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Wizard's stories! (But mostly poems)

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Heehee, I have happier poems this time :D


@CalanoCorvus @Edema Ruh

My Rose (Lara & Aero)



The embers crackle low

The darkness sets in

Deep in your soul

Extinguishing the last 

Of the light


Come in close

Come into my arms

Let me hold you tight

Squeeze away the darkness


Demons torment you mind

Of your time as Thorn

He called you it

Flaying it deep inside

Burrowing the thorns 

That you had sown

Inside of you


I called you Rose

Because there was beauty

Among the Thorns

Buried deep

But it was there

And I helped you

To prune those thorns

To burst free from the bramble

To grow that Rose


You are my Rose

I will keep you safe

From the darkness

Because I love you

That is why

You are my Rose




I don’t know the words







For these people

Who mean the world

To me

Who are my family

To me

Who are the 


Most incredible

And lovely people


I don’t know the words for them


My love for them is deep

The deepest brotherly love

I have ever felt

I would give the world for them

For their happiness

For all of them

Always and forever


Do I know the words?





I think

I think I have found them


I have found them 

And I know what to call my friends

They are Family

Because of my care for them

Because of what they mean to me

Because I love them

No matter who they are

Or what they have done

They are my family

My brothers and sisters

Always and forever


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More poems because I can't stop :P

Mercy River


Mercy River

A strange word

A contradiction of two words

Yet they fit

Yet they belong together


The river is tempestuous







And yet


There is mercy here

In this unforgiving river

There are hands that don’t let go

Those who pick you up around every bend

Who keep you from drowning

Who give you a breath of air 

when you are 100 feet under

When you are further than they can reach

They still reach out 

And find a way to grasp your hand


And yet they don’t reach out themselves


When they are drowning

When they give you a breath of air

It’s all that is left in their lungs

And they shove you upward

As they drown themselves

For you


As they take in air


Don’t let go

Keep a firm grip

Pull them upwards with you

Reach out to him if you need a hand

But don’t let go of him

For them

Or for yourself

Please, be the hands that don’t let go

Please Lord, don’t let go

Don’t let go


This is his river


Unmerciful to teach

Dangerous to caution

Deadly to show safety

Shredding to show mercy

Mercy on this river of life.



Siblings are annoying

And pests

And loud

Until you get older


When you get older

You get closer to them

You care for them

You start to love them

To want to always keep them close


And when you get friends

When you get lifelong friends

They become your siblings as well


And for all of your siblings

You feel a deep love

A deep care

And you just want to protect them from everything


Siblings are wonderful

All kinds of siblings 

Blood and adopted

All deserve love

All feel your love

When you grow 

Just a little bit older


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Got quite a few poems this time :P

I Wonder


I wonder 

If they saw my pain this morning

If they saw my worry

If they saw the hunger gnawing at my belly

If they saw the tears trailing my cheeks


I wonder


What they’d see

If they saw in my brain

Would it change how they thought of me

To know the thoughts I don’t voice to them

The thoughts I don’t voice to myself


The thoughts that whisper


I made the wrong choice

That coming back

Has only brought pain

That I’ll just fail them all

That I’ll just make things worse

Like I always do

That I never developed my gifts

That I won’t in time

That even if I could

I couldn’t use them to help

That seeing their thoughts

Wouldn’t help

That knowing the intent of their hearts

Wouldn’t help

That I am utter rubbish

And that I made the wrong choice 

It wishes me to correct it


Perhaps I will

I don’t know

I think or fear

I don’t know which

That I will

If I lose one














The pain of Caring


It burns

And it burns

And it burns

It sears my soul

It burns me in my care

Destroying what tiny amount of peace I had before


I wouldn’t take it back


Never would I

Never would I not care

But it still burns

And I don’t know how to balance it.


