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Wizard's stories! (But mostly poems)

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17 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Ember and the Caretaker

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The day had come

The darkest hour

My best friend was gone

And I alone in the night


Until the feeling of a check rubbing on mine

And feet walking across my back

Leads me to listen


A story unfolds

A new beginning 

The end for now, for us

But for Ember, a new beginning 


She ran and pounced

Sprinting around

Exalting in no longer

Having to pause after a few feet

No longer out of breath

No longer hurting 


Finally, finally she could breath

And play

But...where was everyone?

Wasn't there supposed to be people here? Her people?


She ran around, looking in trees and holes in the ground Until she found a little garden

She pounced through it

Attacking the leaves of vegetables here and there


Until she attacked a hairy thing. The man looked down at her and smiled. His eyes reflecting a kindly light. "Hello little one," he smiled. You have a familiar light. Perhaps you'd stay with me for a season until my daughter and her family are reunited with us. 

She considers and starts purring, rubbing up against his leg and then walking off, wondering why he isn’t following and petting her.

The man laughs and smiles. Petting her all the way home and letting her ride on his shoulders to a home filled with many animals.

it is done @Edema Rue @SmilingPanda19

... dammit. well done.

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On 11/15/2023 at 2:25 PM, Just-A-Stick said:

@The Wandering Wizard



words can't describe.


Shatter Me.


you have a GIFT!


and to think that the master poet himself read mine!!

*blushes self consciously*



Thank you Stick!! :wub:

I've never been called a master poet before :P

May or may not have a poem later. Can't promise how good it will be though :)

@Part Of The Narrative

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On 2/16/2023 at 7:43 AM, The Wandering Wizard said:

Well I finished this one earlier today and it was a rollercoaster. A good one though and I hope you all enjoy it. :D

#10 Admit it

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The pain is always there, lurking beneath the surface. A shark, ready to consume me the moment I fall beneath the surface. So I swim, struggling stroke to stroke to just stay above the water. I know what happens when you go under. Last time I had a friend who pulled me up, still have the scar to prove it. I can feel the island, still a mile away.

        Is it, is it getting further away? I can't tell anymore. All I know is the swim, backstroke, front stroke. That's all I've ever known. I was never taught the butterfly stroke, nor the weird chicken-airplane-soldier. I've heard of others who know such techniques and they coast by me. Leaving me, struggling to stroke as waves crash over me. Water clogging my lungs. I don't know how long I have left. I just keep stroking to the fading pulse of my heart. Following in the wake of my friend's boat. My vision tunnels to the white wake of crashing waves and my sea spray soaked shirt. The sharks lurk closer as my strokes fade and I question the futility of this exercise. Don't I already know this? Can't I just not suffer anymore? I see my friends stroking beside me, waves far greater than mine breaking over them. The waves are endless, eternal, constantly pushing me towards the bottomless depths, towards the dark. 

       My arms tire and begin to stop stroking, "perhaps, perhaps it is better to just give up and end this infernal quest. I know that I can't make it to the end." I turn my eyes downward, towards the murky depths. Slowly I begin to sink below the waves, when a hand shoots forth and steadies me. I cast my eyes upward to behold my savior standing there. A kindly smile splits his face as he helps me up and gives me a hug.

        "You know who you are, where you came from, why you are here, and where you must go. Let your light shine forth so that others may see."

        I grin, a face cracking smile and respond. "That I can do, I will share your love. I will not let another think they are alone when they are not."

       The vision ends and I start swimming once more. For from that hour, peace bound up my broken heart. The peace in the knowledge that everything would be alright in the end. That I would one day reach the shore, and be greeted by all those who went before.

@CalanoCorvus @Shining Silhouette @That1Cellist @Ranryu @InfiniteInsanity @Witless of Shinovar

oh. my. goodness.

this is beautiful. such a good portrayal of hope/peace.

