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Hello you beautiful Sanderfans. I'm so happy to be here finally, after six months of discovering Cosmere and other Brandon stuffs. It's been a long half year of sitting in my closet frantically reading everything he's ever written. When I discovered TWoK, within two weeks of frenzied emotion, I had finished the entire Stormlight Archive. I think maybe I might be the single person that actually reads faster than Brandon writes, because I am so bored right now. Anyway, thanks for being cool nerds like me. I'm excited to actually talk about all this crazy stuff in my head. :)

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11 hours ago, stormblessed1616 said:

Hello you beautiful Sanderfans. I'm so happy to be here finally, after six months of discovering Cosmere and other Brandon stuffs. It's been a long half year of sitting in my closet frantically reading everything he's ever written. When I discovered TWoK, within two weeks of frenzied emotion, I had finished the entire Stormlight Archive. I think maybe I might be the single person that actually reads faster than Brandon writes, because I am so bored right now. Anyway, thanks for being cool nerds like me. I'm excited to actually talk about all this crazy stuff in my head. :)

WELCOME TO THE SHARD FELLOW FAST READER. I read RoW when it came out in two days.

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I have a friend who reads SUPER fast and so I got her to read Reckoners, and when I found out she was on Calamity(the day I found out was the day she started, I think*), I told her I'd lend her my copy at school the next day(she had the ebook), only to find out she'd already finished it, and so did not need my copy.


*hehe Sazed vibes there

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