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Wizard's stories! (But mostly poems)

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I wrote this when I finished a test 30 minutes early today. I will take your ideas Corvus and name them similar, but all copyright to you my friend. So without further ado



Sadness, depression, and envy flowed through Puff as he sat in his cave. "Why does he go to spend more time with her now?" Grumbled Puff, "he should be here soon."

"But as he waited no one came and Puff's might roars soon ceased." Whispered the Grandma. "What happens next?" cried the girl. "I don't really know, but I am gald that my husband left that awful creature to marry me or my life would have been completely different. I would have had to marry that horrid man..." The girl tuned out her grandmother and waited. Her patience started to fray, but soon she heard a soft snoring. The girl tiptoed over to her window, slid down the tree, and started running for the hills. As she runs she hears faint crying and decides to investigate the disturbance. As she slid towards the sea she saw a trail of crushed trees. "This must be where my grandpa and Puff deafeated the legion of stones." Thought the girl excitedly, "and over there is wher they scaled the giant." As she looked at the waterfall it was much smaller than her Grandma had said it was. Over there was a giant pile of stones? As the girl burrowed deeper into her disillusionment she walked further towards the sea and the crying. She hopscotched across the stones to reach the cave in the sea and found a little crying dragon. "Why do you cry," asked the girl. "Because my friend has left me and I have no one to play with." With a sinking suspicion she asked, "Is your name Puff?" "Why yes it is." This was too much for the girl as the disillusionment of her childhood caught up to her and she fell unconscious into the sea.

Come give me prompts and I will do them! (Edit: This is no longer true. I would love to but I'm kinda swamped right now, so you can still give them...it just might take a very long time :P)


I found a really fun prompt generator that you can use to give me prompts, if you can't come up with one, I might not do romance stories, maybe, depends on how I feel about it.

If you use the prompt generator, tell me what genres you put in, it will make it easier for me to direct the short story, and if you like it you can ask me to extend it.

Example below.


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Thank you very much @Morningtide and @CalanoCorvus. I will have another one by tomorrow as orchestra is just a food and connect four final. More time for stories.



The girl woke up. Where am I? It a beach but where did the shore go and why is there this warm green wall infront of me? The girl pushes on the wall. "I would prefer it if you just asked me to move," grumbled the wall. The girl jumps back, "Um would you move mister wall, please?" "I certainly can!" Well that was eas- oh shoot it's a massive dragon not a wall. I hope it doesn't eat me, quakes the girl. The dragon sees the girl trembling, "I am Puff and I rescued you from the sea." The girl stops trembling, "but you're so large, how did you get to be so big?" "I fell into the sea as I am a sea dragon and too long away from the sea reduces my size. Say would you like to go terrify some pirates today?" "Why yes that would be fun." "And so I became friends with Puff and pulled him out of his misery," told the now elderly grandmother to her daughter. "He now has at least one friend to keep him company all the rest of his years. And that is the end of my story." "But I want to hear more," cried her grandaughter. "You will get your own stories with Puff soon enough," replied the grandmother.

Here is a program I made a little while ago. The program creates shapes such as this





In the land of Egoving a Shade walked the land. The people don't fear me yet but they will. Yes they shall. No they already fear us. The voices in the shades head were worse than normal, but all was going to plan. The Shade appeared into the king's chambers. All is going to plan thought the Shade as he looked over the kings dead body. He died easily but did his screams attract enough attention? As soldiers started pounding on the door the shade grinned and put the king in a suicide pose, but made sure to leave the mark of the scorpion assassins on his body. 