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The wonderful thing about poems

Both large and small

By beginner and master

Is the beauty and feeling

They convey beyond

The weak and feeble words

Of a Corrupted language 


The sorrows they convey 

Driving the daggers of their pain into your own heart

Sending their waterfalls of tears to you

Leading your desire 

To wrap them up in the

Warmest, Softest, Safest

Most comforting hug, 

for eternity


The joys they express

most jubilantly 

Catapulting you out of

Your pit of despair and Loneliness

And over the moon with them

For a brief few stanzas


Then there's the anger that flows

And boils

Tumbling from the ink

Into your blood

Burning out your ears

In cloud of roiling smoke

Making you want to punch anything anyone

And yet overpowering you with a desire to fiercely protect

The ones you love

Who have been wronged

Leading you to call for justice


And then there are the ones

Where inspiration strikes from the creator

And we try to weave the beauty of the idea

Through the words of a Corrupted language

and to us it seems not enough

But God who saw

The effort given

And the desire to make

To pour out emotion 

Into a piece of beauty

Not to be beautiful primarily,

But to touch the hearts

Of the broken hearted

The lonely

The despairing

Those who have given up hope

To them

These simple words

Appear as a beacon of light



And comfort

Mending their broken hearts

With the tender simple words

Filled with emotion 

Writing in darkness

To spark light and hope in others once more 


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5 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:


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The wonderful thing about poems

Both large and small

By beginner and master

Is the beauty and feeling

They convey beyond

The weak and feeble words

Of a Corrupted language 


The sorrows they convey 

Driving the daggers of their pain into your own heart

Sending their waterfalls of tears to you

Leading your desire 

To wrap them up in the

Warmest, Softest, Safest

Most comforting hug, 

for eternity


The joys they express

most jubilantly 

Catapulting you out of

Your pit of despair and Loneliness

And over the moon with them

For a brief few stanzas


Then there's the anger that flows

And boils

Tumbling from the ink

Into your blood

Burning out your ears

In cloud of roiling smoke

Making you want to punch anything anyone

And yet overpowering you with a desire to fiercely protect

The ones you love

Who have been wronged

Leading you to call for justice


And then there are the ones

Where inspiration strikes from the creator

And we try to weave the beauty of the idea

Through the words of a Corrupted language

and to us it seems not enough

But God who saw

The effort given

And the desire to make

To pour out emotion 

Into a piece of beauty

Not to be beautiful primarily,

But to touch the hearts

Of the broken hearted

The lonely

The despairing

Those who have given up hope

To them

These simple words

Appear as a beacon of light



And comfort

Mending their broken hearts

With the tender simple words

Filled with emotion 

Writing in darkness

To spark light and hope in others once more 



*deep breath*

You captured the feeling of a poem so well! It’s crazy how you can write these things so beautifully ❤️

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  • 2 weeks later...



I wish I knew why

The world contains so much pain

Why it causes so much

And shoves people to the brink

Telling them there's no other way

No way to ever be happy


Why does the world seem to want to break us

To shatter our hearts with sorrow

And to corrupt our very nature


Why does pain fill the world

Why do parents turn on their children

And siblings turn on each other


Why does the world feel so wrong with Ember gone

Why does your blessings come through rain drops

And your healing through tears


Why are we imperfect 

Why does this all hurt so much

Why is your world like this?


Breathe, my child

Just breathe

Take a step back

And breathe


I know you don’t understand 

Just know that my plan is more wonderful

Even greater

Than anyone could imagine


I know how hard it is

To simply breathe

With everything this way 


I’m sorry my child

Your pain is my pain

And I’m afraid it’s going to get worse

But why? Why worse?

I’m sorry but this is the way


This is the way everything works out for everyone

In the end

But for now

Life is packed with many experiences 

Many good

And many bad


This is the path, though filled with thorns and pricks

But at the end of ever thorny vine, is a Rose

I am the gardener and I have carefully trimmed your pathway

So that you will be able to have happiness 


I know each and every curve

Each tree that you will feast from

Each patch of thorns that you will fall into


And again

And again


And there will be many but it will be alright

And I know when you’ll leave the forest of eternal night

And reach the hill of light and beauty

Where every piece of the puzzle


Finally makes sense

And all your sorrows are turned into eternal joy

As you embrace all of your family

Blood and those which are family in your heart

For all eternity


I just wish I knew when

You will my child, you’ll know

And you’ll have peace because you will know

That you have fulfilled your part 

And that there is nothing left for you to do 

So that you may rest in peace


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1 hour ago, Ookla the Raveness said:


