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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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"Possibly. Elayne failing to unweave that gateway messed up the one power in the area around it. Either way, the DO's power doesn't 'corrupt' things in the Cosmere way, which is to say changed from its original intent, it corrupts it in the evil sense. So investiture would probably have a corrupting effect on the users, and Adonalsium would probably go insane."

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Nameless picked up the metaphorical ping pong ball and metaphorically served it to Frustration. "I find it likely that the one power could be used to shield Mistborn and mistings, as they get their powers from an external source similar to channelers and the One Power. It's possible that Radiants, feruchemists, and other similar magic users could be shielded as well, prevented from drawing in power."

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47 minutes ago, Nameless said:

Nameless picked up the metaphorical ping pong ball and metaphorically served it to Frustration. "I find it likely that the one power could be used to shield Mistborn and mistings, as they get their powers from an external source similar to channelers and the One Power. It's possible that Radiants, feruchemists, and other similar magic users could be shielded as well, prevented from drawing in power."

Frustration hit the ping pong ball back to Nameless. "Can sheilding prevent other magic than channeling?"

12 minutes ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

Random Fellow tried to sneak up on them, but failed due to the crackling of his flames. He then tried to set them on fire.

Frustraion threw Stick at Random Fellow.

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7 minutes ago, Frustration said:

Frustration hit the ping pong ball back to Nameless. "Can sheilding prevent other magic than channeling?"

"I don't see why not. There aren't really any other magic systems like that in the  WoT world, aside from the True Power, which it can't block. At the very least it could be used to cut Connections, like Rand did to Asmodean."

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1 minute ago, Frustration said:

"If it can't even block the True Power, which is basically the same thing but evil, why would it be able to block other magic systems? Though I will give you Connection severing."

"The True Power is also able to destroy Cuendillar, which is supposed to be indestructible, its not exactly a standard magic system. And the Connection severing will be enough, given that Mistings, Elantrians, and Radiants all rely on it for their powers."

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3 minutes ago, Primeval Chaos said:

*still whispering to the sibling*

"How long are they going to keep doing this?"

"We wrote out roughly seventy-eight pages on Roshar versus Scadrial, but I'm okay leaving this discussion at that."

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6 minutes ago, Primeval Chaos said:

"Well now I want to know who would win! Roshar vs. Scadrial. . ."


Primeval turns around and starts muttering to himself


"Depends on the location . . . but what if. . . no . . . possibly?"


The imortal thread.

It was only 73 pages.

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