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"Alright let's have a discussion about how a Wheel of Time versus the Cosmere battle would take place."

@Morningtide @Thaidakar the Ghostblood


I remembered the other franchise that it's better to read summaries than the actual material.

James Cameron's Avatar.


Edited by Frustration
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"Pretty sure sure that the WoT vs Dune conversation is a little more important."

Lyric winced. Why did I say that in a room full of Sanderson crazies? Oh well. It's not like you can edit things that you already said...  Lyric thought to themself.

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"Alright Frustration, here's how it would go: Rand, Perrin, and Mat would win because they're Ta'veren. If Ta'veren isn't allowed, Rand could balefire everything with Callandor, unless a fullborn or Shard stopped him. If Balefire's not allowed, he'd use regular fire. Either that or Androl would kill everyone with a lava gateway."

Edited by Nameless
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48 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"You mean to the Bondsmiths specifically? It's possible, though I doubt the pattern would let that happen. I'd be more worried about what a Bondsmith could do to your connection to the true source.

"Bondsmiths were a part of it, though their power was ment more as a facilitator. Severing a channeler should be possible, that is something I would not have thought of."

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"Yes, but it is likely that such an application would not viable in combat, although it could be useful for captives. Not that there will be many captives, with the general combat superiority of the One Power to most Cosmere magic systems. The only magic that I could see as a match to it in open combat would be Aon Dor, which is extremely limited by location."

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"Fullborn are extremely powerful, but also extremely rare. While they might dominate a single battlefield, there would only be one or two of them at most, meaning their applications would be limited. Channelers, on the other hand, number in the hundreds, can transport themselves and others across huge distances instantly, meaning they provide far more mobility, which is important in war."

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"The Veden and the Alethi are good at strategy and battle, and have Oathgates and Radiants. Fullborn are rare, yes, but if entire societies became focused on trying to beat the Channelers, Steel Inquisitors and extreme Hemalurgy would almost definitely come back, as would Kelsier and Marsh." Tani considered for a bit. " Steel Inquisitors might not actually have to come back, because Kelsier made the Bands of Mourning and could certainly make more metalminds like it. And if it's the whole Cosmere, you have to take into account Kalad's Phantoms, all the Fused, and all the discoveries of all the scholarly communities, which means Aon Dor could possibly be powered by Stormlight, and work effectively, even far from Elantris"

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"If a Bondsmith can find Ta'Veren, and then use that Connection as a destination, and Elantrian can use Aon Tia to drop Ettmetal and water on them. Which admittedly only kills a select few individuals, but those individuals are the most important. We should also consider whether invested objects would resist channeling."

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49 minutes ago, Frustration said:

"If a Bondsmith can find Ta'Veren, and then use that Connection as a destination, and Elantrian can use Aon Tia to drop Ettmetal and water on them. Which admittedly only kills a select few individuals, but those individuals are the most important. We should also consider whether invested objects would resist channeling."

"I don't see any reason why that would work. Until Dalinar can find Odium or Cultivation by connection, we don't have any evidence for that to be the case. Invested objects would resist direct channeling, but hardly anyone directly channels at people. Fireballs and lightning would probably kill even Mat with his medallion, which specifically disable all channeling that touches him. Invested objects would probably just prevent flows from directly affecting them, meaning Shardplate wouldn't be able to be picked up by flows of air, or directly superheated by fire. Power-wrought blades will block Shardblades, and Cuendillar will of course be completely indestructible." None of which will stop channelers from pulling another Dumai's Wells. The only thing that could perhaps give the Cosmere a chance would be power suppressing fabrials."

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2 hours ago, Nameless said:

"Fullborn are extremely powerful, but also extremely rare. While they might dominate a single battlefield, there would only be one or two of them at most, meaning their applications would be limited. Channelers, on the other hand, number in the hundreds, can transport themselves and others across huge distances instantly, meaning they provide far more mobility, which is important in war."


I'm only quoting these two.

2 hours ago, Frustration said:

"If a Bondsmith can find Ta'Veren, and then use that Connection as a destination, and Elantrian can use Aon Tia to drop Ettmetal and water on them. Which admittedly only kills a select few individuals, but those individuals are the most important. We should also consider whether invested objects would resist channeling."

"You could get an Elsecaller or an Oathgate to transport everyone from WoT into Shadesmar and then leave them trapped there. Avoid fighting!"

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19 minutes ago, Morningtide said:

"You could get an Elsecaller or an Oathgate to transport everyone from WoT into Shadesmar and then leave them trapped there. Avoid fighting!"

"An entire army, filled with hundreds of hostile channelers? Wouldn't work. The One Power can almost certainly make gateways between realms, similar to gateways to Tel'aran'rhiod."

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10 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"An entire army, filled with hundreds of hostile channelers? Wouldn't work. The One Power can almost certainly make gateways between realms, similar to gateways to Tel'aran'rhiod."

"Hmmm. I hadn't thought of that."

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"Yes. Comparing the magic of WoT to the magic of the Cosmere, the raw power just isn't really there, especially if you include Sa'angreal like Callandor. Of course, I'd be more interested in seeing the characters and magic interact more peacefully. Seeing if Perrin could travel to the Cognitive realm like he can Tel'aran'rhiod, seeing if Dalinar could enhance a channeler's power by strengthening their connection to the True Source, reading about Mat meeting Hoid, that's what would be awesome."

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"I have an idea, what if they restore Honor, and then use him to boost an Elsecaller with the Change Dawnshard, so that they can soulcast a moon sized object in the skys above the Wheel of Time world, and then boost a Windrunner who lashes the moon into the plannet as many times as they can. That'd work right?"

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"Probably. Or Honor could blow everything up on his own. Of course, in the time it took them to do that, Rand could probably destroy every major city on Roshar by use of Callandor and travelling. Or just raze the surface of the planet if the Choedan Kal are allowed."

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"Well, the Callandor method would work just fine. And if you destroyed the entire WoT earth, Rand certainly has the motivation to kill everyone on Roshar. It might even cause him to turn to the DO, and begin using Callandor as a true power Sa'angreal."

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