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How can I read stormlight books quicker?

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I have been busy with school and other things so it has been hard to get through words of radiance. How can I finish it quickly? I want to read it but I don't have much time. I could do it on the weekends ,and I wonder how you all do it.

Edited by Wizard Apocalypse100
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I find it useful to listen to the audiobooks, so that I can listen to them at the same time as doing other things - for example doing chores, basically anything else that doesn’t involve words.

I think mostly you just have to be patient and make your peace with the fact that you're probably not going to finish it very fast, even if you’re a really quick reader :D

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Plus 1 for audio books and SA has the advantage of amazing narration by Michael Kramer and Kate Reading (Michael Kramer also does Mistborn and the pair did WoT) who fun fact are actually a married couple. I still read the physical books as well but the audio books are easy to digest while doing other things. 

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Journey before destination!


These are big books that take a while to get through.  In the past I've noticed that I often miss things when I am rushing or trying to read a book as fast as I can.  Reading only on weekends may take you longer but on the plus side it means you will spend more time in the book and have more time to speculate on what happens before finding out.

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I'm not an audio book person, so I can't speak to that. What I do, is I have both the physical and the eBook (I use a Kobo Libre), and my ebooks go everywhere with me. I read whenever I have to waste time waiting - in line at the store, waiting for an appointment, before bed, in rush hour traffic (probably a bad idea - but only in stop-and-go while stopped). I don't try to rush, per se, but a chapter here, paragraph there adds up.

It probably helps that I don't have a cell phone, so all those times you see people wasting time on their phones - I'm reading.

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9 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

I'm not an audio book person, so I can't speak to that. What I do, is I have both the physical and the eBook (I use a Kobo Libre), and my ebooks go everywhere with me. I read whenever I have to waste time waiting - in line at the store, waiting for an appointment, before bed, in rush hour traffic (probably a bad idea - but only in stop-and-go while stopped). I don't try to rush, per se, but a chapter here, paragraph there adds up.

It probably helps that I don't have a cell phone, so all those times you see people wasting time on their phones - I'm reading.

Yeah, though the audiobook idea seems great, I'm not much of an audio book person either. I like your tip about substituting extra time wasted on heavy dopamine activites such as being on your phone lol. I'll keep that in mind; maybe I should delete some unnecessary apps on my phone.

Edit: I will try my best to read on weekdays whenever I can as well. Thanks for the tips everyone!

Edited by Wizard Apocalypse100
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