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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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6 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

He shakes each one's hand and hugs them. "I'm glad you're all here," He says with a huge grin. "Thank you for experiencing today with me."

Wizard grins, his whiskers twitching upwards. "I'm glad to be here."

3 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

 Insa gasps, "Emma you look absolutely gorgeous!"

"Thank you, so much. Now are you ladies ready?"

@Ranryu, @The Halcyon Girl @InfiniteInsanity

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1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Wizard grins, his whiskers twitching upwards. "I'm glad to be here."

6 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Calano rocks back and forth on his heels for a second before going to stand at his spot at the altar. @The Bookwyrm 


cmere bookwyrm it's time

He waits at the altar as guests file in.

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TAAron sat in the audience, smiling broadly. Hopefully this all goes well. He could feel the tension and excitement in the room all around him.

Unfortunately, he was reminded of less pleasant things as his ears began ringing. As long as I don't go crazy or black out again.

Edited by The Aspiring Archivist
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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano rocks back and forth on his heels for a second before going to stand at his spot at the altar. @The Bookwyrm 


I'm sorry. I was occupied with something else.

Bookwyrm opens a Wyrmhole and transports himself to his place in front of the crowd.

His appearance causes a silence through the group gathered, and he waits until he has attention.

A quick spell muttered under his breath amplifies his voice to spread through the room.

You were just thinking about performing stories in front of crowds. This is a performance too, just a different kind.

For Calano and Emma. Remember that.

Bookwyrm calmed his nerves and began.

"We're here today because two souls, after years of growing closer and closer, have come to the realization that their lives are meant to be intertwined. They have come to know, and love, each other with a depth that is rare and beautiful. That love has grown between them, bonded them, and unified them to a point where they have chosen to join their lives and souls in marriage.

"This is not the end of their love, nor the endpoint of their journey together. Rather, it is the beginning. The beginning of an eternity."

Bookwyrm turned to Emma.

"The ceremony that I am performing requires you to swear an oath. Not the oath that I, or anyone else tells you to say, but rather the oath that you know in your heart, mind, and soul to be true. What can you swear to your future husband, and can you testify that that oath will hold steadfast in the eternities?"

@The Wandering Wizard


Get creative! Calano, this is coming to you as well, so be ready.

(This is totally not because I didn't know what I wanted the oaths to be and because I know neither of your character's full names.)


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As the ceremony began, TAAron realized that he had forgotten a wedding present. Unsure of what to do, he thought through what he had on him. There were just a few small metal objects for Pushing and Pulling in an emergency. Nothing suitable. Except... no, I can't. I've still not recovered. How long has it been now? Five years... He jolted. To the day!

Two bracelets sat in his shirt pocket. Normally, he had them in a hidden compartment in his bag, but the bag would have been far too out of place at the wedding. They pulsated with a faint white glow, a crystal with the appearance of glass and the weight of iron. Stacis, it was called. The last of it. A tear welled up in his eye, and not just for the sake of the soon-to-be newlyweds.

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1 hour ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

 "As ready as I can be!"

45 minutes ago, Ranryu said:


19 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: “Never been more!”

Emma glides out towards the altar, her bridesmaid's following her. Light radiates from her skin, lighting up the diamonds in her hair and her earings. Her white wedding dress, trimmed with silver, floats around her as she gracefully glides up to the altar and she smiles at Calano behind her veil.


2 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"The ceremony that I am performing requires you to swear an oath. Not the oath that I, or anyone else tells you to say, but rather the oath that you know in your heart, mind, and soul to be true. What can you swear to your future husband, and can you testify that that oath will hold steadfast in the eternities?"

"I Emma Bell Lifegiver, do take Calano J Corvus to be my husband. And I swear that he is my Crow and I his Raven. I will be there for him, always and forever. I have already followed him to death and back. I love my Crow." Finishes Emma simply.

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2 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"I Emma Bell Lifegiver, do take Calano J Corvus to be my husband. And I swear that he is my Crow and I his Raven. I will be there for him, always and forever. I have already followed him to death and back. I love my Crow." Finishes Emma simply.

As Emma spoke these words, Bookwyrm channeled magic.

Deep magic.

Magic of souls and of bonds, magic that transcended eras and worlds and rested alongside the Alignment of Existence itself.

Glowing white light began to circle Emma, and tendrils of it stretched towards Calano.

Bookwyrm turned to Calano.

"Once again, it is required that you swear an oath. Not the oath that I, or anyone else tells you to say, but rather the oath that you know in your heart, mind, and soul to be true," Bookwyrm said, repeating his earlier words. "What can you swear to your future wife, and can you testify that that oath will hold steadfast in the eternities?"


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Ranryu fingered the wedding gifts that sat at the bottom of her pocket. The Tide jewels, the kanju and the manju, glowed faintly with the power of dragons long lost. If nothing else, the gems would make pretty paperweights. As she thought about it, Ranryu realized there wasn't really a nearby ocean for the jewels to influence.


