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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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2 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

Muffled screaming emanated from a dark pit in the ground. It was a wonder no one had noticed it, as Ranryu had been stuck inside for over a week.

The screaming enters Emma's dreams and twists them into nightmares. Nightmares of her time as the Nethergrim. Cold sweat breaks over Emma's skin and she begins to start shivering.

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"Seriously people!" Ranryu shouted. "The only thing to do down here is this beat-up copy of Little House on the Prairie, and I've already read it a billion times. Can someone let me out? I was almost done with the last Skyward Flight novella!!"

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Ranryu frowned, her face thoughtful.

"I'm not really sure. I was somewhere else, and then I was here, you know? The Wizard was kind of like 'come over here, it's fun and you can read a lot of books and stuff', so I came."

She backed a safe distance away from the hole as she said this.

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Bookwyrm thanked Ranryu and climbed up the rope.

"I was cursed with bad luck when I was stabbed by a chicken with the knife that killed Wizard," Bookwyrm said. "I have to go find a severed jackalope foot to cure it permanently, but I'm using Chromium Feruchemy and Luck Potions in the meantime to counter the worse effects. For now."

Edited by The Bookwyrm
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1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Three? Bookwyrm asked. "Who's the third?

"And yes, before you ask, I can read your mind. Sometimes. I have a few different powers."

"You, Cellist, and Ranyru of course. And if you can read my mind, you should be able to know what question I want to ask you."

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