How great the pain of searing love

I think I understand this now

This great love for them

It burns me

It consumes me

Perhaps it will burn me all up

The Foolishness of Love


I fell for you

Harder than anyone else

Harder than I will for anyone else

And it hurts

It burns

And I’d follow you anywhere

Even into death


I couldn’t stop it


Didn’t realize it until

There was nothing I could do

But be swept up along for the ride


I don’t know the exact reason


I fell for you

Just am glad that I did

In the foolishness 

Of my love



I once knew a friend

Who loved Charity

I didn't know

It had passed to me


Charity is love


A fountain of love

That will never run dry


It is compassion


A compassion as deep as the root

Of the great sequoia trees


It is service


A burning desire to serve

A flame eternal, never to die


It is brotherly love


A love unfettered by anything

The chains having been snapped


It is hope


Hope everlasting, that will never die

That will fill your soul and never leave


It is the pure love of Christ


A boundless love

Impossible yet possible to understand

If one has Charity


Charity doesn't care if you fall


Nor how long you take to get back up

Just that you do get back up


What would the world be like


If all had Charity, I wonder

The city of Enoch left

So I guess we know

What would happen

If all the world had Charity 

It would be a unimaginable place

It would be vastly different 




It is wonderful

It speaks to my soul

I hope that I have it

And if I do have it

That I never lose it

And that I

May share it with others

Share this love for Charity

It's back


It is back again

It wasn’t so strong 

For a while

But now it’s back


There was an idea

In my mind this morning

And so

I listened to the video

The whole way through

And I cried

At her pain

Of a stranger

Who I’d never met

It hit me like a wave

Took me along for a ride

Couldn’t stop it

So I just tried to ride the wave

Only drowned a little

Just a little


Just was swamped

By her pain

Her sorrow

Of a woman

I’d never met


Still feel it

Can’t quite shake her sorrow

Even though

I never knew her

Because the gift is back

And it’s stronger than before


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2 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Not right now, thanks for the offer but I'm talking to a friend right now and feeling pretty good!

Good! Friends make life so much better. 

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I have a new poem, tried to start writing a scene yesterday but I didn't quite have time. Hopefully I'll have time to finish it soon.

Thy will be done


Thy will be done

Never knew how much

These words would sting

What little comfort they used to give

Seems gone now

Or not

It’s hard to tell


Hard to know what they mean

To me right now

They mean to hold on

To continue

In this never ending

Stream of terror


That it’ll be alright

Even as they slid further

Even as they burry it deeper

Even as I feel like I’m failing

Even as these morning become dark

Even as it feels there is no end

Even as I begin to slip again

Even as I am alone


Because I never see them anymore

And my brain…

And my brain tries to sell me lies

That they don’t care

But I know

They’d stay

If they could

But that they have to leave

But right now

Right now

My brain holds sway


But when does this end

I hope

I desperately hope

That once I am around them more

That perhaps

Just maybe

This will all be easier

I don’t know

I just don’t want to be alone anymore

But well

Thy will be done

I just hope

It doesn’t shatter us

Even though

That’s exactly what I asked for


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1 hour ago, Edema Ruh said:




*Lets Aes run*

*reads more*


This scene idea came from a conversation with a friend about how many people could fit on a chandelier. *Cough* @The Halcyon Girl *Cough*

The Chandelier (what I have so far ^_^)


The chandelier rocked again and Thorn glared across at Arrow. If he hadn't been there she would have made a clean escape. He was the one who had stepped on the ground and triggered the alarm which had awoken the Stone Knights. He was the one who hadn't been able to stay in the air. A art she had had to master by the age of eight. 

Arrow was, well he was more like a knight than a assassin, and even less like a master assassin than herself. He'd been newly inducted and sent with her on almost all her missions so far-

The chandelier tilted to the left and Thorn lost her thought as she readjusted her position to keep it steady. Problem was, the fool Arrow had adjusted at the same time too and the chandelier listed even more dangerously to the left. 

The wind hissed around her and it was one of the few times she was frustrated that she couldn't speak. She was tempted to just tie him up in air but just removing him from the chandelier for a second would mean it would tilt her towards the stone knights below. 

The wind hissed more violently and Thorn's hands strayed towards her dozens of daggers. But, something stayed her hand, she'd never wanted to slaughter dozens of people in front of the newer assassins. She'd always let the other assassins do that. But, but she couldn't avoid that any more. It was time to prick the knights with the Thorn of the Rose Assassins. 


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  • 4 months later...
10 hours ago, Edema Rue said:


Or back story or random scenes but I will write the chandelier one eventually!! :D

Anyways have a poem! ^_^



For us he suffered

The greatest of pains

For us, he felt alone

Terrified, weak, angry

Hopeless, cut off from God, suicidal,

and so many more than can be listed

For to list them all

Is the suffering of lifetimes 

Of whole generations

Blanketing the earth

Of all time


It must have been soul crushing

A burden so mighty that he,

The Son of the Living God,

Jesus Christ

Bled from every pore

An agony so great

That he asked if it might pass from him


His love outweighed the pain

His compassion overcame their hate

His Glory transcended death

And our resurrected Savior and Redeemer left us a gift

" Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you "

@Edema Rue (This one will probably make you cry :D)

@The Bookwyrm (wanna come read this stuff? :ph34r:

Quote from John 14:27 KJV

I stared at my home screen and lock screen while writing it. I love them a both lot :D (so of course I'm going to let you all see!) 