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Wizard looks down at his paws. Must not lick, cleaning...can...come...later. Wizard gently thumbs the object in his pocket, a wedding gift for Calano and Emma. Hopefully they will find it useful during their journey. It's the last memory that we have of what they created for us. I did have to fix it up, and I added somethings, hopefully they will remember what it is.

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Lark walked through the clinic, feeling much better. It was remarkable what a burden had lifted now that he wasn't slowly having the life drained from him by the clinic contract. More than that, it felt good to finally be able to do some good without everyone fighting his every step. Without being forced to make impossible choices. He smiled, thinking of how much had changed. His classes so far had seen mixed results, true, but he was optimistic. Especially with this new step. He stopped walking, looking up at the announcement board, covered in notices about Calano and Emma's wedding. after some rearrangements, Lark managed to make a space large enough for his notice.


Brandonfandonitis exposure therapy

Willing to partake in this new experimental technique for overcoming Brandonfandonitis?

Desperate to see more of the world Brandon writes about?

Want to meet your favorite heroes in reality, not just dreams and hallucinations?

Always wanted to taste actual chouta?

Sign up here to join Lark's new exposure treatment plan, where you will get to experience a guided tour of the Cosmere, Cytoverse, Reckonerverse, and much more!

More details coming soon. Signing up for this program may result in death by Shardblade, Chasmfiend digestion, disappointment, dysentery, disintegration, defenestration, or any other fantasy or ordinary death you can think of. This program is currently awaiting approval from the head staff of the Insanity Clinic for the Moderately Brandonfandonitis Afflicted. 

Edited by Nameless
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10 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Once again, it is required that you swear an oath. Not the oath that I, or anyone else tells you to say, but rather the oath that you know in your heart, mind, and soul to be true," Bookwyrm said, repeating his earlier words. "What can you swear to your future wife, and can you testify that that oath will hold steadfast in the eternities?"

Calano smiles and looks at Emma. "I, Calano J Corvus, do take Emma Bell Lifegiver to be my wife, always and forever. I swear that she is my Raven, and I am her Crow. I swear that though death has parted us in the past, it never shall do so again. She is mine, and I am hers. For always and etenrity."

Calano grins from ear to ear, positively jubilant.

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1 minute ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano smiles and looks at Emma. "I, Calano J Corvus, do take Emma Bell Lifegiver to be my wife, always and forever. I swear that she is my Raven, and I am her Crow. I swear that though death has parted us in the past, it never shall do so again. She is mine, and I am hers. For always and etenrity."

Calano grins from ear to ear, positively jubilant.

@CalanoCorvus @The Wandering Wizard

Their joy is infectious. Bookwyrm grins as well.

Pure white light swirls around Calano and intertwines with the light around Emma. The two lights intertwine, merge, and brighten until there is no distinction between them. Blinding white light shines through the clinic, but Calano and Emma can see perfectly.

"With the oath of your words, and the oath in your hearts, minds, and souls, I proclaim you husband and wife. I Bind you for eternity. Your souls will be together, until death-" Bookwyrm pulls out the two rings "-and into the eternities that await after."

The rings float through the blinding light and settle on Emma's and Calano's fingers. The light swirls around them, making them glow, re-forging their simple shapes into ornate pieces of art determined by their souls. Bookwyrm didn't know what the rings would look like when the process was over, but he did know that they would be imprints of their love. 

He guessed they might take the shape of a Raven and a Crow.

The light coalesced around the rings. The room grew dim, but a line of light between the two rings glowed brighter than ever: pure white light. A line, symbolizing the bond between them, between their now intertwined souls.

The light vanished, but the bond did not. It stayed, and would do so forever.

The room returned to it's normal lighting.

It was done.

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Calano, now a married man, used all his energy to not start jumping for joy.

Because, Gods Above and all that is Holy, he wanted to. But he refrained, for propiety's sake, of all things.

Weddings, he thought fondly, Such a formal affair.

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30 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano, now a married man, used all his energy to not start jumping for joy.

Because, Gods Above and all that is Holy, he wanted to. But he refrained, for propiety's sake, of all things.

Weddings, he thought fondly, Such a formal affair.

Emma, sensing Calano's energy and her own building up to a creshendo, leans forward and kisses Calano, for a long, long time. 

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5 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Emma, sensing Calano's energy and her own building up to a creshendo, leans forward and kisses Calano, for a long, long time. 

Calano immediately responded, not even waiting for a "You may kiss the bride" before kissing back. Something was different about this kiss though.

What was it?


Certainty. Solidarity. Firmness.

That's what made this kiss, and all the ones that would follow, even better than before. Because now Emma and Calano could not be seperated. They needn't worry.

And it showed.

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Calano broke off the kiss, looked into Emma's eyes for a moment, then turned to the crowd.

"In full honesty, we haven't prepared much for the festivities. But we want you all to have the best experience possible, so let's have some ideas, and we can make them happen. Instantly. What do you all want for the reception and celebration?"

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