we’re on our own and we just let one of Calano’s most trusted advisors get killed? What then?!” She was shouting now, hands gesticulating agitatedly.


11 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

X exhaled. "Maybe if I do the same thing he did I can figure out what happened." He dropped down next to Platypus and Thaidakar and extended his hand towards his head.

39 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Thaidakar nodded, "I checked your pulse and tried to sense you with my powers, that's it. Those are the first to things I generally think of." The power seemed to think it was funny that Thaid had said "My powers".

Platypus grimaced. "I suppose I should have mentioned this. Did you check my wrist? Or my neck? Because my pulse can't be found there. I have a very different biology than you humans. Remind me to tell you about it sometime when we're not pressed for time to stop Emma."

Platypus looks around his mind. "Actually, hold that thought."

Platypus walks a few steps away as a thread the size of a ribbon appears in the space that he was standing just moments ago. He walks to it. "If I pull this, whichever person is trying to sense my mind will be brought in. That's how I brought you in, so I assume this is either X or Matra. Will you still show a pulse? Your mind probably won't appear to be working as it is mostly in mine at the moment. Either way, we should probably exit here soon so they don't get too worried. If they don't know what's going on, this could look bad, especially since it would seem to them like I'm dead and somehow touching my mind killed you."

Platypus pushes the thread away, and then notices there is a thread still connected to Thaidakar's shoe. "That's probably how you get out of here. Either pull, push, or cut that line and you'll be back to your own body. Probably. I'm new to this."

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1 minute ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Platypus grimaced. "I suppose I should have mentioned this. Did you check my wrist? Or my neck? Because my pulse can't be found there. I have a very different biology than you humans. Remind me to tell you about it sometime when we're not pressed for time to stop Emma."

Platypus looks around his mind. "Actually, hold that thought."

Platypus walks a few steps away as a thread the size of a ribbon appears in the space that he was standing just moments ago. He walks to it. "If I pull this, whichever person is trying to sense my mind will be brought in. That's how I brought you in, so I assume this is either X or Matra. Will you still show a pulse? Your mind probably won't appear to be working as it is mostly in mine at the moment. Either way, we should probably exit here soon so they don't get too worried. If they don't know what's going on, this could look bad, especially since it would seem to them like I'm dead and somehow touching my mind killed you."

Platypus pushes the thread away, and then notices there is a thread still connected to Thaidakar's shoe. "That's probably how you get out of here. Either pull, push, or cut that line and you'll be back to your own body. Probably. I'm new to this."

"Good. This could be very useful, Platypus. Very useful indeed..." Thaidakar reached for the thread. "I'll go back to my body now." He pulled on it. 

Thaidakar woke up with a jerk. He looked around and blinked, "Platypus is fine."

@Shadowed @xinoehp512

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13 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"Good. This could be very useful, Platypus. Very useful indeed..." Thaidakar reached for the thread. "I'll go back to my body now." He pulled on it. 

Thaidakar woke up with a jerk. He looked around and blinked, "Platypus is fine."

@Shadowed @xinoehp512

Platypus pulled himself out of his mind. He wakes to X's hand near his head. "Scud!"

He rolls and stands up in a swordsman's stance, Blades in hand, before realizing that it was X. "Oh. Sorry. It sounds like you were worried. Sorry, I'm not normally like this. I think the explosion from Emma point blank had an effect after all. Although... it did seem like i was... knocked out forcibly or something. I'm sure it'll be fine."

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3 hours ago, Ati16 said:

They finally reached the rock formation and Ati paused for a moment before entering. "Do we need to worry about anyone on this planet discovering us?" he asked Bookwyrm.


"No. The planet is completely uninhabited by anyone intelligent, anyone that would seek to do us harm. And it's far enough from Kaos that we'll be okay."

He reached the rock formation, and stepped off the sand and onto the stone.

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Ati entered the cavern and looked around. "The question is, what are we going to do next? Even if these people would be willing to fight with us, we don't know where the others are. Do we know where the other pillars are and can we reach the others some way? We have hundreds of people here and many have magical abilities. Maybe someone has some communication ability that would help us contact the others and organize a resistance against Kaos."


Yay! 100 posts.

@The Bookwyrm, @Nameless*, @Aes Sedai, @InfiniteInsanity

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On 3/31/2023 at 0:00 PM, The Bookwyrm said:


"No. The planet is completely uninhabited by anyone intelligent, anyone that would seek to do us harm. And it's far enough from Kaos that we'll be okay."

He reached the rock formation, and stepped off the sand and onto the stone.

Insa grabbed Bookwyrm's arm. "Kaos is still in me. And I assume in you too. But Emma's connection to me as my sister means no matter what you or anyone does there is still a way for Kaos to affect me. Occasionally it takes control of my magic and I lose control. Remember when I hit you? I have no control. And whatever you did to keep it out of my head won't hold forever. Everything Emma does will only make Kaos stronger. I'm fairly certain that there isn't a way to be far enough away from Kaos." She let go of his arm. "I don't want to hurt anyone. I've caused enough fear for these people. Maybe I shouldn't be here."

@The Bookwyrm

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On 3/30/2023 at 0:14 PM, The Wandering Wizard said:

The memory ended and Wizard shivered, cold sweat coating his fur. 

Shaking violently he tried to expell the water, but it refused to leave his fur. Already he felt it begining to freeze as the cold dread clutched at his heart. She was nearly here.

Mysterious Forest Path

Emma tread through the woods, following the trail of light. It was almost the same path she'd followed years before. Blinking the branches appeared bloody but blinking again they disappeared. Shaking her head Emma tried to dispel the memories as she hunted her twin on the very path she saved him once before.

On 3/30/2023 at 4:54 PM, CalanoCorvus said:

Mysterious Forest Path

Calano leaped up with a Hup!, dodging the blades by a hair.

He came crashing down, bringing his swords down upon the staff, to knock it out of Death's hands.

Death tightened his grasp on his staff. And the swords clove through the staff, making it two short sickles instead of a single sickle staff. 

Death grinned at Calano as a purplish-red fire began to burn around the blades. And howling he crashed back into him, sicklings swinging for the jugular.

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13 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Death tightened his grasp on his staff. And the swords clove through the staff, making it two short sickles instead of a single sickle staff. 

Death grinned at Calano as a purplish-red fire began to burn around the blades. And howling he crashed back into him, sicklings swinging for the jugular.

Mysterious Forest Path

Calano tensed his chest, ducking backwards as fast as he could. The sickles flew over his face, taking a couple strands of hair with them.

Too close. He thought.

He stumbled back, standing back up, then brought his swords up and to the side, and swung inward at Death, trying to trap him in his blades.

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On 3/31/2023 at 10:25 AM, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"Good. This could be very useful, Platypus. Very useful indeed..." Thaidakar reached for the thread. "I'll go back to my body now." He pulled on it. 

Thaidakar woke up with a jerk. He looked around and blinked, "Platypus is fine."

@Shadowed @xinoehp512

On 3/31/2023 at 10:47 AM, Being of Cacophony said:

Platypus pulled himself out of his mind. He wakes to X's hand near his head. "Scud!"

He rolls and stands up in a swordsman's stance, Blades in hand, before realizing that it was X. "Oh. Sorry. It sounds like you were worried. Sorry, I'm not normally like this. I think the explosion from Emma point blank had an effect after all. Although... it did seem like i was... knocked out forcibly or something. I'm sure it'll be fine."

X exhaled in relief, then frowned. "Who's Emma?"

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