(Be still is lock and forgiven is home :)




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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Or back story or random scenes but I will write the chandelier one eventually!! :D

Anyways have a poem! ^_^

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For us he suffered

The greatest of pains

For us, he felt alone

Terrified, weak, angry

Hopeless, cut off from God, suicidal,

and so many more than can be listed

For to list them all

Is the suffering of lifetimes 

Of whole generations

Blanketing the earth

Of all time


It must have been soul crushing

A burden so mighty that he,

The Son of the Living God,

Jesus Christ

Bled from every pore

An agony so great

That he asked if it might pass from him


His love outweighed the pain

His compassion overcame their hate

His Glory transcended death

And our resurrected Savior and Redeemer left us a gift

" Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you "

@Edema Rue (This one will probably make you cry :D)

@The Bookwyrm (wanna come read this stuff? :ph34r:

Quote from John 14:27 KJV

I stared at my home screen and lock screen while writing it. I love them a both lot :D (so of course I'm going to let you all see!) 

(Be still is lock and forgiven is home :)

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Wiz that’s so beautiful…

(You’re right it did make me cry)

(But happy tears)

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  • 2 weeks later...

These two poems are opposites and compliments at the same time. Wonderful beautiful contractions wrought out of pure emotion.

See you in the morning



What if I don’t 

See you in the morning 


What if your fur is lifeless and cold,

In the morning.

Your body curled up

One last time


What if this special bond we have


Upon your death

You, never sleeping on me anymore

Never demanding pets

Never walking over computer and plopping down on homework

Never purring when I pet you

Never there to cry on and pet

When I get too sad


What if I wake up to see you still

Reaching out for that hope against hope

Tears running down my face, as my hand finds cold fur

And I sink my face into your fur

One last time

It finally



Heart shattering

Into thousands of splinters 

Already wondering

Already mourning

Because my traitorous brain is asking

What if it was one of you I lost instead?

Light/Peace (You can replace Light with peace in this one and it reads the same :)


Even now

Even as I worry

Over dear sweet Ember

My cat, my best friend

With whom I have a special bond

I can feel the light 

As tears run down my face

His light

Burning through the darkness 

Giving me light

Through this dark night


If she does die...

If I do lose her...

The light won't fade

No, only grow stronger


The light will fill, the gap in my soul

Left by her absence 

Until another animal 

Be it ferret, cat, dog, or other

Crawls into my heart

Curls up close 

And adds its own light

Helping mend and heal

My broken heart

With new joys 

And new wonderful life


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  • 2 weeks later...



There was a boy who lived a normal life. He was quiet and shy. He loved hiding in books and falling into worlds and imagining himself as a main character. He loved it all. 

He didn't have many friends at school though. He never really cared though. It was as if he was a chameleon. Able to be unbothered by anyone but his books.

Eventually he stumbled upon some friends through shared love for books. And he came to love them even more than his books. 

And then he learned of their struggles and pains and fears and their deepest sorrows. He began to be there for their darkest nights. And he learned a truth about being a chameleon. As a chameleon you can see all, especially those far away. But sometimes they can't see you. And more importantly by taking on his surroundings to hide, he took on their pain. 

He started to feel what anyone and everyone around him felt. Began to be paralyzed by it.

Sometimes it seemed he overcame it for a time. But always it came slithering back. A venomous cobra ready to strike. 


And again.

And again.

His emotions were entangled with others. Unable to know what he was truly feeling. Torn between opposites. A silent witness. A silent sufferer. A chameleon hiding on the wall.


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14 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:


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There was a boy who lived a normal life. He was quiet and shy. He loved hiding in books and falling into worlds and imagining himself as a main character. He loved it all. 

He didn't have many friends at school though. He never really cared though. It was as if he was a chameleon. Able to be unbothered by anyone but his books.

Eventually he stumbled upon some friends through shared love for books. And he came to love them even more than his books. 

And then he learned of their struggles and pains and fears and their deepest sorrows. He began to be there for their darkest nights. And he learned a truth about being a chameleon. As a chameleon you can see all, especially those far away. But sometimes they can't see you. And more importantly by taking on his surroundings to hide, he took on their pain. 

He started to feel what anyone and everyone around him felt. Began to be paralyzed by it.

Sometimes it seemed he overcame it for a time. But always it came slithering back. A venomous cobra ready to strike. 


And again.

And again.

His emotions were entangled with others. Unable to know what he was truly feeling. Torn between opposites. A silent witness. A silent sufferer. A chameleon hiding on the wall.


this is so real and raw, i love it

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I forgot I had written these three when I wrote a new poem so here they are if you want to read them. 

