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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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20 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Emma flourished her hand upwards, a movement not necessary but the power she felt as the storms gathered above her fingertips. The sky blackened and lightning cracked into gleaming eyes and extended into luminous, crackling scales. The rattling of forming scales filled the encampment as the Kaos created using the twisted strands of lightning. A vast army of scaled lightning creatures awaited in the sky, many of them various forms of dragons, some were reptiles and many more were unrecognizable creations of Kaos. And the ground too rumbled underfoot and many loud groanings and creakings were heard from the trees in the forest as they shifted, grew, and twisted. 

@Nameless* @The Aspiring Archivist @The Bookwyrm

@CalanoCorvus @InfiniteInsanity @That1Cellist @Edema Ruh @xinoehp512 @Shadowed @Thaidakar the Ghostblood 


Hey! I'm inactive, not obsolete! :P I will be here for a little bit but I will probably miss some of the climax. Try not to let me get killed please! :D 

Platypus sighed. "So, are we actually gonna go?"

8 hours ago, Just_a_Fan_YT said:

how did this place go from a clinic, to chickens killing folk?


don't ask questions. It's an RP :P 



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13 hours ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

So... what is this exactly?

(And what do I need to do to join?)


You can technically just join whenever, but I would recommend waiting until this final conflict is over. Then Season 2 will start, probably. We're kind of about to start a battle between the forces of light and Kaos. Eventually...


Edited by The Aspiring Archivist
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listen it’s a pain on mobile and i’m finishing out the school year right now

i’ll probably transport everyone to the battlefield today, and the battle will begin

this is the final conflict of season one. who knows how it’ll end? season two is gonna be fire tho


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Calano took a deep breath. He turned, and stretched forth his hand. A portal, an oval of Light, with smooth, blurred edges appeared, opening from nothing. Beyond it was a dark forest, dimly lit now, because of the portal and the light from Earth streaming through.

"Enough of this Earth," Calano said softly, "We return now, to more familiar dreamland destinations. To fight. To win. And to save."

Calano stepped through the portal, felt his whole body begin to hum. He knew what to do.

"Follow me," He said through the portal to everyone else, "It is time."

@InfiniteInsanity @That1Cellist @Edema Ruh @xinoehp512 @Shadowed @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

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50 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano took a deep breath. He turned, and stretched forth his hand. A portal, an oval of Light, with smooth, blurred edges appeared, opening from nothing. Beyond it was a dark forest, dimly lit now, because of the portal and the light from Earth streaming through.

"Enough of this Earth," Calano said softly, "We return now, to more familiar dreamland destinations. To fight. To win. And to save."

Calano stepped through the portal, felt his whole body begin to hum. He knew what to do.

"Follow me," He said through the portal to everyone else, "It is time."

@InfiniteInsanity @That1Cellist @Edema Ruh @xinoehp512 @Shadowed @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

"OOH this seems exciting!" Shrieked Shark, who, once again, had no idea what was happening. It is an unfortunate bunny rabbit predisposition to get distracted, and Shark, while an exception to some bunny things, was not entirely devoid of this mindset.

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2 minutes ago, Just_a_Fan_YT said:
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how did this go from "haha funni rp about a clinic for folks who like books!" to a deep, confusing tale you'd find in a fleetway/archie sonic comic?



welcome to the Insanity Clinic :]

we're funny like that


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As i said before rolling a nat 1, the chickens appear to be just hungry. tell them to go eat a sylveon or boiled potato, or something. how about both.


Edited by Just_a_Fan_YT
Both? Both is good.
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15 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano took a deep breath. He turned, and stretched forth his hand. A portal, an oval of Light, with smooth, blurred edges appeared, opening from nothing. Beyond it was a dark forest, dimly lit now, because of the portal and the light from Earth streaming through.

"Enough of this Earth," Calano said softly, "We return now, to more familiar dreamland destinations. To fight. To win. And to save."

Calano stepped through the portal, felt his whole body begin to hum. He knew what to do.

"Follow me," He said through the portal to everyone else, "It is time."

@InfiniteInsanity @That1Cellist @Edema Ruh @xinoehp512 @Shadowed @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

Insa's eyes widened as she looked through the portal. It's gonna be dark isn't it?

