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I'll draw your RP characters

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3 hours ago, TheHalcyonGirl said:

If you’re still at it, could you do a stoic girl (teenaged) with long black hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and a knife on a chain as a weapon? 



There she is. Take it or leave it.

I decided I might as well go through my process. Not as educational material or whatever (I'm FAR from qualified for that), but rather just to document my own madness and regression into insanity.


Step one: Figure out the pose and proportions and everything else


No, I'm not going to explain how I do that. Not even I'm quite sure.

You'll notice that the limbs and appendages are very generalized. That is because hands are of the devil and I hate them.

Step two: Pick a starting point


That's code for "draw the face." I always start at the top.

  • Start with the nose... is it too big? Eh.
  • Eyes are.... fine. Okay.
  • Mouth is a line.

Next up is hair...


...Ah HECK naw--

Whatever. That's a problem for future Fadran. Onto the next step

Step Three: The part that's beneath the face.


That means clothing. As a rule I try not to draw people without it. You didn't specify the outfit, and I may or may not have deliberately chosen a pose that minimizes the amount of clothing shown. I settled for t-shirt because there isn't any way in heck a teenage girl is going to run into battle with something any more ambitious than that.

Also they're starting to really look like a tennis player for some reason.

Step Four: What about their legs?


That means pants. As a rule I try not to draw people without those either.

Step 4.1: Boots. Calves are weird and boots are good. Boots.

  • Kay. Baggy Shorts. I can.... nooooooooooooooooo. Nope. Nevermind.
  • Kay. Pants. I just need to come up with an outline and decide how baggy they are and fold them perfectly and decide whether they're going to go under or over the boots and--
  • ...
  • ...Kay. Tight shorts. I'll just do that. No knees because knees are hard enough as is.

Step Five: Look at it.


I like looking at it. That's a good sign.

Steps Six: Plural because it stopped being "steps" at this point and more like "things I thought were notable"


Handssssssssssssss. Hands are of the devillllllll.

I'll just make a rough hand-ish shape. That'll work for now. I'll make this a problem for future Fadran.

What about the chain part?

I started drawing a chain and then quickly began cursing the new kid for forcing this fate upon me. Chains are nasty and I don't like them. I settled for a rope.

...What about the knife part?

Knife part? On a chain? What, did they staple it on? No, you asked for Castlevania, so I went the whole nine yards.


Oh wait there's ANOTHER ONE-




...Oh hey. That one turned out alright.

Step Whatever it is at this point: Look at it.


I still like looking at it. Another good sign!

Step Final: Shading


Shading's the fun part because I like doing it. My style is known as "cel shading," which I know from Breath of the Wild to mean even shading over basic shadowed areas. Zephrun's Imperium once called my style "pillow shading," and frankly I still don't have any clue as to what that means. Pillows are good, right? Like, except for on camping trips. Why would you bring a pillow with you on a camping trip? What kind of monster are you?

Step Hey wait a minute isn't she supposed to have super dark hair?


Kay now I'm tired and a thing has been drawn. BYE.


Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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6 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Pillows are good, right? Like, except for on camping trips. Why would you bring a pillow with you on a camping trip? What kind of monster are you?

But I like not having my head on the floor of the tent when i sleep D:

Your shading is amazing! And hands... hands... oh how i hate them

Yours are quite good though!

Edited by Szeth's Facepalm
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7 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

can you draw pre-death Dr. Calano?

think reckoners Prof (black lab coat) but no goggles, much MUCH younger (mid 20's) and his hair is messy and black. and he has a clipboard and stethoscope.


I decided to play fast and loose with this one; that is, make it all sketchy. Not exactly clean. Definitely not clean.

But it was fun tho!


But Fadran, weren't they supposed to have a black lab coat?

You're correct. They were.

And I did draw them with such.

But it turned out like this...



...and frankly I decided that the last drawing would do just fine.

But Fadran, weren't they supposed to have black hair?

You want me to so blithely repeat my mistakes? I gave up on adding "color" to this B&W pencil sketch. Far too much at stake.

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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  • 2 weeks later...

