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Corrupted Preservation



With Lerasium alloys two things can happen:

1.-If you alloy it with an allomantic metal (brass, copper...), it will make you Misty of that metal.

2.-If you alloy it with a divine metal, it would give you access to the Investiture form of the Shard of said metal.

But, what happens if you alloy it with a non-allomantic metal?, You die?, Nothing?


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Broadly speaking, Lerasium is a way to make permanent revisions to a spiritweb, and Im assuming will become relevant in the sci-fi era 4 if not before.  Depending on how complex those changes be manipulated via scientific alloying, it might be possible to do quite a bit of targeted manipulation, with something comparable to forgery being the upper limit I can imagine (essentially just housed in chemistry instead of symbols, and also permanent). 

We know there are effects if alloyed with the 16 metals of the metallic arts, as well as any of the godmetals.  I suspect there would be an effect with Silver, which is the only known example of a metal that is cosmere relevant without being part of the metallic arts.  I also suspect you could change the effects by alloying it with charged metals (such as metalminds or awakened objects) the same way allomancy treats feruchemically charged metals as essentially a new viable metal.

As a limit, ultimately the effect happens when a person Burns the alloy, so I dont think it would easily interface with gems or other non-metals in a fabrial arrangement. 

I have no idea if or how it might interface with Ettmetal, in a Primer cube or as an alloy.  


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