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Question about Elantris and fixing the magic system

Ookla, Harmony’s Hat



When Adonis drew the Chasm line under Elantris, how did that fix the magic? Earlier in the book, it said that the lines had to be precise and exact, the width, height, and length all mattering. How then, did a line in the dirt, extremely out of proportion to the rest of Elantris, fix it? Adonis had the right place, the Investure guided him, but even not considering size difference, how did he draw the right shape while suffering immense pain, barely able to move? I don't know if there is something I missed, but I don't think this has been asked before. (Perhaps the Stick he used was a highly invested entity, capable of overriding whatever barrier had been put in place...)


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BLUF: AonDor needs the lines to be correct in placement; but width and other characteristics are shown to make a difference in efficacy not ability (Ch 49) and the medium doesn't matter (Ch 7).

9 hours ago, I_am_a_stick said:
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When Adonis drew the Chasm line under Elantris, how did that fix the magic? Earlier in the book, it said that the lines had to be precise and exact, the width, height, and length all mattering. How then, did a line in the dirt, extremely out of proportion to the rest of Elantris, fix it? Adonis had the right place, the Investure guided him, but even not considering size difference, how did he draw the right shape while suffering immense pain, barely able to move? I don't know if there is something I missed, but I don't think this has been asked before. (Perhaps the Stick he used was a highly invested entity, capable of overriding whatever barrier had been put in place...)


Could you please elaborate on what version of the book you read? If not English, which translation? I ask mostly because the character you are referencing isn't named "Adonis."** That implies you may have read either a draft version or that some things might be off. Also, note that there were problems with that scene (Ch 61) originally, and it was fixed in the 10th Anniversary edition, which is now the canon version


Raoden's feet were so covered with bumps, lacerations, and scrapes as he reached the bottom of the slope that he no longer related to them as pieces of flesh. They were simply lumps of pain burning at the end of his legs.

But still he ran on. He knew that if he stopped, the pain would claim him once again. He wasn’t truly free—his mind was on loan, returned from the void to perform a single task. When he was finished, the white nothingness would suck him down into its oblivion again.

He stumbled toward a spot between Elantris and the ruins of Toa, the city on its southern side, feeling as much as seeing his way.

 *  *  *

Raoden barely heard the men approaching, and he only briefly recognized Galladon and Karata running up behind him, desperately throwing themselves at the soldiers. His friends were unarmed; a voice in the back of his head warned that they would not be able to win him much time.

Raoden continued to run, the stick held in rigid fingers. He wasn’t sure how he knew he was in the right place, but he did. He felt it.

Only a little farther. Only a little farther.

All of this implies that the Dor was helping Raoden complete the Aon to establish Connection with the city. Since we know investiture seeks sentience, despite the specific limitations on the Dor - it's growing Connection to Raoden was foreshadowed all book long - the implied assistance is slightly less Dues Ex Machinae and more a "logical extrapolation of the magical laws used in the book and the Cosmere."



though, if you have read the Annotations, you'll know that at one time the city was named Adonis (and the book was "The Spirit of Adonis") - but that was a very early draft fixed after BS let his writing group read the story. The annotation about this is quite humorous.


Edited by Treamayne
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