If you want to- draw Thaidakar (insanity clinic one, not my insane narrator thaidakar who did a lot of things-) 

He has pale skin, round eyes, a suit and his hair is messily arranged. He has a belt with a few pouches and a knife on it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/12/2022 at 11:33 PM, The Halcyon Girl said:

If you’re bored at all… draw Lyra

Shes like 15 and she has a headband-crown thing and fancy clothes prolly

 She’s strawberry-blonde and looks fairly sweet/innocent. Green eyes

I have so many characters K can’t even—

Oo that sounds pretty, can i draw her?

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  • 1 month later...

If you wanted to and had the time, feel free to draw either Quest or Miyako.

Quest: Mid-twenties, with a curly brown mop of hair. He has short goat kinda horns sticking out of the top. Wire glasses, harry potter style, with a crack in one lens. Deep moss green cloak and staff with vines curling up it. Tattoos running up and down his arms, hard jagged red and flowing green symbols. Satchel with papers sticking out. The absent minded professor type.

Miyako: Younger-twenties, asian women. Long straight black hair. Bit of straight bangs and the rest cascades down her back. Short, like 5 feet. Either wears one of those pointy, straw japanese hat things or wears it on a cord around her neck. Occasionally carries a large travel, camping backpack. Dark blue, grey and black clothing with a bright blue sash tied around her waist. Sword sheathed at her waist with a waterskin. Miyako can control the water in this to have it function as basically a flying sword. Quintessential murder hobo.

Sorry, I have thought much about how these characters look. Take as much or little as you like. 

Edited by Ookla the Kobold
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2 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

@Ookla the Myopic: have a Mercury


Methinks I'll try to draw Quest or Kealie tonight. Maybe Vance if I can't get into the vibe. We'll see what happens.

If you pick Kealie, just know I imagine her as black. That’s all.

Also that drawing is beautiful 

Edited by Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff
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8 hours ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

@Ookla the Myopic: have a Mercury


Methinks I'll try to draw Quest or Kealie tonight. Maybe Vance if I can't get into the vibe. We'll see what happens.

Yes! I like it, you did a wonderful job and got the static hair right. :P

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And the answer is..............



I drew them both!

And I love them both!




Look at this skrunkly little man! Misting said "absent-minded professor type" which is not a vibe I expected to be able to pull off. Honestly I have no idea what I did here but the vibes are impeccable and I absolutely love him.




She wound up looking like a pirate princess! And I've never been so satisfied! I drew her face and eyes and she just wound up looking like an adorable lassie and I was all 0_0 and finished coloring it just now-ish and wowza I am happy with it. Again, v i b e s. I did them somehow.


@Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff @Ookla the Kobold

Edited by Ookla the [Redacted]
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2 hours ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

And the answer is..............

  Hide contents


I drew them both!

And I love them both!


  Hide contents


Look at this skrunkly little man! Misting said "absent-minded professor type" which is not a vibe I expected to be able to pull off. Honestly I have no idea what I did here but the vibes are impeccable and I absolutely love him.


  Hide contents


She wound up looking like a pirate princess! And I've never been so satisfied! I drew her face and eyes and she just wound up looking like an adorable lassie and I was all 0_0 and finished coloring it just now-ish and wowza I am happy with it. Again, v i b e s. I did them somehow.


@Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff @Ookla the Kobold



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2 hours ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

And the answer is..............

  Reveal hidden contents


I drew them both!

And I love them both!


  Reveal hidden contents


Look at this skrunkly little man! Misting said "absent-minded professor type" which is not a vibe I expected to be able to pull off. Honestly I have no idea what I did here but the vibes are impeccable and I absolutely love him.


  Hide contents


She wound up looking like a pirate princess! And I've never been so satisfied! I drew her face and eyes and she just wound up looking like an adorable lassie and I was all 0_0 and finished coloring it just now-ish and wowza I am happy with it. Again, v i b e s. I did them somehow.


@Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff @Ookla the Kobold


That is absolutely correct. This is just how I basically picture Quest. 10/10 job, quality work. The shading is phenomenal. 

Edited by Ookla the Kobold
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Wow, that's amazing! I would ask you to draw one of my characters, but I never really spend enough time thinking about what they look like. For Antin all I know is that he's tall, has a medium-gray cloak, and has completely white skin but hair, nails, eyes, lips, etc. are all completely black.

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