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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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As Thaidakar scanned the archive shelves, he fought a veritable war in his mind. He wouldn't be taken over. He adjusted his glasses again, he seemed to be doing that a lot lately. The gadget made a beeping sound and Thaidakar moved on to the next shelf as fast as he could. The rumbling seemed to be growing louder. He had to be able to get all this glorious info! This veritable treasure trove of ancient info. This could be the find of a life time. These tomes could shed light on various mysteries and puzzles from across the centuries and infinite lifetimes. He could only barely imagine what this could unlock. The Worldseers were an organization Thaidakar had wondered about for years now. What information did this secretive and powerful order keep in their vaults of treasure? their jealously guarded dusty tomes and fragile scrolls? Thaidakar hummed as he finished scanning another shelf and moved on.

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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: sees TAAron “You’re alive! Yay! That’s a plus.” Suddenly looks concerned “You’re not fine though. What’s wrong and can I help?” Walks over

"Well, you probably can't help, but it's good to see you. How do I put this succinctly... well, I started dying and then the doctors stopped it, and now my soul is damaged." TAAron frowned. "You're upset about something. Other than this. Is it something that happened in the other dimension?"

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Well, you probably can't help, but it's good to see you. How do I put this succinctly... well, I started dying and then the doctors stopped it, and now my soul is damaged." TAAron frowned. "You're upset about something. Other than this. Is it something that happened in the other dimension?"

Haly: squinches her face, trying not to cry “You could say that.”

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Oh. So something about the place? Is something wrong there?"

Haly: “No… I mean, exciting things. But…” fails to stop a tear “Essa said that if I stay, things might break. And—“ full on crying now “—she made me come back, and I want to go back, but I can’t and I’ll never be able to go back, and I don’t want to think about this anymore.”

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3 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

@The Wandering Wizard

Bookwyrm walked over to the glass case. He frowned as he saw the scales inside.

Bookwyrm weighed his options. He wasn't sure if Bip wanted those scales or not....and while he didn't want to disturb the Archive too much, it might be beneficial to take those scales.

Carefully, Bookwyrm Lashed the glass case upward with half a lashing, and then a tiny bit more. It slowly rose into the air, and Bookwyrm dismissed the Lashing while simultaneously adding another half one that kept it hovering in the air. He removed one of the the scales from the sheet, and handed it to Bip, who seemed kind of surprised. Then he replaced the case, leaving the rest of the scales untouched.

Bookwyrm continued into the Archive, Bip following him curiously.

As he walked, Bookwyrm realized with some sorrow that he was probably going to miss Calano's and Emma's wedding. Maybe I shouldn't have been so hasty in my departure, he thought. But that's in the past. I'll be able to wish them well once I'm done with what I'm doing here.

I just have to figure out what that is...

Bookwyrm walked slowly, reading the titles of the books and scrolls on the shelves. He was surprised to find that the Archive had an incredibly in depth variety of works from a variety of worlds.

Whoever made this had to have been a Worldseer, like me. Capable of crossing boundaries that should be uncrossable. Perhaps they were even from the same world that I originally came from....

Bookwyrm rounded a corner and jumped when he saw a figure floating in the air in front of him.

It was vaguely humanoid, and made of hovering pieces of metal, like armor. The main body of the figure was made of an insubstantial blue light that the armor hovered around, giving it form.

"Do you require assistance, Worldseer?" it asked. It's voice had an unnatural undertone, but it sounded human enough, with the voice of a young woman.

Bip was strangely interested in it.

How does it know my title? Bookwyrm thought. It's obviously not fully sapient, but it has some very powerful magical programming...

A thought occurred to him.

"Is there a core to the archive? A place where I can record this information for myself?"

The automaton hovered silently for a moment. Then a beam of light came from a spot on it's head and shone in his eyes, scanning them.

"Authorization complete: Full Archive Access granted. Follow me, Worldseer." The automaton began hovering away. Bookwyrm followed with Bip at his side.

As they walked, Bookwyrm found his thoughts drawn back to the Clinic.

I never really got to know TAAron or Haly very well...I sense they're doing their own thing right now. Having their own struggles. I wish them luck in that.

Eventually, the automaton led Bookwyrm to a pedestal in the center of the archive, surrounded by a strange apparatus.

Bookwyrm thanked the automaton, who nodded and floated away. Then he took out a large blue leatherbound tome.

This book was the collection of his stories and secrets. His spellbook and journal. It was magic, and though it seemed only to have several hundred pages, the knowledge in it would fill libraries.

Bookwyrm placed the book on the pedestal.

The apparatus surrounding the pedestal began to glow with a blue light. From each and every shelf and stand in the Archive, a stream of blue light came, slowly winding itself through the air and into the apparatus. The spectacle lit up the whole room. All that light collected into the apparatus, which glowed even brighter. Suddenly, with a burst of light, four beams of energy came out of the apparatus and struck the book. It began to glow, but just as quickly, it faded. The apparatus dimmed, it's purpose fulfilled.

As Bookwyrm picked up the tome again, he could tell that it held so much more information. A copy of the Archive was now his.

Suddenly, a low rumble came that shook the entire room.

That can't be good.



I wish to melt the library with lava, but I think I have a better idea. You'd better run.