Of course it is darling. You're just gonna have to deal with it. It is a dark forest after all.

Go away.

I don't have to listen to you.

Go away. I don't need a distraction.

Me? A distraction? Never.

So you're gonna help me?

Oh. No. Of course not. You have to be able to do things on your own. I can't always be here directing you every step of the way. 

Does that mean you're gonna shut up?



Insa took a deep breath and followed Calano through the portal.

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Bookwyrm floated in the between space over the dream-plane where the final battle would soon happen.

He'd done a lot of literal soul searching, and found a sleeper agent that Kaos had planted in his corrupted mind. One that would kill him instantly the moment it were to be purified, as long as the rest of Kaos still existed.

Not so trusting after all, are you, Emma? The voice said.

Bookwyrm winced and closed his eyes. The duality was...unbearable. The forefront of his mind and conscious, his basic logic, saw the hope that Kaos brought to Existence. The goodness that it's victory would bring.

And yet, when he followed the logic paths deeper it all fell apart. And that voice...his own voice. A kind voice. Fighting the Kaos all the way. A star in the heart of his mind, his soul, wrapped in an enveloping sphere of darkness.

He sighed. Then stepped back into reality.

The Dreamscape of the Final Battle

Bookwyrm materialized next to Emma, his Sword of Many Forms sheathed at his side. He wore his traditional deep blue tunic and cloak, speckled with stars, but there was something...off about them. They were tinged with the deep purple of Kaos, and many of the stars had taken on a strange blackness.

He gazed out across the army that Emma -- Kaos -- had just summoned. Piercing the deepest part of him he felt a wave of terror, one that soon faded.

Bookwyrm walked over.

"Where do you need me?"

@The Wandering Wizard @Nameless*

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16 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano took a deep breath. He turned, and stretched forth his hand. A portal, an oval of Light, with smooth, blurred edges appeared, opening from nothing. Beyond it was a dark forest, dimly lit now, because of the portal and the light from Earth streaming through.

"Enough of this Earth," Calano said softly, "We return now, to more familiar dreamland destinations. To fight. To win. And to save."

Calano stepped through the portal, felt his whole body begin to hum. He knew what to do.

"Follow me," He said through the portal to everyone else, "It is time."

@InfiniteInsanity @That1Cellist @Edema Ruh @xinoehp512 @Shadowed @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

Rue stepped through to portal, her face a mask of Aes Sedai serenity.

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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano took a deep breath. He turned, and stretched forth his hand. A portal, an oval of Light, with smooth, blurred edges appeared, opening from nothing. Beyond it was a dark forest, dimly lit now, because of the portal and the light from Earth streaming through.

"Enough of this Earth," Calano said softly, "We return now, to more familiar dreamland destinations. To fight. To win. And to save."

Calano stepped through the portal, felt his whole body begin to hum. He knew what to do.

"Follow me," He said through the portal to everyone else, "It is time."

@InfiniteInsanity @That1Cellist @Edema Ruh @xinoehp512 @Shadowed @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

Thaidakar stepped through, five Soulless behind him. They talked among themselves, unintentionally excluding Thaidakar from the conversation. That made sense. Thaidakar had been away from most soulless for centuries and more. Perhaps millennia. More were coming, and that was all that mattered. He smiled at everyone else, feeling his power. It was coming... he could feel it trying to take control of him. But he couldn't let it. He had to fight it. At least for now... maybe after the fight he could finally rest.

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Ati braced himself and stepped through the portal, readying his metalminds for the battle.


Sorry I have been kind of inactive, but I definitely want to take part of the big battle.


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Calano shushed everyone as they came through.

"Stay very quiet," He said, "I can sense them. They're to the north. Emma has summoned an army: It's a good thing we did too." Calano waved a hand, and his army appeared around him, his slightly glowing army of moss and stone soldiers.

He'd been deliberate in using Earth materials: Much, much harder, near impossible even, to manipulate in this universe. Especially hard, Greenlandic stone and strong, aged Greenlandic moss.

Then, he began his march north. To a field.

A field in the middle of this dark forest.

