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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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7 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

He appears on white ground, the sky is blue with clouds in the sky. The white tiger appears, snarling, and it charges at Bookwyrm.

Bookwyrm reminds himself that he isn't here in person, but he doesn't want his mind to be wounded. He disperses himself, temporarily dissolving his figure in the Astral Plane, and lets the White Tiger dive through him. Then he re-forms.

Bookwyrm attempts to probe the mind of the White Tiger to figure out why it's attacking.

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6 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm reminds himself that he isn't here in person, but he doesn't want his mind to be wounded. He disperses himself, temporarily dissolving his figure in the Astral Plane, and lets the White Tiger dive through him. Then he re-forms.

Bookwyrm attempts to probe the mind of the White Tiger to figure out why it's attacking.

The probe runs into a solid wall and all of Bookwyrm's powers vanish. The white tiger pounces again, snarling.


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2 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The probe runs into a solid wall and all of Bookwyrm's powers vanish. The white tiger pounces again, snarling.

Bookwyrm didn't have time to react. The loss of his mental powers shocked him, so he did nothing to get out of the way. The White Tiger soared through the air, directly towards him.

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4 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm didn't have time to react. The loss of his mental powers shocked him, so he did nothing to get out of the way. The White Tiger soared through the air, directly towards him.

The white tiger's mouth closes on Bookwyrm's head and the landscape goes white. A pure note rides in Bookwyrm's consciousness and a voice speaks Hello There.

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Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:

The white tiger's mouth closes on Bookwyrm's head and the landscape goes white. A pure note rides in Bookwyrm's consciousness and a voice speaks Hello There.

Bookwyrm opened his eyes and looked around his new landscape.

Is this the part where I make a moderately obscure Star Wars reference? he tentatively sent out into the void. 

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5 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"...Emma? Are you alright?" Nameless' voice sounded concerned. "Did something happen at the clinic?"

Emma's hollow eyes meet Nameless's eyes. "They're all dead."

3 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Is this the part where I make a moderately obscure Star Wars reference? he tentatively sent out into the void. 

The white tiger appears. You do you will, hmmm?

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13 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Emma awakes to the ripping of her soul in twain, no darkness to hide in, just a room full of light and mocking voices. Emma closes her eyes and is assulted

A boy with a shock of black hair pokes his head into the darkness and extends his hand. Light bathes his face as he smiles at Emma. "Hi I'm Calano. Who are you?"

"I'm Emma-"

The boy hurries on. "Why are you in a tree?"

Emma shrinks down. '"It's where the darkness is."

"That's a funny answer. Why would anyone want to hide from the light? It's beautiful up here."

"The light is too bright, it's safer in here."

The boy cocks his head "Not really."

Emma snaps. "You don't know what it is to be burned by the light!"

Emma's eyes fly open and she trembles, sweat breaks over her skin. He can't be gone, he he he lives, he MUST! LARK! HE INVITED THE CHICKENS, THE MONSTERS THAT TOOK WIZARD AND NOW MY CALANO FROM ME!

Emma yanks on the chains, searing the light into her flesh. She screams, but the voices inside condemn her, again, and again, and again. Wrists blistered, throat hoarse, Emma croaks out "why?"

The voices gleefully answer. "You deserved it. You never deserved them." And Emma crumples, her spirit splintering under the crushing weight of loss, despair, and hopelessness.




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Lark was optimistic as he began rebuilding the clinic. The first thing he fixed was the destroyed library, and this time he made sure to put in a state-of-the-art magical fire suppression system to prevent further unfortunate incidents. After that, he took the opportunity to renovate many of the destroyed halls, putting in library outposts to help with the controlled distribution of Sanderson books. After all the fighting, he needed a lot more staff, so he put out a 'help wanted' sign and began taking applications. All in all, things were looking up.

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As Bookwyrm waited for the White Tiger's response, he checked his mental life line. His body was still unconscious in the basement of the clinic, though he had no way of knowing what was happening out of that small cell. After a quick scan, making sure nothing was too wrong, Bookwyrm turned his attention back to the Astral Plane.

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7 minutes ago, Nameless said:

Lark was optimistic as he began rebuilding the clinic. The first thing he fixed was the destroyed library, and this time he made sure to put in a state-of-the-art magical fire suppression system to prevent further unfortunate incidents. After that, he took the opportunity to renovate many of the destroyed halls, putting in library outposts to help with the controlled distribution of Sanderson books. After all the fighting, he needed a lot more staff, so he put out a 'help wanted' sign and began taking applications. All in all, things were looking up.

The Yuppers (all twelve of them) applied for the job. They needed the money for their plans.

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14 minutes ago, Nameless said:

Lark walked into the interview room, observing the twelve people inside with a discerning eye. "So, what are your qualifications for this job?"

"Yup." said Grandpa Yupper.

The other Yuppers heeded his command and began arm wrestling each other to show off their incredible strength. One Yupper smashed Lark's desk in two with his forehead. 

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55 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

"Yup." said Grandpa Yupper.

The other Yuppers heeded his command and began arm wrestling each other to show off their incredible strength. One Yupper smashed Lark's desk in two with his forehead. 

"Uh... we don't need security at the moment."

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8 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"Uh... we don't need security at the moment."

The Yuppers thought for a second, then hurried to repair the desk, making it as good as new in under a minute. The Yupper who had broken it quickly polished the top with his furry arm.

"There you are Grandpa!" Ranryu walked in and hugged Grandpa Yupper.

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"Sort of. This is my adopted grandpa and my cousins. Calano locked them in the basement, and they just got out."

The eleven younger Yuppers crowded Ranryu and spoke in their strange Yupper language. 

"Yup. Yup yup yupyupyup?"

"Yup! Yup yup yup yupyup."

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