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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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18 minutes ago, Kajsa said:

Kareena continued to massage her bruised nose. "Thanks," she said, flatly, then followed Mell into the tower.


Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly and Jove follow, Haly fingering her flower with a faraway look on her face


1 minute ago, Nameless said:

Nameless examined the doorway curiously, following along only reluctantly.

The room was mostly white and empty, with one wall occupied by a registration stand with a pleasant-looking man behind it, and another with various waiting chairs, one of which was occupied. At the far wall, four glowing circles were on the floor, each with a plaque behind them naming a location. General Lobby. Police Lobby. Court Lobby. The fourth circle was marked simply Private. Mell beckoned them to this one.

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

The room was mostly white and empty, with one wall occupied by a registration stand with a pleasant-looking man behind it, and another with various waiting chairs, one of which was occupied. At the far wall, four glowing circles were on the floor, each with a plaque behind them naming a location. General Lobby. Police Lobby. Court Lobby. The fourth circle was marked simply Private. Mell beckoned them to this one.

Nameless walked into the circle, then knelt down and inspected it closely. "Do you have some form of guide to the magic of this world? I'd love to learn more about it."

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6 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:



The room was mostly white and empty, with one wall occupied by a registration stand with a pleasant-looking man behind it, and another with various waiting chairs, one of which was occupied. At the far wall, four glowing circles were on the floor, each with a plaque behind them naming a location. General Lobby. Police Lobby. Court Lobby. The fourth circle was marked simply Private. Mell beckoned them to this one.

Haly followed, mind still fixed on the flower in her hand. Why does it remind me of the mountain? It’s just a flower. 

It kind of hurt, being welcomed to a world when she couldn’t go back to the one she truly cared about. 

Actually, the fact that she cared about it was why she couldn’t go back.

It made her homesick.

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Universes swirled around Ranryu and the Rightful One, weaving through them, flooding them with every time and place ever. At first, it was too much for Ranryu to take. After an indefinite amount of time, something inside her snapped, painful yet freeing. Anything she wanted to know was at her fingertips. All her questions, answered in an instant. 

And one of those answers filled her with rage. 

"Did you know about this?" Her voice echoed, like water flooding a canyon.

No... I. This is an abomination. We are... I do not know what to do.

"Luckily for you, I do." Using the threads of universes beyond measure, Ranryu formed a glaive, glowing with infinite possibilities.

Wait... No! The Aos Si need us. You can't do this! There has to be another way!

"The Aos Si overstated their need for agents in the clinic. After what they did, can you let this stand? If we returned to them, it would go against everything we've become."

I suppose you are correct... Make it quick. The Rightful One's tone was reluctant, but she knew Ranryu was right.

"To mend what the Aos Si have broken.Ranryu brought the glaive's blade across her forearm, tearing the magic that sustained her.

And then she died.

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16 minutes ago, Nameless said:

Nameless walked into the circle, then knelt down and inspected it closely. "Do you have some form of guide to the magic of this world? I'd love to learn more about it."


11 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly followed, mind still fixed on the flower in her hand. Why does it remind me of the mountain? It’s just a flower. 

It kind of hurt, being welcomed to a world when she couldn’t go back to the one she truly cared about. 

Actually, the fact that she cared about it was why she couldn’t go back.

It made her homesick.

"Why would we need a guide? You bunch are the only otherworlders to arrive in a decade, and no one ever came before Edmund. Also, stand up. King's private office, please."

Instantly, everyone in the circle felt a lurching as they shot up, the various levels of the tower blurring in front of their eyes. They arrived faster than what would seem possible at the second floor to the top of the tower. They found themselves standing an an identical circle to the one they had entered. The sight here was very different.

All of the walls were painted blue, with a simple hardwood floor and white ceiling that somehow seemed to illuminate the room despite the absence of a light fixture. On each side wall was a massive bookshelf, neatly organized and adorned with various odd trinkets. Against the back wall was a large but simple desk covered in papers, books, and random fidgety objects. Behind the desk in a simple chair sat the king of the realm.

Edmund looked remarkably young for his position, likely only in his twenties. His hair was gray, just as Mell's was. Other than that, he looked very average, dressed normally, fair-skinned and somewhat short with dirty blond hair. His arms were covered in small doodles made in pen. He looked up from his papers, smiling as he saw them, his eyes sparkling with a deep blue that matched the walls and the flowers. "Hello, General. And hello, fellow otherworlders."

