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Greatowl University [Fantasy RP]

Knight of Iron

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The implications are fun. People study so much to enter this school not because they are passionate about their magic, but because they want weekly classes :P.

Seriously though, another alternative could be that the classes do happen daily, just off-camera. That opens some space to RP some generic school scenes if someone wants to, and students are given a week for the assignments simply because they are hard enough that you need a week.

Either way I'm assuming it means I can skip and write the "figure out your magic" scene.

Ilia had a rock. It was a cool rock all things considered. She had actually spent most of the day looking for a perfect rock. She had been telling herself that she wanted her first Enchanting to be perfect, shape of the rock included, but in hindsight, maybe that had been just a way to delay the inevitable.

Truth was, she wasn't looking forward to this. About a year ago, when she had decided to study Enchanting, Ilia had tried to Enchant things (she had panicked for a moment when the professor told them it was illegal), lots of them in fact, but she was never successful. Granted, she mostly tried to move things with her mind as if it was Telekinesis, and she had not known a thing about all that "believing" stuff the professor had talked about, so her method was wrong from the beginning. Even so, the experience had been terrible for her confidence.

No going back now, it was do or fail. She chose a nice spot below a tree in one of the gardens, and started staring at the rock.

So the rock needed to glow. She wasn't controlling the rock either but fundamentally changing the way it worked. Rewriting its code. It was hard to imagine, let alone manage to do it before next class. She tried to imagine the rock glowing. All kinds of light, blue, red, yellow, a whole rainbow, but that was no different from a simple daydream. Imagining something didn't make it happen. Rocks didn't glow, and you couldn't simply change that.

Ilia realized that she was having trouble seeing the rock now. It was night. How long had she been out here? Now that she let herself get distracted she felt hungry too. She got up and started walking back to the dorm. Feeling defeated at her lack of progress.

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11 hours ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

If it's ok with you, we can timeskip to Tuncay having already bonded a shade.


Umm...I do want to write it. It's kind of an important thing. I'll try to get that done later today and then we can move forward.


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It uh...

Didn't get done today.

But I'll hopefully actually have time tomorrow, and I'll also hopefully be able to get back into a writing/RPing mood, cuz I've been very unmotivated in that area lately.

Edit: imma stop committing to getting it done on certain days cuz that hasn't turned out well so far. College is hard sometimes lol


Edited by DramaQueen
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Okay, maybe we'll pretend there're daily classes.

I have some... plot stuff to kickstart :ph34r:

I want to make sure everyone who's going to RP a reaction to their new magic connection has had the chance to first, though, so I'll try pinging a few people I know of who might want to do that.

@DramaQueen @Trutharchivist @Isabelle6060

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16 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Man. Enshao just doesn’t have any friends, does he?


First day. Who does?


23 hours ago, Knight of Iron said:

Oh, yeah, sorry. Will get to that immediately.

Ben got up with a sudden movement and felt his head ache. What... Where...

He tried to shake his head, sitting on the bed for a moment, waiting for the weird feeling that he wasn't all there to disappear.

It didn't.

Maybe it will, in a bit, he thought, trying to stay optimistic. But then he recalled what the professor said before and groaned. Being half dead for the rest of his life is not going to feel good, plus... 

He was shaking. Whatever it was he went through while he was... Dead... he remembered it only in glimpses. A strong pull towards something... Grey forms floating around, getting sucked to something far away...

He breathed deeply, shakily, trying to relax. It will pass, at some point, he reasoned with himself. I'll... Get used to it. Eventually.

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The voices of the shades' shattered minds broke through into Tuncay's thoughts. Guess I'll have to bond a shade before worrying about finding a partner. He let out a breath. Should be a bit easier.

It was overwhelming to have hundreds of voices that weren't his own filling his thoughts. All the different minds blurred together; it was hard to separate one from another.

I couldn't help her, and suddenly she--

I'm sorry, I didn't want to bother you, but--

--the dog? No, I never saw--

--if you hadn't--

--I only--

--k at this, you can see I never--


--was just a hug, that's all he said it--

Not all of the shades' thoughts were composed of words; some were simply emotions. Frustration, sorrow, fear, anger, suspicion, desperation; fragments of a being, and nothing more. From the fragments, Tuncay grew nervous to even try to learn more. How was he supposed to choose a shade? How could he sort through the terror and trauma and pain without it tormenting him forever? But if he didn't sort through, if he just chose the nearest one, it could be the biggest mistake of his life.

Squeezing his eyes shut, Tuncay reached out mentally for the nearest shade, gently prodding it to directly tell him its story, but still couldn't understand it entirely.

I...alone, and...oil spilled, ...water on it, but it...everything on fire--

Tuncay could see flashes of the shade's memory. A blast of flame, spreading and closing in, until--

He broke away, reeling from the memory, though he knew that couldn't be anything close to the worst that these shattered minds had experienced.

They're all dead. They wouldn't be here if there wasn't a reason for them to stay, and the reasons always seem to be horrible.

Tuncay, overwhelmed, stopped trying to hear any in particular, simply letting their voices blend together in his mind. No stories, no specifics, just unassociated words and emotions, almost like a wave washing over him - feeling like one thing but made up of countless parts.

One voice, nearly lost in the wave, caught his attention, and he latched onto it. The shade it was connected with was a young girl, and as soon as Tuncay reached out to her, he could sense her innocent, pure, childishness, and a burst of bubbly, happy, child-like emotion washed over him, as if she was saying hi.

Hey. Why are you here?

She sent him an uncertain feeling, almost like that of a shrug.

Did someone hurt you?

Again, uncertainty

He prodded her mind, trying to uncover something more. A small giggle from her seemed to push him away from the memories stored in the back of her mind.

Surrendering–for now–Tuncay let out a sigh. D’you wanna help me out? Keep me company, I guess?

Her ghostly shadow bounced, sending him a confirmation, then…latched onto him, in a way.

…is that it? Are we bonded?

Another bounce.

I can’t hear the others anymore.

More bouncing. Tuncay smiled. Alright. Time to talk to a living person.


Edited by DramaQueen
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On 10/24/2022 at 1:21 PM, Knight of Iron said:

“Certainly. Class is just about dismissed anyway.”

Instance practically ran away from the professor. Just as she was slipping out the door, she bumped into some. "Oh, sorry abou—" It was a Draconic. She darted away into the hall, leaving a look of confusion on their face. She threw herself upon her bed, shaking. It was too much, just too much.

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