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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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The Stairwell in Unknown

Thaidakar stepped down the first few steps into darkness. He shivered as a pebble he'd accidentally kicked made a loud noise as it hit a distant end of the stairwell. Thaidakar paused, feeling something in the walls somehow. What was that feeling? That creepy feeling- he stopped as a light appeared at the distant bottom of the stairwell. The light seemed to approach. It was a silvery light, similar to the stones... As it got closer, he realized it was bursts of white flames appearing on black stone rods that were fixed onto the walls. He took a breath, realizing he'd been holding it in. He walked over to one of the rods and observed it. The black rod had carvings in the same language as the ones on the outside of the stairwell. Interesting... the white flames seemed to start out rainbow and then fade to white. Beautiful. Thaidakar continued walking down the stairs, noting more carvings and painted words on the walls. 

After what seemed like an hour, Thaidakar reached the bottom of the stairwell, a long hallway reached for at least a mile out underground. He groaned and adjusted his glasses. "Guess I'm in for a long trip." He said to himself. The thing inside him seemed to sneer at him, it said quietly in his mind, "I could give you the power... You could fly across the hallway in a second... so much time would be saved..." the nasal voice was getting annoying. "No." said Thaidakar in a whisper. "I'm doing this by myself."

He started walking along towards whatever end the hallway had.


It seems like I actually can get on today. huh.


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7 minutes ago, Ookla the Pencil Taxi said:

Stormy leaned over to Insa. "What just happened? I... have no skills or magic and have no background."


You're in a different place than Insa, I think. :P

She ran off from the group somewhere and Emma tapped into the threads of the people in the clinic and opened a portal infront of Insanity.


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Just now, Ookla the Myopic said:

You're in a different place than Insa, I think. :P

She ran off from the group somewhere and Emma tapped into the threads of the people in the clinic and opened a portal infront of Insanity.


Oh. Well. That's embarrassing.

Stormy leaned over to Bookwyrm. "What just happened? I... have no skills or magic and have no background in the clinic."


Bookwyrm is here, right?


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2 hours ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

@Ookla the Perpetual

Ruins of Tal'rin

Emma grins, "I'm fine. I lived in only a cave for a long time. Though the scenery shifted on the Nethergrim's whims."

Emma grimaces, "as did my clothes and my food and basically any control I had over myself. I was a living doll in the hands of a child. Either I had to do it or she would force me to. A lot worse than a normal inhabitation because it was a bond and so we knew each other's thoughts. Sometimes I couldn't tell myself from her."


Ruins of Tal'rin

Insa looked a little shocked. "That sounds awful." She looked around a little. " Um. Forgive me for changing the topic but what are you doing here and how did you get here?"

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4 hours ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:

What's your character up to right now?



Silhouette was in a place somewhere. Between space, between time. A reality unknown to those who have never experienced it.

He saw a sign that read 'you are in this state' with bolded letters underneath: 'confusion'.

Very funny, he thought.

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Ruins of Tal'rin

Emma shrugs, "It's not something I like to talk about much."

Thankful for the change of subject Emma takes Insanitiy's hand and rises to her feet.

"I made a kind of need portal because I was bored. It took me to where I could do something and it dumped me infront of you. Why?"

Emma shrugs, "I don't know. But is there anything you need or want help with? Or just a friend to talk to?"


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Random Fellow staggered. He was running out of energy, and the batteries and generator had been depleted ages ago. the consuming fire was about to be unleashed. An evil smile spread across his face. Finally, all would be able to feel the sweet embrace of the flames that held him so tight.

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Ruins of Tal'rin

Bookwyrm, who had finished his explanation to Calano and Matra, turned.

"Hey, Insa, can you-" he paused.

"Where's Insa?"

Even as he asked this question, his mind began whirring, spinning through possibilities of what could have happened.

Kaos doesn't have influence here. The villagers are all gone. The town is abandoned. I don't sense anything. She wouldn't just-

...Oh, sparks.

Bookwyrm turned, and without waiting for a response from Calano and Matra, ran up the stairs. He hoped they followed him.

@Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Shadowed @Ookla the Myopic @InfiniteInsanity

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The Hallway

Thaidakar walked calmly. 

After the flight and fight a few hours ago, he expected some sort of peril to be down here. Surely it wouldn't be this easy. He paused, expecting something to happen. Nothing did. He shrugged and continued walking. Perhaps, for once, it would be alright. Perhaps he'd finally be able to- he felt something shift in the floor and he cursed, "of course, now you do it."

The ground shook as the lights dimmed slightly. He started running as fast as he could. "Why am I running?" he asked to himself. "I don't know," he respond to... himself. "Great, I'm talking to myself. I blame Nameless." The floor just behind him cracked, but he just kept on running. "This better be worth it..." 

A dark shadow slipped up through the cracks. The shadows appeared to be goopy and stuck to the floor. Thaidakar had only taken two seconds to look back. His glasses almost fell off, but he stopped and gripped them in his hands just in time. He shoved them back in place and glanced back. The shadows were piling on top of each other. He groaned, "great..."

He gritted his teeth, running faster. A soft voice seemed to come from the goopy shadows, "soulless one..."

"Yes, goopy one?" yelled Thaidakar sarcastically as he saw what lay at the end of the hallway, another corner to run around. Excellent.