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I wish I knew why

The world contains so much pain

Why it causes so much

And shoves people to the brink

Telling them there's no other way

No way to ever be happy


Why does the world seem to want to break us

To shatter our hearts with sorrow

And to corrupt our very nature


Why does pain fill the world

Why do parents turn on their children

And siblings turn on each other


Why does the world feel so wrong with Ember gone

Why does your blessings come through rain drops

And your healing through tears


Why are we imperfect 

Why does this all hurt so much

Why is your world like this?


Breathe, my child

Just breathe

Take a step back

And breathe


I know you don’t understand 

Just know that my plan is more wonderful

Even greater

Than anyone could imagine


I know how hard it is

To simply breathe

With everything this way 


I’m sorry my child

Your pain is my pain

And I’m afraid it’s going to get worse

But why? Why worse?

I’m sorry but this is the way


This is the way everything works out for everyone

In the end

But for now

Life is packed with many experiences 

Many good

And many bad


This is the path, though filled with thorns and pricks

But at the end of ever thorny vine, is a Rose

I am the gardener and I have carefully trimmed your pathway

So that you will be able to have happiness 


I know each and every curve

Each tree that you will feast from

Each patch of thorns that you will fall into


And again

And again


And there will be many but it will be alright

And I know when you’ll leave the forest of eternal night

And reach the hill of light and beauty

Where every piece of the puzzle


Finally makes sense

And all your sorrows are turned into eternal joy

As you embrace all of your family

Blood and those which are family in your heart

For all eternity


I just wish I knew when

You will my child, you’ll know

And you’ll have peace because you will know

That you have fulfilled your part 

And that there is nothing left for you to do 

So that you may rest in peace


“Thank you” seems too shallow. A hug seems to simple. There is no way for me to possibly tell you what I feel about this poem. So…thank you, my dear brother. *hugs* Because that’s as close as I can get.

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6 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

“Thank you” seems too shallow. A hug seems to simple. There is no way for me to possibly tell you what I feel about this poem. So…thank you, my dear brother. *hugs* Because that’s as close as I can get.

*returns the hug tenfold*

They are not my words I believe but thank you, dear sister ❤️

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Raveness said:

*returns the hug tenfold*

They are not my words I believe but thank you, dear sister ❤️

You are still the conduit, the pen, the bridge. And that is a beautiful thing to be.

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Home (a short scene/story) 12/1/23


The little girl looked up at her ceiling of stars. Watching as they emitted a peaceful light into the dark room.


“Yes dear?”

“I like the lights daddy put up.”

The mother smiled, “I like them too, Belle.”

The girl pulled herself to the edge of her bunk bed and looked down at mommy as she lay with her younger sister. 

“I like home.”

Her mother smiled at that. “I do too but we’re not fully home yet.”

Belle looked down at her mother confused. “But aren’t we home now?”

“Well yes, but we will have many homes throughout our lives. One day you’ll go-”

“But I don’t wanna go!”

Gently her mother quietly gestured for her to be quieter. “Shhhhh she’s sleeping.”

Belle’s face fell, “sorry mom.”

“It’s okay. Just try to keep it quiet okay?”


“But you will have your own home one day and it will be beautiful.”

“But, but you won’t be there. How can it be beautiful?”

“Because beautiful doesn’t mean perfect.”

“I don’t understand, mommy.”

Her mother smiled sadly in the darkness, “you will one day. But it’s not perfect because that is a home with all of you, my beautiful children, my wonderful Rae, and all of my friends who are more family to me than my own family.” 

“But I only have you and daddy and Edith.”

“Don’t worry Belle, you’ll find good friends who you wish could be with you always.”

“O-okay m-ommy,” yawned Belle and she curled up under her covers.


