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New Hemalurgy.


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It took me way too long to find this.



I think Hemalurgy is one of the most interesting systems you've really come up with, especially for the future of the cosmere. Can you give us anything new that we do not know about Hemalurgy?

Brandon Sanderson

There will be something new in Lost Metal.

Dragonsteel Mini-Con 2021 (Nov. 23, 2021)

But we're getting new information about hemalurgy.

I'm not sure who else needed this, but I am stoked.

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Crackpot theory: Someone is going to make a hemalurgic spike using ettmetal. and I don't mean stabbing someone with ettmetal, I mean using the charging of a spike as the priming use of Metallic Arts to prime a primer cube.

What will that do? I have no rusting clue, but I want to know.

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1 hour ago, Halyo_Alex said:

Crackpot theory: Someone is going to make a hemalurgic spike using ettmetal. and I don't mean stabbing someone with ettmetal, I mean using the charging of a spike as the priming use of Metallic Arts to prime a primer cube.

What will that do? I have no rusting clue, but I want to know.

Sir, I want to impress upon you the magnitude of what you just said did to me.

I have lived in a three dimensional world my whole life, you just pulled me up into the fourth dimension. I am forced to see things I cannot possibly hope to understand, I cannot even begin to comprehend the vastness of the change your words have wrote upon me. And I realize I will never see the world the same way again.

Take all of my upvotes good sir.

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2 hours ago, Frustration said:

Sir, I want to impress upon you the magnitude of what you just said did to me.

I have lived in a three dimensional world my whole life, you just pulled me up into the fourth dimension. I am forced to see things I cannot possibly hope to understand, I cannot even begin to comprehend the vastness of the change your words have wrote upon me. And I realize I will never see the world the same way again.

Take all of my upvotes good sir.

I mean, i can extrapolate a rough hypothesis given how Primer Cubes interact with other forms of allomancy: Leeching, a contact-needing external metal becomes an AoE, so perhaps the contact-needing act of Spiking suddenly becomes an AoE...

The problem there becomes suddenly if you're melee-spiking, you're in the "blast zone..."

Ettmetal spike-gun, perhaps? silent steelpushing mechanism? :mellow:

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23 hours ago, Raphaborn said:

And if I remember right, we're going to have a complete Hemalurgy table after TLM.

There can never be a complete Hemalurgy table. It would be a mile wide.

I'd really like a more detailed table, though.

22 hours ago, Halyo_Alex said:

I mean using the charging of a spike as the priming use of Metallic Arts to prime a primer cube.

Ooh. That's an even more interesting idea than my idea of spiking a metalmind.

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16 hours ago, ShardlessVessel said:

Ooh. That's an even more interesting idea than my idea of spiking a metalmind.

I mean, we've seen the Primer cubes interact with allomancy, and the really big airships presumably use mechanical iron feruchemy to store the ship's weight, so why wouldn't ettmetal also have an interaction with hemalurgic spikes?

I can see a few features of an Ettcharged Spike (tm):

- Vastly stronger than normal IF you can spike a large group all in one go (human attributes would be much easier).

- But also vastly more warping than normal. Like if you make a single Iron spike with this method and it has 4+ humans' worth of Strength stored in it, that single spike will warp you into a Koloss.

- Maybe that's an upside though, and you can make single-spike Blessings for Kandra that still offer the full power to them without opening their minds to control.

- And maybe with just one Koloss-ing spike, you can retain more of your intellect (think Professor Hulk).

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10 minutes ago, Halyo_Alex said:

I mean, we've seen the Primer cubes interact with allomancy, and the really big airships presumably use mechanical iron feruchemy to store the ship's weight, so why wouldn't ettmetal also have an interaction with hemalurgic spikes?

I can see a few features of an Ettcharged Spike (tm):

- Vastly stronger than normal IF you can spike a large group all in one go (human attributes would be much easier).

- But also vastly more warping than normal. Like if you make a single Iron spike with this method and it has 4+ humans' worth of Strength stored in it, that single spike will warp you into a Koloss.

