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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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8 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

"Oh, well I can't really help you then. Thaidakar probably knew him better anyway."

Platypus resumes pacing.

"So what's our plan? Do we go for the bind points or try to meet up with the rest of the survivors?"

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Shadowed

“Maybe we should go for the bind points, while we have the chance. We’ve got nothing to lose, right?”


What exactly is a “bind point”?


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7 hours ago, Shadowed said:

“Maybe we should go for the bind points, while we have the chance. We’ve got nothing to lose, right?”


"I just feel like we would do better if we had others with us to defend it. But... we could probably go for a bind point if someone can take us there."


bind points are like the things Emma Korrupted at the clinic, giving them a Kaos weapon and they are what is keeping the Kaos bound I think.


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3 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

"I just feel like we would do better if we had others with us to defend it. But... we could probably go for a bind point if someone can take us there."



Ah, thanks.

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Matra sighed. She wasn’t usually this rash, but recent events were beginning to take their toll. She turned to X. “Do you think you could take us to one? We can pick up some of the survivors on the way - there’s a group that followed me around last time we were here, so they’d probably be loyal.”

@xinoehp512 @Being of Cacophony @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

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1 hour ago, Shadowed said:

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Matra sighed. She wasn’t usually this rash, but recent events were beginning to take their toll. She turned to X. “Do you think you could take us to one? We can pick up some of the survivors on the way - there’s a group that followed me around last time we were here, so they’d probably be loyal.”

@xinoehp512 @Being of Cacophony @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

Platypus grimaced. "There really isn't a good option here. What we really need is Calano back. Everything will be easier when he gets back. And when he comes back, Wizard will probably come with him. Wizard is powerful and on our side. He'll help. Any opinions on this Thaidakar? X?"

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23 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

"Oh, well I can't really help you then. Thaidakar probably knew him better anyway."

Platypus resumes pacing.

"So what's our plan? Do we go for the bind points or try to meet up with the rest of the survivors?"

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Shadowed

X opened his mouth to answer bind points, but then remembered just how useful he'd been at the last bind point. He closed his mouth. While the bind points were important, they needed allies more than anything.

3 hours ago, Shadowed said:

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Matra sighed. She wasn’t usually this rash, but recent events were beginning to take their toll. She turned to X. “Do you think you could take us to one? We can pick up some of the survivors on the way - there’s a group that followed me around last time we were here, so they’d probably be loyal.”

@xinoehp512 @Being of Cacophony @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

"If Thaidakar can read my mind and open a gate that way, yeah."

2 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Platypus grimaced. "There really isn't a good option here. What we really need is Calano back. Everything will be easier when he gets back. And when he comes back, Wizard will probably come with him. Wizard is powerful and on our side. He'll help. Any opinions on this Thaidakar? X?"

"I... we need to get to the bind points, but we also need people who can help defend them- I doubt we'll be able to do it on our own."

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30 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

X opened his mouth to answer bind points, but then remembered just how useful he'd been at the last bind point. He closed his mouth. While the bind points were important, they needed allies more than anything.

"If Thaidakar can read my mind and open a gate that way, yeah."

"I... we need to get to the bind points, but we also need people who can help defend them- I doubt we'll be able to do it on our own."

"Unfortunately, that's what I'm thinking too. I won't be able to do much, I might pass out in combat like I did earlier. And just Thaidakar, Matra, and you, I don't think we can defend one from all the forces of Kaos. With me our odds go up about 1%. Maybe. So did anyone catch where the others were planning to go?"

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On 4/4/2023 at 6:16 AM, CalanoCorvus said:

Mysterious Forest Path

Calano tensed his chest, ducking backwards as fast as he could. The sickles flew over his face, taking a couple strands of hair with them.

Too close. He thought.

He stumbled back, standing back up, then brought his swords up and to the side, and swung inward at Death, trying to trap him in his blades.

@The Wandering Wizard


wizard please please let’s get this done then we can move on to the Path of Body and then the REAL stuff goes down.


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9 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

wizard please please let’s get this done then we can move on to the Path of Body and then the REAL stuff goes down.


I am trying but I am swamped and I just got over being sick. I am trying but I don't know if I'll have too much time today or tomorrow or this week at all


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On 4/3/2023 at 4:57 PM, The Wandering Wizard said:

Mysterious Forest Path

Emma tread through the woods, following the trail of light. It was almost the same path she'd followed years before. Blinking the branches appeared bloody but blinking again they disappeared. Shaking her head Emma tried to dispel the memories as she hunted her twin on the very path she saved him once before.

