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Explain Cosmere things badly

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Here's a few bad descriptions:

Elantris - there's this guy. He dies, his death sucks, and then he dies.

Mistborn - Wealthy politician fails to adjust for discontent among lower class populace.

Way of Kings - Guy gets thrown into a team of misfits, classic underdog sports style. The team is too good at catching the "ball" so with the new leader guy's help, they get better at not catching the "ball". Also, a girl tries to steal another girl's bracelet. Older man deals with family issues and has some beef with an old drinking buddy. And in a dramatic reveal, we find out that an elderly man has a cool rock.


Stormlight - You have to breath just right and the color of your power can change what you can do sometimes.

BioChromatic Breaths - Lets you infuse objects and people with power. To get more powerful you have to find the right words to say. Get really good and you can get a powerful talking sword buddy.

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Stormlight- vaping, but it's good for you(although in some places still illegal)

Hemalurgey- stabby stabby equals magic magic

Sand Mastery- sand castles

Elantris- math equals magic

Awakening - CPR

First of the Sun- good parasites

Allomancy- drink metal whisky, become god

Feruchemy- battery bracelets 

Threnody- scary ghosts hate silver

Returned- I died, now I'm back, let's be wasteful.

Fused- I die, then steal another's body 

Did I miss any?

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Stormlight Archive:
A bunch of mentally unstable people of varying ages come together to fight evil forces with magic mist as they all talk to people no one can see..........

Mistborn Era 2:
Hats, bad romance that actually wasn't romance, arranged marriages, and magic gloves (bands).

The Reckoners:
Steel, hearts, and magic evil but not actually evil fighting prof-essers.

Magic hair. Witty weird wisdom. Jumping on the bed. Smokey swords.

A guy dies but isn't actually dead but then he dies but isn't actually dead.

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Hemalurgy: "So, you're saying all I need to do to use telekinesis is to take one of my grandma's knitting needles over there, impale that guy over there with it, then stab myself through the eye, and it'll somehow work?! And you think I'm crazy?!"   

         -a sane human being selected from the streets of Elendel

Edited by Trusk'our
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sand mastery - you can make sand a different colour if you don't mind being dehydrated

forgery - what if this thing wasn't this thing

dahkor - i deformed myself to make myself magic

hemalurgy - i stabbed myself to make myself magic

returned - i died and now i'm magic

heralds - oh no, not again

shardblades - stabby without the stabby

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Radiant Spren = Elf on a Shelf. They are always keeping track of you and they can show up all over the place. Also they might give you magic. 

Roshar = What if like underwater was on the surface, maaan?

Taln = Jesus with a gym membership and PTSD. 

Ghostbloods = East India Company meets Undercover Boss and Survivor.

Dawnshards = Like the titular Mangler in Stephen King's The Mangler where an industrial laundry machine kills people who previously used it. 

Spiritual Realm = 62b1cf0e0e0ab_Allatonce.thumb.jpeg.163edd27635c7d7f090adeec6d525171.jpeg


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Vasher- Disgruntled serial killing god sometimes takes in wandering princesses.

Mistborn-Metal magic, metal jewelry magic, metal piercing magic.

Dalinar- Mass murderer gets amnesia, does penance, remembers that he used to kill, and says no to drugs.

Edited by Nathrangking
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