- Maybe that's an upside though, and you can make single-spike Blessings for Kandra that still offer the full power to them without opening their minds to control.

- And maybe with just one Koloss-ing spike, you can retain more of your intellect (think Professor Hulk).

Your ideas are interesting, but hear me out: duplicating spikes.

Instead of using ettmetal to boost a single spike, use it to charge extra spikes using the first one as a blueprint. Multiple spikings for the price of one death - and that's assuming they haven't figured out how to do hemalurgy without killing yet, which IIRC is possible.

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Just now, ShardlessVessel said:

Your ideas are interesting, but hear me out: duplicating spikes.

Instead of using ettmetal to boost a single spike, use it to charge extra spikes using the first one as a blueprint. Multiple spikings for the price of one death - and that's assuming they haven't figured out how to do hemalurgy without killing yet, which IIRC is possible.

Perhaps! How do you suppose it would work, though? My thought was that the ettmetal would replicate the act of ripping the pieces of spiritweb off and storing them in the metal spike, thus killing multiple people for one super-spike.

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Just now, Halyo_Alex said:

Perhaps! How do you suppose it would work, though? My thought was that the ettmetal would replicate the act of ripping the pieces of spiritweb off and storing them in the metal spike, thus killing multiple people for one super-spike.

I was thinking of the process they use in airships. They seem to somehow consume ettmetal in place of steel for flying, so I imagine you may be able to rig it to fill spikes with the Investiture from ettmetal.

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Just now, ShardlessVessel said:

I was thinking of the process they use in airships. They seem to somehow consume ettmetal in place of steel for flying, so I imagine you may be able to rig it to fill spikes with the Investiture from ettmetal.

True! After all, Scadrian souls are entirely made out of Preservation & Ruin's investitures, as is Ettmetal, so... solidified human-Soul-substitute! :D

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17 hours ago, ShardlessVessel said:

There can never be a complete Hemalurgy table. It would be a mile wide.

This comment made me realize that in the far future of the Cosmere, there might be whole medical textbooks dedicated to Hemalurgy and how the bind points interact with different metals, as well as information such as how to find the bind points on bodies of different proportions and possible even things like using hemalurgic needles to provide short micro-boosts to different traits, such as using hemalurgic needles during surgery to provide specific parts of the body with strength or healing. Basically, magic acupuncture taken to an extreme.

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1 minute ago, HSuperLee said:

This comment made me realize that in the far future of the Cosmere, there might be whole medical textbooks dedicated to Hemalurgy and how the bind points interact with different metals, as well as information such as how to find the bind points on bodies of different proportions and possible even things like using hemalurgic needles to provide short micro-boosts to different traits, such as using hemalurgic needles during surgery to provide specific parts of the body with strength or healing. Basically, magic acupuncture taken to an extreme.

Exhibit D for why I rusting love Brandon's magic systems.

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Replicating spike charges through ettmetal - more spikes without needing more deaths - is a really intriguing idea.

I am really curious about Bleeder/Paalm's Hemalurgy telepathy in Shadow of Self. Is that a trellium spike thing, or something due to their prior Connection (when Paalm was Lessie) and both of them having the soul-hole from Hemalurgy?

EDIT: also, the possibility of new Hemalurgic constructs/species. By the HoA epigraphs, TLR/the Inquisitors weren't able to design any new ones in a thousand years... yet somehow Paalm figured out how to make chimera. Does the Set or other Trell followers know more?

Edited by cometaryorbit
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56 minutes ago, cometaryorbit said:

I am really curious about Bleeder/Paalm's Hemalurgy telepathy in Shadow of Self. Is that a trellium spike thing, or something due to their prior Connection (when Paalm was Lessie) and both of them having the soul-hole from Hemalurgy?

I think it could be all of those things. We know telepathy through Connection is a thing (Shardblades, and I also think there's a WOB on that).

Maybe the Hemalurgic effect of trellium involves the kind of Connection that permits telepathy - it's probably the same mechanism that lets Harmony speak to the spiked, which may be the same mechanism that lets him control the intensely spiked.

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