On 3/30/2023 at 4:54 PM, CalanoCorvus said:

Thoughts of Wizard invaded her mind and swiftly she crushed them. Ruthlessly she tore them apart, seeking from them the location of Wizard. Speedily Emma found where he lay and soon she looked down on his body. Violet cords of lightning thrumed across her palms and lashed them around Wizard, holding him in place.

Wizard didn't fight, he just looked up at Emma and gently smiled at her. He did not speak but just simply smiled. Slowly the life drained from him and in one final burst of energy he spoke. "I forgive you Emma." And with that he fell limp, his form lolling to the ground. 

The energy retreated back into Emma and she stood motionless over his body.

"You were wrong. You could have joined me but instead you choose to die. You finally have rest you always wanted though now."

Emma turned away and left his body where it lay. Alone in the woods where none would ever touch it. 

Transforming Emma ran as a dark fossadile to the North, where Calano was.

@CalanoCorvus @Telrao

On 4/4/2023 at 6:16 AM, CalanoCorvus said:

Mysterious Forest Path

Calano tensed his chest, ducking backwards as fast as he could. The sickles flew over his face, taking a couple strands of hair with them.

Too close. He thought.

He stumbled back, standing back up, then brought his swords up and to the side, and swung inward at Death, trying to trap him in his blades.

Death leaped backwards and then froze. A grin spread across his face and he began laughing. "There is little hope for you now that your protector is dead."

Death disappeared, his red eyes and grin hanging in the air for a moment after he disappeared.

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Just now, InfiniteInsanity said:
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Would Insa be able to tell that anything had happened?



Yes, yes she would.

Sorry I've been out of the loop too long I forget xD

Yes, she would sense the death of her brother


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3 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Death leaped backwards and then froze. A grin spread across his face and he began laughing. "There is little hope for you now that your protector is dead."

Death disappeared, his red eyes and grin hanging in the air for a moment after he disappeared.

Mysterious Forest Path

Calano frowned as Death vanished, then sank to the ground, breathing heavily.

What had that mean-

Oh no.

Calano felt it. Felt Wizard die. Again.

No, no no no. Not again, please not again.

The edges of his vision went dark, and his breathing sped up. Who… who killed him? His demons?

Surely he should be fine. This had to be part of the test. Calano just had to power through; he just had to push forward.

He struggled to his feet, feeling like a piece of himself was missing, and trudged forward.

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Refnet: Underworld Entrance

A vision flashed through his mind. A sense of loss.

Bookwyrm's eyes widened.

He turned and saw Insa, a look of dread on her face.


Bookwyrm shoved his mind into the space between dimensions, looking for the place where it had happened. It was easy. The emptiness was almost tangible.

He found it...a dreamscape-like plane, a path in a forest. A world with no form where it was all coming together.

Bookwyrm turned to Insa and Rue.

"Get the patients into the cavern. Just jump down the hole. The wind will help you land softly, and the cavern should be filled with vegetation. Fruit and vegetables to eat. Animals to hunt, if needed. Fresh water. Just make sure they're safe before you leave."

Then space and time warped around him, and he vanished.

Mysterious Forest Path

Bookwyrm appeared directly in front of Emma as she ran. He summoned his spear-staff and swung the light-laced blade at Emma while simultaneously trapping her in a gravitational field to hold her still.

@The Wandering Wizard


I tried to do @Emma at first without thinking.


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Just now, The Bookwyrm said:

I tried to do @Emma at first without thinking.




Uhhh, he's gonna get corrupted you know :P

Which will corrupt Insa

Oh how I do love irrational emotions! It gives me more people to corrupt! :D

She's going to grab the spear by the hilt and snap it in half if you have no objections :P


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Just now, The Bookwyrm said:

Oh, she can snap it...

Bookwyrm knows he can stall long enough for Calano to do something. He's not going to let him fight alone.


The thing is, Calano needs to run and not come :P


8 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm appeared directly in front of Emma as she ran. He summoned his spear-staff and swung the light-laced blade at Emma while simultaneously trapping her in a gravitational field to hold her still.


Mysterious Forest

Growling Emma gathered her power and shattered the field. She barely dodged to the side, but she grasped the grip of the spear and shattered it. Sending shards of light and corrupted light everywhere.

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Mysterious Forest

The fragments of the spear dissolved into light.

What are you DOING?!


Bookwyrm rolled and re-summoned his spear. It appeared out of glittering light back into his hand. 

"Why?!" he asked, standing and pointing the speartip at Emma. "Why would you-"

He cut off.

"You're really gone, aren't you?" he said softly. "Emma is dead. You aren't Emma. You're Kaos."

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