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Do you like Keeper of the Lost Cities?  

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  1. 1. Do you like Keeper of the Lost Cities?

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10 hours ago, LightRinger said:

Hi. Controversy ahead, so be warned.


*takes deep breath*

I stopped reading the books after 8.5 because I thought the writing was getting better and the plot was getting worse. I'm not a huge fan of authors writing guides to their books, especially when it just compiles things we already know. I loved the first few books, but after Neverseen everything got too confusing with the bigger bosses and halls of mirrors. I liked Keefe until he turned into a whiny boi. Personally, I think Keeper has become the Hunger Games but longer and doesn't hide that it's for middle schoolers. They both started strong but became too romance heavy after a few books IMNSHO. (lmk if y'all want a comparison chart for characters and plot) However, I think there is still a lot of potential for the series, and I might read Stellarlune if y'all recommend it. 

*takes another deep breath*

I think Kenric is def still alive, and likely a member of the Neverseen, and probably Gethen. I love Elwin more than anything in the series. Flashers are freaking cool, and I'd love to talk about multiple Ability resonances, to borrow a Shard term. 

*Steps down from soapbox*

Thanks. I'll be here more. I'd love to know if y'all think I should read Stellarlune, especially if I'm not the biggest fan of the series's progression thus far.

I read the tags (be, nice), and I hope y'all realize my opinions are here for the sake of conversation and not to be mean. I'd love to read some of y'all's theories, so sorry if I say/said anything already on this thread, but now I'm going to read it all. 


3 hours ago, Kajsa said:

i agree with this!!! i feel like after Neverseen (just like you said), the plot (in my brain, at least) started to kinda fall apart. I got pretty lost around Legacy, and I was also confused at why Shannon would interrupt the series to write 8.5 instead of saving it for the end, since i’m sure we’ll learn more in the next books that she may have wanted to include in 8.5. The series definitely has become more romance-heavy, but I would personally be okay with that if it wasn’t bogging the plot down. 

As for Stellarlune, the plot really slows down in that one, and it’s basically Sophie trying to figure out how to get somewhere important to the Neverseen while also figuring out her romantic feelings. Disclaimer: that is definitely not all it is, but that’s the majority of what i remember, thus what i found to be the most important/prevalent aspects of the novel. 

i both agree and disagree with your keefe statement.

Personally, i’m going to continue reading the series because i’ve come this far, and i’d like to see how it ends. plus, i want to continue to support shannon since i’m an aspiring author myself and want to do my best to support other authors. this is especially because she clearly knows how to write if she can just solidify plot before she jumps in. that’s my personal opinion, and i hope nobody is offended as i’m not aiming to be mean or rude. thanks for letting me share!


2 hours ago, Immortal Platypus said:



anyways, i'm gonna keep reading the series because of the time I've put into it. I don't expect it to get so good that I'll be like, I would've regretted not reading this, but I also don't expect it to get so bad that I'm like, I wish I hadn't read this (for a long time at least). I think the series is ok, but I definitely wouldn't call it great, or even good. The same plot tends to get reused (imo) so I'm not a huge fan, but at least things are starting to change. maybe it'll be good, and I'll be pleasantly surprised.

I couldn't agree more wholeheartedly . . . For me, KOTLC is one of those series that you've sort of grown out of, but you keep reading it because your already emotionally attached. I also would like to say, I present my opinion with nothing but respect. I realize I can get a little heated when talking about what I like/don't like in a piece of media. Everyone interprets fiction differently, and has different taste, these are just my thoughts.

(spoilered for length)


The series has a lot of issues, many of which you addressed, but I think my main issue is with the world-building. Not only does it not make very much sense (For example, their economic system baffles me), but parts of it make me uncomfortable. I understand the elves are supposed to have an extremely flawed society, but the things that make me uncomfy are never called out as being bad . . . Like, for instance, the gnomes doing all the work for the elves. I know the book explains that they do it because they want to but, it just, still feels weird to me. I don't know . . . and the fact that they do it because the elves saved them makes it feel even worse. It's on the border of being indentured servitude, in my opinion. It's like the house elves from Harry Potter, but there's no Hermione or Harry advocating for them. I think in 8.5 shanon described the elves as having a 'crumbling utupia' which is cool, but the books focus way to much on the utopia, and ignore some of the obvious cracks. Or, even worse, use the fact that it can be seen as a utopia as a way to condone the cracks.

Not only that but the elvish government and processes are terrible and incredibly creepy. I know this is recognized by the characters but I feel like they aren't doing enough. I understand the sentiment of trying to work with it and keep peace, but I'll be honest in many other fantasy novels, the characters would be overthrowing the government by now . . . It frustrates me the that MC's allow the counsel and others to get away with terrible things simply because 'they need to work together.' There is the fact that they are battling a terrorist group but I genuinely don't see how they couldn't do both at once--there's certainly a big enough cast for it.

