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The Boiling Isles - an RP

Channelknight Fadran

Power Scaling?  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. How should the power levels scale?

    • We're all weak witchlets just barely drawing our first magic circles
    • Accomplished witchlets, probably with palismans and everything
    • Fully-fledged warriors and witches
    • Beyond what the show does - we'd be kinda adult-ifying it
    • Literal. Freaking. Anime.

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"Nah, we don't care about mercenaries. Well- Ok, we do care about them, we just begrudgingly allow them. They do some decent work. But he was causing a ruckus, so... We've gotta take him in. Am I talking too much? You look bored."

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Kora wandered the crowded street, full of shops and stands. His grand and spontaneous plan for adventure hadn't yielded much, though he had gotten a enchanted pastry from his favorite bakery. He really wondered what he'd been thinking. what, did you think that you'd run into a couple of elves on their way into the forrest to seek the source of some ancient curse, who need you as you are the ancient chosen one of prophesy ? Or maybe a human would come through a portal into the demon realm, and need you to show them around? he should probably head back. He was grown, he could go where he wanted without telling his parents, but they would probably be wondering about his absence, as he was usually home by now. He meandered back the way of the tea shop.

He kept his eyes on the road as he walked. Which was a mistake, as he walked straight into a couple of figures and fell into the dirt.


(The figures are meant to be you guys, when you're done with your convo. If that doesn't work, they can just be random people lol. I'm assuming it doesn't all have to be in order, like, you can come back to this when you're ready?)


Edited by Szeth's Facepalm
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We're kind of... in a building so- yeah just hold on a sec lmao

Suv looked around the HQ, and despite absolutely no one paying attention to them (no surprise) he still got the uncomfortable feeling they were being listened to.

"Let's take this outside really quick. Just... Just because."

Suv started towards the door.

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"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Kora scrambled to pick up the papers floating out of his bag. "I really need to watch where i'm... going..." He trailed off as he recognized the witch across from him on the ground. He'd been at hexside at the same time as Kora for a couple of years, and they'd crossed paths occasionally. But then he graduated super early and Kora hadn't seen him since. But here he was, exiting an official building, emperor's coven sigil and all.


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Kora was a little perplexed. Sure, he spent most of his time after school with cass and his few friends, doing his homework, or helping at the shop, but Suv said it like there was a deeper meaning. And... people had been talking about him? Surely the griffin egg incident hadn't been serious enough to make it to the emperor's coven! "What do you mean by that?"

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"Well... the coven keeps track of pretty much... everyone. And after the uh *cough* griffin egg incident... We started a file on you."

Suv scratches the back of his neck, looking embarrassed. "I told them it was probably nothing, but uh..."

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Kora felt his face grow hot as his cheeks reddened. "Well, that’s... embarrassing," he said with a chuckle, an unconvincing attempt at pretending that it didn't matter to him. "I really, really didn't mean for anything bad to happen, if it means anything."


Edited by Szeth's Facepalm
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