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Mid-Range Game 58 - To Kill a Skyeel

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I had a post with a few quotes that disappeared. Sigh. I know Archer said something about the assuming 3 elims and I feel like that's the most likely number. I'm all for over-estimating elims though. Better safe than sorry.

3 hours ago, JNV said:

Justh ad finals week so kinda brain dead honestly did get good marks though so thats good and if you look at that evil game I had I thin kI was more clever over there cause I actually had thoughts in my head not just fuzz and bits of spanish that I dont actually know but studied all night for

Theres 12 pop so probably 3 so 9 3 so 4 cycles of life owrst case and if private eye goes pop pop once 3 twice 3 you get the pattern also skyeels grrr hard to calculate but given that maybe fewer roles in game or theres just a ton of roles and risk of everone dying soon gah thisll be a short game so my thought is medium prob no rnadom fire but dont be reluctnat cause its long odds already  all the mass murder and death going on  kinda makes it hard on you

No world with 4 and better to assume 3 than 2 plan for worse hope for better yeah not beholden to the world but parachute size based on max wieght not min weight obviously what if you have to parachute down with a stolen horse thats gotta be arrested for crimes against the state 

The only real way to do that is to somehow get a pure village PM group to plot murder in broad daylight and swing the vote or actually get a PM group with more good than evil and get everyone to agree that 'yes this is the best option' and they woldnt be able to refuse wihtout seeming weird so possibly catch links but then again refusing the gruop doesnt see mto weird cause the obvious of lots of murderesr about ya know 

Your hrose is wanted for murder in three states plus a sovergin territory surrender the horse now and you wont be harmed there is a parachute provided for evacuation of the horse to a nearby county jail where it will await trial

Also cool that Im a topic of discussion Im never a topic of discussion so I guess ths is a first gold star for me sheriffs badge so I can arrrest Archers horse

This just killed the English professor in me so JNV. Possibly will change to a more serious vote :P

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5 hours ago, Archer said:

An NK will almost always happen. So if they call it and only one kill happens, reasonable assumption is they're a liar, not that no NK happened. If two kills do occur, they'll also be exposed because then the person they told can ask if anyone submitted a Detective kill, otherwise they're conf good. 

The elims can just kill the detective if that happens, so I don't know how helpful that would be.

4 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

A trigger word seems catchable and therefore risky for the elims, but it depends what the word is. I think it’s more likely that they just established a baseline on when/if you bus (or didn’t discuss it at all) but I agree it’s probably going to be rarer this game, at least early on.

Laughing at the e/e JNV/me read, because it’s totally viable assuming you elim read me and JNV.

I think it would be pretty easy since there's no way of knowing for sure what's motivating the votes. If I vote for Matrim's Dice here, it may or may not be because you included key word 'bus'.

Covelline was way too much work so Morovia will be much simpler. She's here with Zelida, who at 72 is eight years past her expected lifespan and two years beyond the maximum age her physician gave her to live. 12 years since requesting care is longer than people usually survive, but Morovia isn't going to abandon someone who still needs her. Zelida has recently moved to the coastal city of Klna for her health on her physician's recommendation but since she's not in dire condition, there's time for Morovia to explore the city. She's familiar with skyeels, but never in her long life has she seen such a dedicated extermination effort, nor does she understand why the politics surrounding it are so heated. Killing skyeels shouldn't be such a lucrative business that there would be this much pushback against nonlethal means of keeping them away from humans.

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8 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Just so you know, you can't edit out information in posts :P. So what was there originally has to come back, sorry :P I did see it anyway.

Editing for grammar or additions is fine, just not subraction or changing actual info.

fixed it, both questions still stand. Is it a night action, or something else?

Edited by EmulatonStromenkiin
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11 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

I don't think that bussing is off the table- it would be pretty easy to establish a pseudocode to allow for limited communication during the day, not to mention that they could just plan the bus at night.

I think using codes to communicate is probably not permitted as per the default SE rules? @The Unknown Novel?

11 hours ago, Archer said:

Light village for being surprised by what I assume was posted in the elim doc

It's easy enough to fake :P 

11 hours ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

Also, how do you use field exterminator powers? and how does visiting people work?

From what I understand, they can choose to target one player during night turns (i.e. 'visiting' them). If a Skyeel attacks this target or the field exterminator themself, the attack fails.