A few days later

Prince Omurtag looked over the body of his father absently listening, "My prince, it appears he died by suicide." "I can see that for myself," replied Omurtag. "But this symbol here looks familiar." No one knows that I head the scorpion assassins at least none in the place. "Which symbol, my Lord?" "Look right here under his earlobe, there's a pattern scratched into his ear." Odinel cursed. "What is it Odinel?" "This is the mark of the scorpion assassins, you can see it under his earlobe i-" Omurtag turned around and saw a creature clothed in bleakness radiating pain, suffering, and despair. "W-who are-e you," trembled Omurtag. "I am discord and I have come for your soul." The creature rushes at Omurtag shoves his hand inside his chest pulling out a glowing, pulsing orb. "Now to complete the transfer." The shade pulled out another glowing orb and shoved it into the prince's body. All is going to plan.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you for your kind words once again. I haven't posted here as I am trying to write a book based off of number #3. I will probably post some scenes here once I've finished them or I'll make a different page for that and most definitely for the magic system when I hammer it out.

#4 Beware, dark and violence permeate the next story


The assassin who cared.

What a pitiful wretch she had been. Caring for others was just a sham, you only helped others while killing yourself.

The deal, was all that she had now. She had left those that had hurt her left for dead. And now was in the body of the prince, soon to be princess, but that did not matter.

"No, I won't allow it." Whispered a voice. She turned around noting a young woman with purple eyes and a white pupil. "So a light side mind reader." Thought the princess.

"That I am not." Projected words into her head. She grabbed the young woman with her power anyway. She focused and rent her in half. With that taken care of, she walked to her rooms and summoned the barginer. "Yesssss?" Hissed the voice. "I would like for you to remove part of my soul that I mark." "My pricccce will be sssteep." "I know." Barked the princess. "But this is something that I need to do to fulfill the bargin." The barginer laughed, "So you mean to draw that kind of attention on yourself. My price is that you provide one human of particular talent to the barginers each year that you reign." "Very well. I <her name>, the princess of <kingdom> do concent to these terms and I will honor them or concent to being possessed by a host of barginers." "It isss done." The barginer touches the princess's forehead and a piercing pain fills her head. When she wakes up the barginer is gone and as she looks in a mirror sees her two different colored eyes. One of pure black and the other pure white. Her white eye glows as she uses the power to extract the good part of her soul and she casts it away. No more would she be held back. The world would rue the day that <her name> became empress of <world name>.


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  • The Wandering Wizard changed the title to Wizard's stories! Come give me prompts and I'll probably do them

#5 To improve


To write is to hatch an egg. A massive egg the size of a horse. An egg that you must sit on until it hatches. Until you realize you can't hatch it along. You must take the heating pad of practice, the daily sun of writing. When the egg explodes, you must take cover from the backlash of criticism. The explosive abuse that will inevitably follow. After you survive you must raise the dragon on the water of self exploration, the feed of time, the washing of environment, the scrubbing of silence. Avoid the drought of self doubt. The chasm of writer's block. The dragon of stories shall then rise up and you shall have improved, bit by bit. Precept upon precept. Little by little. You have learned to write!

Would someone give me a prompt, please?

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On 8/26/2022 at 0:34 PM, Shining Silhouette said:

"A day in the life of a character you find interesting"



This one was kind of hard as I don't know the character as well as the author. But I tried as hard as I could and I think the result worked out mostly fine. Thank you for the prompt Ette!


Szeth-son-son-Vallano wore blue on the day he was to be saved. Stormblessed had convinced him to join his little group. And they wore blue. After he had put it on the voices had quieted, some. Walking out to the balcony, Szeth lashes himself to the top of Uritheru, the meeting place. Some of The circle were already there, waiting. Drifting down, letting gravity assert her hold, Szeth looks around the group noticing some bridgemen there. A glowing pillar of light appears behind the tower and Stormblessed himself arrives. "Alright, today we are going to share what pains us. I'll start and then we go around the circle." He straightens up. "I am Kaladin Stormblessed and I struggle with depression and battle-weariness." The others go around the circle sharing names and struggles, from Norril with shock, to others with nightmares and melancholy. After each person went, the groups chants "We don't have the strength alone, but together we are as one." Szeth resisted saying them at first, but eventually relented. For he knew that the words had power. Eventually it came to Szeth. "I am Szeth-son-Neturo and voices scream in my head."