I also don't think the character development is well thought out, and is either stagnant or inconsistent. Some characters seem to learn the wrong lessons from their experiences and get worse imo (Sophie, Fitz). While others have character development but we don't really get to see it change anything because the character is shoved to the side (Amy, Keefe, Biana).

Lastly, it has always bothered me how the series (for want of a better word) looks down on the human race? I understand the idea of man vs nature, and wanting to show the evils and failings of humanity, but I think it goes a little to far. We aren't shown enough as the reader that humans can be good. Amy, the only human main character (if you can call her a main character) is constantly shoved to the side and put in boxes. Once again, I understand why but I dislike that it's there in the first place . . . Why couldn't they age Amy up a little and actually have her do things significant to the main plot?

 My biggest gripe with the whole 'humans such' thing being the 'lower intelligence level.' What was the point of that? So Sophie could be a genius? Just make her a genius in both races, it wouldn't hurt anything. The elves could have higher technology simply because they had access to more 'magic' materials and processes, they don't all need to be super smart. (Not only that but we aren't shown elves actually using their higher intelligence enough, in my opinion).

If this series is marketed towards pre-teen girls, shouldn't it work to make them feel less self-conscious, not more? Because I know that sensitive little twelve year-old me felt awful sometimes reading the part of the books that discuss humans. Maybe that one is just me and my personal biases though.

I definitely don't think that Shanon put any malice or illl intent into any of these issues, I just think it might be a lack of in-depth thought over some things. It feels half-fleshed out, and that leads to holes and other problems. Like others said above, I totally respect her as an author and I think what she's achieved is really cool--I just think her writing could be a little more thought out. Either that or I'm thinking about it too hard/ my biases are just huge in this one/ I'm thinking about it irrationally. What are your thoughts?

Edited by J. Magi
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9 minutes ago, J. Magi said:



I couldn't agree more wholeheartedly . . . For me, KOTLC is one of those series that you've sort of grown out of, but you keep reading it because your already emotionally attached. I also would like to say, I present my opinion with nothing but respect. I realize I can get a little heated when talking about what I like/don't like in a piece of media. Everyone interprets fiction differently, and has different taste, these are just my thoughts.

(spoilered for length)

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The series has a lot of issues, many of which you addressed, but I think my main issue is with the world-building. Not only does it not make very much sense (For example, their economic system baffles me), but parts of it make me uncomfortable. I understand the elves are supposed to have an extremely flawed society, but the things that make me uncomfy are never called out as being bad . . . Like, for instance, the gnomes doing all the work for the elves. I know the book explains that they do it because they want to but, it just, still feels weird to me. I don't know . . . and the fact that they do it because the elves saved them makes it feel even worse. It's on the border of being indentured servitude, in my opinion. It's like the house elves from Harry Potter, but there's no Hermione or Harry advocating for them. I think in 8.5 shanon described the elves as having a 'crumbling utupia' which is cool, but the books focus way to much on the utopia, and ignore some of the obvious cracks. Or, even worse, use the fact that it can be seen as a utopia as a way to condone the cracks.

Not only that but the elvish government and processes are terrible and incredibly creepy. I know this is recognized by the characters but I feel like they aren't doing enough. I understand the sentiment of trying to work with it and keep peace, but I'll be honest in many other fantasy novels, the characters would be overthrowing the government by now . . . It frustrates me the that MC's allow the counsel and others to get away with terrible things simply because 'they need to work together.' There is the fact that they are battling a terrorist group but I genuinely don't see how they couldn't do both at once--there's certainly a big enough cast for it.

I also don't think the character development isn't well thought out, and is either stagnant or inconsistent. Some characters seem to learn the wrong lessons from their experiences and get worse imo (Sophie, Fitz). While others have character development that we don't really get to see because the character is shoved to the side (Amy, Keefe, Biana).

Lastly, it has always bothered me how the series (for want of a better word) looks down on the human race? I understand the idea of man vs nature, and wanting to show the evils and failings of humanity, but I think it goes a little to far. We aren't shown enough as the reader that humans can be good. Amy, the only human main character (if you can call her a main character) is constantly shoved to the side and put in boxes. Once again, I understand why but I dislike that it's there in the first place . . . Why couldn't they age Amy up a little and actually have her do things significant to the main plot?

 My biggest gripe being the 'lower intelligence level.' What was the point of that? So Sophie could be a genius? Just make a her a genuis in both races, it wouldn't hurt anything. The elves could have higher technology simply because they had access to more 'magic' materials and processes, they don't all need to be super smart. (Not only that but we aren't shown elves actually using their higher intelligence enough, in my opinion).