10 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Laughing at the e/e JNV/me read, because it’s totally viable assuming you elim read me and JNV

Õ_Õ Not sure what to make of this statement :P 

6 hours ago, ash's_eyes said:

ok after reading through this thread like three times, i think i finally understand what's happening! (hopefully).


I'm glad you're voting! But could you maybe elaborate on it? What makes JNV seem suspicious to you? What are your thoughts on Archer? He's got the highest number of votes at the moment.

Vote Count (maybe accurate):

Devo(1): Archer
Archer(3): JNV, EmuStro, Striker
ash's_eyes(1): Mat
JNV(3): Stick, Liranil, ash's_eyes
Striker(1): illwei


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8 hours ago, Liranil said:

This just killed the English professor in me so JNV. Possibly will change to a more serious vote :P

Smh teachers be sitting on their high hrose

6 hours ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

The elims can just kill the detective if that happens, so I don't know how helpful that would be.

I think it would be pretty easy since there's no way of knowing for sure what's motivating the votes. If I vote for Matrim's Dice here, it may or may not be because you included key word 'bus'.

Only if the Detective claims to a villager. I'm imagining them only telling one or two people, and doing so late in the game when perhaps exlo is upon us anyway and there's a higher upside to conf villagers being revealed. 

I don't see why saying bus is an issue. Unless you think that was a signal word? 

15 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

I think using codes to communicate is probably not permitted as per the default SE rules? @The Unknown Novel?

It's easy enough to fake :P 

I'm glad you're voting! But could you maybe elaborate on it? What makes JNV seem suspicious to you? What are your thoughts on Archer? He's got the highest number of votes at the moment.

Vote Count (maybe accurate):

Devo(1): Archer
Archer(3): JNV, EmuStro, Striker
ash's_eyes(1): Mat
JNV(3): Stick, Liranil, ash's_eyes
Striker(1): illwei

Generally something as simple as a signal word is permitted, but default to the over lord's answer on this one. Or it could be something like when I put my vote at the start of a post instead of the end, bus me. I actually doubt they thought of this yesterday, but think it's easy enough to do. 

Sure you can fake it but the question is would they think to. Maybe some of those little things are faked, but they're still worth pointing out. 

I think I'd be okay with Striker dying because I think they might have tried to use my expressed suspicion of JNV to start a mix wagon on them then bailed too easily when it didn't work out, or Devo for that careful not making a reasonable assumption that I pointed out plus my confusion about their Mat vote. My initial thought was JNV because they were ranmbly in the PM post (talked about cake for some reason, which seemed like someone trying to fake villager writing), although I'd prefer to go to one of the other two because they now seem more stream of consciousness in a more independent direction rather than agreeable like in the houses LG. But it's a subtle distinction I'm not ready to die for yet. 

So that vote count is horribly inaccurate and an outright lie because JNV is actually in the lead now (Devo) :P

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Bucket time.

Good Bucket:



Bad Bucket



I have a sneaking suspicion that JNV is being counter-trained to take pressure off of Archer.

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Am I not voting Striker? Apparently I only thought that I did that >>

I’ll do a catch-up post and reads list later, and thoughts on Archer/JNV. I currently believe it’s v/v and that elims are likely the later/mid votes on both trains, but idk if that assessment will hold up once I reread.

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2 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

I think using codes to communicate is probably not permitted as per the default SE rules? @The Unknown Novel?

@Elandera is the better one to ask on this and I'll go with what they say, but I believe "if I say this do this" type things are allowed. I believe the no codes rule is to stop players agreeing on set codes outside of the game so they can communicate secretly when PMs are closed.

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interesting :ph34r:

Yeah idk about Mat. Bad gut read. 

And I’ve recently realised I just cannot get a read off Striker. Ever. I feel like I’m always mislynching him so I don’t think I’ll move my vote there but I don’t see any reason to actively prevent that lynch from happening either. 

The only actual reads I’ve got right now are mild village on Archer, and somewhat mild village on Emu. 

Edited by _Stick_
Autocorrect trynna Americanize me
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44 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Bucket time.

Good Bucket:

  Hide contents


Bad Bucket

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I have a sneaking suspicion that JNV is being counter-trained to take pressure off of Archer.