Edited by The Aspiring Archivist
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3 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:


"Why would we need a guide? You bunch are the only otherworlders to arrive in a decade, and no one ever came before Edmund. Also, stand up. King's private office, please."

Instantly, everyone in the circle felt a lurching as they shot up, the various levels of the tower blurring in front of their eyes. They arrived faster than what would seem possible at the second floor to the top of the tower. They found themselves standing an an identical circle to the one they had entered. The sight here was very different.

All of the walls were painted blue, with a simple hardwood floor and white ceiling that somehow seemed to illuminate the room despite the absence of a light fixture. On each side wall was a massive bookshelf, neatly organized and adorned with various odd trinkets. Against the back wall was a large but simple desk covered in papers, books, and random fidgety objects. Behind the desk in a simple chair sat the king of the realm.

Edmund looked remarkably young for his position, likely only in his twenties. His hair was gray, just as Mell's was. Other than that, he looked very average, dressed normally, fair-skinned and somewhat short with dirty blond hair. His arms were covered in small doodles made in pen. He looked up from his papers, smiling as he saw them, his eyes sparkling with a deep blue that matched the walls and the flowers. "Hello, general. And hello, fellow otherworlders."

Haly squeezed the stem of the flower, then slipped it into her bag. “Hi. Marshmallow?”

Jobe bows and Haly sees him, then hastily follows his lead

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2 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Why would we need a guide? You bunch are the only otherworlders to arrive in a decade, and no one ever came before Edmund. Also, stand up. King's private office, please."

"So everyone in your universe is born knowing exactly how the magic works?" Nameless glanced up as they were transported. "Ah, you must be the king."


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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly squeezed the stem of the flower, then slipped it into her bag. “Hi. Marshmallow?”

Jobe bows and Haly sees him, then hastily follows his lead

"Please, don't do that. It seems a bit excessive to me."

Just now, Nameless said:

"Ah, you must be the king."

"Yes. Now, would you all mind telling me how you stumbled into Terra de Lumine? My husband has already told me some, but I would like to hear it from you."

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Yes. Now, would you all mind telling me how you stumbled into Terra de Lumine? My husband has already told me some, but I would like to hear it from you."

"I got sent here by a Soulless. Not sure how the rest of them showed up."

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Please, don't do that. It seems a bit excessive to me."

"Yes. Now, would you all mind telling me how you stumbled into Terra de Lumine? My husband has already told me some, but I would like to hear it from you."

Jove stands and Haly does too

”So we were in this dimension,” Haly began. “Then Ranryu flipped a lever and I landed in goop, and then Tors—then I magically Looked for him—Tristan.” She pointed at TAAron. “Then I came to the forest and stuff.”

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A fearful teenage girl stumbles into the clinic. She is wearing a gray jumpsuit reminiscent of what a convict would wear, and her short gray hair is a tangled mess.

"Hello? Is anyone here? I heard I could find a very good duelist here somewhere."

@The Wandering Wizard

Edited by Ranryu
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1 minute ago, Nameless said:

"I got sent here by a Soulless. Not sure how the rest of them showed up."


Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

Jove stands and Haly does too

”So we were in this dimension,” Haly began. “Then Ranryu flipped a lever and I landed in goop, and then Tors—then I magically Looked for him—Tristan.” She pointed at TAAron. “Then I came to the forest and stuff.”

The king did not look particularly surprised. "I will say, that's even odder than how I did it. Oh, sorry, I forgot to ask. What are all your names?"

"I'm Tristan," TAAron began.

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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

A fearful teenage girl stumbles into the clinic. She is wearing a gray jumpsuit reminiscent of what a convict would wear, and her short gray hair is a tangled mess.

"Hello? Is anyone here? I heard I could find a very good duelist here somewhere."

@The Wandering Wizard

Essa (the nine year old) threw up her hands and dropped the clipboard, bringing down her stiletto heel on it. “I give up! I give up. Why are there so PLUMMETING many of you!” She stalked to the door and then paused. “Enjoy your stay. Don’t take that personally.” Then she left.

Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:


The king did not look particularly surprised. "I will say, that's even odder than how I did it. Oh, sorry, I forgot to ask. What are all your names?"