If this series is marketed towards pre-teen girls, shouldn't it work to make them feel less self-conscious, not more? Because I know that sensitive little twelve year-old me felt awful sometimes reading the part of the books that discuss humans. Maybe that one is just me and my personal biases though.

I definitely don't think that Shanon put any malice or illl intent into any of these issues, I just think it might be a lack of in-depth thought over some things. It feels half-fleshed out, and that leads to holes and other problems. Like others said above, I totally respect her as an author and I think what she's achieved is really cool--I just think her writing could be a little more thought out. Either that or I'm thinking about it too hard/ my biases are just huge in this one/ I'm thinking about it irrationally. What are your thoughts?

You couldn't have said this better, Magi. I literally cannot agree more.

The economic system is not only baffling but in reality would probably fall apart in the real world. Imagine all the elves just... stopped wanting to work. Everything would stop, and they wouldn't have motivation to start again because they have the money they need (until they inevitably run out, since they're immortal and however many million whatchamacallems would only last so long--but then how are they supposed to get more if they don't actually earn it?).

I also agree with the statement about the gnomes. Not only are they workers, they're marginalized. During the plague, all the council did was try to cover it up, not help. 

And the biases towards humankind is INSANE. Humans seem to be viewed as this terrible, disgusting, monstrous race of not-so-intelligent life intent only on destroying each other, incapable of good. Which isn't true, obviously, but I digress. 

I also do not believe that Shannon had any ill intent with incorporating these elements, but the worldbuilding does seem a bit shallow in these ways. I wanted her to go deeper, to explore more between the actual relationship of elves and humans, explain more about WHY things are the way they are, give the characters better arcs (because let's be honest fitz was great material and then he just kinda... ya know)--not that they all have to be morally improving, but to have so many characters with a blatantly morally degrading arc and still glorifying them as the heroes is kinda silly to me.

This is just the tip of the iceberg with my thoughts on this, but I do want y'all to know there's a lot about this series I do like! It's just refreshing to finally be able to talk about some of the flaws I see with someone who shares the same views.

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10 minutes ago, Kajsa said:

You couldn't have said this better, Magi. I literally cannot agree more.

Thanks lol, it's good to talk with someone about.

10 minutes ago, Kajsa said:

The economic system is not only baffling but in reality would probably fall apart in the real world. Imagine all the elves just... stopped wanting to work. Everything would stop, and they wouldn't have motivation to start again because they have the money they need (until they inevitably run out, since they're immortal and however many million whatchamacallems would only last so long--but then how are they supposed to get more if they don't actually earn it?).

Not only that, but giving every person a massive amount of money at their birth completely eliminates the worth of money in the first place. It's basic economics that when everyone has more money than they need goods, the money looses it's value. If everyone has a nearly unlimited money, than that money becomes worthless, and there's no point to it in the first place.

20 minutes ago, Kajsa said:

And the biases towards humankind is INSANE. Humans seem to be viewed as this terrible, disgusting, monstrous race of not-so-intelligent life intent only on destroying each other, incapable of good. Which isn't true, obviously, but I digress. 


I'm so glad it's not only me, lol

22 minutes ago, Kajsa said:

(because let's be honest fitz was great material and then he just kinda... ya know)

Hehe . .. .  yeah  .. . . 

22 minutes ago, Kajsa said:

not that they all have to be morally improving, but to have so many characters with a blatantly morally degrading arc and still glorifying them as the heroes is kinda silly to me.

YES THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! It's okay to have a corruption arc, but you have to make it clear it's a corruption arc.

23 minutes ago, Kajsa said:

but I do want y'all to know there's a lot about this series I do like! It's just refreshing to finally be able to talk about some of the flaws I see with someone who shares the same views.

I couldn't agree more. They're fun books and I enjoy reading them, but I also can't ignore the flaws it has, and maybe it's because I like it that I'm also so ready to discuss the things I don't like.

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8 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

Thanks lol, it's good to talk with someone about.

Not only that, but giving every person a massive amount of money at their birth completely eliminates the worth of money in the first place. It's basic economics that when everyone has more money than they need goods, the money looses it's value. If everyone has a nearly unlimited money, than that money becomes worthless, and there's no point to it in the first place.

I'm so glad it's not only me, lol

Hehe . .. .  yeah  .. . . 

YES THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! It's okay to have a corruption arc, but you have to make it clear it's a corruption arc.

I couldn't agree more. They're fun books and I enjoy reading them, but I also can't ignore the flaws it has, and maybe it's because I like it that I'm also so ready to discuss the things I don't like.




