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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

I'm not a part of the Insanity clinic yet. I've just been reading what y'all write...

How do I become a part of the Insanity Clinic?


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16 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"Fire, music, iron, and courage."

Haly: “Easy! Well, the courage one. I’m birds!”


Archivist, did you say Harmony on purpose? That made me happy.


15 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:


Make a character! Drop in! Yay!

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8 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

A slightly confused girl walks into the clinic.

The Yuppers, being chased by Bip, run past the confused girl.

"Yup! Yup yup!*" one of them shouts.

*Please save us! This beast wishes to devour us!

Edited by Ranryu
Cool. 200 posts.
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10 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

The Yuppers, being chased by Bip, run past the confused girl.

"Yup! Yup yup!*" one of them shouts.

*Please save us! This beast wishes to devour us!

Haly: enters “Oh, hi, confused girl. Are you new here? Can you sing? Ooh, do you like marshmallows? I’m good at marshmallows.”

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Calano walks up to @The Bookwyrm.

"What happened out there?" He asks Bookwyrm. Bip walks up to Calano and nuzzles him curiously. Calano grins, and pats Bip on the nose. "Hello there, young one." He turns to Bookwyrm and says, "I see you found yourself a Saurian."

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200! Hooray! Here's to a lot more.


33 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano walks up to @The Bookwyrm.

"What happened out there?" He asks Bookwyrm. Bip walks up to Calano and nuzzles him curiously. Calano grins, and pats Bip on the nose. "Hello there, young one." He turns to Bookwyrm and says, "I see you found yourself a Saurian."

Bookwyrm recounts the tale to Calano, first detailing the peaceful dimension, then the fortress and how the world had began to storm and shift, then the adventures in the archive.

"I'm assuming the influence from the Prison dimension caused a sudden shift in the smaller one," Bookwyrm said. "I don't know what happened after I left."

Bookwyrm turned to Bip. "A Saurian, huh? I haven't heard of them. He's an interesting creature, for sure."

51 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

"Um... Yes? Yes. Absolutely!"


41 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: beams and hands her a blue ceramic bowl full of marshmallows “My name is Haly, and I can be a wind chime. How about you?”

"Haly, stating out of nowhere that you can be a windchime isn't going to help her be any less confused..." Bookwyrm trailed off when he saw the newcomer.

His eyes widened. Then he smiled.

"I didn't expect to see you here."

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4 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Haly, stating out of nowhere that you can be a windchime isn't going to help her be any less confused..." Bookwyrm trailed off when he saw the newcomer.

His eyes widened. Then he smiled.

"I didn't expect to see you here."

Haly: “Oooh! You know Bookwyrm?”

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1 hour ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: beams and hands her a blue ceramic bowl full of marshmallows “My name is Haly, and I can be a wind chime. How about you?”

 The girl takes the bowl, "Okay... I'm Insa."

27 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Haly, stating out of nowhere that you can be a windchime isn't going to help her be any less confused..." Bookwyrm trailed off when he saw the newcomer.

His eyes widened. Then he smiled.

"I didn't expect to see you here."

 Insa turns to Bookwyrm and shrugs, "I got bored. This place seemed interesting."

23 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: “Oooh! You know Bookwyrm?”

 She turns back to Haly, "Yup."

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47 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm recounts the tale to Calano, first detailing the peaceful dimension, then the fortress and how the world had began to storm and shift, then the adventures in the archive.

"I'm assuming the influence from the Prison dimension caused a sudden shift in the smaller one," Bookwyrm said. "I don't know what happened after I left."

Bookwyrm turned to Bip. "A Saurian, huh? I haven't heard of them. He's an interesting creature, for sure."

"Did you manage to secure the information in the archive before leaving? We should it add it to our library, and we can have someone go through it at some point. There could be some valuable stuff in it. Of course, it's all up to you. It is the Archive of a member of your organization."


Calano knows Bookwyrm is a Worldseer, but he doesn't know too much. He only knows they like knowledge and stuff. The basics :) Hope that's chill, Bookwyrm.

Calano looks at Bip. "Saurians are really cool. Once you've bonded with one, it will never leave. And, judging by the age and way it follows you, this one is almost finished bonding with you. Just keep treating it nicely and it should be fully bonded to you in no time. Once it bonds to you, it will live as long as you live, however long that is. They're incredible creatures, and I regret that I don't have one of my own." Calano reaches out and strokes Bip's nose. "Have you named it?"

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Just now, CalanoCorvus said:

"Did you manage to secure the information in the archive before leaving? We should it add it to our library, and we can have someone go through it at some point. There could be some valuable stuff in it. Of course, it's all up to you. It is the Archive of a member of your organization."

Calano looks at Bip. "Saurians are really cool. Once you've bonded with one, it will never leave. And, judging by the age and way it follows you, this one is almost finished bonding with you. Just keep treating it nicely and it should be fully bonded to you in no time. Once it bonds to you, it will live as long as you live, however long that is. They're incredible creatures, and I regret that I don't have one of my own." Calano reaches out and strokes Bip's nose. "Have you named it?"

"Most of the information in it can easily be added to the Library. There is some more...exclusive information that I should probably keep to myself. But the rest is no problem."

Bookwyrm turned to Bip. "I've nicknamed him Bip, but maybe he deserves a more formal name than that." Bookwyrm walked over and stroked the plume of feathers on top of Bip's head. "I've formed bonds with many creatures and beings in my travels. Most of them are dragons. We'll be happy to have Bip join us."

17 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Insa turns to Bookwyrm and shrugs, "I got bored. This place seemed interesting."

"That's fair," Bookwyrm said. "It is interesting. If sometimes dangerous."

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1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Most of the information in it can easily be added to the Library. There is some more...exclusive information that I should probably keep to myself. But the rest is no problem."

Bookwyrm turned to Bip. "I've nicknamed him Bip, but maybe he deserves a more formal name than that." Bookwyrm walked over and stroked the plume of feathers on top of Bip's head. "I've formed bonds with many creatures and beings in my travels. Most of them are dragons. We'll be happy to have Bip join us."

Calano nods. "Of course. Speak to the Librarians whenever you're ready, they'll help you transfer your information into the Tome. On another note, Bip is a fun name."

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Wizard as a white tiger falls infront of Insa, Bookwrym, and Calano, landing on all fours with a thud. Cats always land on their feet, they never said how much it HURTS! Shaking his head of mental pain, Wizard pads over to Calano and gives him congradulations, the cat way by rubbing up against him and purring. "So she finally accepted, after what 500 years? I'm glad that my twin found someone to love."

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6 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: “It’s amazing! I can’t find any food, though.”

Wizard's tail flicks and a feast of food appears.


Go crazy and have fun with it

6 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

"Accepted, more like she decided to be like 'hey, here's a good idea, how about I ask him to marry me!'" Calano laughs, letting his hand rest on the tigers head. "Typical Emma though. That's why I love her."

Wizard rubs his cheek against Calano's fingers and he begins purring deeply. "I've always wondered why cats did that. IT FEELS SO GOOD." Wizard falls onto the floor on his side, tail twitching, and he looks up at Calano with a grin on his face.

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1 hour ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Insa looks at the bowl of marshmallows in her hands, "If you can't find any food where did these come from then?"

Haly: looks at it “I’m good at finding marshmallows. I can Lose them too! Look.” Covers her eyes and Loses then

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