Silently her mother looked up at the ceiling and cried and smiled. Knowing what the future may hold for her wonderful little girls. She wanted to hold them close for forever but they would not be able to become what the balance had planned for them if she did that. So she’d just love them and prepare them the best. And hope it would be enough to send them sailing over the stormy, treacherous seas of life.

She kissed each of them on their forehead, gently pulling up the blanket to cover Edith from where it had fallen down.

“I love both of you eternally,” she whispered as she did each night. Then she walked away to sleep, curling up happily next to her husband.


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8 hours ago, Ookla the Raveness said:

Home (a short scene/story) 12/1/23

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The little girl looked up at her ceiling of stars. Watching as they emitted a peaceful light into the dark room.


“Yes dear?”

“I like the lights daddy put up.”

The mother smiled, “I like them too, Belle.”

The girl pulled herself to the edge of her bunk bed and looked down at mommy as she lay with her younger sister. 

“I like home.”

Her mother smiled at that. “I do too but we’re not fully home yet.”

Belle looked down at her mother confused. “But aren’t we home now?”

“Well yes, but we will have many homes throughout our lives. One day you’ll go-”

“But I don’t wanna go!”

Gently her mother quietly gestured for her to be quieter. “Shhhhh she’s sleeping.”

Belle’s face fell, “sorry mom.”

“It’s okay. Just try to keep it quiet okay?”


“But you will have your own home one day and it will be beautiful.”

“But, but you won’t be there. How can it be beautiful?”

“Because beautiful doesn’t mean perfect.”

“I don’t understand, mommy.”

Her mother smiled sadly in the darkness, “you will one day. But it’s not perfect because that is a home with all of you, my beautiful children, my wonderful Rae, and all of my friends who are more family to me than my own family.” 

“But I only have you and daddy and Edith.”

“Don’t worry Belle, you’ll find good friends who you wish could be with you always.”

“O-okay m-ommy,” yawned Belle and she curled up under her covers.


Silently her mother looked up at the ceiling and cried and smiled. Knowing what the future may hold for her wonderful little girls. She wanted to hold them close for forever but they would not be able to become what the balance had planned for them if she did that. So she’d just love them and prepare them the best. And hope it would be enough to send them sailing over the stormy, treacherous seas of life.

She kissed each of them on their forehead, gently pulling up the blanket to cover Edith from where it had fallen down.

“I love both of you eternally,” she whispered as she did each night. Then she walked away to sleep, curling up happily next to her husband.



I love the sentiment. 


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9 hours ago, Ookla the Raveness said:

Home (a short scene/story) 12/1/23

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The little girl looked up at her ceiling of stars. Watching as they emitted a peaceful light into the dark room.


“Yes dear?”

“I like the lights daddy put up.”

The mother smiled, “I like them too, Belle.”

The girl pulled herself to the edge of her bunk bed and looked down at mommy as she lay with her younger sister. 

“I like home.”

Her mother smiled at that. “I do too but we’re not fully home yet.”

Belle looked down at her mother confused. “But aren’t we home now?”

“Well yes, but we will have many homes throughout our lives. One day you’ll go-”

“But I don’t wanna go!”

Gently her mother quietly gestured for her to be quieter. “Shhhhh she’s sleeping.”

Belle’s face fell, “sorry mom.”

“It’s okay. Just try to keep it quiet okay?”


“But you will have your own home one day and it will be beautiful.”

“But, but you won’t be there. How can it be beautiful?”

“Because beautiful doesn’t mean perfect.”

“I don’t understand, mommy.”

Her mother smiled sadly in the darkness, “you will one day. But it’s not perfect because that is a home with all of you, my beautiful children, my wonderful Rae, and all of my friends who are more family to me than my own family.” 

“But I only have you and daddy and Edith.”

“Don’t worry Belle, you’ll find good friends who you wish could be with you always.”

“O-okay m-ommy,” yawned Belle and she curled up under her covers.


Silently her mother looked up at the ceiling and cried and smiled. Knowing what the future may hold for her wonderful little girls. She wanted to hold them close for forever but they would not be able to become what the balance had planned for them if she did that. So she’d just love them and prepare them the best. And hope it would be enough to send them sailing over the stormy, treacherous seas of life.

