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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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50 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Goodbye, Lark. I will remain. See you in hell.

The presence left the room, leaving Lark emotionally and mentally distraught.

He got over it quickly, although he was upset that Calano had left before he could clarify the exact relationship between his and Calano's hold on the clinic. He'd always wanted an opportunity to monologue.

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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"Can't you see?"

"....The chickens?"

Bookwyrm felt the absence of Calano's mind.

He's dead. I had hoped to contact his consciousness...to ask him about the Scourge...to figure out why that dimension existed in the first place. Why a Brandofandonitis clinic?

I guess I'm going to have to look a little harder for those answers.

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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The clinic booms from the sheer force of "YUP!" as the Yuppers tackle Ranryu and welcome her home.

How To Make A Storm Dragon, For Beginners

First, take the idea of a dragon. Paper or paintings work, but in this case, you decide to use a yugioh card. Next, add three essences of sky. Lightning for power, nimbus clouds for intelligence, and a Pure Zephyr for the breath of life. Put all these ingredients in the corpse of a wrongly murdered child. No need to murder one yourself. There are plenty of corpses to be found in human graveyards. Say the magic words your grandyupper taught you.

"Yup. Yup! YUP!!"

Now take your newly made baby dragon and teach her about life. Teach her about freedom, justice, and fire. Teach her about the Yuppers.

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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

when do we get emmas reaction to calano's death :eyes:



Later, when I have the proper ammount of time to do it justice, not enough time during Animal Biology

50 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"....The chickens?"


"No, not the chickens. Have you seen the destruction around the clinic?"

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4 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"I haven't...I wasn't aware it existed."

"You weren't aware that you existed!?" Wizard snorts in disgust. "I had thought better of you. I was wrong. You're all going to die, succumbing to yourselves." And with that Wizard disappears.

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Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:

"You weren't aware that you existed!?" Wizard snorts in disgust. "I had thought better of you. I was wrong. You're all going to die, succumbing to yourselves." And with that Wizard disappears.

That wasn't the real Wizard, Bookwyrm reminded himself. He tried not to let it disturb him.

Bookwyrm reached out with his mind again, into the empty void of this part of the Astral Plane, searching for where he needed to go next.

If anywhere....

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Lark appeared in the middle of the confused group, dark circles under his eyes. "Fortunately, I can inform you as to what has happened. The chickens have left the clinic with Emma, and Calano died, meaning I am now truly the rightful owner of this clinic." He glanced around at all the destruction and chaos, eyes narrowing. "There is quite a bit of work left to do here."

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Emma awakes to the ripping of her soul in twain, no darkness to hide in, just a room full of light and mocking voices. Emma closes her eyes and is assulted

A boy with a shock of black hair pokes his head into the darkness and extends his hand. Light bathes his face as he smiles at Emma. "Hi I'm Calano. Who are you?"

"I'm Emma-"

The boy hurries on. "Why are you in a tree?"

Emma shrinks down. '"It's where the darkness is."

"That's a funny answer. Why would anyone want to hide from the light? It's beautiful up here."

"The light is too bright, it's safer in here."

The boy cocks his head "Not really."

Emma snaps. "You don't know what it is to be burned by the light!"

Emma's eyes fly open and she trembles, sweat breaks over her skin. He can't be gone, he he he lives, he MUST! LARK! HE INVITED THE CHICKENS, THE MONSTERS THAT TOOK WIZARD AND NOW MY CALANO FROM ME!

Emma yanks on the chains, searing the light into her flesh. She screams, but the voices inside condemn her, again, and again, and again. Wrists blistered, throat hoarse, Emma croaks out "why?"

The voices gleefully answer. "You deserved it. You never deserved them." And Emma crumples, her spirit splintering under the crushing weight of loss, despair, and hopelessness.

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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34 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Emma awakes to the ripping of her soul in twain, no darkness to hide in, just a room full of light and mocking voices. Emma closes her eyes and is assulted

A boy with a shock of black hair pokes his head into the darkness and extends his hand. Light bathes his face as he smiles at Emma. "Hi I'm Calano. Who are you?"

"I'm Emma-"

The boy hurries on. "Why are you in a tree?"

Emma shrinks down. '"It's where the darkness is."

"That's a funny answer. Why would anyone want to hide from the light? It's beautiful up here."

"The light is too bright, it's safer in here."

The boy cocks his head "Not really."

Emma snaps. "You don't know what it is to be burned by the light!"

Emma's eyes fly open and she trembles, sweat breaks over her skin. He can't be gone, he he he lives, he MUST! LARK! HE INVITED THE CHICKENS, THE MONSTERS THAT TOOK WIZARD AND NOW MY CALANO FROM ME!

Emma yanks on the chains, searing the light into her flesh. She screams, but the voices inside condemn her, again, and again, and again. Wrists blistered, throat hoarse, Emma croaks out "why?"

The voices gleefully answer. "You deserved it. You never deserved them." And Emma crumples, her spirit splintering under the crushing weight of loss, despair, and hopelessness.

Emma heard a familiar voice beside her. "Hey, Emma! Glad to see you're finally awake. How's the clinic doing?"

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