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Investiture Theory: Could a gold feruchemist heal from a shardblade wound


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*Minor magic system spoilers for Stormlight Archive, no plot spoilers


I've been re-reading Mistborn, and I'm curious whether feruchemical healing is fundamentally different from stormlight healing. Namely, if we ever saw a cross over between Metal-born and Radients, could a gold feruchemist heal an injury inflicted by a shardblade? Obviously feruchemy has to be stored fist, but assuming a feruchemist with infinite health storage, is the way they heal fundementaly different? Wayne mentions in passing that regrowing fingers is a pain in the but, but that means he can do it. This implies that gold healing can heal things that wouldn't normally heal with the passage of time. Healing in the Cosmere seems to be more that purely physical. In the real world, if you broke your arm and splint it incorrectly it could heal in the wrong position. This never happens in the books, implying that the power somehow knows what the "correct" position for everything is. I suspect that this is related to why shardblade wounds can be healed. My understanding is that shardblades sever the connection between your body and soul, but investiture healing is able to re-establish that connection. It is just difficult.

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Yeah this is established by WoB.

Which surprised me when I first read it, as I thought gold feruchemy is about storing up your own natural healing ability  - so I would have expected that it wouldn't work on spirit wounds. It feels like a Feruchemist is getting something out they didn't put in if they store Physical healing but get out Physical plus Spiritual.

But maybe there is some natural Spiritual healing ability that is also stored? We know that mental/emotional problems can make people Realmatically "open" to influence - maybe storing Gold health not only makes you sickly physically but reduces mental/emotional/Spiritual resilience?

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This is actually really fascinating and makes people with access to hemalurgy just that much more dangerous. Imagine what would happen if you took an average person and gave them Gold Compounding, effectively giving them the ability to fight shardbearers and/or Radiants because they can heal the wounds from the shardblades. Eventually, they would probably run out of stored health, but it would take a while and make them really nice unexpected assassins for powerful shardbearers. 

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47 minutes ago, Morningtide said:

This is actually really fascinating and makes people with access to hemalurgy just that much more dangerous. Imagine what would happen if you took an average person and gave them Gold Compounding, effectively giving them the ability to fight shardbearers and/or Radiants because they can heal the wounds from the shardblades. Eventually, they would probably run out of stored health, but it would take a while and make them really nice unexpected assassins for powerful shardbearers. 

Just leave your blade in their spine. They won't be able to move and it will burn through all of their health within a matter of seconds.

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6 hours ago, Frustration said:

Just leave your blade in their spine. They won't be able to move and it will burn through all of their health within a matter of seconds.

Oh that's smart! Probably should have thought of that. 

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