She kissed each of them on their forehead, gently pulling up the blanket to cover Edith from where it had fallen down.

“I love both of you eternally,” she whispered as she did each night. Then she walked away to sleep, curling up happily next to her husband.


Thank you, Wiz. It’s beautiful.

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8 hours ago, Ookla the foolish said:

Very good! It captures the emotions of both a questioning child and a loving mother at once.

1 hour ago, Ookla-The-Stick said:


I love the sentiment. 


47 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Thank you, Wiz. It’s beautiful.

Thanks everyone :wub:

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18 hours ago, Ookla the Raveness said:


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I wish I knew why

The world contains so much pain

Why it causes so much

And shoves people to the brink

Telling them there's no other way

No way to ever be happy


Why does the world seem to want to break us

To shatter our hearts with sorrow

And to corrupt our very nature


Why does pain fill the world

Why do parents turn on their children

And siblings turn on each other


Why does the world feel so wrong with Ember gone

Why does your blessings come through rain drops

And your healing through tears


Why are we imperfect 

Why does this all hurt so much

Why is your world like this?


Breathe, my child

Just breathe

Take a step back

And breathe


I know you don’t understand 

Just know that my plan is more wonderful

Even greater

Than anyone could imagine


I know how hard it is

To simply breathe

With everything this way 


I’m sorry my child

Your pain is my pain

And I’m afraid it’s going to get worse

But why? Why worse?

I’m sorry but this is the way


This is the way everything works out for everyone

In the end

But for now

Life is packed with many experiences 

Many good

And many bad


This is the path, though filled with thorns and pricks

But at the end of ever thorny vine, is a Rose

I am the gardener and I have carefully trimmed your pathway

So that you will be able to have happiness 


I know each and every curve

Each tree that you will feast from

Each patch of thorns that you will fall into


And again

And again


And there will be many but it will be alright

And I know when you’ll leave the forest of eternal night

And reach the hill of light and beauty

Where every piece of the puzzle


Finally makes sense

And all your sorrows are turned into eternal joy

As you embrace all of your family

Blood and those which are family in your heart

For all eternity


I just wish I knew when

You will my child, you’ll know

And you’ll have peace because you will know

That you have fulfilled your part 

And that there is nothing left for you to do 

So that you may rest in peace


this sounds kinda familiar, like ive done something similar.

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Savior's Christmas (idk don't have a good title xD) 

The idea kinda evolved from a short story to more of an outline for a story and it’s really rough but I hope you all like it :)


There was a young girl, all snug in her bed. When a sound woke her up and she hurried downstairs. Where a stranger was kneeling near the tree. 

 He was dressed in red and had a white beard.

 “Santa,” she happily cried.

The stranger turned around and smiled kindly, “I’m not him, beloved daughter. He’ll be here soon enough.”

 The girl shied closer, curiosity triumphing over shyness. 

 “Well then, who are you?” 

 He smiled kindly at her and gave her a hug. “My name you’ll know in time. Remember that you are beautiful, child. Please, please always remember.”

And then he was gone, in the twinkling of an eye. 

 The girl went to bed and thought nothing more of it. 


In the years to come, when she was belittled for her glasses. Demeaned for her awkward clumsiness. Compared to a pig and downtrodden under every word, an outcast to all. In those days filled with sorrow and nights filled with tears. Then came the words again to her mind, and she berated herself for ever believing them.


She scraped together what little she could and hurried from her dark childhood. Fleeing towards the tiniest hope of a brighter future. She left the town and all she knew and fled to a far away college. To where she enjoyed walks through light and sunshine with a boy for a season. And it felt like all the sorrow and pain of the past was going to wash away. 


Oh how wrong she had been. At first nothing had changed, nothing until she had a daughter. When suddenly for literally no reason at all he started drinking more. He got fired from his job and started beating them and she had to work to provide for them. But still he beat her and their child. She tried her best to protect her, she really did. But she died and the world just turned darker, and darker, and darker. Until one night, she just left. Taking nothing more than a coat and just wandering in the night. Oh why had she ever believed the words, believed it could get better. 


