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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

About a minute later, TAAron woke up again, with pain in full force. He remembered running to stop the girl who had come asking about them all, and then nothing else. How long have I been out?

"Nameless?" he asked aloud. "Are you scared?"

Nameless turned, face conflicted. "Are you scared?"

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Yes, I suppose. What are you scared of?"

"I'm afraid of a lot, but the biggest ones are going insane and killing everyone close to me, Brandon Sanderson dying before finishing the Cosmere, dying, and chickens."

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1 minute ago, Nameless said:

"I'm afraid of a lot, but the biggest ones are going insane and killing everyone close to me, Brandon Sanderson dying before finishing the Cosmere, dying, and chickens."

"Ah. So are you afraid of me? Because I almost went insane and killed everyone I know. I'm a... mostly living representation of one of your worst fears."

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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Ah. So are you afraid of me? Because I almost went insane and killed everyone I know. I'm a... mostly living representation of one of your worst fears."

Nameless grimaced. "No, I'm not afraid of you. In some ways you do remind me of something I could have been, something I fear I could still become, but your condition is different from mine in other ways."

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1 minute ago, Nameless said:

Nameless grimaced. "No, I'm not afraid of you. In some ways you do remind me of something I could have been, something I fear I could still become, but your condition is different from mine in other ways."

"Ah. How insightful. I, on the other had, am constantly terrified of being useless, among other things. So... well, I'm quite afraid myself, as you might imagine." Suddenly, TAAron looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry. You didn't ask for that. Sorry that I'm giving you so much distress."

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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Ah. How insightful. I, on the other had, am constantly terrified of being useless, among other things. So... well, I'm quite afraid myself, as you might imagine." Suddenly, TAAron looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry. You didn't ask for that. Sorry that I'm giving you so much distress."

Nameless shook his head. "No need to apologize. I would be scared in your position too. In constant pain, spirit damaged irrep-" Nameless cut off, looking away. "I'm sorry this had to happen to you, TAAron. I truly am." He turned to leave, and to TAAron's eyes he looked almost guilty about something. And scared, more than he'd admitted.

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8 minutes ago, Nameless said:

Nameless shook his head. "No need to apologize. I would be scared in your position too. In constant pain, spirit damaged irrep-" Nameless cut off, looking away. "I'm sorry this had to happen to you, TAAron. I truly am." He turned to leave, and to TAAron's eyes he looked almost guilty about something. And scared, more than he'd admitted.

"Nameless, this wasn't your fault," TAAron called, inferring the reason for Nameless' guilty expression. "He did this, not you. All you did was deal with someone who was actively attacking you and another patient. That was the right thing to do." 


Did I make the right inference? Sorry to try to assume your character's emotions. 


Edited by The Aspiring Archivist
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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Nameless, this wasn't your fault," TAAron called, inferring the reason for Nameless' guilty expression. "He did this, not you. All you did was deal with someone who was actively attacking you and another patient. That was the right thing to do." 

Nameless glanced back, guilt only growing stronger. "I know that. If I'd known the situation better I would have acted differently, but I didn't. There's no use grieving about it."


You did guess wrong, but that's fine. TAAron isn't quite a mind reader.


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1 minute ago, Nameless said:

Nameless glanced back, guilt only growing stronger. "I know that. If I'd known the situation better I would have acted differently, but I didn't. There's no use grieving about it."

"Okay, good. I'm glad you understand that. But then, why do you feel so guilty?"

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11 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"Alright... could be one of those side effects. And I don't feel guilty. Well, not really."


Is he lying? If not why describe him as looking guilty? 

"Well, I guess I need to get better at interpretation. Regardless, what is the problem?" 



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18 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Well, I guess I need to get better at interpretation. Regardless, what is the problem?" 

"The problem? Your condition, of course." Nameless "I wish I could do something to help you. Really, I do. If there was any possible way for me to help you, I'd do so."


Yeah he's lying about the guilty part.


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2 hours ago, The Halcyon Girl said:


Haly looked up from crushing a root. “Yeah?” 
Valy led a nine-year-old girl with a clipboard and a black business suit over. “Im not sure. Essa wants to talk to you.”

“Excuse me.” Essa shooed Valy away and turned back to her quarry. “You can’t be here. If you stay, you risk breaking… certain aspects of this world.”

Haly froze. “Wh…what? What are you talking about?”

Essa sighed. “The Radiance. You can’t be here when Lumi rises again.”

”Lumi comes back?” Halys eyes shone. “Really?” 
Then she remembered what Essa wanted. “I can’t leave. I can’t. This place… it’s too perfect.@

Essa growled in frustration. “Do you Want to break the Radiance? For GOOD?”

Haly gasped. “I… break the Radiance? I…”

”Yes. It’s a large possibility. You have to come with me, back to the clinic.”

Haly slumped to he ground. “But… then I’ll never feel the Radiance. I’ll never see Javenaire, or beat Valy in a fight, or… or even…” sobs started escaping, and large tears. Then they became uncontrollable, bursting from her like a tiger burst from a cage. 


After a lifetime of tears, Haly found a little bit of anger. She cultivated it, carefully eased it, stretching it. How dare this person tell her what to do! She jumped to her feet, fists clenched. “I won’t go. I refuse. You can’t make me!”

Essa sighed and bit her lip. “Well, I can actually. Look. If this is between shattering your dreams and killing millions of people…”

At this, the anger Haly had held close evaporated, replaced by emptiness. ”You…” Haly licked her lips. “You really think it could be that bad? You really think…” her words came as a whisper. “You think I could actually break the Radiance? For good? I could actually kill them?” 

“Think of it this way,” Essa told her. “Yes.”

Haly swallowed fresh tears. “I’ll go back.”

