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One blessing to rule them all?

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If you gave a mistwraith a lerasium spike... would it only be half a blessing or would it provide half of the bonuses of all the blessings?  Bleeder was going insane because she was only using 1 spike would a single lerasium spike be enough to create a stable kandra or do you think you would have to have another spike as well?  

A side question here is when Bleeder is shown to have used Trellium was it just the Trellium that kept Bleeder from being seen/ controlled by Harmony or was it the lack of another metal?  Would a single spike of any other metal leave Bleeder vulnerable to Harmony or would it just allow him to track her more easily so he could continue hunting her down?

I assume if you used lerasium as a blessing spike you would likely make a kandra even more vulnerable to Harmony than a normal kandra with any other set of spikes.  


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Here are the Words of Brandon on Kandra blessings.

It does not seem that a single spike of any metal would be enough to keep a Kandra stable.

Here is the WoB on how Paalm was hiding






I wanted to ask about Paalm’s spike. Is it that one specifically that allowed her to hide from Harmony or would it happen with any sort of...?

Brandon Sanderson

It was because she was not using one out of any metal that he knew, was a big part of it. She couldn't have done that with any spike. Taking one out helped a bit, but a non-Harmony spike it had to be… What you’re seeing there is a weird hack of the magic system intentionally that was built to do that.


So, it wasn't because it was 1 spike, it was because it was a metal unknown to Harmony.



IIRC, it wasn't ever the type of spike(s) that made somebody vulnerable to Ruin/Harmony; it was the number of spikes.

One spike (like Wax's Earring) allows Harmony/Ruin to talk to the person

Two or more spikes allows Harmony/Ruin some level of control over the person, with more spikes making that control both easier and more complete. 

Here are the WoBs concerning Lerasium Spikes; most notably:




Questioner 1

What would happen if you used lerasium as a spike for Hemalurgy?

Brandon Sanderson

Oh lerasium as a spike for Hemalurgy? Um lerasium as a spike for Hemalurgy--

Questioner 1

Would it work or would it just not work?

Brandon Sanderson

No I mean it would work--

Questioner 1

If you were to place a lerasium spike would you transform into a full Mistborn as opposed to--

Questioner 2

Well it can also steal powers, not just grant them, right?

Brandon Sanderson

Um, right. The thing about it is you're trying to Invest something that is already very Invested, which always has weird effects. So while you could do it, it would be a gross waste of the potential. It's like using a nuclear bomb as a paperweight. It is functional but--




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