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That was expected from the beginning. No MH game is considered to be complete until it has a third, much more difficult rank. But for whatever reason they always wait a year or so to release it. I do hope it's more balanced but hey, I haven't played Rise. I don't have a right to talk about its difficulty. 

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Some monsters are easier than others and at times you will get barely away while others you will get smacked by a attack you thought you avoided. It also depends on your skill as when I began I was getting smacked everywhere and that still sometimes happens, but now I play with my younger brother and we both use the LBG and if we are not going after a elder dragon the hunt will take about 15 minutes and any elder dragon will take under 30.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good luck! Malzeno was kind of unbeatable for me with the 15 minute time limit but maybe with two people you'll manage. His theme is sooo good too. 

And Astalos, well, is Astalos. That guy thrives in closed spaces, his attacks have a lot of range and you fight him in places where you barely have space to evade them, it's really cool. 

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That makes sense actually. At the very least Malzeno is a master rank monster, maybe Astalos too. Sending you to fight a mr monster, with 15 minutes, massively undergeared, and telling you it's "challenging" would be cruel.

They did say that was kind of the case for the first demo though, which is why some people timed out on mizu, even though you had the full 50 minutes for him. 

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I can confirm that all the demo quests are master rank as teteranadon has new attacks that it didn't have before. Malzeno kicked my butt rather fast. It's first form is more regal and it becomes very vampiric looking in it's second form.

Edit: I can now confirm that all the new monsters are fought as master rank quests, along with the usual monsters, but the daimyo hemitaur is fought as a high rank quest 7 star after narwa the thunder serpent and beating the daimyo hemitaur gives you access to the outpost and master rank quests. The quest courier does have all the gathering hub quests from low rank to high rank that you would have already completed or those that you haven't yet. @Eluvianii.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 17/6/2022 at 3:06 PM, The Wandering Wizard said:

Edit: I can now confirm that all the new monsters are fought as master rank quests, along with the usual monsters, but the daimyo hemitaur is fought as a high rank quest 7 star after narwa the thunder serpent and beating the daimyo hemitaur gives you access to the outpost and master rank quests. The quest courier does have all the gathering hub quests from low rank to high rank that you would have already completed or those that you haven't yet. @Eluvianii.

Makes sense, master rank is supposed to be the focus. I have a hard time imagining Daimyo as the gateway into mr though, in the one I'm playing he's in the lower half of low rank. These monsters change difficulties with each game I swear. 

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Daimyo is one of the new monsters and if you've made it to HR 100+ you will have beaten some of the hardest monsters in the game and all the new monsters they put in are all just MR. So some really powerfull elder dragons are only HR but some of the new monsters are MR.

Edit: Forgot to get new armor -_- and got kicked around by Garangolm, which is the FIRST monster you fight in the citadel, after over ten other monsters slayed. Sunbreak is a massive expansion and I can't wait to explore more and get the floor mopped with my face.

New variant monsters are really fun to fight and I am really enjoying the new MR hunts and am passing the learning curve and hopefully going to get the materials to make a better nargacuga lightbow gun.

Oh, the vampire butterflies around Malzeno are called Quiro and they seem to have put some effort into a story-ish this time around. Better than the story in rise.

Follower collab quests don't suck and when you hunt main monsters, raising rank you fight with fiorane and it can be a nice help.

They also made palicos very powerfull as each support class has their own secret support skill you can learn. You can switch out certain skills that come set for the palico and increase skill memory. Oh and once the secret support is unlocked any support can use it, but only one of the five.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 30/6/2022 at 11:11 AM, The Wandering Wizard said:

Follower collab quests don't suck and when you hunt main monsters, raising rank you fight with fiorane and it can be a nice help.

They also made palicos very powerfull as each support class has their own secret support skill you can learn. You can switch out certain skills that come set for the palico and increase skill memory. Oh and once the secret support is unlocked any support can use it, but only one of the five.

I know some people dislike that because the heart of MH is multi-player and catering to the single player crowd is dangerous, yadda yadda. But as part of that crowd, that makes me very happy. Can't afford switch online. 


As a random thought, I was thinking hunting a Kirin with a great sword must be an extremely stressful task. 

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The endgame monsters after you beat the second main boss are hard and they might even add another giant boss, possibly. The master rank quests breathed life into some monsters that were rather weak, like the khezu and aknosom. 

Endgame spoilers


They have afflicted monster who are controlled by the quirio after you beat the second boss, and they give you endgame parts for rank 10 weapons and afflicted armor upgrades which comes on Monday. 

I am very excited for next week as at least two new monsters and a new way to enhance armor is coming.


I really like hunting the lucent nargacuga and seething bazelgeuse. Silver Rathalos and Gold Rathain, less so. The new anomaly system is nice and provides a way to get rare materials like specific monster gems... would have been nice to have before grinding the same fight at least ten times... 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Man, I love the carefree attitude everyone in this series has. So there's this one quest that goes wrong. Classic case of running into an unbeatable monster a couple ranks above yours. Lots of villagers were in danger, you were in danger, typical stuff. Your boss feels reaaally guilty about it and gets depressed, but literally everyone else is like "Don't be stupid dude, let's do it again!"

Incidentally I'm this close to hunting my first Valstrax so there's something to look forward to.

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  • 1 year later...

Wait, 2 years? Really? Hope it's ok if I revive this for a bit...

I bought Rise recently and gotta say, while I miss the methodical approach of Gen 4 backwards, the combat is so fun I don't even mind. I mean, the old gens still exist if I want to go back, Generations Ultimate is pretty much an endless game anyway (1300 quests man), I can go back whenever. But the combat here, I thought I would never get used to the wirebugs, but I did, and now zipping through the battlefield is such an addicting experience, I'm genuinely having a hard time stopping every day.

Anyway, the reason I'm reviving this is that I just fought Goss Harag and, dude! He's such a joy to fight, so fast paced, dude's so dangerous with those blades of his, it was amazing. He's the first monster to make me cart actually. I'm not even sure how that happened, I could swear I was at full hp... but yeah, possibly my favorite new monster so far.

Edited by Eluvianii
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