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Could Shai make Kaladin a soul? [Discuss]

S. Stormy

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It's mostly all in the title. If Kaladin somehow went brain dead, would Shai(if she somehow was on Roshar) be able to recreate his soul? I mean 

(Emperor's Soul)


could she do it as well as she did for Ashravan?

He hides a lot of his trauma, and puts on a front of "I'm doing fine!". The question is how well does he hide it...

Also, I don't know if any one person knows all of his experiences.

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I kind of doubt it. Kaladin does hide quite a bit, and unlike Ashravan, Shai does not have the benefit of Kaladin writing it all down. Even readers of the books probably don't know enough about Kaladin's life, as lots of it is skipped in his backstory to focus on certain moments. For Ashravan, something as simple as knowing his favorite color, and the reason for it, was needed in order to recreate his soul. This is, of course, ignoring the fact that Investiture is bound to its planet of origin, and that Selish magic is highly location dependent, which means for Forgery, the further you get from MaiPon, the less effective it will be, according to the Coppermind. Out of all of the characters in Stormlight, I'd give Dalinar the highest chance of a soul Forgery (because of Oathbringer the book (not the book, the book)), and probably Shallan has the lowest.

TLDR; no, I don't think so

Edited by Odiumiumium
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1 hour ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

It's mostly all in the title. If Kaladin somehow went brain dead, would Shai(if she somehow was on Roshar) be able to recreate his soul? I mean 

(Emperor's Soul)

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could she do it as well as she did for Ashravan?

He hides a lot of his trauma, and puts on a front of "I'm doing fine!". The question is how well does he hide it...

Also, I don't know if any one person knows all of his experiences.



It should be possible, technically speaking, to do this.

Speaking practically though, it would be very, very difficult.

First, as Odiumiumium mentioned, Kaladin doesn't exactly write down his inner feelings as Ashravan did, and he tries very hard not to tell anyone about just how he feels. Not only that, you'd either have to ship Kaladin's brain-dead body over to Sel for the procedure, or you'd have to find a way to get Forgery to work on Roshar.

If you could obtain a method to look into someone's past, such as a duralumin/Malatium burst gained via Hemalurgy or Unsealed Feruchemy or possible using Dalinar's Bondsmithing powers, then that would fix Shi's lack of knowledge of Kaladin's past.

Next, you might be able to use Feruchemical nicrosil to store the effects of the Soulstamp, and then use nicrosil compounding granted via Hemalurgy or Unsealed Metalminds allowing Kaladin to use it on Roshar or anywhere else he may go and not run out of Investiture fueling the stamp.

So there, boom, Kaladin Stormblessed back into action. ;)

TLDR; yes, it should work as there are tools that exist in the Cosmere that would make it possible. But it would be very, very hard to make work in a practical situation.

PS: I enjoyed this question, and the challenge of making this scenario work, please make more :) 

Edited by Trusk'our
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