”Good girl. I’ll arrange a visit for you after everything’s stabilized, all right?” She looked down at her clipboard, then searched around her. “Anybody got a pen?”

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1 hour ago, Nameless said:

"The problem? Your condition, of course." Nameless "I wish I could do something to help you. Really, I do. If there was any possible way for me to help you, I'd do so."


Sorry about the late response, was busy

"Ah. Let me guess a second time, then. You can do something, but you can't, or won't, tell me." 

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10 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Ah. Let me guess a second time, then. You can do something, but you can't, or won't, tell me." 

“I-no, I don’t.” Nameless hesitated, doubt flickering over his face. “It wouldn’t work. We’d all die before we got anywhere near the chamber.”

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5 minutes ago, Nameless said:

“I-no, I don’t.” Nameless hesitated, doubt flickering over his face. “It wouldn’t work. We’d all die before we got anywhere near the chamber.”

"Oh good, I was right. So, what chamber? How do we get to it?"

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7 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Thaidakar watched the conversation from a corner in the room, his face shrouded in shadows. The attacks were getting stronger. He was holding fast, but he worried that he would slip...

Suddenly, TAAron called out, "Thaidakar? What's wrong? You feel worried. Scared, even."

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Suddenly, TAAron called out, "Thaidakar? What's wrong? You feel worried. Scared, even."

"It's nothing." Thaidakar sounded calm, almost bored. He adjusted his glasses then put his hands in the pockets of his suit, "I'm just wondering if a project of mine will go well. Everything's fine."

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20 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Bip chirped animatedly, walking up to the nearby shelves. On the shelf was a display case, and inside was a small sheet of scales. The same color of Bip. Bip cooed sadly, tapping the glass case.

@The Wandering Wizard

Bookwyrm walked over to the glass case. He frowned as he saw the scales inside.

Bookwyrm weighed his options. He wasn't sure if Bip wanted those scales or not....and while he didn't want to disturb the Archive too much, it might be beneficial to take those scales.

Carefully, Bookwyrm Lashed the glass case upward with half a lashing, and then a tiny bit more. It slowly rose into the air, and Bookwyrm dismissed the Lashing while simultaneously adding another half one that kept it hovering in the air. He removed one of the the scales from the sheet, and handed it to Bip, who seemed kind of surprised. Then he replaced the case, leaving the rest of the scales untouched.

Bookwyrm continued into the Archive, Bip following him curiously.

As he walked, Bookwyrm realized with some sorrow that he was probably going to miss Calano's and Emma's wedding. Maybe I shouldn't have been so hasty in my departure, he thought. But that's in the past. I'll be able to wish them well once I'm done with what I'm doing here.

I just have to figure out what that is...

Bookwyrm walked slowly, reading the titles of the books and scrolls on the shelves. He was surprised to find that the Archive had an incredibly in depth variety of works from a variety of worlds.

Whoever made this had to have been a Worldseer, like me. Capable of crossing boundaries that should be uncrossable. Perhaps they were even from the same world that I originally came from....

Bookwyrm rounded a corner and jumped when he saw a figure floating in the air in front of him.

It was vaguely humanoid, and made of hovering pieces of metal, like armor. The main body of the figure was made of an insubstantial blue light that the armor hovered around, giving it form.

"Do you require assistance, Worldseer?" it asked. It's voice had an unnatural undertone, but it sounded human enough, with the voice of a young woman.

Bip was strangely interested in it.

How does it know my title? Bookwyrm thought. It's obviously not fully sapient, but it has some very powerful magical programming...

A thought occurred to him.

"Is there a core to the archive? A place where I can record this information for myself?"

The automaton hovered silently for a moment. Then a beam of light came from a spot on it's head and shone in his eyes, scanning them.

"Authorization complete: Full Archive Access granted. Follow me, Worldseer." The automaton began hovering away. Bookwyrm followed with Bip at his side.

As they walked, Bookwyrm found his thoughts drawn back to the Clinic.

I never really got to know TAAron or Haly very well...I sense they're doing their own thing right now. Having their own struggles. I wish them luck in that.

Eventually, the automaton led Bookwyrm to a pedestal in the center of the archive, surrounded by a strange apparatus.

Bookwyrm thanked the automaton, who nodded and floated away. Then he took out a large blue leatherbound tome.

This book was the collection of his stories and secrets. His spellbook and journal. It was magic, and though it seemed only to have several hundred pages, the knowledge in it would fill libraries.

Bookwyrm placed the book on the pedestal.

The apparatus surrounding the pedestal began to glow with a blue light. From each and every shelf and stand in the Archive, a stream of blue light came, slowly winding itself through the air and into the apparatus. The spectacle lit up the whole room. All that light collected into the apparatus, which glowed even brighter. Suddenly, with a burst of light, four beams of energy came out of the apparatus and struck the book. It began to glow, but just as quickly, it faded. The apparatus dimmed, it's purpose fulfilled.

As Bookwyrm picked up the tome again, he could tell that it held so much more information. A copy of the Archive was now his.

Suddenly, a low rumble came that shook the entire room.

That can't be good.


I am adding a bunch of lore here. I'll clarify a little in the Continuity Chat.

But it's up to you to decide what crazy thing will happen next, Wizard!


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4 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"It's nothing." Thaidakar sounded calm, almost bored. He adjusted his glasses then put his hands in the pockets of his suit, "I'm just wondering if a project of mine will go well. Everything's fine."

TAAron found his expression and tone very odd. It didn't seem to match what he was feeling. "I've found that people say "it's nothing" most often when it is something. What is this project of yours?"

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

TAAron found his expression and tone very odd. It didn't seem to match what he was feeling. "I've found that people say "it's nothing" most often when it is something. What is this project of yours?"

"A wedding gift for Calano and Emma." Thaidakar said this partially excitedly. It was the truth, if only part of it.

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