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What would you do if you found in your pocket

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  • 3 weeks later...

Throw it as far away from me as possible and scream like a little boy who just found out the monster under his bed is real.

Also, I believe the current thread canon has it that you always know exactly what the thing you found in your pocket is; perhaps some items have exceptional understanding protection.

WWYDIYF an invisibility cloak IYP?

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On 8/14/2022 at 2:24 AM, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

I would put it on and play pranks on lots of people.

What would you do if you found a PhD diploma in your pocket?

Be excited that I earned a PhD and then cry over the lost money.

What would you do if you found a four leafed clover in your pocket?

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On 8/21/2022 at 1:19 AM, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

Wonder how it got there, wash my hands and clothes, then throw it at my siblings.

What would you do if you found a cryptic in your pocket?

Tell it lie.

What would you do if you found peace in your pocket?


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Keep it and learn to play the flute. And if Wit’s flute is there, Wit has to be somewhere, so I’d dedicate my life to finding Wit. A bit extreme, but I’d like to learn how to worldhop and insult like he does. 

What would you do if you found a deed to a mansion in your pocket?

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