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Mid-Range Game 58 - To Kill a Skyeel

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Mid-Range Game 58 - To Kill a Skyeel

Amirim awoke. It was still dark out. He couldn’t discern why he had woken up, so he sat up. He pulled open his drawer to grab a knife when he heard a voice. "If you move, your wife dies." He jerked to look at the origin of the voice. Amirim couldn’t discern the intruder's gender, as the darkness cloaked everything except the sheen of a shardblade held above his wife's chest.

"W-what do you want?"

"Remove yourself from the meeting. Site personal reasons, it doesn't matter, just leave."

"You're one of the Environmentalists? Has it really come down to this?" How did they get a shardblade?

"That is unimportant. Leave the meeting, and you will not be harmed." With a grace Amirim would have thought impossible, almost sliding across the floor, the figure left. Amirim breathed a sigh of relief. He shook his wife awake. 

"We are leaving."

"Leaving, why?"

"The Environmentalists have gone too far. I won't stay here. At least for a time I think we should visit your family in Kharbranth. Grab your things, I want to be gone by morning."

"OK." She rose and began gathering things and Amirim did likewise.


Welcome to MR58 - To Kill a Skyeel. I will be your GM and someone will be your IM. Here is the link to the rules document:


And here are the rules in-thread:

MR58 - To Kill a Skyeel



  • There will be a group execution every day. The chosen player will be removed from the meeting and the game.
  • More than 50% of the players must vote in order for the execution to succeed. 

  • Ties will result in a random player being removed.

  • There will be a 24 hour day turn and a 24 hour night turn. A cycle will consist of a day and a night turn.

  • Every even night, skyeels will target a random player. Anyone who visits that player will be killed unless they have the field exterminator role, in which case nobody dies.

  • If you do not vote during the day and make less than three (will adjust for player count) posts twice in a row, you will be removed.

  • During the night, PMs are open, however talking in-thread is not allowed.

  • During the day, PMs and the Elim doc are closed, but posting is allowed.

  • There will be a Night Zero, during which there will be no Skyeel attack or Environmentalist kill.





The Exterminators: The village faction for this game. They must eject all Environmentalists from the meeting before they reach majority and eradicate the guild.

The Environmentalists: The elim faction for this game. They must reach majority in order to democratically eliminate the guild. They will have access to a group doc every night and a factional kill, which is flavored as silencing a political opponent.





Former Detective: You can dig up dirt on anyone in the meeting, allowing you to remove them. You can pick a player every night, and they will be removed the next night.

Skyeel Enthusiast: You love skyeels so much that you keep them as pets, but you're willing to let go of them to save the lives of their species. Once per game, you can pick a player, and anyone who visits them will be killed until a field exterminator visits.

Humane Skyeel Capturer: If you go to the house the skyeels attack, nobody will die, but there will be a 25% chance of the skyeels returning the next night.

Politician: You have strong ties with the Exterminators guild, so you've been allowed in. You also hold a lot of sway with the members of the guild. A random player's vote will be moved to your own. You may choose a particular player if you wish.

Hired Thug: Desperate times call for desperate measures. You have been hired to silence anyone talking at night. Stop a player from PMing that night. 

Field Exterminator: You are just an exterminator who's made it through the ranks to get into this meeting, but luckily you know how to exterminate skyeels. If you visit the house that the skyeels attack, nobody will die. 20% of players rounded up will be Field Exterminators.

Apprentice Exterminator: You aren't allowed to exterminate skyeels yet, but you can protect a person from their attacks. Protect a person from dying to a skyeel attack. You will also have a one time protection from skyeels.






  1. @Archer as Eelton the Eel Killer. You are an Eel killer, but what will you do against the eels of the sky?
  2. @xinoehp512. Where are youuuuuu?
  3. @Matrim's Dice. You question. That is good. Curiosity is a worthy Passion.
  4. @EmulatonStromenkiin as Foklasfag. Welcome one, welcome all.
  5. @LiranilForgotten one, be added to the player list. 
  6. @JNV as Merris. Hello. Kind act to talk to a dying man.
  7. @Bort. Well, hello there.
  8. @Illwei. We expect nothing from you, and yet the fate of the world rests on your shoulders.
  9. @StrikerEZ as Lin Ganai. A puppet? Of the enemy? Where is the impartiality?
  10. @ash's_eyes. Welcome, friend, and to many great adventures for us all!
  11. @Devotary of Spontaneity as Morovia the Green Widow. a You're not even trying to hide that you're working for the enemy?
  12. @_Stick_. We're in the same roomwebsite, why must you shoot?







Quick Links:

This game will start on Wednesday, May 11th at 2:00 PM Mountain Time. 

Edited by Devotary of Spontaneity
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Wow, there's a Night Zero and 24 hour Day and Night turns instead of the 48 I was expecting based on my standard assumptions about how MRs operate? Fun! 

In as Eelton the Eel Keeler. 

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1 hour ago, The Unknown Novel said:
  • More than 50% of the players must vote in order for the execution to succeed. 

  • Ties will result in a random player being removed.

I like how these two rules cancel each other out :P


  • What, specifically, is the elim wincon?
  • Former Detective = Delayed Coinshot?
  • How exactly does Politician work, I thought I understood but the clarification confused me xD Is it a Rioter, but a passive one that doubles your own vote if no action is submitted?
  • I assume Hired Thug is a Day action?
  • Skyeel Enthusiast is separate from the even night skyeel attacks, correct?
  • What can happen on N0?

Also, more a suggestion: Maybe post the 'Night Thread' onto the end of the Day turn, just to not make an overabundance of threads, if you know what I mean- So like you can say 'Time' at the end of D1 but then just post N1 on the same thread, since no one needs a new thread to talk in, if that makes sense. Maybe this isn't a big deal, idk

Oh, I'm signing up as well :P 

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1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I like how these two rules cancel each other out :P


I assumed that that means 50% of the players have to be voting. Period. not 50% on one person. 

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1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I like how these two rules cancel each other out :P

Illwei beat me to the punch. Her interpretation is correct.

1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:


  • What, specifically, is the elim wincon?

Same as last game, outnumber. 

1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:


  • Former Detective = Delayed Coinshot?


1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:


  • How exactly does Politician work, I thought I understood but the clarification confused me xD Is it a Rioter, but a passive one that doubles your own vote if no action is submitted?

The clarifications is a remnant of the old politician mechanic which is as you describe. Current mechanic is what the role description says. If you have more questions please re ask them because I may be interpreting this wrong.

1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:


  • I assume Hired Thug is a Day action?


1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:


  • Skyeel Enthusiast is separate from the even night skyeel attacks, correct?


1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:


  • What can happen on N0?

Former Detective, Skyeel Enthusiast, Field Exterminator, and Apprentice Exterminator. 

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