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Who do you think is the most powerful single person in the cosmere?


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Susebron might be the most powerful, in terms of investiture. That much breath is really hard to beat in terms of sheer quantity. That isn't saying that he has the most powerful ability, because he might not win in a fight, I just think that he might have the most raw investiture. 

A hard point of this is that Dalinar can literally open a perpendicularity and gain access to investiture at any time. But, since he isn't actively holding that investiture, I'm discounting him. 

In terms of political power, probably Kelsier. He and the Ghostbloods have connections on several planets and he probably has connections to several other organizations.

In the future, my personal theory is that Navani might be able to challenge Kelsier for this title. If the Rosharans go space-faring, she'll probably be an enough to other works, or at least organize a lot of the diplomatic stuff. Even at the moment, a lot it if Roshar respects and listens to her. 

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23 minutes ago, Morningtide said:

Susebron might be the most powerful, in terms of investiture. That much breath is really hard to beat in terms of sheer quantity. That isn't saying that he has the most powerful ability, because he might not win in a fight, I just think that he might have the most raw investiture. 

A hard point of this is that Dalinar can literally open a perpendicularity and gain access to investiture at any time. But, since he isn't actively holding that investiture, I'm discounting him. 

In terms of political power, probably Kelsier. He and the Ghostbloods have connections on several planets and he probably has connections to several other organizations.

In the future, my personal theory is that Navani might be able to challenge Kelsier for this title. If the Rosharans go space-faring, she'll probably be an enough to other works, or at least organize a lot of the diplomatic stuff. Even at the moment, a lot it if Roshar respects and listens to her. 

I read an estimation that theorized Vasher potentially giving Navani enough breaths for perfect pitch.  If or when she gains that ability it will be a fast track to her unlocking more fabrials than we could imagine.  

I would love to see the most powerful beings in the cosmere become those who are able to develop and control tech vs those who have amassed abilities and investiture.  On scadrial it is already to a point where an aluminum bullet is more powerful than most magics.  It will be pretty neat to see how fast tech overtakes other systems also.  

As for raw investiture I agree with the godkings... they are so dang invested the world around them changes colors... if they ever gain access to healing like gold/gold compounding or some regrowth they could quickly take over... 

Fullborn may be more powerful for the one hit kill but God kings can just think about the clothes on your back ripping you to shreds and it will happen... 

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6 minutes ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

As for raw investiture I agree with the godkings... they are so dang invested the world around them changes colors... if they ever gain access to healing like gold/gold compounding or some regrowth they could quickly take over... 

Fullborn may be more powerful for the one hit kill but God kings can just think about the clothes on your back ripping you to shreds and it will happen...

Yes exactly! Honestly it's terrifying how much investiture they have. It's a REALLY good thing that Susebron it's so kind and innocent, or he would probably take over the entire Cosmere with the help of a small bit of Hemalurgy. 

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Susebron has a ton of Investiture, but the Stormfather I think is a significant chunk of a Shard, probably orders of magnitude more Invested.

Susebron is definitely a contender for most Invested being with a Physical Realm body, however, although Rysn might compete too (she can't really use it now though).

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On 5/26/2022 at 10:11 AM, Quantus said:

1. Agreed, though he's limited by a lot of personal philosophic restraint as much as some specific realmic bounds.  And I suspect he (uniquely) cannot leave Roshar without significant ecological fallout, so he's likely trapped forever to some extent. There are some UnMade that could challenge his place; BAM acted as a primary shard's Investiture conduit just like the Stormfather, for example, and Im convinced he has a literal counterpart in an Everstorm voidspren.  I also think we should not underestimate the power of the Nightwatcher's ability to permanently manipulate Spiritwebs; such a thing could tip Power balances like few things we've seen.

2. Agreed.  Super Speed of mind and body, literal Temporal Manipulation, and full Precognition are together a difficult combination to overcome.  

3. Id argue it's not Ishar persay, it's just any knowledgeable wielder of the Bondsmith Honorblade.  Ishar himself and the other heralds are (currently) safer by virtue of being trapped on roshar, but imagine the Honorbloade in the hands of an amoral version of Khriss that just wants to see the Cosmerre burn.  And frankly, the Nightwatcher herself is probably capable of most and maybe all of the Bondsmith's Spiriweb tricks, and we know her modifications are permanent, which a Bondsmith may or may not be able to manage.  

4.  Wulfden the 1st is a contender by that scale too, I think.  If Jaddeth is a real being, Id say they win hands down over both by virtue of ruling a whole Religion via a series of militant Theocrats.  Early generation Ishar is probably on the podium entirely independent of his Investiture, as the leader during the Ashyn Migration and the nominal founder of the Knights Radiant as an organization.  

1. Ba-ado-Mishram is absolutely a contender, just we don't know enough.  I'd argue that the Stormfather is likely more Invested though since he's got part of a Splintered Shard and Odium is whole.

3. I agree anyone with the same powers *could* equal or exceed him in time, Ishar just has way more knowledge and practice than Dalinar or Navani (or presumably past Radiant Bondsmiths with only one lifetime to work with).

4.  Yeah Wulfden might rule a larger population, who knows. TLR ruled for a thousand years though. Those two might be arguable either way depending on the Fjorden population.

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1 hour ago, cometaryorbit said:

Susebron is definitely a contender for most Invested being with a Physical Realm body, however, although Rysn might compete too (she can't really use it now though).

I didn't think about Rsyn! Good idea

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 24/05/2022 at 10:22 PM, Quantus said:

What do you all think about Frost?  We dont know much at all, but between being one of the oldest beings in the cosmere, and being a "Dragon" in the "Dragonsteel" setting, he's at least a sleeper contender that's worth keeping an eye on.  


Frost is a shard though, so I guess he should be excluded from the consideration 

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1 minute ago, Yuliya said:

Frost is a shard though, so I guess he should be excluded from the consideration 

Unless something has been revealed recently (I'm not up to date on all the Secret project reveals) Frost is not a Shard.  Frost is a Dragon that is also affiliated with an Organization called the 17th Shard (which is also not an actual Shard of Adonalsium).

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26 minutes ago, Quantus said:

Unless something has been revealed recently (I'm not up to date on all the Secret project reveals) Frost is not a Shard.  Frost is that is also affiliated with called the 17th Shard (which is also not an actual Shard of Adonalsium).

I think you are right and I just got confused. I remember reading somewhere that in addition to the description you gave, Frost was also a shard. Now I can't find the reference anywhere. So thank you for the clarification!

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