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Based on what was reviled in sun lit man  here is my best guess at Nomad's story post RoW.

1. The unite dawnshard is found and hoid convinces Sigzil to take it up and take it off world.

2. The dawnshard alters both his and his Spren's spirit web this unlocks new powers but brings the torment.

3. He gives up the dawn shard

4. The night brigade starts hunting him. 

5. Nomad loses faith in his ideals as a result his Spren dies.

6. The event of sun lit man

If I missed anything or you have a alternative time line let's discuss. 


Edited by LewsTherinTelescope
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  • 4 weeks later...

My headcannon

1. Sigzil gets a dawnshard before the end of Stormlight 5. This likely has something to do with Hoid. Sigzil is semi informed. 

2. The dawnshard alters both Sigzil and his Spren's spirit web and this unlocks new powers. Sigzil is stoked. 

3. Sigzil "experiments" and this causes some problems. The Dawnshard and spren interact strangely. The dawnshard "talks" more

4. Something happens that makes Sigzil and his spren realize oaths are not the most important thing. Perhaps Odium's plan. 

5. Sigzil and his spren agree to do something that is fundamentally against the First Ideal. It is done for a good reason in Sigzil's mind. 

6. Sigzil's spren dies willingly. Many humans and singers die as well. Sigzil's Dawnshard does something at this time that is new or unexpected. 

7. Sigzil gets a new bond. The bond is not exactly the spren but something else. Perhaps the Dawnshard becomes semi conscious with a spren. 

8. Hold explains to Sigzil how to run and why to run. Hold apologizes for not being honest or not training Sigzil enough on Dawnshards. 

9. Sigzil runs and learns of his torment over time. 

Edited by teknopathetic
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  • 5 weeks later...
On 8/22/2022 at 5:22 PM, teknopathetic said:


6. Sigzil's spren dies willingly. Many humans and singers die as well. Sigzil's Dawnshard does something at this time that is new or unexpected. 

7. Sigzil gets a new bond. The bond is not exactly the spren but something else. Perhaps the Dawnshard becomes semi conscious with a spren. 

I think there's a possibility that the "new or unexpected" is that Aux picks up the Dawnshard and that is why the Night Brigade is hunting them. They probably think that Sigzil still has it. 
Then Sigzil picks up a weird bond with Aux, but he is also suffering from the Torment as a result of formerly being a Dawnshard. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So what is "Auxiliary" exactly? Not an honorspren, but still a "kind of" spren that can manifest as Shardtools, even (briefly) as a Shardblade. And can facilitate Connection-based translation services for Nomad, which is not something honorspren can do (that we know about).

So far in SA, only the Stormfather has facilitated that with Dalinar's Connection-based powers as a Bondsmith - though it could be related to a variant of Adhesion, the Surge that Windrunners share with Bondsmiths.

While Nomad is able to consume Investiture of all kinds, and use it to heal and to "Skip", he cannot seem to Surgebind as a Windrunner would. At least, not at will - his amazing leaps through the air do seem just a leeeetle bit like flying.

Auxiliary describes themself as "dead", and Nomad describes his oaths as "ended" (not broken). And Auxiliary, despite the name, speaks to Nomad as a senior, at least sarcastically, as a "knight" does to a "squire". And despite being "dead", can manifest immediately and in different forms.

I think there must be something of an honorspren baseline in there, though; it's telling that Nomad is able to "break through" his Torment briefly, for Auxiliary to manifest as a Shardblade (though thrown as a non-lethal distraction), when he maximally represents the Windrunner ideal of Protection, when he closed his eyes and remembered swearing presumably the Second Ideal ("I will protect those who cannot protect themselves"). Whereas before, when desperate for a Blade form to cut through his bindings (not to fight with), Auxiliary had commented, "I’m not the one holding you back on that count, Nomad."

"Skipping" appears to be teleporting to another world in the Cosmere, though without direction (he isn't choosing where to go - and in this story, has landed somewhere he's never been before - is that always true?). Nomad has been to or is familiar with Scadrial, Taldain, and Threnody, and stayed there long enough to be able to read presumably Malwish writing on the Scadrian medallion/key.

What Metalborn powers in a medallion would combine to form a key to a gateway, anyway? An "access disc"?

For that matter, what Metalborn powers facilitate operating an "ancient barrier" in the form of a "large metal door"? (Assuming it's a magical barrier, and not just a honking ginormous steel door that is easiest to remove with Allomancy, as with TLR's caches?)

He's also by now familiar with things like guns and hoverbikes and removable power cells of Investiture. Guns exist on Scadrial by SA5+ - as that is the same time as Mistborn Era 2 - but hoverbikes? Bwuh?

And of course... Who and what are the Night Brigade? Hunting Nomad for something related to "the Dawnshard" that he is now a human shield for to Hoid/Wit, something Wit "did to him" (apparently in SA5)?

