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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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Just now, CalanoCorvus said:

Ghalano looked up at Thaidakar. "Who? And why?"

"Because if you do, something big will happen. You too used to know eachother well, but now... if you meet them again everything could collapse. At least wait a page or two before you do it so I can fix this mess."

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4 minutes ago, Nameless said:

Lark frowned, placing a hand on TAAron's forehead, then turned to Haly. "He's having an allergic reaction to something. He needs medication from the infirmary. Can you get it?"

Haly: “Yeah. Of course.” Flies off through the wall and returns running on foot as herself holding a big bag “I wasn’t sure which one, so I brought them all.” Sets it down carefully 

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Just now, TheHalcyonGirl said:

Haly: “Yeah. Of course.” Flies off through the wall and returns running on foot as herself holding a big bag “I wasn’t sure which one, so I brought them all.” Sets it down carefully 

"Thank you." Lark opens the bad, rustling through it to find an enchanted allergy alleviant. "There. This should do it." He administered the medicine to TAAron. "Can you watch him? He should be fine, and doctors from the infirmary are on their way, but if he isn't, give him this. Lark handed Haly a vial of pinkish liquid. "It should help." With that, he vanished, teleporting back to Emma and the White Tiger.

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6 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"Because if you do, something big will happen. You too used to know eachother well, but now... if you meet them again everything could collapse. At least wait a page or two before you do it so I can fix this mess."

Ghalano glanced at the person in question, a woman, and cocked his head. "...Ok..."

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Just now, CalanoCorvus said:

Ghalano glanced at the person in question, a woman, and cocked his head. "...Ok..."

"Thanks" Thaidakar said, "now, just in case, I'll need you to stay as far as you can away from the person who is sitting on the bench. I'll tell you when you can approach them again, ok? it should be soon."

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Bookwyrm walked over to the combined statues of Calano and Wizard. He had considered saying something to Emma, but...he thought it best to let her figure things out. For now. He'd talk to her soon.

Bookwyrm stood in front of the two statues. Two friends. Two incredible people who had sacrificed so much. Both of them were still here. And yet, in a way, both of them were gone, changed in ways that couldn't be reversed, at least not easily.

Bookwyrm took out a musical instrument. It looked vaguely like a recorder, or perhaps a pennywhistle. It was primarily black, but had blue and white patterns along it's length.

I had considered doing this for a while, Bookwyrm said to Wizard, But it's kind of awkward because you aren't exactly dead. I hope you're okay with this anyway.

Bookwyrm, in front of Calano, Thaidakar, Emma, and technically Wizard, began to play a song.

It was a contemplative melody. Sad, but not hopeless. It was a song of gratitude, of a life well lived and well given. It was grateful to the past, but looked to the future.

As Bookwyrm played, those in earshot began to hear other instruments. Bookwyrm was only playing his instrument, but it sounded as if more joined him, and then other instruments that should have been impossible. String instruments, perhaps a piano. An orchestral melody came from the sound of a small recorder.

Blue motes of light began to rise around the statue, floating towards the ceiling.

Maybe I'm not sending off Calano and Wizard, Bookwyrm thought as he ended the song. But I'm sending off an era. I'm sending off who they once were, and what this place once was.

I can only hope that what this place becomes is something better.

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7 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"Thank you." Lark opens the bad, rustling through it to find an enchanted allergy alleviant. "There. This should do it." He administered the medicine to TAAron. "Can you watch him? He should be fine, and doctors from the infirmary are on their way, but if he isn't, give him this. Lark handed Haly a vial of pinkish liquid. "It should help." With that, he vanished, teleporting back to Emma and the White Tiger.

Haly sighs “Vabysittinf. Oh well. I’m useless anyway.” Uncorks the liquid and force feeds jt to TAAron, then idly turns her hand into a slug, a bluebird, and then a platypus

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TAAron's eyes snapped back into focus. Woah, he thought, what was that stuff? His normal medication for allergic reactions was an injection, his epipen. It was buried in his bag, although he hadn't been able to point it out to the people who helped him. The medicine that the man Lark had given him was completely different, and even worked better.

