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The Bookwyrm

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So, I have noticed that lots of people make an "Ask Me Anything" where people ask them anything. 

And I did not have one until now.

It's my hundredth official post (because the myriad of posts on Forum Games and Random Stuff don't count), and so...

Go ahead and ask me anything!

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1. What is your favorite kind of spider

2. If you could tame any animal and keep it which animal would you keep?

3. Do you preferr Psychology or Sociology?

4. Which mod scares you?

5. What is your favorite video game?

6. Favorite kind of science?

7. Favorite equation?

8. Pokemon, Yu-gi-oh, or Magic?

9. Favorite game you can play with a deck of card?

10. Favorite Wit quote?

11. Favorite Hoid quote?

12. Is the Khezu or Gigginox scarier?

13. Have you ever heard of Hollow Knight?

14. Favorite and least favorite Zelda Game?

15. Favorite color

16. Favorite vegetable?

17. Favorite Fruit?

18. Cats or dogs?

19. Favorite breed of cat?

20. Favorite breed of dog?

21. Favorite sharder theory?

22. Favorite magic system?

23. Favorite dragon?

24. Is the chronical's of narnia or the wingfeather saga better?

25. Favorite fantasy troup?

26. What do you wish was real from the cosmere?

27. Favorite musical instrument?

28. Favorite star wars character?

29. Favorite type of text?

30. Favorite TLT character that's not a narrator?

31. TLT or TLPW?

32. Favorite forum game?

33. Favorite fan fiction?

34. Favorite RP?

35. Favorite fictional drink?

I will stop the questions for now. I will be back, you have been warned.

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1. Poecilotheria Metallica.

2. Some kind of Dragon. Barring that, an Orca or a Peregrine Falcon.

3. I have admittedly not taken either of those classes, or done any personal research in either of those fields, so I have no preference.

4. I am also not well versed in many mods. (Maybe I should be. I'm sure there are many that would scare me.)

5. Breath of the Wild is incredible, and I'd have to say that it is my favorite. I am also a fan of the Xenoblade Chronicles series, though, but don't have a specific favorite from that series.


7. Uh.... Wow. You caught me here. Um...Look up the Standard Model Equation and click "images."

8. I have not played any of them seriously to have a favorite.

9. I like a simple game called "Beggar your neighbor." Other than that...I can't think of anything.

10. Hoid is my favorite character, but I can honestly not think of a single one thing he said that was incredible. Let me get back to you on this. I know I should have one, I just can't think of one right now...

11. Wait....Wit and Hoid are the same person. I'm confused.

12. Uh...What? You're referencing something I am unfamiliar with.

13. Yes! I played a little bit of it a long time ago. I was just thinking that I need to try to play it through seriously...from what I've seen and heard, it's an awesome game.

14. Favorite, Breath of the Wild, tied with Skyward Sword (for nostalgic reasons. I spent my childhood messing around in Skyward Sword.) Least favorite....uh....I don't have one. Yet. (I need to play more Zelda games.)

15. Blue. Either a really, really deep blue that's just barely cusping on purple, or a kind of dark navy.

16. Most of the things we think of as vegetables are fruits. But my favorite is potatoes, of course.

17. Watermelon.

18. Dogs. I have never had a cat, though, because someone in my extended family is deathly allergic. So I can't really form an unbiased opinion. I do have a miniature golden doodle, though, and she's pretty great, which is why I choose dogs.

19. Like I said above, I don't know that much about cats, so I can't make a choice. (I do think those hairless cats are weird and kind of cool, though. I don't know what their official name is.)

20. Either a Golden Doodle, which is what I have, or maybe a husky. I think they look cool. I have not done much research on dog breeds.

21. Hmm...I need to go read more Sharder Theories before I can answer this.

22. Cosmere-wise, I really like Allomancy. The Final Empire was my first Brandon Sanderson book (I think. It was definitely my first Cosmere), and so I've always liked Allomancy and how it works. Overall...It might still be Allomancy. I like Surgebinding too, though, and the Ancient Language from Eragon. Harry Potter also has interesting magic. And a bunch of others...Suffice it to say, I like magic.

23. The Dragons from Eragon are among my favorites. My real favorite would probably have to be among the ones I've made up, though, and I cannot elaborate here because it would turn this already too-long post into a monstrosity.

24. It has been way to long since I've read the Chronicles of Narnia, and I have not read the Wingfeather Saga. (Hooray! MORE books that I need to get around to reading...)

25. Did you mean to say trope? Or did you mean something else? I'm a little confused here...

26. Dragons. Or Spren. I think it would be nice to have a bond with an intelligent Spren, like a secret friend that gives you powers. Allomancy would also be cool.

27. I play the Clarinet, so...I'd have to say that. (Maybe let me do some research on exotic musical instruments first, though...)

28. Obi-Wan.

29. Are you referring to Normal Text or Cursed Text? Or do you mean something else? If I guessed right, then Normal text. Cursed text is handy in some situations, but normal text fits my purposes generally.

30. Uh...Found the Kitten.

31. TLT. Always.

32. Once again, TLT. I do like Reverse Ask Anyone Anything, though.

33. I need to read more fan fiction, apparently.

34. On the Shard? Hm...I need to look into those RP's more.

35. I was not expecting this. You've stumped me. I'm just going to say a Hearty Elixir from Breath of the Wild because I use them too much. But let me think about this some more.