Now she was homeless and alone. Wandering and begging for what little food she could get, malnourished and starving. Until two young men in suits and ties with name tags found her. They radiated a brilliant light like nothing she had ever seen before. First they helped her find somewhere to stay. It was a small house with an elderly woman. And she too radiated this inner light, for she opened up her house for her to stay until she got back on her feet. The young men stayed and taught a lesson, it seemed a bit confusing but she felt the light and love in the message so she agreed to hear more. 


When next they came around, they taught of a glorious plan and she had many questions. The young missionaries were wary but they knew they were genuine and answered the best they could. They guided and directed her to many scriptures. One stood out in particular to her, D&C 121 7-8, “


My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;


And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.”


And she wept because the words pierced through to her soul, blazing a path of light through the darkness that had enshrouded her all her life. Eagerly she learned from them and ate the rest of it up. Excitedly nervous, she agreed to be baptized.


The day soon came and she was dressed in white. Eagerly she descended to the water and went down and up. Next hands were laid upon her head and she received the Holy Ghost. A quiet whisper came, “do you remember, dear daughter?” 

She shook her head slightly, not quite recognizing the voice, though it sounded so so familiar. 


Later she left the old widow and asked how she could ever repay her. The woman laughed and smiled, “no need to repay me for what you have already given me.”

“But what have I given you?”

“You have given me everything and been like a daughter to me.”

The young woman wept and hugged her surrogate mother. Later she held her hand as she passed to the other side of the veil a few days later.


She wept and soon met a familiar face at her funeral, one of the young missionaries. And through his speech she learned that she too had been a surrogate mother to him on his mission and afterwards when his own would not. Then she gave her speech and looked at him for comfort during it, tears reflecting in both their eyes. 


Afterwards he asked her if she would like to join him for lunch sometime at a place they both enjoyed and nervously she agreed. She found she enjoyed his company and agreed to date him, slowly though. She made it clear and he agreed, knowing what had happened to her before. They stumbled a little here and there but through it all their love for each other grew and soon they were engaged. 


Soon she stood inside the temple walls, clothed in beautiful white. She looked in the mirror and the words from the past came to her and she smiled. She had outgrown the mean and spiteful words and she remembered the kind words said one night. She remembered the care a stranger had given, more than she’d ever known before. Slowly she stepped out and made covenants to her wonderful husband. 


In almost a year it was Christmas once more, and she had a wonderful baby girl with her kind and patient husband. Light filled her soul and she slept soundly in her bed. A noise awoke her and she walked downstairs, to find not a stranger but her Savior standing there. She rushed and knelt before him weeping. Gently he knelt beside her and hugged her.

“I-i was supposed to hug you first, you know.”

He just simply smiled at her and hugged her.

“I know who you are now.”

“I know.” 

She cried harder and choked out two words, “thank you.”

He hugged her tighter, enough to let his love flow through her, but not too tight to be uncomfortable.

“I must leave now, my beautiful sister and my father’s wonderful daughter.”


Gently he released her and vanished in the twinkling of an eye. Slowly she wandered back to bed, mind alight. And the next day there was a small figurine hidden in all the presents. A porcelain statue of the Savior finding the lost lamb.



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25 minutes ago, Ookla the Raveness said:

Savior's Christmas (idk don't have a good title xD) 

The idea kinda evolved from a short story to more of an outline for a story and it’s really rough but I hope you all like it :)

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There was a young girl, all snug in her bed. When a sound woke her up and she hurried downstairs. Where a stranger was kneeling near the tree. 

 He was dressed in red and had a white beard.

 “Santa,” she happily cried.

The stranger turned around and smiled kindly, “I’m not him, beloved daughter. He’ll be here soon enough.”

 The girl shied closer, curiosity triumphing over shyness. 

 “Well then, who are you?” 

 He smiled kindly at her and gave her a hug. “My name you’ll know in time. Remember that you are beautiful, child. Please, please always remember.”

And then he was gone, in the twinkling of an eye. 

 The girl went to bed and thought nothing more of it. 