"I'm Tristan," TAAron began.

“Haly—I mean Byrd.”


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4 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

The king did not look particularly surprised. "I will say, that's even odder than how I did it. Oh, sorry, I forgot to ask. What are all your names?"

"I'm Tristan," TAAron began.

"He's actually named TAARon, but he's experiencing some memory loss at the moment. I'm Nameless. And yes, that's my name, I'm not actually nameless."

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5 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Essa (the nine year old) threw up her hands and dropped the clipboard, bringing down her stiletto heel on it. “I give up! I give up. Why are there so PLUMMETING many of you!” She stalked to the door and then paused. “Enjoy your stay. Don’t take that personally.” Then she left.

“Haly—I mean Byrd.”



2 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"He's actually named TAARon, but he's experiencing some memory loss at the moment. I'm Nameless. And yes, that's my name, I'm not actually nameless."

"My name is WHAT?"

"I... alright. And the other one?"

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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Essa (the nine year old) threw up her hands and dropped the clipboard, bringing down her stiletto heel on it. “I give up! I give up. Why are there so PLUMMETING many of you!” She stalked to the door and then paused. “Enjoy your stay. Don’t take that personally.” Then she left.

Wynn blinks in confusion.

"I'm not planning on staying. I just want to duel Emma... wait."

Wynn realizes that she had no memory of anything before entering the clinic. That seemed... bad. There was nobody around to consult on this strange phenomenon. And she still really wants that duel.

Well, I guess I should find one of the patients. I hear they're really interesting. 


I swear, I'm not copying Calano. This is something different.


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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

Wynn blinks in confusion.

"I'm not planning on staying. I just want to duel Emma... wait."

Wynn realizes that she had no memory of anything before entering the clinic. That seemed... bad. There was nobody around to consult on this strange phenomenon. And she still really wants that duel.

Well, I guess I should find one of the patients. I hear they're really interesting. 



Now I wish I had someone in the clinic. Oh well. 


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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"My name is WHAT?"


"TAAron. You've just forgotten. At least you've stopped seeing me as some kind of hideous monster. That was inconvenient."

2 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

Wynn blinks in confusion.

"I'm not planning on staying. I just want to duel Emma... wait."

Wynn realizes that she had no memory of anything before entering the clinic. That seemed... bad. There was nobody around to consult on this strange phenomenon. And she still really wants that duel.

Well, I guess I should find one of the patients. I hear they're really interesting. 

Lark snuck past Wynn, looking very suspicious.

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Just now, Nameless said:

"TAAron. You've just forgotten. At least you've stopped seeing me as some kind of hideous monster. That was inconvenient."

Lark snuck past Wynn, looking very suspicious.

“He’s stopped seeing you like that FOR NOW,” Haly corrected. “Until we get to that tower, ‘for now’ might be rendered ‘over’ any minute.”

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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

“He’s stopped seeing you like that FOR NOW,” Haly corrected. “Until we get to that tower, ‘for now’ might be rendered ‘over’ any minute.”

"Yes, well. Thought I'd tempt fate a little. If he doesn't fall victim to that part of his ailment after I said thatit's probably gone for good." Nameless frowned. "Then again, the real world doesn't work like that, does it? I forget that, sometimes."

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1 minute ago, Nameless said:

"TAAron. You've just forgotten. At least you've stopped seeing me as some kind of hideous monster. That was inconvenient."

"I did WHAT?"


Let's just assume that Kajsa introduces herself because she's not here right now.

"Alright. I'm going to ignore that for now... Where do you all come from? The same place?" He paused, looking hopeful. "Do you happen to know a Plutarch or a Donner?"

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"I did WHAT?"

"Alright. I'm going to ignore that for now... Where do you all come from? The same place?" He paused, looking hopeful. "Do you happen to know a Plutarch or a Donner?"

“Uhhhhh…. Sorry.” Haly was feeling sort of lightheaded, but now was probably a bad time to mention that.

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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"I did WHAT?"

"Not really important. Just don't start doing it again, kolo?"

2 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Alright. I'm going to ignore that for now... Where do you all come from? The same place?" He paused, looking hopeful. "Do you happen to know a Plutarch or a Donner?"

"Recently, yes. And I don't know anyone by that name, sorry. Where do you come from?"

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