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Hey all, somewhat new to the fandom! I’ve been listening to shardcast for a year or so now, catching up from way back when and have just got to 2021 - Rhythm of War is now released!

First got into Brandon by reading the WoT, and was then bought Way of Kings. Oathbringer had just been released so had a good introduction to stormlight. Since then I’ve read all cosmere novels, novellas and short stories to date - and have just started my first full cosmere re-read (just over halfway through Elantris!). Looking forwards to seeing how much more of it makes sense on a second read through and to finally officially join the fandom! 

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2 hours ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

Welcome to the Shard! I'm feeling odd to be the first one to welcome you, as I am somewhat new myself. But nevertheless, welcome! What's your favorite of the books?

It happens to everyone eventually.


Welcome to the shard @Burty!

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