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The forest

3 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The forest

The figure on the ground turned and shifted, muttering in her sleep.

Suddenly a dome of darkness sprung up around the woman, trapping Insa inside.




Um... Sure. Why not?

Insa started to freak out. She used the device. "Um... I have a slight problem."


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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

“Being an Aes Sedai isn’t just a profession. Besides, you have-” Nameless cut off as his cellphone rang. He picked it up immediately. “Insa? What’s the situation? You need backup?”

@Aes Sedai @InfiniteInsanity

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6 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:




Well currently she is trapped in with Emma and having no way to get out.

Hmmm, I have to go to bed but there are a few things you guys need to know.

1. They can't teleport or gateway into the dome.

2. Emma won't wake up

3. The dome can't be broken

Have fun driving you characters mad as they try to free Insa! :P

@InfiniteInsanity @UnfortunatelyNamed @Aes Sedai

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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Nameless started weaving a gateway before Insa finished speaking, using his phone to locate her. "Don't worry, I'll be there in a sec-" The gateway weave fell apart, weave refusing to work. Light, that hasn't happened since I first started learning to bypass a dreamspike. He tried again, drawing on saidin until he was channeling as much as he safely could, but the weave refused to work. After a minute or two of trying he gave up, staring at the space where his weaves had failed, consternation with an edge of fear filling him. "I-" Light burn me, this is bad. "Don't panic. How big would you say the dome is?"


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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"Alright. Hang tight, I'll try and get there soon. See if you can wake Emma." Nameless deftly wove another gateway, and to his relief it worked, splitting a tree half a dozen yards from Insa. He stepped through hurriedly, staring at the dome of darkness in trepidation. What in the Stormfather's name is that? Tentatively, he stretched out a thread of spirit to touch the dome, trying to figure out what it was composed of. 

@Aes Sedai @InfiniteInsanity

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Dreamscape: The Sixth Archive

As Bookwyrm stood there in the Archive, a feeling of dread slowly began to creep up on him. His Allsight. 

What? he thought. Suddenly the power overtook him, and he was thrust into a turmoil of feelings.


He could feel multiple evils approaching. Where there had once been light, darkness. Those he loved were changing, drifting.

The ones he thought were allies weren't...

A man in blue robes stood in front of a group. Worldseers.They had spent years here.

But something was wrong.

As Bookwyrm watched, their robes turned red, their power shifted and corrupted.

"Today, we cast off the mantle of those who would simply observe! We make the commitment to change worlds, not just watch!

"Today, we become the Worldshapers!"

He saw them imprison a being of malleable substance - Gloppy? - in the depths of the Dreamscape. He saw them take their Archives and gather information, not just to store, but because they were planning something.

The Worldshapers hid themselves across universes, waiting....

Bookwyrm's vision drifted from the past and to the present and future. The dread he had buried re-surfaced, powerful. He felt an oncoming feeling of wrongness, like those he had once trusted would betray him...

Something was stirring.


Bookwyrm jolted from the vision and quickly composed himself. He hoped Thaidakar hadn't noticed. But his reaction had been very sudden...

He fought to contain his horror.


@CalanoCorvus @Shadowed @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

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34 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Dreamscape: Sixth Archive

Bookwyrm put a hand on his chin, thoughtful.

"I wonder if you somehow came here physically. Like...rather than your physical body being somewhere else and this just a manifestation of your mind and powers, this is somehow actually you standing here." Bookwyrm shrugged. "Though I don't know if that's even possible..."

Bookwyrm looked around the cavernous Archive. "By the way, do you know where the central Datacenter is? I want to download the information in this Archive into my tome like I did for the Fourth Archive. Besides knowledge of....personal value, there should be information on how to defeat Kaos."

@CalanoCorvus @Shadowed

Dreamscape: Sixth Archive

"I don't know... it should be somewhere around here." He hesitated, "you're going to be fighting Kaos? What have I missed?"

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The Forest

"No, I'm sure we can." Despite his words, Nameless' voice had an edge of desperation to it. "Alright, I'm going to try something... dangerous." Weaving quickly, Nameless launched a bar of white-hot Balefire into the dome, as powerful as he could manage.

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