@The Halcyon Girl @SmilingPanda19 been thinking of you two a lot today. Love you both and everyone else who reads this too ❤️


Tears (10/22/23)


Tears flow from the boy

Staining the bed

The pillow 

The cat


The boy weeps for the pain

The all consuming pain of a fallen world

Where everyone hurts

And keeps on hurting

Because so much is wrong with the world


And the boy wishes to fix it

To wrap everyone in darkness

at home alone

late at night

when the thoughts have the most power

He wants to be there

For them

For everyone 

To wrap them in a warm hug

And to hold them through their darkest nights


And so he cries

Because he can feel their pain

Feel it growing

Feeding their inner darkness especially

Threatening to choke them


He cries 


Blows his nose

And hugs the cat


Turning once again to God

He cries 

Barely able to form the words

Only able to think in raw pure emotion.


Everything else burned away

But raw pure emotion

And care

Flaring so bright 


He weeps even harder

As he remembers a phrase

And the one who knows his pain




And knows and loves him 

Along with all the others


The words come again

Be Still

And know that I am God


The wheels spin rapidly in the boys head

As understanding comes to him

Peace washes over him

Removing his worry

But leaving the care

Burning brighter than the sun


The boy lays on his bed after midnight

And smiles at the ceiling 

To the heavens above

Where a loving Father

Smiles down on all of his wonderful 




And Talented children 

His children

In the image of their father

Crowned with love and glory


Gethsemane (10/22/23)


There was a boy

Who thought he knew the greatest pain

Until he remembered

His Savior, Redeemer, and brother

Who suffered all the pain he would ever know

In three hours

And the suffering his friends felt

And the billions and possibly trillions of people

Who had ever lived on the earth


All their sadness









He felt it all


He felt for the dying man who could hardly remember his wife's face

For the mother who died after seeing her firstborn for the first and only time

For the father as he lost his firstborn weeks after he lost his wife.


The sorrow overwhelming

It caused even him

The Son of God

To bleed from every pore

For the pain and suffering of every person


The boy wondered how he did it

How he survived the soul crushing grief




Of all people


Perhaps, the boy wondered 

He felt everything from everyone 

Both the good and the bad

Otherwise how could he know everyone intimately and personally 

To know how to perfectly love them and give them exactly what they needed 

Even if it wasn't what they wanted


He knows me, marveled the boy

He knows me perfectly 

And warmth blossomed in his chest

Spreading out to his fingers and toes

And he realized that the Savior knew this moment too

He knew each moment he breathed

Both good and bad


He suffered so that none would be alone, mused the boy

And the warmth returned again 

This time with a quiet peaceful voice

"Yes I did it my child because I love you. 

I love all of my children.

And I like you don’t want any of them to suffer in the dark alone.

I am always there

For you

And for them

I love you my child."


Godly Sorrow (10/22/23)


The sorrow of a father for his children is great 

Oh how much greater is the sorrow of a Heavenly Father

For us

His spirit children


He knows we suffer

He knows all of our pains and trials

Intimately and personally

But his love is far too great

To give us lesser things


So he watched with pain and love

As he sees us stumble and fall

Make mistakes Over And Over And Over Again

Watches us fall in inescapable darkness

The agency of others tormenting and twisting us


He lets us suffer because he loves us

He puts people in our lives to lift us up

To bond us with our pain and troubles

To build something beautiful 

Something grander and more wondrous than we could have known


He loves us so much that he can’t help us reach anything but our full potential 

As his spirit sons and daughters

All beautiful to his eyes

Wonderfully talented in so many unique and amazing ways

Each loved for just who they are

By a loving Father in Heaven


@Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Edema Rue this one was kinda inspired because of your SU Thaid :)

I know the plan (10/30/23)


I know the plan

I know why I'm here

I know the path

But then

Why is it so hard to walk


I want to walk it

I really really do

But my mind seems not to

Coming up with images I don’t want to see

Family and friends death for various reasons

Worst of all 

usually by me


I just get distracted 

And the day flies by

Nothing I wanted to do done at all 

And mind poisoned instead


I knew life was going to be hard

That it was going to hurt

That I will have to suffer loss

But why then is it 

So terrifying to imagine a world without any of them


It drives me to my knees


And again

And again





And alone


Bowing my head

Night after


Crying on Ember

Terrified of losing her too

Hoping for a night Radiant

And resplendent 

In writing

And the Spirit

And comfort 

And Light


I know God is there

I know that he will feel distant 

But it hurts so much

And I turn to him

Knowing he can help

But that sometimes nights are just going to be hard.

And peace takes time

And sometimes


Blessings come through raindrops 

And healing through tears

And pain vanishes loving a friend miles away



Except it sometimes grows worse

Because not being able to be there in person

Is a very exquisite pain

And one I'd never get rid of

If it meant not loving them

Because I just love them

And can't stop


I try to trust that someday


Everything will get better

Maybe not completely

As that day seems ages away

But at least slightly better


Hope peeks from behind the clouds

Finally lighting

These dark nights

Burning away the mists

Of depression 

Paving the way for





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