I actually disagree with this take. One, I'm village. But two, the recent naked votes do little to push the JNV train other than add the votes. I was okay voting JNV in part because the votes on them aren't over explained and therefore feel village. 

Also, your bad bucket appears to be the alternative to the JNV wagon plus everyone voting JNV. And an inactive. So not sure why you bothered making buckets when you could have covered that all with your final take. Sus. 

Striker (JNV) 

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2 hours ago, Archer said:

Smh teachers be sitting on their high hrose

Nah, just getting flashbacks to all of the student papers I graded this semester :P

56 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Bucket time.

Good Bucket:

  Hide contents


Bad Bucket

  Hide contents


I have a sneaking suspicion that JNV is being counter-trained to take pressure off of Archer.

So basically you're just sus of everyone that voted on JNV (although Archer just switched votes) + Bort (who I don't think has posted yet)? That's weird to me

3 minutes ago, Archer said:

Also, your bad bucket appears to be the alternative to the JNV wagon plus everyone voting JNV. And an inactive. So not sure why you bothered making buckets when you could have covered that all with your final take. Sus. 


Idk, I don't have much to go on, but since Xino's list seems weird to me, I'm gonna switch my vote (JNV).

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Are the two of you implying JNV/Xino E/E? Xino is sus due to association, yes? @Liranil do you think your suspicion on Xino will stand if JNV is to flip village? Or is your stance more like “e!Xino defending v!JNV for village cred post-JNV flip”? 

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Agree with the people saying xino’s list is weird, and to an extent I also agree with Stick about Striker, so I might switch there. Still need to reread.

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Just now, _Stick_ said:

Are the two of you implying JNV/Xino E/E? Xino is sus due to association, yes? @Liranil do you think your suspicion on Xino will stand if JNV is to flip village? Or is your stance more like “e!Xino defending v!JNV for village cred post-JNV flip”? 

I'm not 100% sure. I didn't really see Xino as defending JNV, I just thought it was weird that their sus list was just the votes on JNV with Bort thrown in. Xino could just be village with weird reads, but I don't think JNV's status as e or v is indicative of Xino's status. If that makes sense.

Honestly, I'd be a little less sus of Xino of JNV flips e, because that seems like too obvious of a defense for an elim (maybe).

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39 minutes ago, Archer said:

I actually disagree with this take. One, I'm village. But two, the recent naked votes do little to push the JNV train other than add the votes. I was okay voting JNV in part because the votes on them aren't over explained and therefore feel village. 

...do they need to? Surely an elim attempting to save a teammate would not want to appear like they are voting with someone else.

40 minutes ago, Archer said:

Also, your bad bucket appears to be the alternative to the JNV wagon plus everyone voting JNV. And an inactive. So not sure why you bothered making buckets when you could have covered that all with your final take. Sus. 

I made the buckets before I thought of that. It seemed a waste to get rid of them. I like buckets.

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4 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

I'm glad you're voting! But could you maybe elaborate on it? What makes JNV seem suspicious to you? What are your thoughts on Archer? He's got the highest number of votes at the moment.

I don't want Archer out immediately, as I want to keep an eye on them for a little longer. With my vote (based on your last vote count, it may have changed), Archer and JNV now have the same amount. I wanted to even it out a little more. You also seem to be trying to draw attention to Archer, which makes me want to vote them out less.

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2 hours left and I went back and did a VC. 

JNV (2): ash, Stick

Xino (1): Liranil

Striker (3): Archer, Mat, Illwei

Archer (4): Xino, Striker, Emulation, JNV

Mat (1): Devo

11/12 voting is pretty nice! @Bort You around?

The only weird thing I noticed was that Emulation voted on Archer at the very beginning of the round, and that's all they've done + their only post. It's not like they could be lurking in the elim doc instead, I just thought it was odd.

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Hey guys, I'm here. Sorry I've not checked in today, but I've been busy, and I wanted to reread the rules before I posted  (which I still haven't gotten around to yet), but realised it's close to the end of the round, and would hate to break up a perfect round of votes.

Not much stands out to me so far, other than the list from Xino, so Xino.

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This is what happens when you try to do multiple things at once. Sorry, everyone :P. I'm here now.

