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Pina Coladas, evening walks on the beach, and binge reading Cosmere books

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Hello all!

I made an account a while back but never really got active. With the secret projects and soon-to-be-written next few books coming out not too distantly, thought I’d dig a little deeper and join the community fully. I love all things Cosmere. I started reading about a year ago and burned through it all, so I had to go and read all the Wheel of Time stuff while I’ve been waiting for more Cosmere books to come out. Anyway, stoked to be here, excited for the next books, and looking forward to a whole lot of crack theories! 

- Nate / CognitiveShadow

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@Ta'veren Kaladin @Thaidakar the Ghostblood Definitely was thinking about the song, but merged with the typical long walks on the beach phrase- should have gone all in on the song and said getting caught in the rain instead though haha thanks for the welcome!

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2 hours ago, Ta'veren Kaladin said:

The thing is, I don't actually know the song, but I definitely felt the song like vibe in the post title.

You gotta give it a listen- you’ll probably recognize it but either way pay attention to the story. It’s a classic!


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