The front gate explodes inward and the storm begins to stretch it's fingers through the hallways, slowly cutting off all exits.

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1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The front gate explodes inward and the storm begins to stretch it's fingers through the hallways, slowly cutting off all exits.

Thaidakar blinked, looking up. He finished scanning the bookshelf and started running through the massive rooms of the archive. He yelled, "aaaaAAAAAHHHHHH!" Thaidakar started summoning up energy to create a portal out of the mess. Hopefully he'd collected enough knowledge to last a lifetime, or at least until someone found another of these.

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1 minute ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Thaidakar blinked, looking up. He finished scanning the bookshelf and started running through the massive rooms of the archive. He yelled, "aaaaAAAAAHHHHHH!" Thaidakar started summoning up energy to create a portal out of the mess. Hopefully he'd collected enough knowledge to last a lifetime, or at least until someone found another of these.

A tendril snakes into the room. Reaching for Thaidakar.

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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: “No… I mean, exciting things. But…” fails to stop a tear “Essa said that if I stay, things might break. And—“ full on crying now “—she made me come back, and I want to go back, but I can’t and I’ll never be able to go back, and I don’t want to think about this anymore.”

"I—I'm sorry. Is there anything I could do to help? I could help you find a way to get back, if you want. No, not right now, you said you didn't want to think about it... rusts, I'm bad at this." TAAron was getting annoyed at his lack of tact. Ever since he'd discovered he could feel people's emotions, he'd been badgering them nonstop about their problems. 

I guess understanding emotions doesn't necessarily make you more socially adept. As if in response to his frustration, he felt an agony in his head, like a migraine but somehow worse. Soul-pain. He sunk to the floor.

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"I—I'm sorry. Is there anything I could do to help? I could help you find a way to get back, if you want. No, not right now, you said you didn't want to think about it... rusts, I'm bad at this." TAAron was getting annoyed at his lack of tact. Ever since he'd discovered he could feel people's emotions, he'd been badgering them nonstop about their problems. 

I guess understanding emotions doesn't necessarily make you more socially adept. As if in response to his frustration, he felt an agony in his head, like a migraine but somehow worse. Soul-pain. He sunk to the floor.

Haly: wipes away her tears and rushes over “Are you okay? Um, um…” frantically hovering “What’s wrong? Marshmallow?” Offers, thinks better of it, and throws it away “What should I do?”

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Her state is rapidly deteriorating. How do we stop it?

The Rightful One's tone was as neutral and cold as ever, but Ranryu vaguely detected a trace of concern. Or maybe she was imagining it. Nothing had been making sense, recently. How long had it been? She couldn't remember. Time was hard to measure when you were insane and trapped in your own body.

The healer was beyond trying to convince the Rightful One to find another body. The only way to fix gaps in a broken soul is with pieces of another broken soul. 

How would we find such a thing?

I suggest searching a graveyard. The dead tend to... go to pieces if not properly put to rest.

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Just now, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

He shoved a hand towards the tendril as he ran, a small crystalline shield appeared in front of the snakelike tendril.

Thaidakar feels a snapping sensation and the shield is twisted. It changes and begins glowing a deep bloodred. A large spike and two crystalline eyes grow put of the shield. The tendril holds the shield and charges at Thaidakar.

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3 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Thaidakar feels a snapping sensation and the shield is twisted. It changes and begins glowing a deep bloodred. A large spike and two crystalline eyes grow put of the shield. The tendril holds the shield and charges at Thaidakar.

Thaidakar shrugged, sending something towards the shield and tendril. It warped the air oddly and shimmered different colors. It slammed into the shield and shattered it.

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15 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: wipes away her tears and rushes over “Are you okay? Um, um…” frantically hovering “What’s wrong? Marshmallow?” Offers, thinks better of it, and throws it away “What should I do?”

Nameless walked up holding a massive stack of books and scrolls. "You can help us read all this stuff. This should be every book the clinic has on injuries to the soul."

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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: “Read? How is reading supposed to help?!?!

Nameless shrugged, dropping the books on the table in front of Haly. "TAAron wanted to see if there were any alternatives before we went for the more dangerous option."

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Just now, Nameless said:

Nameless shrugged, dropping the books on the table in front of Haly. "TAAron wanted to see if there were any alternatives before we went for the more dangerous option."


2 minutes ago, Nameless said:

Nameless shrugged, dropping the books on the table in front of Haly. "TAAron wanted to see if there were any alternatives before we went for the more dangerous option."

Suddenly TAAron cried out, scrambling backwards to get away from the two of them with terror in his eyes. He ran out of the door and down a hallway.

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5 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: “Wait!” Runs after him “Ehate up?”

She finds him curled up in a corner, shivering. He looked up, seeing her. The fear was still in his eyes. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

He blinked, looking confused, terror evaporated. "Haly? Why am I here?" I swear I was just in the library..."

Edited by The Aspiring Archivist
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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

She finds him curled up in a corner, shivering. He looked up, seeing her. The fear was still in his eyes. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

He blinked, looking confused, terror evaporated. "Haly? Why am I here?" I swear I was just in the library..."

Haly stares down, eyes wide “You ran away.” Kneels down next to him “Anything I can do?”

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