Reread thoughts:

  • Something about Illwei commenting about getting good vibes from everyone so far rubs me the wrong way; at this point basically it's just been everyone agreeing with everyone else about PMs. 'More like no vibes at all' saves this somewhat for me though.
  • I like Archer's first post. Asking for cred when I don't think cred is due might be too blatant for an elim (though maybe not Archer) but I also think that voting Devo alongside Illwei is in line with his v meta. Both of those points are semi-weak, but I gut read the post as village enough to bump them up.
  • I think JNV's second post is NAI, on a second pass-through. Slight sus on Striker for pushing e!JNV for that post. I mentioned it a little, but he actually went for it (and then switched targets multiple times later).
    • Also, reiterating that Striker had different reasons than I did. I mentioned suspicion for the Archer vote whereas Striker mentioned suspicion for the grammar, which is NAI. Striker also walked back on this reasoning when I pointed it out, which isn't a great look imo.
  • Stick's JNV take is strange but also in line with v her I think.
  • I need to stop reading Illwei as village based off tone. Also, I read Illwei as village based off tone. Maybe also the elim doc being closed thing, Stick is right that it's fakeable but that kind of fake isn't really used that much by anyone (even if it maybe should be). And she also voted Striker, which is a good vote imo. Never mind I'm not just village reading Illwei off of tone alone.
  • Striker suddenly switching to Archer (off of JNV, completely dropping that train, when JNV is still voting Archer) and his reasons were because Striker was 'pushing him too village'. Which I missed the first time. And isn't really a reason xD
  • The case against JNV doesn't exist... xino's idea that JNV is a countertrain to Archer is a good one, but I do vil read Archer. I always vil read Archer though, so /shrug. He's in the category of people I can only vc analysis read. Which isn't super helpful D1. I've learned to trust everyone else when it comes to Archer D1 exes :P But I'd rather kill Striker.
  • Gut village on ash's eyes, for now.
  • Hmm I take back agreeing about e!xino. I don't like any of Liranil's votes. The list is fine, I think, so I don't really like Bort for that post either.

Ordered Buckets:



ash's eyes




Anyone left out is Null (which I think is just Devo, another player I can't read unless I do vc analysis). I'll probably stay on Striker since there's an hour left but I think Liranil is a good option, maybe a better one. Archer/JNV I'm leaning village or at least distinctly not elim on, though they give good info on this cycle.

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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7 hours ago, Archer said:

I don't see why saying bus is an issue. Unless you think that was a signal word?

Sure you can fake it but the question is would they think to. Maybe some of those little things are faked, but they're still worth pointing out. 

I think I'd be okay with Striker dying because I think they might have tried to use my expressed suspicion of JNV to start a mix wagon on them then bailed too easily when it didn't work out, or Devo for that careful not making a reasonable assumption that I pointed out plus my confusion about their Mat vote. My initial thought was JNV because they were ranmbly in the PM post (talked about cake for some reason, which seemed like someone trying to fake villager writing), although I'd prefer to go to one of the other two because they now seem more stream of consciousness in a more independent direction rather than agreeable like in the houses LG. But it's a subtle distinction I'm not ready to die for yet.

Point being that it easily could be a signal word and there'd be no way to know for sure, and the same for any other word.

I know you finished the PM list because you sent a PM to ash's_eyes, Stick, and I, the last three people on the list.

I have seen v!Xino like buckets. @xinoehp512 what were you're criteria for the bad bucket if you made it before realizing it included everyone voting for JNV?

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4 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

The case against JNV doesn't exist... xino's idea that JNV is a countertrain to Archer is a good one, but I do vil read Archer. I always vil read Archer though, so /shrug. He's in the category of people I can only vc analysis read. Which isn't super helpful D1. I've learned to trust everyone else when it comes to Archer D1 exes :P But I'd rather kill Striker.

To be fair, there's not really a case against anyone yet. 

11 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I don't like any of Liranil's votes

But I worked so hard on them... :P 

6 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

I have seen v!Xino like buckets. @xinoehp512 what were you're criteria for the bad bucket if you made it before realizing it included everyone voting for JNV?

I guess this is my question too, it just seemed like a weird coincidence.

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1 minute ago, Liranil said:

To be fair, there's not really a case against anyone yet. 

I could case you if you want :P And Striker. Kinda touched on both.

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