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Why the shatter plains were shattered


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So I started my relisten of the stormlight archive and I was once again thrown into the the amazing setting the shattered plains. So i just let thoughts of how this could have happen, and more importantly why it happened. 
so now I have a theory that I’ll present right now. 
its under the assumption that the shattering of the plains are caused by use of a dawnshard rather then the splintering of honor. I think that the shattered plains was caused by the knights radiants due to one of the silver kingdoms 

1) going to war with them 


2) harboring the listeners 

hear me out. 

1) constantly we hear in book one and two that the knights radiants “betrayed us” (after RoW I thought that it was because they betrayed the spren but it can’t be, sense most people didn’t understand/care for spren outside of the knights)

2) in book one there is an ancient passage where a king talks about traveling through the oathgates to talk to the Knights in alethela about the excessively high tax to use the gates. within this passage he talks about how they were starting to show their true nature. Showing that without the desolations the knights were falling into a more dominant kingdom and possibly self serving. 

3) the recreance was a sudden stop that happened within a couple of days that’s as said caused a genocide Of 8 orders of spren. 

4) the sibling was not bonded and the tower was locked by the knights 

4b) it should be noted that the sibling lost the ability to hear honors tone and in so doing lost the ability to make tower light but was most likely still bonded as the sibling didn’t trust people but was still bonded to milishi who created the device to prevent anyone from accessing the main tower room. That used that’s right stormlight not towerlight 
5) we know the recreance wasn’t because of the binding of BAM nor the enslavement of the singers due to this WoB https://wob.coppermind.net/events/374/#e12242

5b) as per the WoB we can assume that milishi was dead by the time the recreance happened and never broke his oaths. 
5c) this also puts into perspective the battle at Firestone keep, they weren’t fighting singers. But humans 

6) there is one radiant order that is still around that has division as one of its surges. 

so this is what I think happened. 
they trapped BAM and hurt the sibling making them unable to produce towerlight at the same time lobotomize the singers. They are probably relieved/horrified about what happened to their ancient enemy.  They then can’t live in the tower due to it holding an unmade And no bondsmith so they make the most sane choice right? They lock the oathgates and basically fracture the economy across roshar. 
this of course causes outrage and different knights orders start fighting rather each other or united against the the rest of roshar 

It’s a slaughter and oaths are said in such a way to allow it to continue. (Ex I’ll protect the people of alethela against any threat) 

I believe that natanatan was the leader of the insurrection and in order to permanently stop the war a team of skybreakers  went to the capital and used a dawnshard along with the surge division and destroy natanatans capital. 
after the other orders heard it they decided that the time of knights radiants was over and chose with their spren to end their oaths. Not realizing that they will kill their spren. The skybreakers keep to their oaths possibly uncaring( should be known that the 4th ideal is a crusade) or because they saw what happened to the spren. 

Now you might not be convinced completely but I have one last piece of evidence. It was in one of the visions honor tells Dalinar that odium knows that left by themselves that humans will destroy each other.

I think that was the plan to let humans continue to fight with thousands of shardblades killing each other and basically being a desolation all by themselves. Reducing their technology so that the final desolation can come in and easily take over. 

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1 hour ago, Rg2045 said:

1) constantly we hear in book one and two that the knights radiants “betrayed us” (after RoW I thought that it was because they betrayed the spren but it can’t be, sense most people didn’t understand/care for spren outside of the knights)

We know why the Radiants "betrayed" the world (RoW spoiler):


Mayalaran revealed that both the spren and the Radiants chose to give up their oaths in order to give up the surges, which had been the power that had destroyed Ashyn.