On 8/26/2022 at 2:44 PM, That1Cellist said:

"A hungry person who knows they want to eat, but doesn't know what they want to eat because nothing sounds yummy. But they are still hungry."



This one was really fun and I enjoyed getting a bit more whimsical and less narrative than the other story. Thanks for the prompt Cellist!


A rumbling thunder echoes nearby and the boy jumps. Only to realize it's his own stommach. He prowls through the cupboards looking for his prey. He passes by the ceral, the oatmeal, the cans of whohash. He passes by the roast beef, the frozen veggies. By the milk and the egg. He finally stumbles upon the hiding place of the cookies. His arm snakes down, reaching, reaching, and finding crumbs. A whine eminates from his throat as he realizes there are none left. Only to be cut short by the robber, who had taken the last cookie.

I always take more prompts.

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20 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:


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This one was kind of hard as I don't know the character as well as the author. But I tried as hard as I could and I think the result worked out mostly fine. Thank you for the prompt Ette!

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Szeth-son-son-Vallano wore blue on the day he was to be saved. Stormblessed had convinced him to join his little group. And they wore blue. After he had put it on the voices had quieted, some. Walking out to the balcony, Szeth lashes himself to the top of Uritheru, the meeting place. Some of The circle were already there, waiting. Drifting down, letting gravity assert her hold, Szeth looks around the group noticing some bridgemen there. A glowing pillar of light appears behind the tower and Stormblessed himself arrives. "Alright, today we are going to share what pains us. I'll start and then we go around the circle." He straightens up. "I am Kaladin Stormblessed and I struggle with depression and battle-weariness." The others go around the circle sharing names and struggles, from Norril with shock, to others with nightmares and melancholy. After each person went, the groups chants "We don't have the strength alone, but together we are as one." Szeth resisted saying them at first, but eventually relented. For he knew that the words had power. Eventually it came to Szeth. "I am Szeth-son-Neturo and voices scream in my head."



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This one was really fun and I enjoyed getting a bit more whimsical and less narrative than the other story. Thanks for the prompt Cellist!

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A rumbling thunder echoes nearby and the boy jumps. Only to realize it's his own stommach. He prowls through the cupboards looking for his prey. He passes by the ceral, the oatmeal, the cans of whohash. He passes by the roast beef, the frozen veggies. By the milk and the egg. He finally stumbles upon the hiding place of the cookies. His arm snakes down, reaching, reaching, and finding crumbs. A whine eminates from his throat as he realizes there are none left. Only to be cut short by the robber, who had taken the last cookie.

I always take more prompts.

That last sentence was interesting. This is good!

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2 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:


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This one was kind of hard as I don't know the character as well as the author. But I tried as hard as I could and I think the result worked out mostly fine. Thank you for the prompt Ette!

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Szeth-son-son-Vallano wore blue on the day he was to be saved. Stormblessed had convinced him to join his little group. And they wore blue. After he had put it on the voices had quieted, some. Walking out to the balcony, Szeth lashes himself to the top of Uritheru, the meeting place. Some of The circle were already there, waiting. Drifting down, letting gravity assert her hold, Szeth looks around the group noticing some bridgemen there. A glowing pillar of light appears behind the tower and Stormblessed himself arrives. "Alright, today we are going to share what pains us. I'll start and then we go around the circle." He straightens up. "I am Kaladin Stormblessed and I struggle with depression and battle-weariness." The others go around the circle sharing names and struggles, from Norril with shock, to others with nightmares and melancholy. After each person went, the groups chants "We don't have the strength alone, but together we are as one." Szeth resisted saying them at first, but eventually relented. For he knew that the words had power. Eventually it came to Szeth. "I am Szeth-son-Neturo and voices scream in my head."



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This one was really fun and I enjoyed getting a bit more whimsical and less narrative than the other story. Thanks for the prompt Cellist!