The fated battlefield. The one spoken of in ancient prophecies. Much knowledge was given to Calano upon his Ascension.

He knew where to go.

There was one place, and it was that field.

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4 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano shushed everyone as they came through.

"Stay very quiet," He said, "I can sense them. They're to the north. Emma has summoned an army: It's a good thing we did too." Calano waved a hand, and his army appeared around him, his slightly glowing army of moss and stone soldiers.

He'd been deliberate in using Earth materials: Much, much harder, near impossible even, to manipulate in this universe. Especially hard, Greenlandic stone and strong, aged Greenlandic moss.

Then, he began his march north. To a field.

A field in the middle of this dark forest.

The fated battlefield. The one spoken of in ancient prophecies. Much knowledge was given to Calano upon his Ascension.

He knew where to go.

There was one place, and it was that field.


With ludicrously enhanced A-Bronze, would TAAron be able to detect them at all? Or would we not allow that because it technically isn't Investiture?


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Sorry, but I think I’m gonna sit this one out. I would love to join in but I have a lot of important stuff going on irl and would probably never find the time to properly respond. Matra will definitely be back for Season 2 tho ;)

Matra stood to the side, watching her friends declare allegiance to Calano in the upcoming battle. She would have loved to do the same - it was Calano, after all - but deep down, she knew her allegiance lay elsewhere.

In the hands of the Golden Ones.

Her sword flashed in the sunlight, a reminder of where she came from. Perhaps there was a way to compromise…? No, she decided, there was not. The war was going to turn the whole worlds upside down, and Calano had enough competent fighters in his corner. No, Matra was needed where there was a distinct lack of those.

A once-familiar warmth began to well up inside her, suffusing her whole body with a golden Light. It burst out of her, shimmering in the air around her for a split second, forming the iridescent shape of a dolphin leaping through the air, before enveloping Matra in its shining rays. She knew she had made the right decision.

A few seconds later, the light had vanished and Matra was gone.

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On 5/26/2023 at 8:31 AM, The Bookwyrm said:

The Dreamscape of the Final Battle

Bookwyrm materialized next to Emma, his Sword of Many Forms sheathed at his side. He wore his traditional deep blue tunic and cloak, speckled with stars, but there was something...off about them. They were tinged with the deep purple of Kaos, and many of the stars had taken on a strange blackness.

He gazed out across the army that Emma -- Kaos -- had just summoned. Piercing the deepest part of him he felt a wave of terror, one that soon faded.

Bookwyrm walked over.

"Where do you need me?"

@The Wandering Wizard @Nameless*

Emma glanced over the field in her mind. "Guard the cliffs to the south." Her soulless violet eyes piercing into his soul, "there you will find newly constructed rampart and Kaos creations to aid you." Emma turns to Lark and TAAron, her black hair flowing in an unseen wind. "You take the east side Lark and you the West, TAAron. New defenses and Kaos creations will aid you." Emma's eyes hardened, "and I will meet Calano on the field of battle, for the last time. He will join me and be mine or he will be crushed like everyone who has ever resisted."

@The Bookwyrm @The Aspiring Archivist @Nameless*

On 5/26/2023 at 2:45 PM, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano shushed everyone as they came through.

"Stay very quiet," He said, "I can sense them. They're to the north. Emma has summoned an army: It's a good thing we did too." Calano waved a hand, and his army appeared around him, his slightly glowing army of moss and stone soldiers.

He'd been deliberate in using Earth materials: Much, much harder, near impossible even, to manipulate in this universe. Especially hard, Greenlandic stone and strong, aged Greenlandic moss.

Then, he began his march north. To a field.

A field in the middle of this dark forest.

The fated battlefield. The one spoken of in ancient prophecies. Much knowledge was given to Calano upon his Ascension.

He knew where to go.

There was one place, and it was that field.

To the north lay a massive fortress. The ground peeled away underneath it as the fortress floated up into the sky.

@CalanoCorvus @InfiniteInsanity @Edema Ruh @Being of Cacophony @Shadowed @That1Cellist @xinoehp512 @Ati16 @Thaidakar the Ghostblood (sorry if I forgot anyone, please tag anyone I forgot)

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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