4 minutes ago, Part Of The Narrative said:

*takes deep breath for controversial opinion*

Alden is evil


just think of how many of the Vackers are questionable

and he’s always saying there’s no reason to worry 


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2 minutes ago, Kajsa said:





just think of how many of the Vackers are questionable

and he’s always saying there’s no reason to worry 



It's too sketch I'm sorry sir

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10 minutes ago, Part Of The Narrative said:

*takes deep breath for controversial opinion*

Alden is evil


4 minutes ago, Kajsa said:





just think of how many of the Vackers are questionable

and he’s always saying there’s no reason to worry 



1 minute ago, Part Of The Narrative said:


It's too sketch I'm sorry sir

lol, there were so many different plot-lines going on that I barely remember who that guy is . . . 

He's definitely messed up from what I remember though . . . even after they gave him that chance to start over.

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1 minute ago, J. Magi said:



lol, there were so many different plot-lines going on that I barely remember who that guy is . . . 

He's definitely messed up from what I remember though . . . even after they gave him that chance to start over.

oh no that's Alvar

Alden is the daddy

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6 minutes ago, Part Of The Narrative said:

I don't know if anyone remembers that scene with Keefe and Alden at the end of Flashback, where he basically tells Keefe to back off and let Fitz have Sophie??? I was done with him at that point too


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Just now, Kajsa said:

oh no that's Alvar

Alden is the daddy


see, this proves my point . . . granted it's been a few years but still.

I don't know how to feel about Alden honestly . . . my opinion of him is mostly overshadowed by my dislike for the whole 'elves can die from guilt and so they never do anything wrong ever or else they get sick' thing. I forgot about it in my first post today, but it's honestly one of my least favorite things about the world building and books as a whole. Why don't the council members who arguably do bad things not die? Why don't the neverseen realize what they're doing is wrong? Why is that even a thing in the first place? It honestly sounds like elvish propaganda, and it's unfortunate that it's real because that would make a cool plot twist . . . 

Not only that but I feel like there are so many characters to remember that I just forget Alden's there in the first place.

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1 minute ago, J. Magi said:


see, this proves my point . . . granted it's been a few years but still.

I don't know how to feel about Alden honestly . . . my opinion of him is mostly overshadowed by my dislike for the whole 'elves can die from guilt and so they never do anything wrong ever or else they get sick' thing. I forgot about it in my first post today, but it's honestly one of my least favorite things about the world building and books as a whole. Why don't the council members who arguably do bad things not die? Why don't the neverseen realize what they're doing is wrong? Why is that even a thing in the first place? It honestly sounds like elvish propaganda, and it's unfortunate that it's real because that would make a cool plot twist . . . 

Not only that but I feel like there are so many characters to remember that I just forget Alden's there in the first place.


like if they can die from guilt shouldn't the neverseen be dead? does gisela really feel no remorse for putting keefy boi through all of that crap????

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2 minutes ago, Kajsa said:


like if they can die from guilt shouldn't the neverseen be dead? does gisela really feel no remorse for putting keefy boi through all of that crap????

I think there's a point where if you're like "evil" enough you just go insanely evil instead of insanely sick? Idk it's literally so confusing!!

Also there are so many loose ends that need to be tied up like im sorry what happened to all the other plot points like the Lodestar thing and the Archetype -_^

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4 minutes ago, Part Of The Narrative said:

I think there's a point where if you're like "evil" enough you just go insanely evil instead of insanely sick? Idk it's literally so confusing!!

Also there are so many loose ends that need to be tied up like im sorry what happened to all the other plot points like the Lodestar thing and the Archetype -_^

I KNOW i've been waiting for those forever, like do they just not matter anymore??

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2 minutes ago, Part Of The Narrative said:


What are everyone's thoughts on the new book coming out about Keefe and his time in the human world?

Mixed feelings. I'm excited to get some Keefe content, but at the same time, I'm ready for the action to go down and the series to end

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3 minutes ago, Kajsa said:

Mixed feelings. I'm excited to get some Keefe content, but at the same time, I'm ready for the action to go down and the series to end

Same, pretty much. The books are really just one thing after another and poor Keefe's right in the middle 😅

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25 minutes ago, Kajsa said:


like if they can die from guilt shouldn't the neverseen be dead? does gisela really feel no remorse for putting keefy boi through all of that crap????


It bothers me a lot actually lol

14 minutes ago, Part Of The Narrative said:


What are everyone's thoughts on the new book coming out about Keefe and his time in the human world?

Like I said in a post previously, I had a whole fanfiction for what happens after 8.5 planned out during middleschool. I'm totally biased to my ideas of what happened, so I expect I'll find 9.5 disappointing in comparison lol.

I am looking forward to more stuff from Keefe's perspective.

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Just now, Wierdo said:

It got stale, but keefe was definately my favorite, when not depressed

Yeah, I gotta agree. Keefe is one of the reasons I'm gonna finish the books.

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