And will I ever read that term "Night Brigade" without hearing that song by My Chemical Romance modified to fit it?

Edited by robardin
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  • 1 year later...

So what is "Auxiliary" exactly? Not an honorspren, but still a "kind of" spren that can manifest as Shardtools, even (briefly) as a Shardblade. And can facilitate Connection-based translation services for Nomad, which is not something honorspren can do (that we know about).

On 10/6/2022 at 12:00 PM, robardin said:

So what is "Auxiliary" exactly? Not an honorspren, but still a "kind of" spren that can manifest as Shardtools, even (briefly) as a Shardblade. And can facilitate Connection-based translation services for Nomad, which is not something honorspren can do (that we know about).

So far in SA, only the Stormfather has facilitated that with Dalinar's Connection-based powers as a Bondsmith - though it could be related to a variant of Adhesion, the Surge that Windrunners share with Bondsmiths.

While Nomad is able to consume Investiture of all kinds, and use it to heal and to "Skip", he cannot seem to Surgebind as a Windrunner would. At least, not at will - his amazing leaps through the air do seem just a leeeetle bit like flying.

Auxiliary describes themself as "dead", and Nomad describes his oaths as "ended" (not broken). And Auxiliary, despite the name, speaks to Nomad as a senior, at least sarcastically, as a "knight" does to a "squire". And despite being "dead", can manifest immediately and in different forms.

I think there must be something of an honorspren baseline in there, though; it's telling that Nomad is able to "break through" his Torment briefly, for Auxiliary to manifest as a Shardblade (though thrown as a non-lethal distraction), when he maximally represents the Windrunner ideal of Protection, when he closed his eyes and remembered swearing presumably the Second Ideal ("I will protect those who cannot protect themselves"). Whereas before, when desperate for a Blade form to cut through his bindings (not to fight with), Auxiliary had commented, "I’m not the one holding you back on that count, Nomad."

"Skipping" appears to be teleporting to another world in the Cosmere, though without direction (he isn't choosing where to go - and in this story, has landed somewhere he's never been before - is that always true?). Nomad has been to or is familiar with Scadrial, Taldain, and Threnody, and stayed there long enough to be able to read presumably Malwish writing on the Scadrian medallion/key.

What Metalborn powers in a medallion would combine to form a key to a gateway, anyway? An "access disc"?

For that matter, what Metalborn powers facilitate operating an "ancient barrier" in the form of a "large metal door"? (Assuming it's a magical barrier, and not just a honking ginormous steel door that is easiest to remove with Allomancy, as with TLR's caches?)

He's also by now familiar with things like guns and hoverbikes and removable power cells of Investiture. Guns exist on Scadrial by SA5+ - as that is the same time as Mistborn Era 2 - but hoverbikes? Bwuh?

And of course... Who and what are the Night Brigade? Hunting Nomad for something related to "the Dawnshard" that he is now a human shield for to Hoid/Wit, something Wit "did to him" (apparently in SA5)?

And will I ever read that term "Night Brigade" without hearing that song by My Chemical Romance modified to fit it?

Aux is a High Spren, and after reading the book The Sunlit Man the first time (on my second read now) I'm not sure if he broke his oath or just walked away.  It is clear that he had 2 spren...the Highspren and honor spren.  One made him a Skybreaker the other a Windrunner with Bridge 4 and the Crew.  

Hoverbikes don't really concern me as much.  In the Wax and Wayne series they motor cars and trains...as well as ships...how much different is that?  Nomad went to great deal to explain the basics of locomotion thus making the basics of the hoverbike seem rudimentary and not that far-fetched after all.

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8 hours ago, RedLitnig1 said:

Aux is a High Spren, and after reading the book The Sunlit Man the first time (on my second read now) I'm not sure if he broke his oath or just walked away.  It is clear that he had 2 spren...the Highspren and honor spren.  One made him a Skybreaker the other a Windrunner with Bridge 4 and the Crew.  

Note that the comment you're replying to is from a year and a half ago, or almost a year before the book came out, which might be why they didn't know the answer to those questions yet 😉

Also, I've moved this thread into the Sunlit Man spoiler forum.

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11 hours ago, LewsTherinTelescope said:

Note that the comment you're replying to is from a year and a half ago, or almost a year before the book came out, which might be why they didn't know the answer to those questions yet 😉

Also, I've moved this thread into the Sunlit Man spoiler forum.

Should you change the title? Sigzil being in the book is a spoiler

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10 hours ago, RedLitnig1 said:

Thanks...I didn't notice the date and i thought I was in the spoiler group...oops  :)

Even if you are in the Spoiler Zone, you have to avoid spoilers in the thread titles - because those show on the main page synopsis and "last post" summary. Consider, for example, an older Spoiler Zone thread where the title avoids spoiilers: Physics of the SP4 Planet (because the name "Canticle" is also a Spoiler).

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