1 hour ago, Rg2045 said:

this also puts into perspective the battle at Firestone keep, they weren’t fighting singers. But humans 

I assume you mean feverstone keep

Per the coppermind: "Feverstone Keep was a fallback position near one of the front lines during the False Desolation. The singers connected to Ba-Ado-Mishram were for some unknown reason interested in the area." https://coppermind.net/wiki/Feverstone_Keep

So some parts of your theory could be plausible, but there are a few holes, I think


Edited by Kvothe the Bloodless
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1 hour ago, Kvothe the Bloodless said:

We know why the Radiants "betrayed" the world (RoW spoiler):

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Mayalaran revealed that both the spren and the Radiants chose to give up their oaths in order to give up the surges, which had been the power that had destroyed Ashyn.


I assume you mean feverstone keep

Per the coppermind: "Feverstone Keep was a fallback position near one of the front lines during the False Desolation. The singers connected to Ba-Ado-Mishram were for some unknown reason interested in the area." https://coppermind.net/wiki/Feverstone_Keep

So some parts of your theory could be plausible, but there are a few holes, I think


It was used in desolations and in the false desolation but the WoB said that the enslavement of the parshment happened decades before the recreance and the vision Dalinar had was Of the recreance. So it can’t be the False desolation so what war was it then? Who were they fighting?

also that’s why the spren hates humans, for betraying them. But why do the humans hate the radiants? Maybe for a near genocide? For enforcing an imperial rule onto the land? For fracturing an economy that’s been in place over 1000 years? We don’t know for sure except that the recreance happened 20+ years after the false desolation. However killing tens  of thousands of people In a city sounds like a hatable act 

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I can see where your going and I get all of your reasoning, but it still feels like a bit of a stretch. I feel like we would have at least a little bit more of a mention of a civil war between the radiants and the rest of roshar. But then again, the recreance was thousands of years ago and there is a lot of lost knowledge from that time that we don't have. So basically I'm not sure what to believe at this point.

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There is a problem. Wasn't Stormseat destroy during Last Desolation or even earlier?



At some point, Stormseat was destroyed by the same event that transformed the Natan interior into the Shattered Plains. There is some disagreement as to when this happened. Human sources place the destruction of Stormseat at Aharietiam, the last of the old Desolations. Listeners, however, put it significantly earlier, as according to their stories, by the time the Last Legion was sent into the area, the Shattered Plains already existed. Whichever is the case, humans blamed the destruction on the listener gods (either the Fused or the Unmade), though the Song of Wars is confident that this wasn't their doing.

That's also why Oathgate there was not closed before abandoning Urithiru - it was thought to be destroyed. Oathgates were also probably locked the moment the Tower was abandoned.


I think Shattered Plains were shattered by creating anti-frequency to Stormseat's Downcity frequency - that can be visualize with Cymatics. 

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13 minutes ago, alder24 said:

There is a problem. Wasn't Stormseat destroy during Last Desolation or even earlier?


That's also why Oathgate there was not closed before abandoning Urithiru - it was thought to be destroyed. Oathgates were also probably locked the moment the Tower was abandoned.


I think Shattered Plains were shattered by creating anti-frequency to Stormseat's Downcity frequency - that can be visualize with Cymatics. 

That’s the only problem with the theory,

but the herirocacy did falsify a lot of the data so maybe? 

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58 minutes ago, Rg2045 said:

That’s the only problem with the theory,

but the herirocacy did falsify a lot of the data so maybe? 

I highly doubt it because of Listeners have records of this event and they place it before Last Desolation and before they move there to escape Odium.

Urithiru was also abandoned before Recreance happened, so before imprisonment of BAM. The Sibling also broke it's bond with Melishi before Recreance happened (no information how much time before it) and due it The Sibling did not become deadeye - which would be it's fate if it remained bonded during Recreance. Trapping BAM was probably main reason for Recreance as it ripped of part of Roshar's spirit web and affected all life there, it was probably felt not only by Sprens but also by their knights. 

And also Oathbringer spoilers 


Odium himself told Dalinar that his assumption of why Knights abandoned oaths was wrong - Dalinar thought that it was because they lost their ways and become to invested with politics etc. Odium claimed that they remain loyal to their oaths. I don't remember exact words unfortunately. Still he could lie but in this case after later in the book it was partly confirmed


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