Hooray! I'm finished with this first torrent!

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1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

11. Wait....Wit and Hoid are the same person. I'm confused.


Wit has different sayings than hoid. I meant to say wayne, but wit is funnier while as hoid he tends to be more serious.

So your favorite quote of hoid when he is the kings wit

Favorite quote of hoid when he isn't the kings wit

Favorite Wayne quote

1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

12. Uh...What? You're referencing something I am unfamiliar with.


Look up Khezu and Gigginox and come back to this

2 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

20. Either a Golden Doodle, which is what I have, or maybe a husky. I think they look cool. I have not done much research on dog breeds.


My family is currently watching a golden doodle for about two more weeks

3 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

35. I was not expecting this. You've stumped me. I'm just going to say a Hearty Elixir from Breath of the Wild because I use them too much. But let me think about this some more.

My favorite drink is Chortle Juice AKA (Luminous dragon pee(

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14 hours ago, Liahona said:

Rain: yea or nay?

Depends. I actually spent a good part of my life in Michigan, and it was often rainy there. So I like it because it's sometimes comforting and nostalgic when I'm inside. If I'm trying to do something outside, though...I don't like it.

2 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Are you enjoying the fog this morning @The Bookwyrm?

Did I oversleep and miss the fog? I did not see any. 


(I normally do like fog, yes.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry these answers are late.

On 6/11/2022 at 10:42 AM, Shining Silhouette said:

How do you feel about jazz?

I am inexperienced in many types of music, including jazz. I haven't listened to enough to have an opinion.

I love music, though. My favorite songs are basically just a collection of random movie and video game scores. (Anything by Hans Zimmer is great, and the Xenoblade Chronicles franchise also has good music.)

On 6/11/2022 at 11:05 AM, The Wandering Wizard said:

Have you ever had a fake fight with pool noodles?

Yes. I could go on a long winded explanation about one of these experiences, but I'm on my phone right now, and typing on a phone is storming annoying.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/28/2022 at 7:59 PM, The Bookwyrm said:

I love music, though. My favorite songs are basically just a collection of random movie and video game scores. (Anything by Hans Zimmer is great, and the Xenoblade Chronicles franchise also has good music.)

You mentioned Hans Zimmer (who is incredible!). Favorite film score? Favorite film composer, while we're at it?

Strings or Piano? Electronic or rock? Video game or elevator music? 

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11 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

You mentioned Hans Zimmer (who is incredible!). Favorite film score? Favorite film composer, while we're at it?

Strings or Piano? Electronic or rock? Video game or elevator music? 

Favorite film score....Either Dune (the new one, of course) or Interstellar. Favorite film composer is (obviously) Hans Zimmer at this point, though there are a ton of other good ones.

Strings or Piano....I like them equally. I can actually play the piano (not well compared to how you can play, probably), but I have no experience playing string instruments. But some of my favorite songs incorporate both instruments well and equally.

Electronic or Rock: Probably electronic, though neither of them really appeal to me as much. I'm not as experienced in those fields.

Video Game or Elevator music?: Video Game, but mostly because video game music is now so varied and so incredible that you can't really put it in one category. I talked above a little bit about the Xenoblade Chronicles series, which is a video game series, but it's music is incredible. They make these songs that sound really exciting and intricate and use a wide variety of instruments (and sometimes vocals) that sound amazing together. The Legend of Zelda series also has great music, and there are a ton of others.

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Legend of Zelda Soundtrack: Either Breath of the Wild or Skyward Sword. (I especially like Fi's theme from Skyward Sword.)

Favorite Video Game Soundtrack: It's going to be one of the Xenoblade Chronicles soundtracks. Right now it's probably the songs from Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but because Xenoblade Chronicles 3 comes out at the end of this month, it might change soon depending on how much I like those songs.

And I'm sorry if you have no idea what Xenoblade Chronicles is.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/13/2022 at 0:50 PM, The Wandering Wizard said:

Favorite riddle, with the answer NOT included?

I'd have to think about this a little more....I know I have one, I just need to remember it.

23 hours ago, Robin Sedai said:

If you could have dinner with any Sanderson character, who would you pick and what would you have for dinner?

I have a few characters in mind.

Hoid, because he's my favorite, and depending on how much he likes me, I think a conversation with him would be really fun.

Sazed, (Either before or after Ascension) because he's really nice and polite, and I could probably learn a lot from him.

Wayne, because he's hilarious. However, if I was eating with Wayne, I would want some other characters to be there, because I think that the dinner would be more fun that way.

And I didn't think this at first, but it would also be fun to spend time with Kaladin, Shallan, and Adolin, because the dynamic and banter between the three of them is really likeable, and I think I would enjoy being a part of that.

As for what would we eat......I'm not sure. Some Cosmere food that I would never be able to have in real life, probably. (I guess I could feed Hoid some instant noodles so he likes me more...)

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Would you be a dragonrider or a misting with any power?

By dragonrider to you mean, in general? Or are you referencing a book series I haven't read yet? I'd like some clarification before I answer this. Sorry.

1 hour ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Favorite subject in school?

This is going to be some kind of science. I really enjoyed Biology, and Chemistry, and I have yet to take Physics, which might turn out to be my favorite of all. But as Astronomy is by far my favorite scientific field, on that fateful day in which I get to take Astronomy, that will likely become my favorite school subject.

1 hour ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Life in nature or urban life?

Most likely nature.

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