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A rumbling thunder echoes nearby and the boy jumps. Only to realize it's his own stommach. He prowls through the cupboards looking for his prey. He passes by the ceral, the oatmeal, the cans of whohash. He passes by the roast beef, the frozen veggies. By the milk and the egg. He finally stumbles upon the hiding place of the cookies. His arm snakes down, reaching, reaching, and finding crumbs. A whine eminates from his throat as he realizes there are none left. Only to be cut short by the robber, who had taken the last cookie.

I always take more prompts.

I like it! It's fun and meaningful. The last sentence, once again, has a nice zing to it!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/30/2022 at 11:13 AM, Bondsmith-Edgedancer said:

Prompt: Write a story in the format of a commercial advertising the story itself.

(Go wherever you want with that, it just was a funny idea I had that sounded extremely hard to pull off.)

It took me a while but I finally did it on monday and just had time to upload it now.



"Number seven is grabbing a pole. He's running, getting the necessary speed, and WOW. Look at that jump, he crests perfectly over the barrier of electricity. OH NO! His pole touched the electricity and he got zapped. He's gaining speed." *WARNING, NEARING TERMINAL VELOCITY* *CLICK* And there you have it folks, the cybernetic games! COME ONE, COME ALL. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO EMBETER YOUR LIFE TODAY! SIGN UP FOR THE CYBERNETIC GAMES TODAY AND A CHANCE TO EARN 1,000,000 GMARS!


19 hours ago, Ranryu said:

Prompt: Write about a planet where it rains to burning acid and humans have gone extinct and the world is inhabited by lizard people but the one of them finds a live human five year old girl!!

I'll get you yours later, probably, by Saturday at the latest.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Here's some poetry I wrote in english today, focusing on the clinic

Jump and swallow the sting of death

So that they might live

And have daily breath

Fall into the dive


Into the void I am alone

I wait for her who calls me

To be the cornerstone

To resist the urge to flee

Oh how we’ve grown

We pick up the pieces, the debris

From the land comes a groan

And a cackle of glee

A tree falls prone

The tree says “Be free”

The babble of voices becomes a drone

The bird disagrees with the tree

Then blows in the cyclone

They are blown to Tennessee

The silence makes a decree

 And I am alone

In the unknown


Grief seeks to overwhelm 

My mind betrays it’s own

I am in another realm

I should have known

That I was at the helm

They have been thrown

Away from this realm

And now she is alone

The voices condemn

And she bemoans

She trusted in them

For now she owns

This lowly realm

The unknowns

Seek to disown

O, how she has grown

To stand alone

And to claim her throne

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2 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:



dude that was so good you have a gift for this that was amazing

Thank you for the kind words :wub:. I always like promts, even though I still have one to do. No sleep tonight!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/13/2022 at 6:41 PM, Ranryu said:

Prompt: Write about a planet where it rains to burning acid and humans have gone extinct and the world is inhabited by lizard people but the one of them finds a live human five year old girl!!



"When the rains first came upon this lonely land. Our people started to lose their scales. The fleshy ones, our source of food died and so we tried to eat rocks-"

"Rocks?" Slithers Iltaca.

"Yes, it didn't work out very well," replies his Gradva,  "now be quiet or I won't tell you this tale and you will get a taste of what our ancestors were facing. We were running out of food, our people were dying. Until one brave shrubber named Krutuxl found the secret to our survival. You see-" Iltaca tries to sneak away but his Gradva stamps her clawed foot down on his tail. Crying with pain he turns and slams his butt back onto the ground. "He had discovered how to turn the shrubs into slabs of meat. He tried to give it to everyone, the pitiful fool, and so our family took the method from him and since we are in charge of the food..."

"...we rule over the Serpent trolls."

"We are the strongest. VICTORY OF DEATH!"

Iltaca give a halfhearted, "Victory of death!" And he slithers out of the room.

You are going to need to harden up or you are going to be torn to pieces at your shedding ceremony.

So yeah, there you have part of it. I might continue it later if you want or just for fun.

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