In the years to come, when she was belittled for her glasses. Demeaned for her awkward clumsiness. Compared to a pig and downtrodden under every word, an outcast to all. In those days filled with sorrow and nights filled with tears. Then came the words again to her mind, and she berated herself for ever believing them.


She scraped together what little she could and hurried from her dark childhood. Fleeing towards the tiniest hope of a brighter future. She left the town and all she knew and fled to a far away college. To where she enjoyed walks through light and sunshine with a boy for a season. And it felt like all the sorrow and pain of the past was going to wash away. 


Oh how wrong she had been. At first nothing had changed, nothing until she had a daughter. When suddenly for literally no reason at all he started drinking more. He got fired from his job and started beating them and she had to work to provide for them. But still he beat her and their child. She tried her best to protect her, she really did. But she died and the world just turned darker, and darker, and darker. Until one night, she just left. Taking nothing more than a coat and just wandering in the night. Oh why had she ever believed the words, believed it could get better. 


Now she was homeless and alone. Wandering and begging for what little food she could get, malnourished and starving. Until two young men in suits and ties with name tags found her. They radiated a brilliant light like nothing she had ever seen before. First they helped her find somewhere to stay. It was a small house with an elderly woman. And she too radiated this inner light, for she opened up her house for her to stay until she got back on her feet. The young men stayed and taught a lesson, it seemed a bit confusing but she felt the light and love in the message so she agreed to hear more. 


When next they came around, they taught of a glorious plan and she had many questions. The young missionaries were wary but they knew they were genuine and answered the best they could. They guided and directed her to many scriptures. One stood out in particular to her, D&C 121 7-8, “


My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;


And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.”


And she wept because the words pierced through to her soul, blazing a path of light through the darkness that had enshrouded her all her life. Eagerly she learned from them and ate the rest of it up. Excitedly nervous, she agreed to be baptized.


The day soon came and she was dressed in white. Eagerly she descended to the water and went down and up. Next hands were laid upon her head and she received the Holy Ghost. A quiet whisper came, “do you remember, dear daughter?” 

She shook her head slightly, not quite recognizing the voice, though it sounded so so familiar. 


Later she left the old widow and asked how she could ever repay her. The woman laughed and smiled, “no need to repay me for what you have already given me.”

“But what have I given you?”

“You have given me everything and been like a daughter to me.”

The young woman wept and hugged her surrogate mother. Later she held her hand as she passed to the other side of the veil a few days later.


She wept and soon met a familiar face at her funeral, one of the young missionaries. And through his speech she learned that she too had been a surrogate mother to him on his mission and afterwards when his own would not. Then she gave her speech and looked at him for comfort during it, tears reflecting in both their eyes. 


Afterwards he asked her if she would like to join him for lunch sometime at a place they both enjoyed and nervously she agreed. She found she enjoyed his company and agreed to date him, slowly though. She made it clear and he agreed, knowing what had happened to her before. They stumbled a little here and there but through it all their love for each other grew and soon they were engaged. 


Soon she stood inside the temple walls, clothed in beautiful white. She looked in the mirror and the words from the past came to her and she smiled. She had outgrown the mean and spiteful words and she remembered the kind words said one night. She remembered the care a stranger had given, more than she’d ever known before. Slowly she stepped out and made covenants to her wonderful husband. 


In almost a year it was Christmas once more, and she had a wonderful baby girl with her kind and patient husband. Light filled her soul and she slept soundly in her bed. A noise awoke her and she walked downstairs, to find not a stranger but her Savior standing there. She rushed and knelt before him weeping. Gently he knelt beside her and hugged her.

“I-i was supposed to hug you first, you know.”

He just simply smiled at her and hugged her.

“I know who you are now.”

“I know.” 

She cried harder and choked out two words, “thank you.”

He hugged her tighter, enough to let his love flow through her, but not too tight to be uncomfortable.

“I must leave now, my beautiful sister and my father’s wonderful daughter.”


Gently he released her and vanished in the twinkling of an eye. Slowly she wandered back to bed, mind alight. And the next day there was a small figurine hidden in all the presents. A porcelain statue of the Savior finding the lost lamb.



It’s beautiful.

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