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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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1 minute ago, InfiniteInsanity said:


"Three... two... one..." They fell backward through the floor until they swiveled and were left standing in the bottom of the floor in a sterile concrete hallway with diverse doors made of bizarre materials. It was dark, but around each of their feet could be seen a violet circle of light, like when you shine a flashlight at the floor. Any other light sources cast light farther than should be possible.

"This way." Haly started down the hall.

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7 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

"Three... two... one..." They fell backward through the floor until they swiveled and were left standing in the bottom of the floor in a sterile concrete hallway with diverse doors made of bizarre materials. It was dark, but around each of their feet could be seen a violet circle of light, like when you shine a flashlight at the floor. Any other light sources cast light farther than should be possible.

"This way." Haly started down the hall.

Insa follows her silently. She thinks about her present idea. Hopefully she could make this work.

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3 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:



Yes dancing

1 minute ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Insa follows her silently. She thinks about her present idea. Hopefully she could make this work.

Haly opens a door that shimmers like fire "Here it is."

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Thaidakar leaned against the wall of the dance-room. He held a warm mug of tea in his hand, he stirred the honey mixture absently. The look on Calano's face as he danced with Emma, you could tell he would compare this moment to the rest of his life fondly. Calano would wish he could preserve the happiness forever and remember every detail of this moment. But Thaidakar, he didn't want to remember much about this day. For one thing, his head was killing him. For another, every motion was like moving through sludge. Ever second seemed to slow down like eternity. Earlier that day, he'd taken a nap because of it, something in his dream had laughed, "you reject our gift? Well, here's another one." He took a gulp of the tea, the steaming hot liquid burning his throat. His powers kept it as hot as possible, thankfully. If he didn't keep it searing, he'd fall asleep on the spot. He thought about the gift he'd prepared. Hopefully Calano would like it, and hopefully he hadn't rigged it to kill Calano. That was always a risk. Thaidakar sighed and muttered a mental strengthening spell. Perhaps he could try and dance soon, goodness knows he needed to stretch his muscles. Part of him screamed at the idea, last time he'd danced, he'd danced with her. He took another gulp of the tea, dismissing the thought. Why did he keep thinking about her lately? That was ages in the past. Let the past stay in the past. He nodded slowly, trying to follow his own advice. He let his thoughts swirl like the dancers as he took another gulp of the searing hot tea.

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16 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly opens a door that shimmers like fire "Here it is."

Insa rushes in and gets right to work. She bends and forges metal to make a box. As soon as the box part is done she works on a little lock for it. And then a key. After that come all the little details and assembly.

When she's done she asks back out of the room with a midnight blue box. The edges are trimmed with white gold and there are little white gold dots that look a bit like stars. The lock and key are also white gold and look like a moon. But what Insa is proudest of its the birds eye view of a crow and a raven flying together on the top of the box.

Insa holds it out for Haly to see, "Think they'll like it?"

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3 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Insa rushes in and gets right to work. She bends and forges metal to make a box. As soon as the box part is done she works on a little lock for it. And then a key. After that come all the little details and assembly.

When she's done she asks back out of the room with a midnight blue box. The edges are trimmed with white gold and there are little white gold dots that look a bit like stars. The lock and key are also white gold and look like a moon. But what Insa is proudest of its the birds eye view of a crow and a raven flying together on the top of the box.

Insa holds it out for Haly to see, "Think they'll like it?"

Haly: “It’s beautiful. They’ll love it!” Holds out her hand

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TAAron began tuning out the music as he watched the couple dance. In its place, he found himself humming to the tune of a song he had learned as a little boy.


Brace yourselves, I actually wrote a small song for this.

The boy would run 'round in the forest

Playing games and having fun.

What the boy did not yet know is

That his whole life had just begun.


He went to school; he made a friend.

A friendship that could never end.

He brought that friend down to the forest.

And thus, the games began again.


Oh, how he left me with grief.

He fell away on that fatal reef.

I will surely never forget.


The boy was growing to a man,

Learning each and every day.

But through it all, that fateful friend

With the still-young boy would stay.


Their love was stronger than the waves.

Best of friends in every way.

Their games went on down in the forest,

Until one day in fateful May.


Oh, how he left me with grief.

He fell away on that fatal reef.

I will surely never forget.


That day they went to the sea,

Playing games, throwing sand.

But what those boys did not yet see

Were the rocks beneath.


Oh, how he left me with grief.

He fell away on that fatal reef.

I will surely never forget.


I am that boy; this is my song.

Years may pass, my life be long.

But I’ll remember my forest friend.

The best thing that came to an end.


Oh, how he left me with hope.

That one day I may see

A love as true as the mountain slopes,

Like the love from him to me.


