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Question about Captivityspren

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So, I recently reread tWoK, and something stood out to me. Axies mentions that despite being imprisoned several times, he hasn’t ever seen a captivityspren. But Kaladin is only actually in jail once and he sees one. What I’m wondering is if captivityspren are just rare, or if there are other requirements for attracting one. Could someone attract on if they just felt trapped? Do you have to feel trapped and actually be imprisoned? I might just be reading too much into this, but tell me what you guys think.

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9 hours ago, Friendly Cremling said:

Yeah, like I said, I’m probably reading too much into this, but it seems like Axies would have been all over Roshar by now (and likely has been in jails all over Roshar)

From The Coppermind



A type of spren theorized by Axies to appear around people in captivity. Despite being imprisoned numerous times he has never observed them, leading him to doubt their existence.[15] However, while imprisoned, Kaladin sees strange spren like taut wires crossing before him, which have been confirmed to be captivityspren.[109][110]

It's possible that rather than being attracted to the state of being imprisoned, captivityspren are attracted to the feelings of being trapped. This would explain why Axies, who sees being in prison as an opportunity, never witnesses any, while Kaladin's degrading mental state in prison summons several.


Edited by Treamayne
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