"I will destroy you..." said the soft, odd voice.

"Good luck, I happen to not take well to being destroyed. I find it bad for the heart." He rounded the corner quickly. "Ow!" He'd hit... a storming wall. Who puts a sparkin' wall 'round a corner? What slontze made a wall? He slid to the floor and grunted, his glasses had a crack in them. The shadowy goopy thingy was now as tall as the ceiling and had rounded the corner as well. A red glow started shining out at Thaidakar from slits that had appeared in the monster's head. 

"Well, this is just great." Thaidakar moved into an ancient stance and readied to fight.


Forgive me, my writing senses aren't in Thaidakar mode again yet. If that makes any sense. 


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25 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Ruins of Ta'rin

Insa smiled and blushed a little. "I hope he's noticed. But he was busy and distracted. I wouldn't really be mad at him if he hasn't."

@Ookla the Myopic

Runins of Ta'rin

"You can't be the tool for every situation. I know what it is like to feel like you can do nothing, useless and abandoned. I could teach you a few things if you want."


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Ruins of Tal'rin

"Yes, I can help with that. Give me your hand."

Placing her palm against Insanity's palm, Emma feels the lines on her hands. She senses the lines in Insa's hand and from that infornation Emma determines what she can do.

"There are two things that I can teach you, one how to fight and two how to wield your magic. The fighting will help strengthen your body and the magic, your mind. These are key to surviving the random attacks of the Kaos."

Emma steps back from Insa and the grass, grows. The trees regrow and life returns to the forest clearing. Picking up two sticks from the ground, Emma tosses one at Insa.

"Catch it and defend yourself!"


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The Clinic

Telrao stands and stretches, then snaps to attention. Wait. Did I just fall asleep? She rolls her blue eyes and pads down the hallway. Emma had disappeared somewhere, and Telrao wasn't quite sure where. For a few blissful moments, she forgets about losing her home, her mission, her purpose, her family. She is no longer a part of the Therapy Cats.

She is no longer immortal.

She shakes her head to clear away the grief. I have a new family now... I just have to find where they got to! Telrao closes her eyes and begins to quest in the air, searching for Emma's Connection to her... there!

Ruins of Tal'rin

Telrao yanks on the thread and is thrown violently onto the grass behind Emma. She lies on the grass for a moment, revelling in its scents, then groans and rolls to her feet, prodding the back of Emma's leg with a furry paw.

"Forgot about me, did you? Of course, your resident sponge of darkness is here to serve you, any time..." She rolled her blue eyes. Where had that sass come from? Emma's rubbing off on me...

@Ookla the Myopic

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Ruins of Tal'rin

Of course my sass is rubbing off on you, we're connected with a deeper bond than you know, Telrao. The last time I formed such a bond was with the Nethergrim and it wasn't good. I'll leave it at that as I'd rather not talk about it. If you want to help, I'm training Insanity over here in the art of combat, starting with sticks.

@Ookla the Floofy

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Pyro, I'd be surprised if your character didn't. New characters very commonly make dramatic and awkward entrances. Feel free to bruise your face whenever.

Ruins of Tal'rin

Calano had opened his mouth to say something before Bookwyrm dashed away. "I- Oh, ok we're running," He said, and followed Bookwyrm up and out of the cellar, gently placing the Puzzle stone on the ground.

@Ookla the Perpetual @Ookla the Shadowed

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9 hours ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

Ruins of Tal'rin

"Yes, I can help with that. Give me your hand."

Placing her palm against Insanity's palm, Emma feels the lines on her hands. She senses the lines in Insa's hand and from that infornation Emma determines what she can do.

"There are two things that I can teach you, one how to fight and two how to wield your magic. The fighting will help strengthen your body and the magic, your mind. These are key to surviving the random attacks of the Kaos."

Emma steps back from Insa and the grass, grows. The trees regrow and life returns to the forest clearing. Picking up two sticks from the ground, Emma tosses one at Insa.

"Catch it and defend yourself!"


Ruins of Tal'rin

Insa catches the stick. Her face twists in confusion. "Defend myself from what?"

@Ookla the Myopic

Edited by InfiniteInsanity
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Ruins of Tal'rin: The Forest

"From me."

In a blurring strike, Emma's stick raps on Insa's knuckles, hard.



Since Insa and Emma are in the forest and Emma isn't done teaching Insa, they're going to have a hard time finding them.

Especially since the clearing is deep in the new forest.

@Ookla the Perpetual @Ookla the Crow

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Ruins of Tal'rin

Bookwyrm searched the charred ruins for any sign of Insa.

Storms, I hope she's okay...he thought.

After a few more minutes of searching, Bookwyrm tried a different tactic. He reached out with his mind.

The familiar presence of Insa wasn't too far, but it was...guarded. He couldn't pinpoint it's location.

But...it felt safe. With a touch of his future sight, Bookwyrm was able to tell that Insa was probably in the best place she could be right now.

I still owe her an apology later...

Bookwyrm turned to Calano and Matra.

"Insa...has something else she needed to do. But we don't have to worry about her. Come; let's head back to the cellar."

@Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Shadowed

Edited by Ookla the Perpetual
Edited to fit Wizard's OOC quote box.
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