I'm not exactly a musician, but hey. Let me know what you think.

 As TAAron finished the song, he realized that not only was he crying, but that he was softly singing aloud. Hopefully no one had noticed, but he had a feeling that they did.

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1 hour ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Thaidakar leaned against the wall of the dance-room. He held a warm mug of tea in his hand, he stirred the honey mixture absently. The look on Calano's face as he danced with Emma, you could tell he would compare this moment to the rest of his life fondly. Calano would wish he could preserve the happiness forever and remember every detail of this moment. But Thaidakar, he didn't want to remember much about this day. For one thing, his head was killing him. For another, every motion was like moving through sludge. Ever second seemed to slow down like eternity. Earlier that day, he'd taken a nap because of it, something in his dream had laughed, "you reject our gift? Well, here's another one." He took a gulp of the tea, the steaming hot liquid burning his throat. His powers kept it as hot as possible, thankfully. If he didn't keep it searing, he'd fall asleep on the spot. He thought about the gift he'd prepared. Hopefully Calano would like it, and hopefully he hadn't rigged it to kill Calano. That was always a risk. Thaidakar sighed and muttered a mental strengthening spell. Perhaps he could try and dance soon, goodness knows he needed to stretch his muscles. Part of him screamed at the idea, last time he'd danced, he'd danced with her. He took another gulp of the tea, dismissing the thought. Why did he keep thinking about her lately? That was ages in the past. Let the past stay in the past. He nodded slowly, trying to follow his own advice. He let his thoughts swirl like the dancers as he took another gulp of the searing hot tea.

Nameless walked over to Thaidakar. "How've you been? Haven't had a good chance to catch up since I got back to the clinic."

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37 minutes ago, Nameless said:

Nameless walked over to Thaidakar. "How've you been? Haven't had a good chance to catch up since I got back to the clinic."

"Hey, Nameless." he had a sip of the burning tea, "it's been... exhausting. I was fairly certain soulless ones weren't supposed to be able to be possessed. I was wrong. Now I have to deal with things trying to take over my sanity. I'm sorry I missed most of the wedding though, or I think I did? I don't know, my sense of time lately has been... less than functional. Enough about me, how've you been?"

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1 minute ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"Hey, Nameless." he had a sip of the burning tea, "it's been... exhausting. I was fairly certain soulless ones weren't supposed to be able to be possessed. I was wrong. Now I have to deal with things trying to take over my sanity. I'm sorry I missed most of the wedding though, or I think I did? I don't know, my sense of time lately has been... less than functional. Enough about me, how've you been?"

"I've been good. Explored the multiverse a little, got captured by chickens. I got out though."

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Just now, Nameless said:

"I've been good. Explored the multiverse a little, got captured by chickens. I got out though."

"That sounds fun." Thaidakar adjusted his glasses. "Me and Bookwyrm stockpiled some information from a Worldseer archive."

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1 minute ago, Nameless said:

"Get anything good?"

"A diary from a soulless who was present when the treaty was being drafted, a few other important documents. I have a friend of mine going through the information right now."

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Just now, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"A diary from a soulless who was present when the treaty was being drafted, a few other important documents. I have a friend of mine going through the information right now."

"That's interesting." Nameless hesitated, glancing over to where TAAron sat, softly singing to himself. "Thaidakar, you're a soulless, right?"

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Just now, Nameless said:

"That's interesting." Nameless hesitated, glancing over to where TAAron sat, softly singing to himself. "Thaidakar, you're a soulless, right?"

His eyes flashed amber, then red, then back to their ordinary color, "yes, yes I am." He had a sip of the steaming drink.

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Just now, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

His eyes flashed amber, then red, then back to their ordinary color, "yes, yes I am." He had a sip of the steaming drink.

"So you've travelled the outer shadows between dimensions, seen them from the outside?"

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Just now, Nameless said:

"So you've travelled the outer shadows between dimensions, seen them from the outside?"

"It's... an interesting experience, suffice it to say. I prefer these realms that cross between the realms of the soulless and the souled. It helps me... helps me process."

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Just now, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"It's... an interesting experience, suffice it to say. I prefer these realms that cross between the realms of the soulless and the souled. It helps me... helps me process."

"Have you ever seen the realm of the tower of Ghenjei?"

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Just now, Nameless said:

"Have you ever seen the realm of the tower of Ghenjei?"

"Ghenjei... Ghenjei... I might have, but it may be better to ask another of," he paused, his eyes flashed red then back, "another of my kinsman. I'd recommend 'Nearim'. He's an older soulless who may know more about it, he lives in the outer darkness near the spiritual realm; which is farther than most of my kind go when seeking a place of residence." 

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