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2 minutes ago, AspiringArchivist said:

TAAron's eyes snapped back into focus. Woah, he thought, what was that stuff? His normal medication for allergic reactions was an injection, his epipen. It was buried in his bag, although he hadn't been able to point it out to the people who helped him. The medicine that the man Lark had given him was completely different, and even worked better.

Haly: expectantly “You feeling all right? Realizes her hand is still a platypus and shakes it until it pops back to normal 

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2 minutes ago, TheHalcyonGirl said:

Haly: expectantly “You feeling all right? Realizes her hand is still a platypus and shakes it until it pops back to normal 

"Uh, yeah, I guess. Other than... I think I might be hallucinating. Your hand looked like a platypus just a second ago!"

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2 minutes ago, AspiringArchivist said:

"Uh, yeah, I guess. Other than... I think I might be hallucinating. Your hand looked like a platypus just a second ago!"

Haly: blushes “Sorry. I was practicing my shifting. So don’t worry, you’re not.” Smiles brightly

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19 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

I had considered doing this for a while, Bookwyrm said to Wizard, But it's kind of awkward because you aren't exactly dead. I hope you're okay with this anyway.

Wizard becomes silent Where did you learn that song? Wizard begins muttering and ranting in a alien language.

24 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Ghalano glanced at the person in question, a woman, and cocked his head. "...Ok..."

Emma notices that Thaidakar has gone and goes to say hello to the new person in the clinic, the person with gray skin, purple stained hands, and- CALANO?!!! But he looks like he does in my memories. Emma screams, calms herself down and glides over to Calano. "Why do you look like that Calano?"


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5 minutes ago, TheHalcyonGirl said:

Haly: blushes “Sorry. I was practicing my shifting. So don’t worry, you’re not.” Smiles brightly

"Well then... I wonder what I ate that set off the reaction. I've only really had my lunch and the Brandonfandonitis medication recently. What is in that, anyways?"

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2 minutes ago, AspiringArchivist said:

"Well then... I wonder what I ate that set off the reaction. I've only really had my lunch and the Brandonfandonitis medication recently. What is in that, anyways?"

Haly: thinks “I don’t know. There’s Cytonic Slug Slime. That’s all I know.”

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1 minute ago, AspiringArchivist said:

"Ah. I had a pet Boomslug once. Aside from the obvious hazards, it gave me hives."

Haly: cheerfully “Maybe you’re allergic to that, then! If you’re all better, I wanna find someone to fight. What say you? Oh, I’m Haly, by the way.”

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Just now, TheHalcyonGirl said:

Haly: cheerfully “Maybe you’re allergic to that, then! If you’re all better, I wanna find someone to fight. What say you? Oh, I’m Haly, by the way.”

"Uh, nice to meet you? And, what do you mean fight? Like, how? Why?"

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Just now, TheHalcyonGirl said:

Haly: “Fo practice! I’ve never been in combat—not really. I wanna see how I hold up! Don’t you?”

I don't know, do I? TAAron thought. Haly seemed very excited to him. "What would be permitted in the fight?"

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4 minutes ago, AspiringArchivist said:

I don't know, do I? TAAron thought. Haly seemed very excited to him. "What would be permitted in the fight?"

Haly: “Anything! Short of lastin GB harm, that is. 


2 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

A glowing white tiger bursts into the room. I hear you need a referee. I have milenia of experience, anything is permitted but must be stopped before it kills or it will be stopped by force. Now do you want the normal training arena or the astral realm?

Haly: “Cool terrain! With pillars and stuff! And maybe lava!”

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2 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

A glowing white tiger bursts into the room. I hear you need a referee. I have milenia of experience, anything is permitted but must be stopped before it kills or it will be stopped by force. Now do you want the normal training arena or the astral realm?

"AAAAH!" TAAron nearly fell over in shock. "Okay, I guess what she said." He quickly grabbed his bag.

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1 minute ago, AspiringArchivist said:

"AAAAH!" TAAron nearly fell over in shock. "Okay, I guess what she said." He quickly grabbed his bag.

Haly: “YAY!” Examines TAAron “I like you. You’re fun.”

Ok Imma hafta go. I might be on tomorrow early tho. And later. Syl!

Edited by TheHalcyonGirl
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